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환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 17901-18000

by 리치캣 2023. 1. 11.

환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 17901-18000

번호                  용어                  해설

17901             electrostatic accelerator            a device that uses an electrostatic field in a vacuum to greatly increase the velocity of charged particles. Also, ELECTROSTATIC GENERATOR.

17902             electrostatic analyzer                a device that filters an electron beam by allowing only electrons within an extremely narrow velocity range to pass through it.

17903             electrostatic bond                    a valence bond of two atoms by an electrostatic force caused by one or more electrons moving from one atom to the other

17904             electrostatic deflection              the movement of an electron beam due to the electrostatic field produced by electrodes on either side of the beam; primarily used in cathode-ray tubes for oscilloscopes and in old-fashioned television picture tubes.

17905             electrostatic detection               a technique for locating a solid body, such as a mineral deposit, by using specialized equipment to measure the electrostatic field surrounding the body.

17906             electrostatic energy                  the energy contained in electricity or an electric charge at rest.

17907             electrostatic focus                    in television picture tubes, a technique for directing an electron beam in a cathode-ray tube by varying the voltage applied to the focusing electrode.

17908             ELECTROSTATIC FORCES WITHIN FILTER                     정전기력 필터 ; 입상여재 여과지내에서 부유물질제거에 기여하는 메카니즘

17909             electrostatic lens          a collection of plates or cylinders whose electrostatic properties cause an electron beam to refract in a manner similar to the refraction of light by an optical lens.

17910             ELECTROSTATIC PRECIPITATOR                  전기집진기; 대기오염방지 장치중 분진입자 제거 장치

17911             Electrostatic Precipitator (EPA)                   A device that removes particles from a gas stream (smoke) after combustion occurs. The EPA imparts an electrical charge to the particles, causing them to adhere to metal plates inside the precipitator. Rapping on the plates causes the particles to fall into a hopper for disposal.

17912             electrostatic scanning               a scanning method in which an electrostatic field directs the electron beam.

17913             ELECTROSTATIC SEPARATION                    정전기식 선별; 폐기물처리공정중 자력및 전기선별에 이용되는 장비

17914             electrostatic storage                 a device in which information is stored as electrostatic charges on a dielectric surface. Also, ELECTROSTATIC MEMORY.

17915             electrostatic valence rule           a rule stating that in a stable state, the valence (combining power) of negatively charged atoms equals the total strength of the bonds that they have formed with nearby positively charged ions.

17916             electrostatics               the study of the electrical phenomena associated with electric charges at rest.

17917             electrostriction             the elastic deforming of a dielectric material when stressed by an electric field.

17918             electrostrictive             describing an acoustic device whose operation is based on the energy produced by the change in dimensions of an electrostrictive material, such as barium titinate. Thus, electrostrictive microphone, electrostrictive transducer.

17919             electrosynthesis           a synthesis reaction that is induced by an electric current flow in an electrochemical cell.

17920             electrothermal recording           in facsimile, a technique in which an image is produced on a recording medium by heat generated by electronic signals.

17921             electrovalence              the number of positive or negative charges that an atom acquires by transferring its electrons to another atom to form a compound.the number of positive or negative charges that an atom acquires by transferring its electrons to another atom to form a compound. the chemical bond resulting from such a process; an ionic bond.the chemical bond resulting from such a process; an ionic bond.

17922             electrovalent                relating to electrovalence or to an electrovalent bond (ionic bond).

17923             Elektrion process          a method of condensation and polymerization in which a light mineral oil and fatty oil mixture is exposed to an electric discharge in a hydrogen atmosphere, yielding a viscous oil.

17924             ELELCTROGRAVIMETRY             전기무게법 분석 : 분석물이 일정 조성의 단일 생성물로 완전히 산화되거나 혹은 환원될 때까지 충분히 오랜시간 전기분해를 계속 행할 때, 어느 한 전극에 석출된 생성물의 무게를 달아 분석하는 방법

17925             element 104                an artificial element of atomic weight 261; the twelfth transuranium element, and first beyond the actinide series. Also, KURCHATOVIUM.

17926             elemental analysis                    any of various methods used to determine the relative weight of an element in a compound.

17927             elementary process                  an event that takes place at the atomic or molecular level during a larger chemical reaction.

17928             ELEMENTARY REACTION           기본반응

17929             elements of the trajectory          a trajectory's features, such as angle of fall, peak altitude, and so on.

17930             eleometer                   an instrument for determining the percentage of oil in a mixture, as well as the specific gravity of oils.

