환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 18501-18600
번호 용어 해설
18501 ◆ externally fired boiler ◆ a boiler having cooling tubes around its surface.
18502 ◆ external-shoe brake ◆ a friction brake operated by an external element that contacts it.
18503 ◆ extinction ◆ the modification of an incident X-ray beam as it passes through a single, perfect block of a crystal. Part of the incident beam may be reflected twice so that it returns to its original direction but is out of phase with the main beam, thus reducing the intensity of the latter (primary extinction). When the crystal is mosaic, part of the beam will be diffracted by one mosaic block and therefore available for diffraction by a following block that is accurately aligned with the first. Thus the second block contributes less than expected to the diffracted beam (secondary extinction).
18504 ◆ extinction voltage ◆ in a gas tube, the anode voltage at which the discharge ceases when the supply voltage is decreasing.
18505 ◆ extra play ◆ a videotape recording speed that is slower than standard speed to allow for a longer recording time, usually six hours as opposed to the standard two hours for a T-120 tape.
18506 ◆ EXTRACELLULAR MATRIX ◆ 세포간 질; 세포와 세포사이를 메우고 있는 새 화학물질
18507 ◆ extract ◆ ㆍ a substance that is obtained from a solution by extraction, often a product prepared by dissolving animal or vegetable material in a solvent and then distilling the solution (evaporating the solvent).a substance that is obtained from a solution by extraction, often a product prepared by dissolving animal or vegetable material in a solvent and then distilling the solution (evaporating the solvent). ㆍ to produce such a substance (an extract).to produce such a substance (an extract). Pharmacology. a concentrated drug preparation, derived from a plant or animal, prepared by separating the active ingredient in the form of a liquid, solid, or powder of known strength. Food Technology. a usually alcoholic solution containing concentrated food essences. Extracts made from meat, aromatic herbs, vanilla beans, and other foods are commonly used in commercial and noncommercial food preparation. Medicine. to perform an extraction.
18508 ◆ extraction column ◆ a vertical, cylindrical-shaped process vessel in which the mixtures are separated from a liquid feed by countercurrent contact with a selective solvent.
18509 ◆ extraction fermentation ◆ a fermentation system in which the product is continuously removed by extraction with a solvent that is soluble in water.
18510 ◆ extraction plant ◆ a processing unit used for the separation of liquid components from wet gas or casinghead gas.
18511 ◆ Extraction Procedure (EP Toxic) ◆ Determining toxicity by a procedure which simulates leaching; if a certain concentration of a toxic substance can be leached from a waste, that waste is considerde hazardous, i.e., EP Toxic.
18513 ◆ extraction turbine ◆ a steam turbine having openings through which steam is tapped for process work at one or more stages in the expansion process.
18514 ◆ EXTRACTION WELL ◆ 추출공(토양)
18515 ◆ Extraction Well ◆ A discharge well used to remove groundwater or air.
18516 ◆ extractive distillation ◆ a type of distillation used to separate components of eutectic mixtures, in which cooling the mixture causes one component to crystallize and the other to remain in solution.
18517 ◆ extractor ◆ a multistage device used for removing specified components of liquid or solid feeds by contacting the feed with a selective solvent.
18518 ◆ EXTRA-JURISDICTIONALITY ◆ 역외성 : 일국의 자국 환경기준, 법규 위반을 이유로 타국의 법관할권에 영향을 미치거나 타국의 법관할권내에서 이루어진 환경행위에 대해 무역조치를 취할 수 있는가의 문제임
18519 ◆ extraneous response ◆ the reception of an undesired response in a receiver or recorder that arises from the mixing of desired and undesired signals in the system.
18520 ◆ extraordinary wave ◆ a magnetoionic portion of a wave that has a clockwise/counterclockwise elliptical polarization when viewed below the ionosphere in the direction of propagation. Also, extraordinary component.
18521 ◆ extraterrestrial noise ◆ any electromagnetic noise caused by sources not related to the earth.
18522 ◆ extravasation ◆ the eruption of material from an opening in the earth's surface, such as lava from a vent or water from a geyser
18523 ◆ extreme line casing ◆ a special oil or gas well casing used when there is a need for more strength and greater leak resistance than normal. Similarly, extreme line tubing.
18524 ◆ Extremely Hazardous Substances ◆ Any of 406 chemicals identified by EPA as toxic, and listed under SARA Title Ⅲ. The list is subject to periodic revision.
