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환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 18101-18200

by 리치캣 2023. 1. 11.

환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 18101-18200

번호                  용어                  해설

18101             Enrichment                 The addition of nutrients (e.g., nitrogen, phosphorus, carbon compounds) from sewage effluent or agricultural runoff to surface water, greatly increases the growth potential for algae and other aquatic plants.

18102             ensilage          the preservation of green fodder in a silo or pit.

18103             entering angle             the angle formed as the side cutting edge of a tool meets a surface of a workpiece.

18104             enthalpimetric analysis             a thermochemical method of analysis that relies on measurement of temperature changes caused by reactions in solutions.

18105             ENTHALPY                  엔탈피; 평형상태의 계에서 엔탈피와 내부에너지의 변화는 어떤 반응경로에서도 일정하다

18106             enthalpy of formation               the change in enthalpy that takes place when a compound is formed from individual elements.

18107             enthalpy of mixing                   the difference in enthalpy between a mixture and the sum of its individual components.

18108             enthalpy of phase change                        the change in enthalpy that takes place as a substance changes from one phase to another, as from a liquid to a gas. Also, entropy of transition.

18109             enthalpy of reaction                 the change in enthalpy that accompanies a chemical reaction. Also, enthalpy of chemical reaction.

18110             enthalpy of state change           the change in enthalpy that takes place as a substance changes its state, as when a gas expands.

18111             Entrain           To trap bubbles in water either mechanically through turbulence or chemically through a reaction.

18112             entrainer                     an additive of organic water-insoluble liquid that forms an azeotrope with a component in a liquid mixture, to help in separations that are impossible or difficult to accomplish by normal distillation procedures.

18113             entrainment                any process in which particulates are caught up in and then carried away by a flowing gas or liquid.

18114             entrapment                 a method for immobilizing enzymes or cells by passing them through a polymeric mesh large enough for substrates and nutrients to pass, but small enough to trap the higher molecular weight biological materials.

18115             ENTROPY                    엔트로피; 특정온도의 계를 유지하는데 필요하고, 변환에 이용되지 않는 에너지 영역

18116             entropy of formation                the change in entropy that takes place when a compound is formed from individual elements.

18117             entropy of mixing                    the difference in entropy between a mixture and the sum of its individual components.

18118             entropy of phase change          the change in entropy that takes place as a substance changes from one phase to another, as from a liquid to a gas. Also, entropy of transition.

18119             entropy of reaction                  the change in entropy that accompanies a chemical reaction. Also, entropy of chemical reaction.

18120             entropy of state change            the change in entropy that takes place as a substance changes its state, such as when a gas expands.

18121             entry ballistics             the ballistics of a warhead or other body entering an atmosphere from outer space.

18122             ENUMERATION            대장균의 계수; 대장균 수를 가리킴

18123             Environment                The sum of all external conditions affecting the life, development and survival of an organism.

18124             environment analysis    (환경 분석)                     하천, 대기, 토양등의 생활환경 영역에  있어서의 오염물질과, 생물에게로의 영향 물질의  량을 분석 측정하는 일. 다이옥신의 토양 오염 조사, 환경 홀몬의 생태에로의 영향 조사에 있어서의 분석 측정등.

18125             Environment Health Indicators (환경보건지표)                 환경적 노출과 건강영향의 관련성이 입증된 환경지표 또는 건강지표. 환경보건지표는 환경과 관련한 건강상태나 위험성을 평가하여 환경보건정책을 추진할 뿐 아니라 정책을 평가하는 데 활용될 수 있다. 환경보건지표 개발을 위한 대표적인 방법으로 WHO에서 제시한 DPSEEA 모형과 MEME 모형이 있다.

18126             ENVIRONMENT TEMPERATURE CURVE                     환경기온곡선 : 대기의 실제 온도분포를 나타내는곡선

18127             environmenta refugees             환경피난민들

18128             environmental accounting                        환경계정 (회계)

18129             environmental acoustics            the branch of acoustics that deals with the noise and vibrations produced by motor vehicles, aircraft, machinery, industrial equipment, and other such sources of environmental sound.the branch of acoustics that deals with the noise and vibrations produced by motor vehicles, aircraft, machinery, industrial equipment, and other such sources of environmental sound. any of various efforts to minimize or control such noise and vibrations.any of various efforts to minimize or control such noise and vibrations.

18130             environmental and internetional trade                     환경과 국제무역

18131             ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS IN PRODUCT STANDARD                 제품표준의 환경적 측면 : EAPS, 제품규격 작성시 고려해야 할 환경적 합성의 개념과 특성을 확인하는 절차에 대한 규정

18132             Environmental Assessment                       An environmental analysis prepared pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act to determine whether a federal action would significantly affect the environment and thus require a more detailed environmental impact statement.

18133             Environmental Audit                 An independent assessment of the current status of a party's compliance with applicable environmental requirements or of a party's environmental compliance policies, practices, and controls.

