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환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 19001-19100

by 리치캣 2023. 1. 12.

환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 19001-19100

번호                  용어                  해설

19001             Flocculating type clarifier          응결형 침전지; 침전지에서 발생되는 밀도류 하강의 문제를 해결하는 대안

19002             FLOCCULATION            응집; 수처리에 사용되는 물리학적 단위조작

19003             FLOCCULATION WITHIN FILTER                 응집 여과 ; 입상여재 여과지내에서 부유물질 제거에 기여하는 메카니즘으로 큰입자에 작은 입자가 붙어서 더 큰입자를 만듬

19004             flocculent                   of a substance, woolly, cloudy, or flakey; not crystalline.

19005             flood              to cover or cause to be covered with fluid; for example, to cover an oil sand with water to displace the oil.to cover or cause to be covered with fluid; for example, to cover an oil sand with water to displace the oil. to supply an excess of fuel to a carburetor, to such an extent that the engine fails to start.to supply an excess of fuel to a carburetor, to such an extent that the engine fails to start.

19006             flooding          a secondary oil recovery method in which water is injected into a production formation or reservoir to force the oil toward the wells. Also, WATERFLOODING.a secondary oil recovery method in which water is injected into a production formation or reservoir to force the oil toward the wells. Also, WATERFLOODING. the drowning out of a well due to water, caused by drilling too deeply into the sand.the drowning out of a well due to water, caused by drilling too deeply into the sand.

19007             Floodplain                   The flat or nearly flat land along a river or stream or in a tidal area that is covered by water during a flood.

19008             Flood's equation          a formula used to determine the temperature of liquids in a binary fused salt system.

19009             Floor Sweep                Capture of heavier-than-air gases that collect at floor level.

19010             flopover          in television reception, a flaw in which a series of frames roll up and down the screen, occurring when the vertical and horizontal sweep frequencies are not synchronized.

19011             florentium                   an element with the atomic number 61 and mass 147 that is produced synthetically during uranium-235 fission. Also, ILLINIUM, PROMETHIUM-147.

19012             FLOTATION                  부상분리; 수처리에 사용되는 물리학적 단위조작

19013             flotation agent             a chemical used in a flotation separation process to produce stable foam.

19014             Flotation thickening                  부상농축; 수처리시설에서 발생되는 슬러지 처리시의 농축방법

19015             flow birefringence                    the tendency of long, thin, asymmetric molecules to move in the same direction as a solution being forced through a tube or capillary.

19016             FLOW CONTROL STATION                        유량 조절 시설

19017             FLOW DIAGRAM          공정흐름도; 폐기물내의 특정물질을 분리 및 선별하기 위하여 이용되는 단위공정들의 조합 및 배열을 보여주는 흐름도 

19018             FLOW EQUALIZATION               유량조정; 수처리에 사용되는 물리학적 단위조작

19019             flow line                     a pipeline that takes oil from wells to a gathering center.

19020             Flow measurement and feedback control                     유량측정 후 필드백 방식; 유량분산 방법

19021             FLOW METERING                     유량 측정; 수처리에 사용되는 물리학적 단위조작

19022             flow mixer                  a mixing device that has jet nozzles and agitators, used to mix two or more liquids as they flow through. Also, LINE MIXER.

19023             flow noise                   noise produced by the dynamic flow of fluid around an object moving through the fluid; it is caused by turbulence created by the boundary surface and eddy currents due to surface roughness.

19024             Flow Rate                   The rate, expressed in gallons-or liters-per-hour, at which a fluid escapes from a hole or fissure in a tank. Such measurements are also made of liquid waste, for application.

19025             flow reactor                a dynamic reactor system in which reactants continuously flow into the unit and products are continuously removed.

19026             flow stress                  the extent of stress required to produce plastic flow. Also, YIELD STRESS.

19027             flow string                  the total length of interconnected tubing or casing through which oil or gas from a well flows to the surface.

19028             flow tank                    a tank that receives produced oil from which the water or gas has been removed. Also, PRODUCTION TANK.

19029             FLOW TUBE                 유관 흐름관 ; 수처리시설에서 사용되는 유량측정 장치

19030             Flowable                     Pesticide and other formulations in which the active ingredients are finely ground insoluble solids suspended in liquid, They are mixed with water for application.

19031             flowers           a term for a chemical compound, such as a metallic oxide, that is formed through sublimation. Also, FLORETS.

19032             flowing pressure          the pressure at the bottom of an oil-well bore during normal oil production. Also, BOTTOM-HOLE PRESSURE.

19033             flowing well                an oil reservoir that has enough gas-drive pressure to force the flow of oil up and out of a wellhole.