18525 ◆ extrinsic photoconductivity ◆ the movement of electrons that is governed by light and the impurities in the various energy bands of a given material.
18526 ◆ extrinsic properties ◆ the characteristics that arise in a semiconductor when impurities or imperfections are added to the semiconductor crystal.
18527 ◆ extrinsic semiconductor ◆ a semiconductor device that has had impurities added to its crystal to achieve a desired polarity or resistivity.
18528 ◆ extrusion ◆ the emission of lava or magmatic materials onto the earth's surface, and the rock formed from such an emission.
18529 ◆ Eyring equation ◆ an equation that gives the reaction rate for a chemical reaction in terms of various constraints, including energy levels and temperature. Also, TRANSITION STATE THEORY.
18530 ◆ F display ◆ a rectangular radar display with cross hairs on the scope face to aid in aiming the system; a target appears as a centralized blip when the radar antenna is aimed at it; azimuth and elevation aiming errors are indicated respectively by horizontal and vertical displacement of the blip. Also, F INDICATOR, F SCAN.
18531 ◆ F layer ◆ a region of the high ionosphere that reflects radio waves at up to 50 MHz, thus allowing communication over the horizon; it consists of F1 and F2 layers during daylight and the F2 layer only at night.
18532 ◆ F region ◆ the area of the ionosphere, about 120 to 400 km above sea level, in which the F1 and F2 layers form.
18533 ◆ F/M ◆ Food to Microorganism Ratio
18534 ◆ F1 layer ◆ the part of the F layer that is below the F2 layer during the day, has a height of 200-300 km, and is closest to the equator at noon.
18535 ◆ F2 layer ◆ the higher level of the F layer, having a maximum free electron density at 225 km in the polar winter to 400 km in daytime.
18536 ◆ FABRIC FILTER ◆ 여과집진기 : 대기오염방지 장치중 분진입자 제거 장치
18537 ◆ Fabric Filter ◆ A cloth device that catches dust particles from industrial emissions.
18538 ◆ FACA ◆ Federal Advisory Committee Act
18539 ◆ face milling ◆ the process of milling a flat surface that is normal to the rotational axis of the cutting tool.
18540 ◆ face-bonding ◆ a method of building hybrid microcircuits in which semiconductor chips, with mounting pads, are bonded face down onto the thin-film conductors of a passive substrate, such as glass or ceramic.
18541 ◆ face-centered cubic structure ◆ a cubic unit-cell structure having one lattice point at the corners and one lattice point at the center of each face.
18542 ◆ face-centered lattice ◆ a crystal lattice with a lattice point at the center and corners of each face. If all faces are centered, the designation is F; if only faces perpendicular to the a axis are centered, the description is A; and similarly for B and C.
18543 ◆ face-centered unit cell ◆ a crystal lattice in which the centers of each face are identical in environment and orientation with the vertices. It can be considered as a crystal lattice with lattice points at the centers of faces (x = y = 1/2), z = 0, (x = z = 1/2), y = 0, and (y = z = 1/2), x = 0, as well as the corner (x = y = z = 0) of the unit cell.
18544 ◆ face-discharge bit ◆ a liquid-coolant bit designed for drilling in soft formations and on a double-tube core barrel; the coolant flows through the bit and is ejected at the cutting face. Also, BOTTOM-DISCHARGE BIT, FACE-EJECTION BIT.
18545 ◆ facet cut ◆ the manner in which a precious stone is cut to give flat faces.
18546 ◆ Facilities Plans ◆ Plans and studies related to the construction of treatment works necessary to comply with the Clean Water Act or RCRA. A facilities plan investigates needs and provides information on the cost-effectiveness of alternatives, a recommend plan, an environmental assessment of the recommendations, and descriptions of the treatment works, costs, and a completion schedule.
18547 ◆ Facility Emergency Coordinator ◆ Representative of a facility covered by environmental law (e.g, a chemical plant) who participates in the emergency reporting process with the Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC).
18548 ◆ facing ◆ the use of a tool to machine the flat end of a surface as it is rotated in a spiral planar path along its axis.
18549 ◆ FACTOR ◆ 요인. 인자.
18550 ◆ factor of safety ◆ ㆍ the ratio of the load at which a structure or material is expected to fail to the load permitted, in deference to such uncertainties as wear, consistency of manufacture, or quality of material. Also, DESIGN SAFETY FACTOR.the ratio of the load at which a structure or material is expected to fail to the load permitted, in deference to such uncertainties as wear, consistency of manufacture, or quality of material. Also, DESIGN SAFETY FACTOR.