18134             ENVIRONMENTAL AUDITING                    환경감시 : EA, 환경경영체제를 감사할 때, 적용하는 감사절차, 감사자의 자격등에 관한 절차와 기준을 정의한 규정

18135             Environmental Conditions (환경 조건)                     기기가 운송, 보관, 취급하고, 및 조작중에 노출되는 모든 조건.

18136             ENVIRONMENTAL CONSTRAINTS              환경제약; 단위 조작 및 공정의 선정과 평가시에 고려되어야 할 인자

18137             Environmental Coordinating Board(ECB)                     환경협력기구

18138             environmental cracking             cracking due to chemical, thermal, radioactive, or other environmental stresses.

18139             environmental defence             환경방위

18140             Environmental Defense Fund                    환경보호기금

18141             Environmental economics             Questions of the social costs and benefits that accompany issues relating to pollution, resource depletion, and environmental degradation fall within the area of environmental economics. Few today would disagree that a factory emitting large amounts of smoke causes air pollution, which affects the health of local residents. A fundamental issue in environmental economics is the assessment of the costs of that pollution to the residents, in terms of illness; to society, in terms of health-care costs and lost work time; and, ultimately, to the world, as the factory smoke contributes to the formation of acid rain and may increase the likelihood of global warming. Equally important, however, is the inclusion in the cost equation, of the values created by the activities of the polluting factory: the usefulness of its products and the worth of the jobs it creates.

18142             Environmental Effect                환경효과

18143             Environmental Epidemiology (환경역학)                     질병 발생을 야기하는 환경 중 위해요인을 인구집단을 대상으로 분석하여 질병예방 및 통제에 활용할 수 있도록 하는 것을 목표로 하는 학문분야. 이러한 환경역학 연구의 수행은 특정한 지역 사회에서 발생되는 환경보건 문제에 대한 인식과 적절한 우선순위 설정을 통하여 이루어지게 된다.

18144             Environmental Equity/Justice                    Equal protection from environmental hazards for individuals, groups, or com-munities regardless of race, ethnicity, or economic status. This applies to the development, implementation, and enforcement of environmental laws, regulations, and policies, and implies that no population of people should be forced to shoulder a disproportionate share of negative environmental impacts of pollution or environmental hazard due to a lack of political or economic strength levels..

18145             Environmental Exposure            Human exposure to pollutants orgination from facility emissions. Threshold levels are not necessarily surpassed, but low-level chronic pollutant exposure is one of the most common forms of environmental exposure (See: threshold level).

18146             Environmental Fate                   The destiny of a chemical or biological pollutant after release into the environment.

18147             Environmental Fate Data           Data that characterize a pesticide's fate in the ecosystem, considering factors that foster its degradation (light, water, microbes), pathways and resultant products.

18148             Environmental Health Act (환경보건법)                     환경오염과 유해화학물질의 영향과 피해로부터 국민 건강을 보호하고 예방 하기 위한 목적으로 만들어진 법. 환경보건과 관련한 대표적인 법으로서 (법률 제9932) 2008년에 만들어져 2009 3월부터 시행되었다.

18149             ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT                       환경영향 : 조직의 활동, 제품 및 서비스가 전체적 또는 부분적으로 환경에 미치는 영향으로써 부정적 또는 긍정적, 전체적 또는 부분적일 수 있음

18150             ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT                     환경영향평가 : 환경파괴를 최소화하고, 환경적으로 건전하고, 지속가능한 개발을 위한 잠재력을 최대화하기 위해 제안된 조치들을 검토, 분석, 평가하는 과정

18151             Environmental Impact Statement               A document required of federal agencies by the National Environmental Policy Act for major projects or legislative proposals significantly affecting the environment. A tool for deci-sion making, it describes the positive and negative effects of the undertaking and cites alternative actions.

18152             ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT SYSTEM                     환경영향평가; EIS

18153             Environmental Indicator            A measurement, statistic or value that provides a proximate gauge or evidence of the effects of environmental management programs or of the state or condition of the environment.

18154             ENVIRONMENTAL INDUSTRY                    환경산업 : 산업활동인 국민의 일상생활에 수반되는 오염물질의 측정, 사전적 저감, 사후적 처리 등에 투입되는 모든 제품이나 설비, 서비스를 말함

18155             ENVIRONMENTAL LABELING                    환경라벨링 : EL, 제품이 환경친화적인 것인지를 전과정 평가를 통해 검토하고 적합한 경우 환경인증을 부여하는 절차와 방법에 대한 규정

18156             Environmental Labelling-Type 1                 환경표기 제1형태

18157             Environmental Labelling-Type 2                 환경표시 제2형태

18158             Environmental Labelling-Type 3                 환경표시 제3형태

18159             Environmental Liability Insurance              환경배상책임보험제도

18160             Environmental Lien                  A charge, security, or encumbrance on a property's title to secure payment of cost or debt arising from response actions, cleanup, or other remediation of hazardous substances or petroleum products.