17931             eleoptene                   the liquid part or hydrocarbon of a volatile oil. Also, elaeoptene.

17932             ELEVATED INVERSION               공중역전층; 지면역전과는 달리 역전층이 공중에 떠 있는 경우에 생김

17933             ELEVATED TANK           고가탱크 ; 높은 지대 위에 설치한 탱크

17934             elevator          an enclosed platform or cage used to transport people or materials vertically in a building shaft.an enclosed platform or cage used to transport people or materials vertically in a building shaft. an endless chain or belt device having buckets, scoops, arms, or trays to lift materials to a higher level.an endless chain or belt device having buckets, scoops, arms, or trays to lift materials to a higher level.

17935             elevator dredge           a dredge used to mine sand and gravel beds, using buckets mounted on a ladder.

17936             elevator link                one of the cylindrical bars that are attached and give support to a drilling rig elevator; it engages the hook of the traveling block suspended on the steel cable lines. Also, elevator bail.

17937             elevator rod                a steel block equipped with an opening and latching system that allows insertion of a sucker rod.

17938             Elgin extractor             a multistage extractor with spray-tower and counterflow features, in which the diameter of the base section is made larger to eliminate flow restriction at the site of light-liquid introduction.

17939             ELI                 Environmental Law Institute

17940             ELI/PAC           환경법 프로그램 활동센타  environmental law and institutions program activity center

17941             Eligible Costs               The construction costs for wastewater treatment works upon which EPA grants are based.

17942             eliminator                   any device, generally a battery, that replaces an inferior or inconvenient component.any device, generally a battery, that replaces an inferior or inconvenient component. any device that diminishes or eliminates an undesirable signal or quantity.any device that diminishes or eliminates an undesirable signal or quantity.

17943             elixir              in the practice of alchemy, a substance that was thought to be able to change base metals into gold.

17944             elliptical orbit              any orbit that follows an ellipse.

17945             elliptical polarization                   polarization in which a vector representing a wave component at any point in space describes an ellipse in a plane perpendicular to the propagation direction.

17946             elongation                  the stretching of a member by tensile stress, including plastic stretching.

17947             ELR                Environmental Law Reporter

17948             eluant            the liquid used to effect the separation of materials in an elution process.

17949             eluate             the product or substance that is separated out in an elution process.

17950             elution           a process of removing and separating substances adsorbed on a fixed bed by a stream of liquid or gas.  Materials Science. a chromatographic separation in which an eluant is passed through the chromatographic bed after the addition of the sample.  Virology. the dissociation of an adsorbed virus particle.

17951             ELUTION CHROMATOGRAPHY                  용리 크로마토그래피

17952             elution profile              a graph that represents the amount of a material removed from a liquid chromatography column; used to identify various compounds.

17953             ELUTRIATION               세척

17954             EM                 환경관리  environmental management

17955             EM                 Electromagnetic Conductivity

17956             EM, 지구의 만병통치약?           얼마 전부터 EM이라는 복합 미생물체가 정부와 학계를 비롯한 사용자 이익단체 등 여러  사람의 입에 자주 오르내리고 있다. EM Effective Micro organisms의 약칭으로 우리나라에서는 유효미생물군으로 불리어지고 있다. EM은 탱크 배양한 액체로 광합성세균을 중심으로 유산균 효모 방선균 따위의 산소를 싫어하는 혐기성 또는 비호기성인 5 10 80종 이상의 미생물로 조합되어 있으며 여럿의 미생물이 공존공생하면서 상승효과를 발휘하여 인간 토양 환경 등에 유익한 기능을 수행하도록 한 것이다.        EM이란 이름은 그 개발자인 히가 데루오(比嘉照夫, 일본 오끼나와 대학 농학부) 교수가  명명한 하나의 고유명사로 1982년부터 보급되기 시작했다. 일본에서는 구세농법으로 활용되기 시작한 EM이 체계적로 보급되기 시작한 것은 태국에서이며 그 이후 일본, 브라질 등으로 현재는 까다롭기로 유명한 미국, 호주, 뉴질랜드 등 세계 40개국 이상에서 신 산업혁명의  불씨가 될 수 있다고 간주되며 보급되고 있다.        지금 중병으로 질식 상태에 있는 지구를 소생시킬 수 있는 기술이라고까지 일컬어지는 EM의 보급 상황을 보면 대체로 경제적으로 어려운 국가와 국민 또는 적극성을 갖는 몇몇 실천가에 의해 먼저 보급되다가 그 효과가 인정되면서 확대되는 것으로 알려지고 있다. 이는 우리나라의 경우도 예외는 아니다.        히가 교수는 연작장해와 원예 생산의 증대를 연구하는 과정에서 여러 번의 실패 끝에 우연히 EM을 발견했다고 말하고 있다. 이런 EM이 처음에는 농업과 원예 분야에서 효과가 확인되기 시작하였으나 나중에는 축산과 유기성 폐기물의 재이용 분야에서 그리고 최근에는 수질정화, 건강문제, 건축, 공업, 소재공학 등 여러 분야에 이르기까지 그 응용이 시도되고 그 결과가 하나 둘 밝혀지고 있다.

