환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 18801-18900
번호 용어 해설
18801 ◆ FILTER HOLDER ◆ 여과 홀더
18802 ◆ filter leaf ◆ the frame in a filter press that supports the filter medium.
18803 ◆ FILTER PAPER ◆ 거름종이 : 거름기구
18804 ◆ FILTER PRESS ◆ 가압탈수기, 가압여과
18805 ◆ filter pump ◆ an aspirator or vacuum pump used to facilitate a filtering process, for example, by exerting negative pressure on the filtrate side of a filter drum.
18806 ◆ Filter Strip ◆ Strip or area of vegetation used for removing sediment, organic matter, and other pollutants from runoff and wastewater.
18807 ◆ filter transmission band ◆ a continuous range of frequencies over which the decrease in power introduced by the filter does not exceed a given value. Also, FILTER PASS BAND.
18808 ◆ FILTER UNDERDRAIN ◆ 하부집수장치
18809 ◆ FILTERABLE SOLIDS ◆ 여과성 고형물; FS
18810 ◆ filter-cake washing ◆ the removal of residual liquid impurities at the end of a filtration by washing with the flow of a solvent through the cake.
18811 ◆ FILTERING CRUCIBLE ◆ 거름도가니 : 용기 뿐만 아니라 거르게로도 역할을 함
18812 ◆ filter-press cell ◆ a device that generates power by passing an electric current through electrodes in series from a cathode through a porous asbestos diaphragm to an anode.
18813 ◆ filtrate (여과수) ◆ 카트리지, 멘브렌등을 통과한 처리수. 균, 입자 콜로이드, 고분자등이 제거된 물의 총칭.
18814 ◆ FILTRATION ◆ 여과; 수처리에 사용되는 물리학적 단위조작
18815 ◆ Filtration ◆ A treatment process, under the control of qualified operators, for removing solid (particulate) matter from water by means of porous media such as sand or a man-made filter; often used to remove parti-cles that contain pathogens.
18816 ◆ FILTRATION RATE ◆ 여과속도율
18817 ◆ FIM ◆ Friable Insulaton Material
18818 ◆ fin ◆ ㆍ any thin metal strip added to an air-cooled engine cylinder, gear box, or pump body to expand the cooling area. Also, COOLING FIN.any thin metal strip added to an air-cooled engine cylinder, gear box, or pump body to expand the cooling area. Also, COOLING FIN. ㆍ any material that remains in the holes of a molded part.any material that remains in the holes of a molded part.
18819 ◆ final amplifier ◆ in a cascade amplifier system, a circuit that feeds an amplified signal into the antenna.
18820 ◆ FINAL COVER ◆ 최종복토; 매립지에서 모든 매립작업이 종료된 후 전체 매립지 표면을 대상으로 덮는 것을 말한다
18821 ◆ FINAL LIFT ◆ 최종단; 매립지에서 마지막 복토
18822 ◆ Financial Assurance for Closure ◆ Documentation or proof that an owner or operator of a facility such as a landfill or other waste repository is capable of paying the projected costs of losing the facility and monitoring it afterwards as provided in RCRA regulations.
18823 ◆ Financial Management Assistance Project ◆
18824 ◆ Finding of No Significant Impact ◆ A document prepared by a federal agency showing why a proposed action would not have a significant impact on the environment and thus would not require preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement. An FNSI is based on the results of an envionmental assessment.
18825 ◆ FINDS ◆ Facility Index System
18826 ◆ fine grinder ◆ any of various machines used to pulverize a material, usually consisting of a horizontally rotating mill containing small grinding media such as balls, rods, or pebbles.
18827 ◆ fine grinding ◆ the process of using a fine grinder to reduce a material to very fine particles, usually -100 mesh.
18828 ◆ FINE PARTICLE ◆ 미세입자
18829 ◆ FINE SANDY LOAM ◆ 사양토, 세사양토
18830 ◆ FINE SCREEN ◆ 미세스크린
18831 ◆ FINE SHREDDING ◆ 고운 파쇄; 폐기물의 입자크기를 작게보통 3cm미만 파쇄
18832 ◆ fingerprinting ◆ a technique used to determine protein structure or nucleic acid content; a two-dimensional map of the sample being tested is produced using gel electrophoresis or chromatography.
18833 ◆ finish grinding ◆ the final action of a grinding operation in which the object is to obtain a smooth finish and/or precise dimensions.
18834 ◆ finish turning ◆ a precision machining process designed to achieve a smooth finish.
18835 ◆ Finished Water ◆ Water is finished when it has passed through all the processes in a water treatment plant and is ready to be delivered to consumers.
18836 ◆ finite clipping ◆ a process in which a waveform is cut or clipped just below the point where it exceeds an amplifier's power.
