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환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 18201-18300

by 리치캣 2023. 1. 11.

환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 18201-18300

번호                  용어                  해설

18201             EPACASR                    EPA Chemical Activities Status Report

18202             EPACT            Environmental Policy Act

18203             EPCA              Energy Policy and Conservation Act

18204             EPCRA            Emergency Planning and Community Right to Know Act

18205             EPD                Emergency Planning District

18206             EPE                환경성과 평가  environmental performance evaluation

18207            EPE(Environmental Performance Evaluation)                     환경성과평가

18208             EPI                 Environmental Policy Institute

18209             EPI (Envirnmental Perfprmance Evaluation Indicators)                   환경성과지표

18210             EPIC               Environmental Photographic Interpretation Center

18211             epicyclic          containing two or more circular parts or elements, the smaller of which moves about inside the larger. Thus, epicyclic gear system, epicylic gear train.

18212             Epidemiology              Study of the distribution of disease, or other health-related states and events in human opulations, as related to age, sex, occupation, ethnicity, and economic status in order to identify and alleviate health problems and promote better health.

18213             EPILIMNION                표수층; 물의 혼합이 잘이루어지는 호수의 상층부

18214             Epilimnion                  Upper waters of a thermally stratified lake subject to wind action.

18215             EPINASTY                    상편생장; 식물의 정단부분만 무성하게 자라는 것

18216             Episode (Pollution)                   An air pollution incident in a given area caused by a concentration of atmospheric pollutants under meteorological conditions that may result in a significant increase in illnesses or deaths. May also describe water pollution events or hazardous material spills.

18217             epitaxial transistor                    a transistor produced by growing one or more layers of single-crystal material on top of a wafer substrate of the same material.

18218             epitaxy           the oriented overgrowth of one crystalline material upon the surface of another. There is often an approximate agreement in lattice spacings in the two components. Thus, epitaxial. Also, epitaxis.

18219             epm               규정농도; equivalent per million

18220             EPNL              실효감각 : Effective perceived noise level

18221             EPNL              Effective Perceived Noise Level

18222             Eppendorf tube           a small and usually disposable plastic tube that is commonly used in microcentrifuges.

18223             EPRI               Electric Power Research Institute

18224             epsilon factor              in computing normalized structure factors, a factor that takes into account the fact that, depending on which of the 32 crystal classes the crystal belongs to, there will be certain groups of reflections in areas of the reciprocal lattice that will have an average intensity greater than that for the general reflections.

18225             EPTC              Extraction Procedure Toxicity Characteristic

18226             EQIP               Environmental Quality Incentives Program

18227             EQO               Environmental Quality Objective

18228             EQUAL ARM BALANCE             양팔저울 (청평)

18229             EQUAL LOUDNESS CONTOURS                 등청감곡선

18230             EQUAL PERCEIVED ACCELERATION CONTOUR                  등감각곡선 : 소음에 대한 우리 귀의 청감이 주파수에 따라 다르듯이 인체의 진동에 대한 감각도 진동수에 따라 다르다. 이 관계를 곡선화한 것

18231             equal-arm balance                   a simple balance with its beam supported in the center so that the pans contain exactly equal weights when balanced.

18232             equalization                any of various processes by which all the frequency responses of elements in a circuit, such as those in the line or amplifier, are brought within a desired range of frequency response. Also, FREQUENCY-RESPONSE EQUALIZATION.any of various processes by which all the frequency responses of elements in a circuit, such as those in the line or amplifier, are brought within a desired range of frequency response. Also, FREQUENCY-RESPONSE EQUALIZATION. in data transmission, a process by which frequency or phase distortion is reduced by introducing networks to compensate for the difference in attenuation and time delay at various frequencies in the transmission band.in data transmission, a process by which frequency or phase distortion is reduced by introducing networks to compensate for the difference in attenuation and time delay at various frequencies in the transmission band.

18233             EQUALIZATION BASIN              조정조; 유량조절을 위해 설치된 물 저장고

18234             equalizer                    any of various devices designed to distribute weight, pressures, strains, or other forces equally among the various parts of a machine, vehicle, or system; specific examples include the equalizer brake linking independent brakes on a motor vehicle or the equalizer bar joining axle springs on a railcar.

18235             equalizing pulses                     a series of electrical pulses that precede and follow vertical synchronizing pulses in a television system, so that various elements of the picture will be aligned correctly.

18236             equal-listener response scale                    a sound scale of measurement based on units such as sones, for which the loudness of a sound is estimated by averaging the threshold of response of various listeners.

18237             equally tempered scale             a musical scale in which the intervals between notes are specific intervals, with a 9/8 ratio between the higher and lower tone for a whole step and a 256/243 ratio for half steps.

18238             equation of motion                  any equation that describes the motion of a body or system.

18239             equation of state          an expression that describes the state of a substance in terms of the relationship of the basic physical quantities of volume, pressure, and temperature for a given mass; used for pure substances. Also applied to the relationships among other thermodynamic variables.

