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환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 18701-18800

by 리치캣 2023. 1. 11.

환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 18701-18800

번호                  용어                  해설

18701             ferrite core                  an element made from ferrite that maintains its polarity when charged by a pulse; commonly used in a core memory.

18702             ferrite-tuned oscillator              a circuit that generates alternating current, characterized by a ferrite-loaded cavity whose resonant frequency is varied by a magnetic field.

18703             ferroacoustic storage                a computer data-storage device in which a conductor passes through a thin tube of magnetostritive material and into an ultrasonic driving transducer.

18704             ferrocyanide process                a treatment process that removes mercaptans from petroleum fuels, using sodium ferrocyanide as a solvent.

18705             ferromagnetic amplifier            an amplifier whose operations are based on time variations within a parameter, such as resistance, and on ferromagnetic properties, such as polarization, at high radio-frequency power levels.

18706             ferromagnetics            the study of properties and applications of materials with high magnetic permeability.

18707             ferroresonant circuit                 a circuit, having two conditions and negative resistance, that is resonant at only one quantity of AC voltage.

18708             ferrous           of or relating to iron.of or relating to iron. describing various compounds of iron, especially those in which the element has a valence of (From ferrum, the Latin word for iron.)describing various compounds of iron, especially those in which the element has a valence of (From ferrum, the Latin word for iron

18709             FERROUS CHLORIDE                 염화제1

18710             FERROUS ION             1철이온

18711             FERROUS METALS                    철금속; 철의 함유율이 높은 금속

18712             Ferrous Metals             Magnetic metals derived from iron or steel; products made from ferrous metals inlude appliances, furniture, containers, and packaging like steel drums and barrels. Recycled products include processing tin/steel cans, strapping, and metals from appliances into new products.

18713             FERROUS SULFATE                   황화제1

18714             FERROUS SULFIDE                    금속황화물;

18715             FES                Factor Evaluation System

18716             fetal calf serum           serum, collected from a calf fetus, that is highly valued as a cell culture medium because it contains many growth factors.

18717             Feulgen reaction          a test to distinguish aldehydes from ketones using a solution of rosaniline hydrochloride (fuchsin)-sulfurous acid; a purplish color indicates a positive test; different shades of purple are indicative of various aldehydes; a red color is produced by deoxyribonucleic acid after removal of purine bases.

18718             FEV                Forced Expiratory Volume

18719             FEV1              Forced Expiratory Volume-one second; Front End Volatility Index

18720             FF                  Federal Facilities

18721             FFAR              Fuel and Fuel Additive Registration

18722             FFDCA            Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act

18723             FFF                 Firm Financial Facility

18724             FFFSG             Fossil-Fuel-Fired Steam Generator

18725             FFIS                Federal Facilities Information System

18726             FFP                Firm Fixed Price

18727             FFS                강열잔류 여과 고형물; Fixed filterable solids

18728             FGD               배연탈황  Flue gas desulfurization

18729             FGD               Flue-Gas Desulfurization

18730             FGR               배연가스 재순환법  Flue gas recirculation

18731             FGT                배연가스 처리기술  Flue gas treatment techniques

18732             fiber               an imaginary line in a solid whose linear extension describes the strain state of the solid in an intuitive way.

18733             fiber stress                  the tension or compression carried by a fiber or imaginary longitudinal element of a beam.

18734             fibrous fracture            the rupture of a ductile material; the dull fibrous appearance of the face is due to void coalescence.

18735             fictitious force             a force that is introduced into an accelerated or rotating coordinate system so that the system will satisfy Newton's laws; for example, the Coriolis force or the centrifugal force.

18736             FID                 Flame Ionization Detector

18737             FID ; FLAME IONIZATION DETECTOR                     수소염이온화 검출기

18738             fidelity            a measure of the ability of an electronic amplifier to accurately reproduce the characteristics of an input signal.

18739             field               specifically, a region in which an electrical force is active.  : one of two or more equal parts into which a television frame is divided in interlaced scanning.  Computer Programming. a set of one or more characters treated as a whole; a data element.  Mathematics.  a commutative division ring.a commutative division ring.

18740             FIELD CAPACITY           수분보유능력; 폐기물의 물리적 특성을 나타내는 방법으로서, 중력상태하에서 폐기물이 보유할 수 있는 수분의 총량을 말한다.

18741             FIELD CHARGING                     전계충전 : 전기집진기내에서 음이온이 먼지입자의 표면전기장에 의해 입자쪽으로 끌려가는 것

18742             field discharge             a spark that appears when a sudden change in current causes a change in voltage across a gap in a circuit.

18743             field distortion             a distortion in the magnetic field between the poles of a generator due to the counterelectromotive force in the armature winding.

18744             field emission              the excessive electron flow that occurs when an intense electric field appears between the plate and the cathode in a tube.

18745             field focus                  an inexact term referring to the total area, discerned through observation of its effects, from which an earthquake originates.

18746             field frequency            the number of fields transmitted per second in a television system, calculated by multiplying the frame frequency by the number of fields contained in one frame. Also, FIELD REPETITION RATE.

18747             FIELD INCIDENCE MASS LAW                   음장입사 질량법칙

18748             field ionization            a process by which gaseous atoms are ionized in an intense electric field, generally occurring near the poles of the field.

18749             field magnet               a permanent magnet that provides a strong magnetic field in an electrical device

18750             field of search             the section of space that a given radar system can effectively survey.