18837 ◆ FINITE DIFFERENCE METHOD ◆ 유한차분방법(대)
18839 ◆ finned surface ◆ a tubular heat-exchange surface having finned projections that extend longitudinally along the tube length or radially around the tube surface.
18840 ◆ FIP ◆ Final Implementation Plan
18841 ◆ FIPS ◆ Federal Information Procedures System
18842 ◆ fire engine ◆ a vehicle equipped with firefighting equipment including a fire pump. Also, fire truck.
18843 ◆ fire flooding ◆ a technique for enhancing secondary oil recovery in a reservoir; at an injection well in the reservoir, a combustion process is begun by continually pumping gas containing oxygen downhole, and as the heat breaks down the crude, the light oil is pushed ahead through the reservoir toward the production well.
18844 ◆ FIRE POINT ◆ 연소점,발화점 =burning point
18845 ◆ fire pump ◆ a pressure pump used in firefighting to propel water or chemical solutions at high pressure.
18846 ◆ firebox ◆ ㆍ an enclosed chamber where combustion occurs in a boiler, furnace, or similar apparatus.an enclosed chamber where combustion occurs in a boiler, furnace, or similar apparatus. ㆍ the furnace of a locomotive boiler, where fuel is burned to generate steam.the furnace of a locomotive boiler, where fuel is burned to generate steam.
18847 ◆ fire-control circuit ◆ an electronic circuit in a fire-control system.
18848 ◆ fired state ◆ the condition in a semiconductor switching device that arises when a triggering pulse is applied to the gate.
18849 ◆ firedamp reforming process ◆ an operation in which methane is combined with steam and passed through a reactor containing a nickel catalyst to obtain a mixture of carbon monoxide and hydrogen; the mixture is then blended with pure methane, resulting in a fuel of high calorific value.
18850 ◆ fireroom ◆ a chamber in which the boilers of a steam-driven vessel are fired. Also, STOKEHOLD.
18851 ◆ fire-tube boiler ◆ a steam boiler in which hot furnace gases pass through tubes surrounded by boiler water before entering a chimney.
18852 ◆ firing potential ◆ the amount of voltage needed to achieve a self-sustaining current in a discharge tube.
18853 ◆ firing pressure ◆ the highest pressure attained in an engine cylinder during combustion.
18854 ◆ firing rate ◆ the rate at which fuel is fed to a burner, expressed by volume, heat units, or weight per unit time.
18855 ◆ firmoviscosity ◆ a property of a viscoelastic substance in which the stress is proportional to a weighted sum of the strain and the strain rate.
18856 ◆ first condition of equilibrium ◆ the requirement that for a system to be in equilibrium, the vector sum of all the external forces acting on the system must equal zero.
18857 ◆ First Draw ◆ The water that comes out when a tap is first opened, kikely to have the highest level of lead contamination from plumbing materials.
18858 ◆ First evaporator stage ◆ 1단 증발기; 슬러지 건조장치의 일부
18859 ◆ FIRST KIND ELECTRODE ◆ 1차형 전극 : 금속형 지시전극의 유형
18860 ◆ FIRST ORDER REACTION ◆ 1차 반응
18861 ◆ first selector ◆ an element in a telephone that responds to the first-digit dial pulses when a call is placed.
18862 ◆ first water (일차순수한 물) ◆ 수도수등을 RO, ELIX 등으로 일차처리 장치로 처리된 물. 특히 초과순수한 물 제조 시스템에 이것들 점성에 의한 흐름에 거슬리는 저항력을 유체 마찰이라고 부른다. (성질) ① 유속의 2 승에 정비례하는② 압력에는 관계없는③ 유체가 접촉하고 있는 면적에 거의 정비례④ 접촉하고 있는 면의 난폭함에 의해 증감한다.
18863 ◆ FIRST-IN, FIRST-OUT BASIS ◆ 선입선출 원리; 폐기물가공연료의 부패성으로 장기간 저장을 피해야 한다는 의미에서 나온 용어
18864 ◆ first-order reaction ◆ a simple chemical reaction in which the differential rate of the reaction decreases linearly with the decrease in the reactant concentration, as in the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide or the decay of radioactive materials.
18865 ◆ Fishkill (어류 폐사) ◆ 하천의 물고기들이 일시적 또는 시간 간격을 두고 떼로 죽는 현상. 어류폐사의 원인으로는 수질오염(폐수방류, 화학물질 사고 등), 일시적인 산소 부족, 질병 등이 있다. 어류폐사의 원인을 규명하기 위해서는 폐사지역의 현장 조사, 원인추정, 시료채취 및 운반, 이화학적 분석, 물고기의 조직병리학적 검사 등이 순차적으로 신속하게 이루어져야 한다.
