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환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 19301-19400

by 리치캣 2023. 1. 12.

환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 19301-19400

번호                  용어                  해설

19301             free water                   water that can be removed from another substance without changing the structure or composition of the substance.water that can be removed from another substance without changing the structure or composition of the substance. in a container holding both water and a suspension of water in another liquid, the water that is not in suspension.in a container holding both water and a suspension of water in another liquid, the water that is not in suspension.

19302             FREE WATER SURFACE              자유수면; 대기와 경계를 이루는 물표면

19303             Free water surface system                        자유수면법; FWS, 폐수의 자연처리방법중 인공습지법의 하나

19304             Freeboard                   1. Vertical distance from the normal water surface to the top of a confining wall. 2. Vertical dist-ance from the sand surface to the underside of a trough in a sand filter.

19305             freeboard                    free space in a reaction vessel.free space in a reaction vessel. space provided above the resin bed in an ion-exchange column to allow for expansion of the bed.space provided above the resin bed in an ion-exchange column to allow for expansion of the bed.

19306             FREE-BURNING ARC                 자유연소 아크

19307             free-falling velocity                  in the fall of a particle of powder through a still fluid, the speed at which the effective weight of the particle is balanced by the drag exerted on the particle by the fluid.

19308             free-flight angle           the angle between the flight path and the horizontal, at the beginning of the free flight of a rocket or projectile.

19309             free-flight trajectory                 the path of an unpropelled object, or the portion of an object's flight path during which it is unpropelled.

19310             free-piston engine                   a piston engine in which a power piston acts directly on a compressor piston working in the opposite direction.

19311             FREE-RIDER                 무임승차 : 경제학적으로 정당한 가격을 지불하지 않고 공짜로 편익을 얻는 경우를 말함

19312             free-water knockout                 a vessel or container used for piping in oil or an oil-water emulsion so that free water can settle out.

19313             freeze-frame               a film technique in which a single frame of film is isolated and then reprinted as a continuous series to give the effect of the action being stopped at a single point.a film technique in which a single frame of film is isolated and then reprinted as a continuous series to give the effect of the action being stopped at a single point.

19314             freezer            a separate refrigeration unit that is held at a temperature below 32°F (typically 0-4°F), in which perishable foods can be stored in a frozen state.a separate refrigeration unit that is held at a temperature below 32°F (typically 0-4°F), in which perishable foods can be stored in a frozen state. a compartment or unit of a refrigerator serving this same purpose.a compartment or unit of a refrigerator serving this same purpose.

19315             Freeze-thaw of sludge              동결-해동방법; 슬러지 개량법으로 실험실이나 파일럿규모로 실행되고 있는 방법

19316             freeze-up or freezeup               the abnormal operation of a refrigeration unit due to the freezing of water over a working area.the abnormal operation of a refrigeration unit due to the freezing of water over a working area. in a machine, the condition of being immobilized or inoperative due to freezing or mechanical failure.in a machine, the condition of being immobilized or inoperative due to freezing or mechanical failure.

19317             freezing          the process in which a liquid is converted into a solid by the removal of heat from it; for a given pressure, this occurs at a fixed temperature in a pure substance, and over a range of temperatures in a mixture of substances.

19318             freezing mixture          any mixture whose freezing point is lower than the freezing points of its individual components.any mixture whose freezing point is lower than the freezing points of its individual components. specifically, a mixture that is created to provide a freezing point below 0°C; for example, an ethylene glycol (antifreeze) mixture added to the water in a car's cooling system, or the application of salt to a frozen road surface.specifically, a mixture that is created to provide a freezing point below 0°C; for example, an ethylene glycol (antifreeze) mixture added to the water in a car's cooling system, or the application of salt to a frozen road surface.

19319             freezing point              the temperature at which a substance in liquid form freezes, equal to the temperature at which its solid form melts; this represents equilibrium between the liquid and solid phases. The freezing point of water at sea level is 32°F or 0°C.

19320             freezing-point depression          a condition in which the freezing point of a solution is lower than the standard freezing point of the solvent in a pure state; the amount of depression is directly dependent on the amount of solute present. Also, DEPRESSION OF FREEZING POINT.

19321             French press               an apparatus used to rupture cells: hydraulic pressure forces a piston into a cooled steel cylinder in which the cell sample was placed, and the cells are broken by high shear forces when they exit the cylinder due to the sudden change in pressure. Also, French pressure cell.

19322             FREON           프레온 : 오존층 파괴 원인물질로 알려지고 있는 염화불화탄소에 대한 일종의 상품명임. 1930년대 미국의 듀풍사에서 개발하여 상품명으로 붙인것이 오늘날 널리 통용되고 있음

19323             frequency                   specifically, the number of sound waves per unit time that are produced by a vibrating object.  Statistics.  the number of items occurring in a given category.the number of items occurring in a given category.

19324             FREQUENCY ANALYSIS             주파수분석 : 복잡한 음 또는 진동에서 그 성분 크기의 주파수를 구한 것

19325             frequency analyzer                   an instrument that measures the intensity of different frequency components in a particular oscillation; used to identify transmitting sources.