17957             emanation security                   a form of communications security that prevents an unauthorized person from obtaining information from unintentional electronic emissions other than telecommunications.

17958             EMAP             Environmental Mapping and Assessment Program

17959             E-map            a Fourier map, equivalent to an electron-density map for a crystal structure, with phases derived by direct methods and normalized structure amplitudes, |E(hkl)| replacing |F(hkl)| in the Fourier summation. Since the |E| values correspond to sharpened atoms, the peaks on the resulting E-map are sharper than those computed with |F| values.

17960             E-MARK          환경마크 : 환경에 대한 일종의 품질인정 마크

17961             EMAS             Enforcement Management and Accountability System

17962             EMBODIED EMISSIONS             모든 중간 투입물을 포함하여 소비재 생산과정에서 대기로 방출되는 가스

17963             emboss          to raise a design in relief; carry out an embossing process.

17964             embrittlement              the increase in brittleness of a material because of chemical, molecular, or crystalline change, or lowered temperature.

17965             Emergency (Chemical)              A situation created by an accidental release or spill of hazardous chemicals that poses a threat to the safety of workers, residents, the environment, or property.

17966             emergency brake          a hand- or foot-operated mechanical brake designed to keep a motor vehicle from rolling when it is parked. Also, PARKING BRAKE, HAND BRAKE.a hand- or foot-operated mechanical brake designed to keep a motor vehicle from rolling when it is parked. Also, PARKING BRAKE, HAND BRAKE. any brake used to stop a vehicle in an emergency.any brake used to stop a vehicle in an emergency.

17967             Emergency Episode                  (See: air pollution episode.)

17968             Emergency Exemption                 Provision in FIFRA under which EPA can grant temporary exemption to a state or another federal agency to allow the use of a pesticide product not registered for that particular use. Such actions involve unanticipated and/or severe pest problems where there is not time or interest by a manufacturer to register the product for that use. (Registrants cannot apply for such exemptions.)

17969             EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS AND RESPONSE                  긴급사태시 준비 및 대응책()

17970             EMERGENCY RELIEF SYSTEM                    비상구조설비

17971             Emergency Removal Action                      1. Steps take to remove contaminated materials that pose Aimminent threats to local residents (e.g.,removal of leaking drums or the excavation of explosive waste.) 2. The state record of such removals.

17972             Emergency Response Values                     Concentrations of chemicals, punblished by various groups, defining acceptable levels for short-term exposures in emer-gencies.

17973             Emergency Suspension                Suspension of a pesticide product registration due to an imminent hazard. The action immediately halts distribution, sale, and sometimes actual use of the pesticide involved.

17974             EMERGENT PLANT                   정수식물

17975             emf or e.m.f.               electromotive force. Also, EMF, E.M.F.electromotive force. Also, EMF, E.M.F.

17976             EMF는 무엇을 의미하는가?                      자연적인 또는 인공적인 전자파를 포함하여, 송전선, 가정의 전기배선 및 가전제품 등으로부터 발생되는 모든 전기장, 자기장 및 전자기장을 통칭하여 EMF(Electric, Magnetic, and Electromagnetic Field)라고 합니다.

17977             EMF-RAPID 프로그램                1992년 미국의 에너지 정책법에 의해 국립환경건강과학연구소 (National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences : NIEHS)와 에너지부(Department of Energy : DoE)의 협력연구로서 5년간의 RAPID 프로그램을 시작하였습니다. 이 연구는 발전, 송전, 배전에서부터 전기 에너지의 사용에 이르기까지 60 Hz 전원주파수 노출에 따른 인체 위험성에 대한 과학적 증거를 찾는 것을 목적으로 하였습니다.        EMF-RAPID 프로그램의 연구는 다음의 3 가지 기본 개념으로 이루어졌습니다.        (1) 건강영향 연구에 초점을 둔 프로그램        (2) 연구 결과의 편찬과 공공 봉사        (3) 건강영향에 대한 잠재적 위험성 평가        극저주파 전자기장과의 관련성이 가장 큰 것으로 인식되고 있는 어린이의 백혈병과 직업인에게서의 만성 임파구 백혈병에 대한 역학연구에서는, 노출이 증가할 때 위험성의 미약한 증가가 일관성 있게 나타났으며, 만성 임파구 백혈병이 어린이 백혈병보다 더 상관관계가 있음을 보였습니다. 그러나 동물실험연구에서는 일관성 있는 연구 결과를 보이지 못하였습니다.        결론적으로, RAPID 프로그램을 통해 NIEHS 는 극저주파 EMF 노출로 인한 백혈병 위험성에 대한 결정적인 증거를 확보하지는 못하였으나, 현재로서 극저주파 전자기장의 악영향이 전혀 없다고는 볼 수 없기 때문에 앞으로의 지속적인 연구가 필요하다고 할 수 있겠습니다.