18866 ◆ fissiochemistry ◆ the process in which nuclear energy brings about a chemical change or reaction
18867 ◆ fission ◆ the process, either spontaneous or induced, by which a nucleus splits into two or more large fragments of comparable mass, simultaneously producing additional neutrons (on the average) and vast amounts of energy. Also, NUCLEAR FISSION.
18868 ◆ fission barrier ◆ the energy difference between excited and ground states of a nucleus that must be supplied by an incident particle for fission to take place.
18869 ◆ fission cross section ◆ the probability that an incident neutron with sufficient energy to penetrate the fission barrierwill collide with and be absorbed by a nucleus, resulting in fission
18870 ◆ fission isomer ◆ a deformed nuclear state lying in the second well of a double-hump fission barrier.
18871 ◆ fission neutron ◆ a neutron released as a result of nuclear fission, having a continuous spectrum of energy with a maximum of about 106 eV.
18872 ◆ fission product ◆ any nuclide, either radioactive or stable, that arises from fission, including both the primary fission fragments and their radioactive decay products.
18873 ◆ fission spectrum ◆ the distribution of energy carried by neutrons following fission.
18874 ◆ fission threshold ◆ the minimum amount of kinetic energy a bombarding neutron must have to cause fission in a nucleus.
18875 ◆ fissure eruption ◆ a volcanic eruption occurring along a fracture or crack in a volcano's surface rather than from a central vent.
18876 ◆ FIT ◆ Field Investigation Team
18877 ◆ FITC ◆ fluorescein isothiocyanate, a derivative of fluorescein that provides a stable fluorescent label for proteins.
18878 ◆ fitting ◆ the handwork needed to complete the assembly of a manufactured product.
18879 ◆ FITTING LOSS FACTOR ◆ 연결부위 손실계수 : 닥트의 직선부에서 마찰에 의한 압력손실외에 굴곡부, 연결부, 팽창 및 수축부, 장애물 부위에서도 난류와 마찰에 의한 에너지 손실이 생기는 이 때에 이용되는 계수
18880 ◆ five-spot well pattern ◆ a network pattern of four wells located in a square with a fifth well in the center; this formation is used, for example, in reservoirs for water-injection pressure maintenance.
18881 ◆ Five-stage bardenpho process ◆ 5단계 바텐포공정; 생물학적 질소, 인 동시제거 공정
18882 ◆ Fix a Sample ◆ A sample is fixed in the field by adding chemicals that prevent water quality indicators of interest in the sample from changing before laboratory measurements are made.
18883 ◆ FIXATION ◆ 고정화; 오염물질을 고체화 하는 것
18884 ◆ fixed attenuator ◆ a circuit that attenuates the level of a signal by a fixed ratio independent of frequency. Also, PAD.
18885 ◆ fixed bias ◆ the value of the bias voltage or current supplied from a fixed external source, such as a battery, that is independent of the signal strength of the device itself.
18886 ◆ fixed echo ◆ a blip on a radar screen that remains stationary, indicating the presence of a fixed target.
18887 ◆ Fixed film nitrification process ◆ 고정층 질산화 공정; 수처리의 호기성 부착성장 처리공정
18888 ◆ FIXED FILTERABLE SOLIDS ◆ 고정 여과 고형물 ; FFS
18889 ◆ fixed ion ◆ a stationary ion in the matrix or lattice of a solid ion exchanger.
18890 ◆ Fixed layer ◆ 고정층;
18891 ◆ Fixed sprinkling system ◆ 고정식 자동 분무법; 자동분무장치
18892 ◆ FIXED SUSPENDED SOLIDS ◆ 강열잔류 고형물; FSS, 부유고형물중에 무기물질에 해당하는 부분
18893 ◆ fixed transmitter ◆ a transmitter that is operated in a fixed or permanent location.
18894 ◆ fixed-bed hydroforming ◆ a cyclic procedure employed in petroleum processing, in which a fixed bed of molybdenum oxide catalyst is deposited on activated alumina to form high-octane aromatic compounds.
18895 ◆ fixed-bed operation ◆ any procedure in which the additive material, such as a catalyst, remains stationary in the chemical reactor or adsorber bed.
18896 ◆ fixed-bed reactor ◆ a bioreactor having a fixed carrier system to which an active and growing biomass is permanently adhered or fixed.
18897 ◆ fixed-feed grinding ◆ the process of feeding processed material to a grinding wheel at a given rate or in predetermined increments.
18898 ◆ Fixed-Location Monitoring ◆ Sampling of an environmental or ambient medium for pollutant concentration at one location continuously or repeatedly.
18899 ◆ Fixed-volume, recessed plate filter press ◆ 고정체적판 여과기; 가압여과장치
18900 ◆ fixing moment ◆ an assumed bending moment applied at each joint and segment of a statically indeterminate structure for resolving its loads.
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