18240             equatorial electrojet                 a narrow belt of intense electric current found over the magnetic equator.

18241             equatorial plane           the horizontal symmetry plane, if one exists, through a body revolving about a vertical axis of symmetry.

18242             equidensity technique               the measurement of photographic film emulsion density used in interference microscopy.

18243             equi-inclinational technique                     any of various X-ray diffraction camera techniques, as in the equi-inclination Weisenberg camera, in which the incident beam is inclined at a selected angle to the axis of rotation of the crystal instead of being normal to it (as is usually the case).

18244             equilibrant                  a single force that is able to act in an equal and opposite way to a set of forces to bring a system into equilibrium.

18245             equilibrium                 a reversible reaction in which the rates of forward and reverse reactions are equal and the concentrations of reactants and products are unaltered.       : the state of a system in which each constituent particle experiences a net force of zero. This requires two conditions: the system either is experiencing no linear motion at all or is moving in a straight line at a constant speed; the system either is experiencing no rotational motion at all or is rotating about a fixed axis at a constant rate.  Physiology. the state or condition in which the amount of material taken into the body equals the amount discharged.  Psychology. mental or emotional balance; equanimity.

18246             Equilibrium                 In relation to radiation, the state at which the radioactivity of consecutive elements within a radioactive series is neither increasing nor decreasing.

18247             equilibrium brightness              the type of brightness that appears on a cathode-ray tube when the pattern on the tube corresponds to the level of energy entering the tube.

18248             equilibrium constant                symbol K0, a number expressing the relationship between the concentrations of substances in a reversible chemical reaction at a given temperature, equal to the product of the molar concentrations of the substances on the right side of the equation divided by the product of the molar concentrations of the substances on the left side; each concentration raised to the power of its coefficient in the equation for the reaction.

18249             equilibrium diagram                 a graph that demonstrates the relationship among temperature, pressure, and vapor and liquid compositions for a substance.

18250             equilibrium dialysis                  a measurement of the degree of ion bonding of a protein; performed by calculating the diffusion of ions across a barrier impermeable to the protein.

18251             equilibrium flash vaporization                   a procedure in which a continuous stream of liquid feed is partially vaporized in a vessel or column, while vapor and liquid portions are continuously withdrawn, creating the vapor-liquid equilibrium. Also, SIMPLE CONTINUOUS DISTILLATION, CONTINUOUS EQUILIBRIUM VAPORIZATION.

18252             equilibrium gas saturation                       in a reservoir, the state of zero relative permeability of a wetting/nonwetting phase system; the relation of the nonwetting phase, such as oil, to the wetting phase, such as water, when the saturation of the nonwetting phase is so minute that few pores contain it. Also, CRITICAL GAS SATURATION.

18253             equilibrium moisture content                   the point at which there is no further moisture loss when solid material is dried by air currents whose temperature and moisture content remain constant.

18254             EQUILIBRIUM MOLAR CONCENTRATION                     평형 몰농도

18255             equilibrium point                     a point at which a particle will tend to remain, or to which it will tend to return, in order to achieve a condition of stable equilibrium; e.g., a ball placed inside a large rounded bowl will remain at the bottom if placed there and roll to the bottom if placed on the sides; the bottom of the bowl is the equilibrium point.

18256             equilibrium potential                the reversible potential at which no faradaic processes occur.

18257             equilibrium prism                    a model that displays the effects of composition changes on some essential property of a multicomponent mixture, such as the temperature at which a solid begins to decompose.

18258             equilibrium ratio          the relationship between each phase of a substance that undergoes change in a closed system, at the point where no further change occurs.

18259             equilibrium solar tide               the form the atmosphere would take if determined solely by gravitational forces and discounting the earth's rotation relative to the sun.

18260             equilibrium solubility                the maximum quantity of one substance that can be dissolved into a given mass of another substance at a specified temperature and pressure.

18261             equilibrium spheroid                the shape that the earth would take if it were entirely covered by an ocean of uniform depth, not subject to tidal forces.

18262             equilibrium still           a recirculating distillation apparatus used to determine vapor-liquid equilibrium.

18263             equilibrium vaporization ratio                   the relationship between the vapor phase and the liquid phase of a solution undergoing change in a closed system, when the system reaches the point at which no further change occurs.

18264             equipartition               an orderly distribution of atoms, as in a crystal structure.an orderly distribution of atoms, as in a crystal structure. an equal distribution of a solute between two solvents.an equal distribution of a solute between two solvents.

18265             equiphase zone           a region of space in which it is impossible to distinguish differences in phases between two radio signals.

18266             equipoise                    an equal distribution of weight.

18267             equipollent                 describing two systems of forces that have equal linear and angular vector sums about each of their corresponding points.

18268             equipotential surface                a surface along which the gravity is constant at all points and for which the gravity vector is normal to all points. Also, LEVEL SURFACE.