18551 ◆ factor of stress intensity ◆ the ratio of the ultimate stress that a structural member or material can withstand without failure to the actual or expected stress. Also, FACTOR OF SAFETY.
18552 ◆ Facultative anaerobes ◆ 임의성 혐기성 미생물; 분자상태의 산소가 있거나 없거나 간에 성장 할 수 있는 능력을 가진 미생물
18553 ◆ Facultative Bacteria ◆ Bacteria that can live under aerobic or anaerobic conditions.
18554 ◆ FACULTATIVE POND ◆ 조건성 연못
18555 ◆ Facultative ponds ◆ 임의성 안정화지; 안정화지내의 폐수의 분해가 호기성, 혐기성, 임의성 세균에 의해 일어날때의 안정화지를 지칭
18556 ◆ Facultative process ◆ 임의성 공정; 분자상태의 산소의 유무에도 불구하고 활동하는 미생물을 응용한 생물학적 처리공정
18557 ◆ Facultative stabilization pond ◆ 임의성 산화지;
18558 ◆ fader ◆ a device that permits an operator to gradually vary the strength of an audio or video signal.
18559 ◆ FAHRENHEIT SCALE ◆ 화씨온도 : ℉, 얼음이 녹는점을 32 ℉ 끓는 점을 212 ℉ 로 하여 그 사이를 180등분한 것
18560 ◆ failure ◆ specifically, the overloading or overstraining of a structure to such an extent that it can no longer perform its required function.
18561 ◆ fairlead ◆ Also, fair lead, fairleader. a swiveling pulley or group of pulleys that permit a rope or cable to be reeled to any direction without chafing, as on the rigging of a ship.
18562 ◆ Fajans determination ◆ a method used to determine the chloride concentration of a sample by titrating it with a standard solution of silver nitrate, using dichlorofluorescein as the indicator; the formation of a pinkish-red color indicates the end point.
18563 ◆ Fales-Stuart windmill ◆ a windmill whose rotating component resembles a double-bladed airfoil propeller. Also, STUART WINDMILL.
18564 ◆ fall ◆ in a hoisting tackle, the loose end of rope to which power is applied.
18565 ◆ fall block ◆ a pulley block that rises and falls with a load.
18566 ◆ faller ◆ a machine part whose operation depends on a falling action, as in certain spinning or stamping machines.
18567 ◆ falling body ◆ a free body being accelerated by gravity and experiencing no other significant forces.
18568 ◆ falling-film still ◆ a unit designed for molecular distillation, which incorporates a high evaporation rate and separation efficiency.
18569 ◆ false body ◆ the property that causes certain colloidal substances, such as paints and inks, to solidify when left standing.
18570 ◆ false target ◆ the erroneous presence of a target on a radar screen that arises from a time delay.
18571 ◆ false-target generator ◆ a device that produces a delayed return signal on an enemy's radar frequency so that it will not accurately reveal a target location.
18572 ◆ FAMILIARITY ◆ 친숙도 : 변형생물체와 외부환경과의 접촉시 사용하는 용어로, 생물체와 생물체사용방식 및 수용환경에 대한 지식과 경험정도를 말함
18573 ◆ fan ◆ ㆍ any of various devices designed to produce a current of air by the movement of one or more broad, often rotating blades or vanes.any of various devices designed to produce a current of air by the movement of one or more broad, often rotating blades or vanes. ㆍ a small vane designed to keep the blades of a windmill facing the direction of the wind.a small vane designed to keep the blades of a windmill facing the direction of the wind.
18574 ◆ FAN ◆ Fixed Account Number
18575 ◆ fan belt ◆ on a motor vehicle, a belt that is driven by the engine which turns a fan that blows cool air through the radiator (or, on an air-cooled engine, through the engine itself).
18576 ◆ fan cooling ◆ the use of an engine-driven fan to induce airflow through the radiator or engine of a motor vehicle.
18577 ◆ FAN CURVE ◆ 송풍기 성능곡선 : 송풍기의 성능을 공기의 부피속도, 정압, 출력, 기계적 효율등의 관계를 양적으로 요약한 곡선
18578 ◆ fan efficiency ◆ the ratio of the useful power output of a fan to the power it receives, expressed as a percentage.
