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환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 18601-18700

by 리치캣 2023. 1. 11.

환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 18601-18700

번호                  용어                  해설

18601             fast-time constant                    an antijamming device used in radar video-amplifier circuits that emphasizes short-duration signals and discriminates against low-frequency components of clutter, thus suppressing rain and snow echoes. Also, fast-time circuit.

18602             FATE               소멸기간, 운명

18603             FATES             FIFRA and TSCA Enforcement System

18604             fathometer                  a device used to determine the depth of water by measuring the time interval between a transmission of an acoustic pulse and reception of its bottom echo. Also, ECHO SOUNDER, SONIC-DEPTH FINDER.  Navigation. Fathometer. the trade name for a particular brand of echo sounder.

18605             fatigue life                  the number of cycles of stress a material can withstand at a specified range rate and temperature before failure.

18606             fatigue limit                the highest stress range or amplitude that a material can be expected to withstand for an infinite number of cycles without failure. Also, ENDURANCE LIMIT.

18607             fatigue ratio                the fatigue limit divided by the static tensile strength of a material, for a given component of stress. Also, ENDURANCE RATIO.

18608             fatigue strength           the greatest stress that a material can withstand for a particular number of cycles without failure. Also, ENDURANCE STRENGTH.

18609             fault               a defective region in a circuit or device.a defective region in a circuit or device. a failure in a circuit or device, due to an open circuit, short circuit, or ground in a circuit component or line. Also, ELECTRICAL FAULT, FAULTING.a failure in a circuit or device, due to an open circuit, short circuit, or ground in a circuit component or line. Also, ELECTRICAL FAULT, FAULTING.

18610             FAX 공해                    가입자가 원하지도 않은 광고물을 업체들이 일방적으로 전송, 필요한 시간에 필요한 자료를 전송하지 못하거나 받지 못하는  경우도 있고, 경쟁업체의 업무를 방해하기 위해 상대방의 FAX를 통화상태로 만들어  버리는 예도 있다.          이로 인해 가입자는 원하는대로 FAX를 사용하지 못할  뿐 아니라 쓸데없이 용지를 소모하는 피해를 입게 된다.          선진국에서는 주로 신용카드회사, 신용판매 회사, 통신판매회사 등이 전화번호부에 기재된 FAX 가입자 번호를 파악한 뒤  귀금속, 고급의류, 가구 등의 광고물을 일방적으로 전송해 가입자들이 큰 피해를 입고 있다.          이로인해 일부 국가에서는 사전  양해 없이 광고선전물을 전송하는 행위를 규제하자는 입법화 움직임마저 일고 있다.

18611             FAX receiver                a device that converts signals from a wire or radio channel into a picture or written material.

18612             FAX recorder               the component within a FAX receiver that transfers the image onto paper.

18613             FAX signal level           a measure of the highest power level in a FAX system at a given point.

18614             FAX synchronizing                    the process by which a FAX device is able to receive and record data at a consistent rate of speed.

18615             FAX transmitter            an apparatus that converts graphic material, such as a picture or a text, into signals and sends them over a communication system, such as telephone lines.

18616             FBC                유동상소각; 폐기물 열적처리에 이용되는 연소설비, fluidized bed combustion

18617             FBC                Fluidized Bed Combustion

18618             FC                  수분보유능력 (토지용수량) : field capacity

18619             FCC                Fluid Catalystic Converter

18620             FCCC              Framework Convention on Climate Change

18621             FCCC              UN 기후변화 기본협약  united nations framework convention on climate change

18622             FCCU              Fluid Catalytic Cracking Unit

18623             FCO               Federal Coordinating Officer (in disaster areas); Forms Control Officer

18624             FCV : FUEL CELL VEHICLE          연료전지 자동차

18625             FDF                Fundamentally Different Factors

18626             FDL                Final Determination Letter

18627             FDO               Fee Determination Official

18628             FE                  Fugitive Emissions

18629             FEARO            연방 환경평가검토원  federal environmental assessment review office

18630             Feasibility Study           1. Analysis of the practicability of a proposal; e.g., a description and analysis of potential cleanup alternatives for a site such as one on the National Priorities List. The feasibility study suaully recommends selection of a cost-effective alternative. It usually starts as soon as the remedial investigation is underway; together, they are commonly referred to as the RI/FS. 2. A small-scale investigation of a problem to ascertain whether a proposed research approach is likely to provide useful data.

18631             feather           a rectangular key that connects the keyways of a shaft and a hub (e.g., of a gear) so that the hub can slide axially; used to adjust the position of the hub along the shaft. Also, feather key.

18632             FECAL COLIFORM BACTERIA                     분변성 대장균; 높은 배양온도에서 가를 생성시킬 수 있는 능력을 가진 대장균

18633             Fecal Coliform Bacteria             Bacteria found in the intestinal tracts of mammals. Their presence in water or sludge is an indicator of pollution and possible contamination by pathogens.