18269             equipressure contour               a map or plot of the equal isopressure flow network within a reservoir that is used to find locations for water-injection wells for flood coverage of an areal pattern in a reservoir.

18270             equivalence point                     the point in a titration process at which the amount of titrant is chemically equivalent to the amount of material titrated.

18271             EQUIVALENCE RATION              등가비; 실제연료량을 산화제량으로 나눈값을 완전연소를 위한 연소량을 산화제량으로 나눈값으로 다시 나눈값

18272             equivalent                   having the same valence.  Medicine. describing a symptom replacing one that is usual in a given disease.  Geology. describing the strata or formations that correspond in geologic time or stratigraphic position, especially those contemporaneous in time of deposition or formation, or those containing the same fossil forms.

18273             equivalent absorption area                       the amount of surface area of a perfectly absorbing medium required to absorb an equivalent amount of sound energy as some actual medium, given equal time and similar conditions.

18274             EQUIVALENT AREA DIAMETER                  등면적경

18275             equivalent bending moment                     a single bending moment whose resulting maximum stress would be equivalent to that of the actual bending and twisting moments together.

18276             equivalent conductance            a property that equals the exact conductance of an electrolyte divided by the concentration of solutes in the solvent.

18277             EQUIVALENT CONTINUOUS A-WEIGHTED SOUND PRESSURE LEVEL          등가소음레벨 : 소음레벨이 시간과 더불어 변화하는 경우, 측정시간 내에서 발생한 변동소음의 총에너지를 같은 시간내 연속정상소음의 에너지로 등가하여 얻어진 소음레벨 LeqT

18278             EQUIVALENT CONTINUOUS SOUND LEVEL                     등가 소음레벨 : 측정주기 동안의 소음레벨의 A특성 에너지 평균

18279             EQUIVALENT DIAMETER            등가직경

18280             EQUIVALENT LENGTH               등가길이

18281             Equivalent Method                   Any method of sampling and analyzing air pollution which been demonstrated to the EPA Administrator's satisfaction to be, under specific conditions, an acceptable alternative to normally used reference methods.

18282             equivalent nitrogen pressure                    a method of standardizing pressure calculations by assuming that the actual gases present have the same molecular density as nitrogen.

18283             equivalent noise conductance                   the spectral density of a noise-current generator, measured at a specified frequency and expressed in conductance units.

18284             equivalent noise pressure          the noise level that a transducer introduces onto a channel with no actual electroacoustical input; normally a very low value, such as -126 decibels. Also, equivalent input noise level.

18285             equivalent noise resistance                       the spectral density of a noise-voltage generator, measured at a specified frequency and expressed in resistance units.

18286             equivalent noise temperature                    the temperature at which an ideal resistor, whose resistance is the same as that of the given noise- generating component, would generate the same noise energy as the given component.

18287             equivalent nuclei          the nuclei in a molecule that can be transformed into each other by various processes, such as rotation or reflection, so that the molecule remains stable.

18288             equivalent orifice          a theoretical sharp-edged orifice used as a reference in measuring the resistance offered by a fan or other rotating device.

18289             EQUIVALENT POINT                  상당점 ; 적정에 있어 분석물의 양과 첨가한 적정액의 양이 정확히 같은 점

18290             equivalent positions                 the complete set of atomic positions produced by the operation of the symmetry elements of the space group upon any general atomic position in a crystal.

18291             equivalent reflections                the principle that when a complete set of X-ray diffraction data has been collected, there are eight measurements for the intensities of each h, k, l, corresponding to combinations of positive and negative values of each. Some of these reflections that are equivalent by the symmetry of the crystal have (within experimental error) identical intensities. For high-symmetry crystals, other reflections may also be equivalent, e.g., hkl, klh, and lhk for cubic crystals.

18292             equivalent vapor volume           the volume that would be taken up by a barrel of oil if the oil were converted to a vapor.

18293             equivalent viscous damping                     a concept that simplifies calculations of vibratory systems by equating all of the actual types of damping to an assumed viscous equivalent.

18294             equivalent weight                     the gram weight of a given element that will combine with or replace one mole (008 grams) of hydrogen atoms or one-half mole (8 grams) of oxygen atoms; a mass equal to the element's atomic weight divided by its valence. Also, COMBINING WEIGHT.

18295             equiviscous temperature           a method of expressing viscosity as measured in a tar efflux viscometer.

18296             ER                 Ecosystem Restoration; Electrical Resistivity

18297             ERA               Economic Regulatory Agency

18298             ERAMS           Environmental Radiation Ambient Monitoring System

18299             erase oscillator            a circuit in a tape recorder that generates the high-frequency signals needed to erase the tape.

18300             erbium           a solid rare-earth (lanthanide) element of the yttrium group having the symbol Er, the atomic number 68, an atomic weight of 167.26, a melting point of 1522°C, and a boiling point of about 2500°C; a soft, malleable solid with a metallic luster and high electrical resistivity, used in lasers, alloys, and nuclear reactors. (From Ytterby, Sweden, where it was first found and identified.)