19326             frequency bridge          an AC bridge that can be nulled at only one frequency for a given set of bridge-arm values.an AC bridge that can be nulled at only one frequency for a given set of bridge-arm values. a bridge used to measure unknown frequencies.a bridge used to measure unknown frequencies.

19327             frequency conversion               the conversion of a signal from one frequency to another.

19328             frequency discriminator            a device in FM receivers that converts changes in frequency (relative to a defined center frequency) to changes in voltage level (relative to zero voltage).

19329             frequency distortion                    distortion that occurs when the amplification of some frequencies is different from that of others.

19330             frequency divider                     a circuit or device having an output frequency that is a fraction of its input frequency.

19331             frequency drift           a usually gradual, undesired change of a signal from its intended frequency.

19332             Frequency Modulated Output (주파수변조 출력)              중심 주파수로부터 일탈한 형태로(에서) 얻어지는 출력.  주파수변조 출력 트랜스듀서란(과는), 트랜스듀서의 출력 주파수가 전압또는 전류와 완전히 다른 트랜스듀서로서 정의됩니다.  주파수변조 트랜스듀서의 출력은, 제로점압력에 있어서의 특정 주파수와 풀 스케일 압력에 있어서의 특정 주파수로서 통상표현해집니다. 트랜스듀서의 계측 출력은 공급되는 려기에 비례하는 주파수입니다.

19333             frequency modulator                a circuit or device that modulates the frequency of an oscillator.a circuit or device that modulates the frequency of an oscillator. the modulator section of an FM transmitter.the modulator section of an FM transmitter.

19334             frequency monitor                   a device that is used continuously to check the frequency of a signal.

19335             frequency multiplier                 a circuit or device having an output frequency that is a multiple of its input frequency.

19336             Frequency Natural (자연 주파수)               프리의 주파수, 완전하게 조립해진 트랜스듀서의 검출 소자의 강제되지 않는 발진.

19337             Frequency of rainfall                 강우의 빈도;

19338             frequency pulling                     an alteration in the frequency of a circuit, especially of a self-excited oscillator, caused by the detuning effects of an external circuit, device, or condition.

19339             frequency run              a test that determines the loss characteristics of a circuit as a function of the operating frequency.

19340             frequency scanning                  a controlled alternation of the transmitter frequency in a frequency-agile radar or communications system.a controlled alternation of the transmitter frequency in a frequency-agile radar or communications system. a form of simultaneous digital monitoring of two or more channels in a programmable digital communications receiver or transceiver.a form of simultaneous digital monitoring of two or more channels in a programmable digital communications receiver or transceiver. 3. the frequency-response variation in a spectrum analyzer.the frequency-response variation in a spectrum analyzer.

19341             frequency separator                 in television, a circuit that separates horizontal and vertical synchronization pulses.

19342             frequency shift            an alteration in frequency of a radio transmitter or oscillator.

19343             frequency splitting                   a condition of magnetron operation in which rapid alternation occurs from one mode of operation to another, resulting in rapid change in oscillatory frequency and the consequent power loss at the desired frequency.

19344             frequency stability                    the extent to which a frequency remains constant during variations in temperature, current, voltage, and similar factors; usually determined on both a short-term (1-second) and long-term (24-hour) basis.

19345             frequency standard                  a signal source of a precise frequency used in the calibration of other signal sources.

19346             frequency synthesizer               a generator of highly accurate signals used for test purposes, often in the form of discrete frequency steps; such signals generally originate from a single frequency source, such as a crystal oscillator.

19347             frequency variation                  the change over time of the deviation from a radio-frequency carrier's assigned frequency.

19348             frequency-azimuth intensity                     a radar display that correlates frequency, azimuth, and strobe intensity.

19349             frequency-domain reflectometer               a tuned reflectometer that measures the reflection coefficients and impedance of waveguides over a wide frequency range by scanning a range of frequencies and analyzing the reflected returns.

19350             frequency-modulated jamming                 jamming in which a signal is produced to cover a wide band of frequencies by varying a constant-amplitude RF signal above and below a center frequency.

19351             frequency-modulation detector                 a device that detects and demodulates a frequency-modulated wave.

19352             frequency-modulation receiver                  a radio receiver that receives frequency-modulated waves and outputs corresponding sound waves.

19353             frequency-modulation transmitter             a radio transmitter that transmits a frequency-modulated wave.

19354             frequency-offset transponder                    a transponder whose response frequency is different from the interrogation frequency.

19355             frequency-separation multiplier                 a multiplier having variables that are split into low-frequency and high-frequency components, which are then multiplied individually and the results added to obtain the required product; used to achieve broad bandwidth and high system accuracy.

19356             frequency-shift converter          a circuit that coverts the discrete frequencies in a frequency-shift signaling system to discrete voltage levels.

19357             frequency-time-intensity           of or relating to a radar display that correlates frequency, time, and strobe intensity.

19358             frequency-to-voltage converter                 a converter that provides an analog output voltage which is proportional to the frequency or repetition rate of the input signal from a flowmeter, tachometer, or other AC generating device. Also, F/V CONVERTER.