18634             fed batch system          a fermenter or anaerobic digester in which substrate is added in batches during the runs.

18635             FEDERAL CLEAN AIR ACT          청정대기법 : 미연방정부의 대기환경관련법규

18636             Federal Implementation Plan                    Under current law, a federally implemented plan to achieve attainment of air quality standards, used when a state is unable to develop an adequate plan.

18637             Federal Motor Vehicle Control Program                     All federal actions aimed at controlling pollution from motor vehi-cles by such efforts as establishing and enforcing tailpipe and evaporative emission standards for new vehicles, testing methods development, and guidance to states operating inspection and maintenance programs. Federally designated area that is required to meet and maintain federal ambient air quality standards. May include nearby locations in the same state or nearby states that share comon air pollution problems.

18638             FEDERAL WATER POLLUTION CONTROL ACT AMENDMENT                   연방수질오염 규제법 개정안

18639             FEDS              Federal Energy Data System

18640             feed               the forward movement of a drill or cutting tool.the forward movement of a drill or cutting tool. the rate at which this occurs.the rate at which this occurs.

18641             feed (water) (공급수)                 분리 장치에 공급하는 피처리수.

18642             FEED CONDITIONING               원료물질 개량; 원료물질을 처리공정에 적합하도록 준비하는 공정

18643             FEED CONVEYOR          공급콘베이어

18644             feed nut          a threaded sleeve fitting around a feed screw.

18645             feed pipe                    a pipe that carries feedwater from a pump to a boiler.a pipe that carries feedwater from a pump to a boiler. any pipe that conducts a fuel or other liquid from the supply to a secondary pipe or to the point of use.any pipe that conducts a fuel or other liquid from the supply to a secondary pipe or to the point of use.

18646             feed preparation unit               any processing equipment that provides feedstock for subsequent processing.

18647             feed pump                  a pump used to supply water to a steam boiler.a pump used to supply water to a steam boiler. any pump used as a feed source to a process operation.any pump used as a feed source to a process operation.

18648             feed ratio                    the number of revolutions that a drill bit and stem must turn to advance the drill bit one inch. Also, feed speed.

18649             feed screw                  an externally threaded drive rod in a screw-feed or gear-feed swivel head on a diamond drill that provides motion to a feed tool.an externally threaded drive rod in a screw-feed or gear-feed swivel head on a diamond drill that provides motion to a feed tool. a mechanism used to carry and position workpieces for processing on a percussion drill, lathe, or the like.a mechanism used to carry and position workpieces for processing on a percussion drill, lathe, or the like.

18650             FEED SUBSTRATE          원료물질; 공정에 원료로 투입되는 물질

18651             feed travel                  the distance a drilling machine moves its steel shank over a top-to-bottom feeding range.

18652             feed tray                     a tray on which untreated feedstock is introduced into the system in a tray-type separation column.

18653             feed trough                 a receptacle into which feedwater overflows from a steam-boiler drum.

18654             feed water      (공급수  원수)                 기기 (일반적으로는 1 차처리 장치) 에 공급되는 물. 수도수/ 우물수/ 공업용수센츄럴 ion 교환수등이 있다.

18655             feed water      (원수    공급수)              역침투 장치, ion 교환 장치등일차순수한  물 제조 장치에 공급되는 물,  주요하게 수도수 또는 우물수가 있다. 한 번 처리된 일차순수한 물, 센츄럴 순수한 물등이란(과는) 구별한다.

18656             feedback amplifier                   a circuit in which a passive network returns a fraction of an amplifier output signal to its input to enhance the amplifier's performance.a circuit in which a passive network returns a fraction of an amplifier output signal to its input to enhance the amplifier's performance. a device placed in the feedback path of a circuit to boost the amplitude of the feedback signal.a device placed in the feedback path of a circuit to boost the amplitude of the feedback signal.

18657             feedback circuit           a circuit that sends a fraction of its output signal back into its input component.

18658             feedback factor            the fraction of an output signal that is fed back as an input signal.

18659             feedback oscillator                   a circuit that generates alternating current, by returning a fraction of the output signal to the input.

18660             feedback winding                    a wire on a magnetic amplifier or saturable reactor, along which a feedback current travels.

18661             feed-control valve                    a small valve used to control the advance of a hydraulic drill or cutting tool.

18662             feeder            a transmission line that carries electric power between a transmitter and an antenna.a transmission line that carries electric power between a transmitter and an antenna. a conductor or conductor pair that carries electric power from one point to another.a conductor or conductor pair that carries electric power from one point to another.  Ordnance. a device that supplies ammunition to a weapon; it is usually controlled by an automatic or semiautomatic mechanism.  Geology.  a passage through which magma travels from the magma chamber to an intrusion.a passage through which magma travels from the magma chamber to an intrusion. a minor ore-bearing vein that connects with a major one.a minor ore-bearing vein that connects with a major one.

18663             feeder conveyor           a short auxiliary conveyor designed to transport materials to another conveyor. Also, STAGE LOADER.