18751             field pole                    a structure of magnetic material upon which a field coil is mounted.

18752             field scan                    a procedure in which an electron beam travels down the face of a cathode-ray tube to scan alternate lines on a television screen.

18753             field shift                    the degree of displacement produced by alterations in the size and shape of the nuclear charge distribution that occurs when the number of neutrons in a nucleus increases. Also, VOLUME SHIFT.

18754             field-desorption microscope                     a field-ion microscope in which the specimen is imaged onto a fluorescent screen using ions field-desorbed or field-evaporated from the surface of the specimen, rather than using ions supplied by an external gas.

18755             field-effect capacitor                a type of capacitor in which the conductive element is placed in a region of the semiconductor material depleted or inverted by an electric field.

18756             field-effect device                    any device whose principal characteristics are controlled by that part of the device that is under the influence of an external electric field.

18757             field-effect diode          a two-terminal device in which the electrons influenced by the electric field have only one polarity.

18758             field-effect phototransistor                       an amplification device that receives modulated light as an input signal and then modulates it further by placing it in an external electrical field.

18759             field-effect tetrode                   a four-terminal semiconducter device characterized by two autonomous channels whose ability to conduct current is modulated by the voltage conditions in the other.

18760             field-effect transistor               a device, used to amplify a signal, in which the resistance to current flow is modulated by exposing the signal to an external electrical field.

18761             field-effect transistor resistor                    a field-effect transistor in which the gate is connected to the drain; used as a load for another transistor.

18762             field-effect varistor                   a varistor whose properties are controlled by an external electric field.

18763             field-emission microscope                        an instrument that produces a magnified image on a fluorescent screen from electrons emitted by the target.

18764             field-emission tube                  an electron tube in which field emmision emanates from a sharp metal point.

18765             field-enhanced emission           the increase in the number of electrons emitted from a material when an electric field nears its surface.

18766             field-free emission current                       the current that flows from a cathode when it is not surrounded by an electric field.

18767             field-ion microscope                a microscope in which the atomic structure of the surface of a conductive material is magnified by introducing helium gas and applying a high voltage to ionize and accelerate the gas toward a fluorescent screen. Also, ION MICROSCOPE.

18768             field-programmable logic array                 a logic composed of an array of basic logic circuits whose interconnections can be programmed (set or changed) in the field (by the user).

18769             FIFRA             Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act

18770             FIFRA Pesticide Ingredient          An ingredient of a pesticide that must be registered with EPA under the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act. Products making pesticide claims must register under FIFRA and may be subject to labeling and use requirements.

18771             filament current           the flow of electrons that heat the filament in an electron tube.

18772             filament emission                    the electrons that are emitted when a filament is heated.

18773             filament transformer                a device that supplies the filament in an electron tube with current or voltage.

18774             filament winding          in a transformer that provides several voltages for the operation of a vacuum tube circuit, the winding that provides the filament current.  Engineering. a method of fabricating a composite structure in which continuous fiber reinforcement is wound tightly over a rotating core.

18775             Filamentous organism              사상균; 활성슬러지에서 팽화의 원인되는 미생물

18776             Fill                 Man-made deposits of natural soils or rock products and waste materials.

18777             fill factor                    the percentage of its rated capacity being carried at a given time by a mechanism such as a power shovel.

18778             FILLER GAS                 충전가스; 중공음극램프에 채우는 가스

18779             Filling             Depositing dirt, mud or other materials into aquatic areas to create more dry land, usually for agricultural or commercial development purposes, often with ruinous ecological consequences.

18780             film                a very thin, continuous layer or sheet of a substance, such as a soap bubble or alcohol on water; there is no precise measure of thickness for a film, but 0.01 inch is an accepted maximum.

18781             film boiling                 the boiling that occurs when a thin, uniform film of liquid flows over a heated surface, as opposed to nucleate boiling in a pool of heated liquid.

18782             film integrated circuit               an integrated circuit in which film is substituted for an insulating substrate.

18783             film reader                  a device that converts data stored on photographic film into digital form for use in a computer.

18784             film recorder               a device that records data on photographic film, usually in the form of light and dark spots or transparent and opaque spots.

18785             film scanning              a procedure that converts motion picture film into electrical signals for broadcast on television.

18786             film transport              the mechanism of moving photographic film through a light region when recording a motion picture soundtrack.

18787             film-development chromatography                     a method of chromatography using film as the adsorbent layer instead of paper.

18788             FILTER            필터 : 특정주파수대역의 에너지는 통과시키며 타 주파수 에너지를 방지하는 변환기

18789             filter assembly (여과셀)             하우징 또는 홀더에 필터 요소가 짜넣어진 것.

18790             FILTER BED DEPTH                   여상의 깊이;

18791             FILTER BED POROSITY               여상의공극율;

18792             FILTER CAKE                분진층(대기), 여과케익

18793             filter cartridge (필터 커 트릿지)                프리 트장, 원통형의 필터 요소.

18794             filter crystal                 an element made of quartz crystal that allows only signals at specific frequencies to enter an electrical circuit.

18795             filter disc (필터 디스크 )           시 트장의 필터 요소.

18796             filter discrimination                  the ratio between the attenuations of frequencies that are suppressed by the filter and frequencies in its pass band.

18797             FILTER DRAG MODEL                여과항력모델

18798             Filter drum                  여과드럼;

18799             FILTER DUST COLLECTOR          여과집진장치

18800             filter element (여과제)               필터 셀의 내용물.