17978             EMINWA                     내수의 환경적으로 건전한 관리  environmentally sound management of inland waters

17979             Emission                     Pollution discharged into the atmosphere from smokestacks, other vents, and surface areas of commercial or industrial facilities; from residential chimneys; and from motor vehicle, locomotive, or air-craft exhausts.

17980             emission                     the waves radiated into space by a transmitter.  Optics. the production of photons of wavelengths in the visible spectrum, caused by electron jumps from higher to lower energy levels.

17981             Emission Cap              A limit designed to prevent projected growth in emissions from existing and future stationary sources from eroding any mandated reductions. Generally, such provisions require that any emission growth from facilities under the restrictions be offset by equivalent reductions at other facilities under the same ap. (See: emissions trading)

17982             emission characteristics            the relationship between the ejection of charged particles, especially electrons, and the factors, such as temperature or voltage in a filament or heater, that cause them to be ejected; often indicated graphically.

17983             EMISSION CHARGE                  배출부과금 : 오염물질을 배출기준치 이상으로 초과하여 배출하는 경우 사업자에게 금전적으로 일정한 부담금을 부과하는데 이를 배출부과금이라고 함

17984             emission Charges                     배출부과금

17985             EMISSION CREDIT TRADING                     배출권 매매

17986             emission electron microscope                   an instrument that projects electrons emitted from a metal surface onto a fluorescent screen, with or without focusing the electrons.

17987             EMISSION FACTOR                   배출계수; 오염배출공장에 지역대기에 부하되는 오염농도를 평가하기 위한 연방오염원 운영기준

17988             Emission Factor           The relationship between the amount of pollution produced and the amount of raw material processed. For example, am emission factor for a blast furnace making iron would be the number of pounds of particulates per ton of raw materials.

17989             EMISSION GUIDELINES             배출규제지침

17990             EMISSION INVENTORY              오염물 배출량 조사

17991             Emission Inventory                  A listing, by source, of the amount of air pollutants discharged into the atmosphere of a community; used to establish emission standards.

17992             Emission limitation                   A requirement established by a State, local government, or the Administrator which limits the quantity, rate, or concentration of emissions of air pollutants on a continuous basis, including any requirements which limit the level of opacity, prescribe equipment, set fuel specifications, or prescribe operation or maintenance procedures for a source to assure continuous emission reduction.

17993             EMISSION LINE            방출선

17994             emission security          the component of communications security that prevents an unauthorized person from obtaining information from unintentional telecommunications emissions

17995             EMISSION STANDARD              배출기준 : 환경기준이 환경질의 목표기준인데 반하여 배출기준은 일종의 규제기준임. 즉 배출할 수 있는 허용한계기준을 말함

17996             Emission Standard                   The maximum amount of air polluting discharge legally allowed from a single source, mobile or stationary.

17997             Emissions Trading                    The creation of surplus emission reductions at certain stacks, vents or similar emissioms sources and the use of this surplus to meet or redefine pollution requirements applicable to other emissions sources. This allows one source to increase emissions when another source reduces them, maintaining an overall constant emission level. facilities that reduce emissions substantially may bank their credits or sell them to other facilities or industries.

17998             EMISSIVITY                  방출능

17999             emitter           a device that generates charged particles or waves of radiation.a device that generates charged particles or waves of radiation. also, emitter region. in a bipolar transistor, the region that generates the charge carriers that proceed to the collector.also, emitter region. in a bipolar transistor, the region that generates the charge carriers that proceed to the collector.

18000             emitter barrier             an area between the emitter and base regions of a transistor where rectification takes place.



스몰미 메모시트 [A3 크기] - 내맘대로 골라담는 10장 세트 스몰미메모시트. / 스몰미메모시트, 냉