19359             frequency-type telemeter          a telemeter that translates by using the frequency of a periodically recurring electric signal.

19360             FRES              Forest Range Environmental Study

19361             FRESH WATER             담수

19362             Fresh Water                Water that generally contains less than 1,000 milligrams-per-liter of dissolved solids.

19363             Friable            Capable of being crumbled, pulverized, or reduced to powder by hand pressure.

19364             Friable Asbestos           Any material containing more than one-percent asbestos, and that can be crumbled or re-duced to powder by hand pressure. (May include previously non-friable material which becomes broken or damaged by mechanical force.)

19365             friction           a force that opposes the relative motion of two material surfaces that are in contact with one another; the direction of the force on each body is opposite to the direction of its motion relative to the other body. Also, FRICTIONAL FORCE.

19366             friction bearing            a solid bearing that directly contacts and supports an axle end.

19367             friction brake               a brake in which the stopping resistance occurs by friction.

19368             friction clutch              a clutch in which torque is transmitted by pressure of the clutch faces against each other; consists of a pair of opposed members, between which the drive is transmitted through the friction of their contact surfaces.

19369             friction compensation               a small torque, in addition to the main torque, that is added to a machine to compensate for the effects of friction of its moving parts.

19370             friction damping          the absorption of mechanical energy of motion, vibration, or shock, and the resulting decrease in amplitude of motion or vibration, due to frictional rubbing between surfaces.

19371             friction drive               a power transmission system that operates by the friction forces between the contact surfaces of two wheels when one wheel rotates and is pressed against the second wheel.

19372             FRICTION FORCE          마찰력 : viscous force

19373             friction gearing            gearing in which power and motion are transmitted from one shaft to another through friction between two surfaces in rolling contact.

19374             FRICTION HEAD LOSS               마찰수두손실

19375             friction horsepower                  the part of the gross or indicated horsepower of a machine that is dissipated through friction.

19376             FRICTION LAYER          마찰층 : 지표로부터 약 600m까지의 층

19377             friction loss                 the loss of energy in a system because of the force of friction; characteristic of all actual machines with moving parts.

19378             friction saw                 a toothless, high-speed circular saw used to cut metals by frictional heat, which melts the material adjacent to it; used to cut stock to length for structural parts of mild steel and stainless steel.

19379             friction torque             a moment of force that opposes rotation, produced by bearings or other surfaces in contact, by the viscosity of a lubricant, or by drag by the surrounding medium.

19380             frictional                     relating to or caused by the force of friction.

19381             frictional grip              the friction generated by train wheels on a track.

19382             Friedel-Crafts catalyst               a strongly acidic metal halide such as aluminum chloride or zinc chloride, used in the polymerization of unsaturated hydrocarbons.

19383             Friedel-Crafts reaction              a reaction in which an alkyl or an acyl group replaces a hydrogen atom of an aromatic nucleus in the presence of aluminum chloride, producing a hydrocarbon or a ketone.

19384             Friedel's law                a law stating that the intensities of centrosymmetrically related Bragg reflections (h,k,l and -h,-k,-l) in the diffraction pattern of a crystal are equal, even for an acentric structure, provided there is no anomalously scattering atom in the structure.

19385             fringe howl                 a howling noise, normally below 100 hertz, due to a difference in alignment between the heads used for recording and the heads used for playback.

19386             FRM               Federal Reference Methods

19387             FRN               Federal Register Notice. Final Rulemaking Notice

19388             FROM THE CRADLE TO THE GRAVE CONTROL                   적극적인 관리방법; 폐기물관리를 원료나 제조공정 자체에서부터 폐기물 발생을 억제하는 적극적인 방법

19389             FRONT           전선 : 따뜻한 공기와 차가운 공기가 부딪치면 따뜻한 공기는 찬 공기위를 타고 상승하면서 형성

19390             front abutment pressure           the energy released into the superincumbent strata.

19391             FRONT END LOADER                전단적재기

19392             front loader or front-loader                      any machine or appliance that is loaded through an opening in the front, as distinguished from a top loader. Thus, front-loading.any machine or appliance that is loaded through an opening in the front, as distinguished from a top loader. Thus, front-loading.

19393             front porch                 the portion of a composite television picture signal located between the leading edge of the horizontal blanking pulse and the leading edge of the corresponding synchronizing pulse.

19394             front suspension          a system of springs and shock absorbers connecting the front axle to the chassis of an automobile or other vehicle; designed to reduce unwanted motion transmitted from the road.

19395             FRONTAL INVERSION               전선역전 : 위에는 따뜻한 공기, 아래에 찬 공기가 있으므로 전선의 전이층에서는 역전층을 형성

19396             front-end loader          a loader having a bucket or shovel at the end of an articulated arm at the front of the vehicle.

19397             front-end volatility                   the volatility of lower-boiling petroleum fractions.

19398             front-to-back ratio                   a measure of the directional effectiveness of a directional antenna.

19399             front-wheel drive          an automotive system in which only the front wheels receive driving power from the engine.

19400             froth              a light foam.