18579 ◆ FAN FACILITY ◆ 통풍설비
18580 ◆ FAN LAWS ◆ 송풍기의 법칙 : 회전속도, 유속 및 정압사이의 정량적 관계식
18581 ◆ FAN RATING TABLE ◆ 송풍기 등급표
18582 ◆ FAN STATIC PRESSURE ◆ 송풍기 정압 : 송풍기 전압에서 송풍기 출구의 동압을 빼준값
18583 ◆ fan-in ◆ the number of inputs accepted by a logic circuit.
18584 ◆ FANNING ◆ 부채형(대)
18585 ◆ fan-out ◆ the number of separate input terminals (of the following stages in a circuit) that can be connected to the output terminal of a logic circuit.
18586 ◆ far field ◆ ㆍ a sound field in which free field spherical sound decreases 6 decibels for each doubling of radial distance.a sound field in which free field spherical sound decreases 6 decibels for each doubling of radial distance. ㆍ a region in the sound field that is much larger than a wavelength away from the source.a region in the sound field that is much larger than a wavelength away from the source.
18587 ◆ faradaic process ◆ any of the fundamental processes in electrochemistry in which the passage of current at an electrode causes a chemical change. The extent of this change for a given amount of electric charge passed can be calculated by Faraday's laws.
18588 ◆ faradaic rectification ◆ the appearance of a DC component upon passage of an AC current at an electrode, because of nonlinearity of the current-potential behavior.
18589 ◆ FARADAY ◆ 패러데이 : F, 전극에서 1당량의 화학변화를 일으키는전기의 양
18590 ◆ Faraday constant ◆ a determination of the amount of electricity corresponding to one mole of electrons, given by F = N0e = (6.02252 × 1023)(ㆍ6021 × 10-19) = 96,487 C mole-1, where N0 is Avogadro's number and e is the charge on the electron; C is the coulombs. Also, ELECTROCHEMICAL CONSTANT.
18591 ◆ Faraday dark space ◆ the relatively nonluminous portion of a glow-discharge cold-cathode tube that divides the negative glow from the positive column.
18592 ◆ Faraday's laws of electrolysis ◆ ㆍ the amount of chemical change produced by an electric current passing through a cell is proportional to the total quantity of the electric charge.the amount of chemical change produced by an electric current passing through a cell is proportional to the total quantity of the electric charge. ㆍ the amount of chemical change produced in a substance by such an electric current is proportional to the equivalent weight of the substance.the amount of chemical change produced in a substance by such an electric current is proportional to the equivalent weight of the substance.
18593 ◆ FAS : FLEET AVERAGE SYSTEM ◆ (차량의) 의무생산비율
18594 ◆ fast coupling ◆ a fixed or flexible coupling that permanently connects two shafts.
18595 ◆ fast fission ◆ a fission reaction, as of uranium-238, that occurs as a result of bombardment by fast neutrons with energy in excess of 1 MeV.
18596 ◆ fast forward ◆ ㆍ to wind a cassette tape forward very rapidly.to wind a cassette tape forward very rapidly. ㆍ the process of such winding.the process of such winding.
18597 ◆ fast Fourier transform ◆ the electronic processing of a signal generated by sound waves striking a transducer, whereby the signal is transformed into a digital time series for spectrum analysis. Mathematics. one of several algorithms for computing the discrete Fourier transform at N points. N is taken to be a power of two (by padding up the data set with zeros if necessary) and the discrete Fourier transform of length N is recursively rewritten as the sum of discrete Fourier transforms of length N/2, N/4, . . ., N/2k , . . ., until the data have been subdivided down to transforms of length one. This vastly reduces the number of arithmetic calculations required. Computer Science. specifically, the algorithm, due to Cooley and Tukey, for rapidly computing the discrete Fourier transform of a set of data values; often implemented as a subroutine or in special-purpose hardware. Also, DISCRETE FOURIER TRANSFORM.
18598 ◆ fast reaction ◆ a term for a chemical reaction that occurs so rapidly, under half a millisecond, that it can only be observed using a special measuring device for the experiment, such as a single-diaphragm shock tube. Also, FAST CHEMICAL REACTION.
18599 ◆ FAST TRACK AUTHORITY ◆ 신속승인권한 : 미국 통상법상의 입법 메카니즘으로서, 의회에서 제출된 법안에 대해서 의회의 수정없이 가부만 표결케 함으로서 행정부의 결정사항에 대해 시의성 심의를 보장해 주는 것
18600 ◆ fast-neutron spectrometry ◆ a technique used to analyze a wide variety of nuclear reactions that involves bombarding the nucleus with fast neutrons, then observing the resonance in the reactions or the range of the radiation emitted.
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