19034             flowing-pressure gradient          the span measured for upward liquid flow in a continuous-flow, gas-lift oil well plotted against the slope of diminishing pressure.

19035             Flowmeter                   A gauge indicatimg the velocity of wastewater moving through a treatment plant or of any liquid moving through various industrial processes.

19036             Flowrate variations                   유출량의 변화;

19037             flow-rating pressure                 the value of the inlet static pressure at which a pressure-relief device is activated.

19038             FLOW-SHEET               공정도

19039             FLOW-WEIGHTED AVERAGE CONCENTRATION                    유량가중 평균농도;

19040             FLP                Flash Point

19041             FLPMA            Federal Land Policy and Management Act

19042             fluctuating current                   a condition in which direct current varies in value at an inconsistent rate.

19043             FLUCTUATING NOISE                변동소음 : 레벨이 상당한 범위까지 불규칙하고 동시에 연속적으로 변동하는 소음

19044             flue Gas          The air coming out or a chimney after combustion in the burner it is venting. It can include ni-trogen oxides, carbon oxides, water vapor, sulfur oxides, particles and many chemical pollutants.

19045             FLUE GAS DENITRIFICATION FACILITY                     질소산화물 제거설비

19046             FLUE GAS DESULFURIZATION                   배연탈황  FGD

19047             Flue Gas Desulfurization           A technology that employs a sorbent, usually lime or limestone, to remove sulfur dioxide from the gases produced by burning fossil fuels. Flue gas desulfurization is current state-of-the art technology for major SO2 emitters, like power water

19048             FLUE GAS RECIRCULATION                       배연가스 재순환법  FGR

19049             FLUE GAS TREATMENT TECHNIQUES                     배연가스 처리기술  FGT

19050             FLUE-GAS CONDENSATION, MULTIPLE-THROAT VENTURI                    배연가스 응축 다중 벤튜리 : 세정집진기의 한 종류

19051             fluid  friction (유체 마찰 )                      점성에 의한 흐름에 거슬리는 저항력을 유체 마찰이라 한다. 물 등의 유체가 유동될 때, 점성을 위해서 유체 내부의 분자간에 있어서 일어나는 내부 마찰과 관벽과의 접촉면에서 일어나는 외부 마찰 등의 종류가 있다.

19052             fluid catalyst               the finely divided solid particles used as a catalyst in a fluidized-bed process.

19053             fluid catalytic cracking              a method of oil refining in which gas-oil fractions are cracked to form lower molecular weight components in a fluidized catalyst bed.

19054             fluid coefficient           during the fracturing operation, a comparison of the flow resistance to the draining of fracturing fluids into the formation.

19055             fluid coking                a thermal process for continuous conversion of heavy, low-grade petroleum fractions into petroleum coke and lighter hydrocarbon products.

19056             fluid contact                the location in a reservoir at which oil-water contact or gas-oil contact is found.

19057             fluid coupling              a device in which a fluid, such as oil, transmits torque from one shaft to another, producing an equal torque in the latter. Also, HYDRAULIC COUPLING.

19058             fluid die          a die that is used with a hydraulic pressure device, which makes the part to be shaped conform to the shape of a die.

19059             fluid drive                   a power coupling consisting of two vaned rotors in a sealed casing that is filled with oil, functioning so that one rotor, driven by the engine, moves the oil to drive the other rotor, which in turn drives the transmission; used in motor vehicles to allow a smooth start in any gear. Also, fluid clutch.

19060             fluid hydroforming                   a petroleum refinery catalytic cracking process used to increase the low-octane number of low- octane number stocks.

19061             fluid injection              a process of forcing oil into producing wells by injecting gases or liquids under pressure into a reservoir.

19062             fluid level                   the distance from a wellhead to the surface of liquid in the casing or tubing of an oil well.

19063             fluid lubrication           a theoretical state of perfect lubrication in which the bearings and surfaces of a machine are completely covered by a viscous oil film that is sustained by the friction of the surfaces.

19064             fluid pressure              the force with which a stream of fluid is ejected from a pump, jet, or other opening.

19065             fluid transmission                    an automotive transmission having a fluid drive.

19066             fluid viscosity ratio                   the ratio of the viscosity of oil in a gas-drive reservoir to that of a displacing gas, used in the calculation of unit displacement efficiency.

19067             fluid-bed process                     a process in which finely divided powders act in a fluidlike way when suspended and moved by a rising stream of gas or vapor; primarily used for catalytic cracking of petroleum distillates.

19068             fluid-controlled gate valve                        a valve in which the valve operator is activated by fluid energy.