18664             feeder reactor              a device that is connected between a transmitter and an antenna in a transmission line to reduce and contain disturbances that arise from faults in the line.

18665             feeder-breaker             a unit that crushes rock and feeds it to a materials-handling system at a specified rate.

18666             Feedlot           A confined area for the controlled feeding of animals. Tends to concentrate large amounts of animal waste that cannot be absorbed by the soil and, hence, may be carried to nearby streams or lakes by rainfall runoff.

18667             feedstock                    specifically, a petroleum fraction used as the raw material for a petrochemical process, as in the production of polymers, detergents, or chemicals such as ethelene and toluene.

18668             feedwater                   the treated water that is supplied to a boiler for conversion into steam.

18669             feedwater heater          an apparatus that uses steam exhaust from an engine or turbine to heat feedwater for a boiler.

18670             FEEDWATER PUMP DRIVE TURBINE                     급수펌프 구동 터빈; 피구동기에 따른 증기터빈

18671             feeler pin                    a thin metal sensor that allows a duplicating machine to operate only when paper is present.

18672             FEFx               Forcecd Expiratory Flow

18673             Fehling's reagent          a test solution containing cupric sulfate, sodium potassium tartrate, and sodium hydroxide, used for detection of an aldehyde group, especially in sugars; the formation of a red precipitate indicates a positive test.

18674             FEIS               Fugitive Emissions Information System

18675             FEL                Frank Effect Level

18676             FELTED FABRICS           모전여과재

18677             FELTED FILTER              모전여과재 : 집진기 필터의 한 형태

18678             FELTED GLASS             펠트유리; 도시폐기물소각로의 백필터용으로 쓰인 섬유여과재

18679             Femic oxdide의 특성 및 방제방법             주최 : 국립환경 연구원

18680             femitrons                    a class of field-emission microwave devices.

18681             Fen                A type of wetland that accumulates peat deposits. Fens are less acidic than bogs, deriving most of their water from groundwater rich in calcium and magnesium. (Seel: wetlands.)

18682             Fenske-Underwood equation                    an equation in distillation-column calculations that relates the number of theoretical plates required at total reflux to the overall relative volatility, and the ratios of liquid-vapor composition on top and bottom plates.

18683             FEPCA            Federal Environmental Pesticide Control Act; enacted as amendments to FIFRA.

18684             FERC              Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

18685             ferment          to decompose organic substances by microorganisms or by enzymatic activity.

18686             fermentation               the process of culturing cells or other microorganisms in a container, bioreactor, or fermenter for experimental or commercial purposes.

18687             fermenter                   a fabricated vessel or bioreactor used for fermentation; these exist in a wide variety of configurations, from experimental systems of less than one liter to large commercial towers.

18688             fermenter control                     a wide variety of automatic control or monitoring facilities that regulate key processes such as foaming, automatic sequencing, and dissolved oxygen concentration in a fermenter.

18689             Fermi beta-decay theory           the principle that beta decay arises from the interaction between a nucleon's source current and an electron-neutrino field.

18690             Fermi constant            a universal constant, value 4 × 10-62 joule/meter3, that represents the coupling between a nucleon and a lepton field; important in the Fermi beta-decay theory.

18691             Fermi resonance          the relationship between atoms in a polyatomic molecule that causes them to repel each other due to two vibrational levels having approximately the same energy.

18692             Fermi transition           a type of beta decay in which there is no change in the angular momentum or in the parity of the nucleus as it disintegrates into a lower state of energy.

18693             fermium          a synthetic radioactive element having the symbol Fm, the atomic number 100, and atomic weight (of the most stable isotope) 257.10; made in nuclear reactors, it has properties similar to those of erbium. (Named for Enrico Fermi.)

18694             ferric              of or relating to iron.of or relating to iron. describing various compounds of iron, especially those in which the element has a valence of 3. (From ferrum, the Latin word for iron.)describing various compounds of iron, especially those in which the element has a valence of 3. (From ferrum, the Latin word for iron.)

18695             FERRIC CHLORIDE                    염화제2

18696             FERRIC SULFATE           황산제2

18697             ferrimagnetic amplifier             a microwave amplifier in which the coupling inductors and transformers are made of ferrite material.

18698             ferrimagnetic crystals                  magnetically ordered materials in which the anti-ferromagnetically arranged spins are not completely canceled out; as a result, there is a net magnetic moment.

18699             ferristor          a small, two-winding ferrimagnetic amplifier that functions at a high-carrier frequency; may be connected as a coincidence gate, current discriminator, free-running multivibrator, oscillator, or ring counter.

18700             ferrite bead                 a device that stores information in a magnetic environment, characterized by a ferrite powder bonded onto the signal conductors of memory matrix.a device that stores information in a magnetic environment, characterized by a ferrite powder bonded onto the signal conductors of memory matrix. a small ferrite cylinder placed over current-carrying leads to block radio frequency.a small ferrite cylinder placed over current-carrying leads to block radio frequency.



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