19069             fluid-film bearing                     an antifriction bearing used as an agent to keep rubbing surfaces apart by a film of lubricant such as oil.

19070             fluidization                  a technique in which a finely divided solid is caused to behave in the manner of a fluid by its being suspended in a moving gas or liquid; the solids treated in this way are frequently catalysts.

19071             Fluidized                     A mass of solid particles that is made to flow like a liquid by injection of water or gas is said to have been fluized. In water treatment, a bed of filter media is fluidized by backwashing water through the filter.

19072             fluidized adsorption                 a procedure for the fractionation or separation of vapors or gases in a fluidized bed of adsorbent material.

19073             FLUIDIZED BED INCINERATOR                   유동층 소각로; 소각로의 한 형태

19074             Fluidized Bed Incinerator           An incinerator that uses a bed of hot sand or other granular material to transfer heat directly to waste. Used mainy for destroying municipal sludge.

19075             fluidized bed reactor                an anaerobic digester, bioreactor, or fermenter in which the active material is kept in suspension by the upward flow of the fluid phase.

19076             FLUIDIZED-BED REACTOR          유동층 반응조

19077             FLUIDIZED-BED SCRUBBER                       유동층 세정기 : 세정집진기의 한 종류

19078             fluid-loss test              the measure of fracturing fluid loss relative to the time elapsed (spurt loss) before the fluid-loss agent creates a nonpermeable layer in the pore matrix of the reservoir.

19079             FLUME            플륨; 수처리시설에서 사용되는 유량측정 장치

19080             Flume             A natural or man-made channel that diverts water.

19081             fluorescein isothiocyanate                        a derivative of fluorescein that provides a stable fluorescent label for proteins.

19082             fluorescence yield                    the probability that a highly energized atom will emit a photon rather than an electron.

19083             fluorescence-activated cell sorter              a cell-separation apparatus that is able to identify and separate individual cells based on DNA content or the presence or absence of a fluorescently labeled, bound substance, such as an antibody.

19084             FLUORESCENE             형광 : 들뜬 화학종이 바닥상태로 이완할 때 광자로서 여분의 에너지

19085             fluorescent dye            a dye that absorbs electronic radiation and reemits it at a longer wavelength, thus giving a brilliant color.

19086             fluorescent lamp          an electric light consisting of a glass tube containing a small amount of mercury and a chemically inactive gas at low pressure, usually argon; the inside of the tube is coated with phosphors that absorb ultraviolet rays and change them to visible light. Fluorescent lamps are widely used in industrial and institutional sites.

19087             Fluoridation                The addition of a chemical to increase the concentration of fluoride ions in drinking water to reduce the incidence of tooth decay.

19088             fluoridation                 the practice of adding fluorine ions to municipal water supplies in concentrations of 0.8-6 parts per million to help prevent tooth decay.

19089             FLUORIDE                   불화물

19090             Fluorides                    Gaseous, solid, or dissolved compounds containing fluorine that result from industrial processes. Excessive amounts in food can lead to fluorosis.

19091             Fluorocarbons (FCs)                  Any of a number of organic compounds analogous to hydrocarbons in which one or more hydrogen atoms are replaced by fluorine. Once used in the United States as a propellant for domestic aerosols, they are now found mainly in coolants and some industrial processes. FCs contatining chlorine are called chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs). They are believed to be modifying the ozone layer in the stratosphere, thereby allowing more harmful solar radiation to reach the Earth's surface.

19092             fluorologging              a well-logging method in which well cuttings are analyzed under ultraviolet light for fluorescence radiation produced by trace amounts of oil.

19093             fluorometric analysis                a technique for concentration determinations in which the sample is exposed to radiation and the amount of fluorescence emitted due to the transition of particles to a lower energy state is measured.

19094             FLUOROMETRY            형광분석법

19095             FLUOROPHORES          형광단

19096             FLUOROSIS                 불소침착증

19097             Flush              1. To open a cold-water tap to clear out all the water which may have been sitting for a long time in the pipes. In new homes, to flush a system means to send large volumes of water gushing through the unused pipes to remove loose particles of solder and flux. 2. To force large amounts of water though a system to clean out piping or tubing, and storage or process tanks.

19098             FLUSH EFFECT             희석효과;

19099             flush production          the first high yield from an oil well during the greatest productive period.

19100             FLUSH VALVE              세척밸브



컬러링 스몰미빌딩 (20개 도시 세트) 미술교육. 창의력 발달. 해외여행. 창의력교육. 색칠공부, :

[스몰미 와 아트리트] 나만의 작은 나. 스몰미, 색다른 자기표현. smallME.