18161             Environmental Management Manual                     환경경영교범

18162             Environmental Management Programme                     환경경영추진계획서

18163             Environmental Management Review                     환경경영검토

18164             ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM AUDIT            환경관리시스템의 감사()

18165             Environmental Management System Audit Criteria           환경경영체제감사기준

18166             Environmental Medium             A major environmental category that surrounds or contacts humans, animals, plants, and other organisms (e.g., surface water, ground water, soil or air) and through which chemicals or pollutants move. (See: ambient medium, biological medium.)

18167             ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING               환경감시; 매립지에서 배출되는 매립가스와 침출수의 움직임을 감시하기 위한것으로 액상 및 기체상의 시료들의 수집, 분석등에 관련된 활동을 말한다 

18168             Environmental Monitoring for Public Access and Community Tracking           Joint EPA, NOAA, and USGS program to provide timely and effective communication of environmental data and information through improved and updated technology solutions that support timely environmental monitoring reporting, interpeting, and use of the information for the benefit of the public. (See: real-time monitoring.)

18169             ENVIRONMENTAL OBJECTIVES                  환경목표 조직 : 스스로 달성하고자 수립한 환경방침에서 비롯되는 전반적인 환경목적

18170             ENVIRONMENTAL PERFORMANCE             환경성과 조직의 환경방침 : 목표, 세부목표에 근거하여 조직의 활동, 제품 및 서비스의 환경적 측면등 환경체제의 측정가능한 결과임

18171             ENVIRONMENTAL PERFORMANCE EVALUATION               환경성과 평가 : EPE, 조직의 다양한 환경관리 성과를 계량화하여 평가하고 관리할 수 있는 기준을 정의한 규정

18172             environmental perspective to the year 2000 and beyond                     2000년대를 향한 환경전망

18173             ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY          환경방침; 전반적인 환경성과의 관련한 조직의 의도와 원칙으로서 환경목표와 세부목표를 설정하고 행동하기 위한 기본틀을 제공함

18174             Environmental quality standard (환경질 기준)                일반적으로 농도로 표기되는 환경 부분( : 담수, 대기, 토양)에 대한 목표 한계.

18175             ENVIRONMENTAL REFUGEES                    환경피난민들

18176             Environmental Report               환경보고서

18177             Environmental Response Team                  EPA experts located in Edison, N.J., and Cincinnati, OH, who can provide around-the-clock technical assistance to EPA regional offices and states during all types of hazardous waste site emergencies and spills of hazardous substances.

18178             environmental security              환경 안보

18179             Environmental Site Assessment                 The process of determining whether contamination is present on a parcel of real property.

18180             ENVIRONMENTAL SOUND ENERGY SYSTEM          환경적으로 안전한 에너지 체제

18181             Environmental Sustainability                     Long-term maintenance of ecosystem components and functions for future generations.

18182             ENVIRONMENTAL TARGETS                      환경세부목표 : 가능한 한 계량화되고 조직 전체 또는 부분에 적용될 수 있는 상세한 성과 요건으로서 환경 목표에 따라 설정되며 환경목적달성을 위한 수단적 목표의 성격을 띰

18183             Environmental Tobaco Smoke                   Mixture of smoke from the burning end of a cigarette, pipe, or cigar and smoke exhaled by the smoker. (See; passive smoking/secondhand smoke.)

18184             Environmental/Ecological Risk                  The potential for adverse effects on living orgenisms associated with pollution of the environment by effluents, emissions, wastes, or accidental chemical releases; energy use; or the depletion of natural resources.

18185             Environmentally Sound Energy System                     환경적으로 안전한 음향에너지 시스템

18186             ENZYMATIC HYDROLYSIS          효소가수분해

18187             EO                 Ethylene Oxide

18188             EOC               Emergency Operating Center

18189             EOF                Emergency Operations Facility (RTP)

18190             EOM, EXTRACELLAR ORGANIC MATTER                     세포외 유기물

18191             EOP               End Of Pipe

18192             EOT                Emergency Operations Team

18193             Eotvos correction                     a correction made in gravity measurement to compensate for centripetal acceleration caused by the earth's rotation.

18194             Eotvos unit                 a unit of gravitational gradient of acceleration, equal to 10-9 gallon per horizontal centimeter.

18195             EP                  Earth Protectors; Environmental Profile; End-use Product; Experimental Product; Extraction Procedure

18196             EP TOXICITY TEXT                     독성평가; 유기물의 생물학적 분해에 의하여 생성되는 유기산이 존재하는 혼합폐기물 매립지에서 침출수발생을 가정한 모의 시험법, EP

18197             EPA                미국환경청 : Environmental Protection Agency

18198             EPA (Environmental Protection Agency)                     미국 환경보호국

18199             EPAA              Environmental Programs Assistance Act

18200             EPAAR            EPA Acquisition Regulations



컬러링 스몰미빌딩 (20개 도시 세트) 미술교육. 창의력 발달. 해외여행. 창의력교육. 색칠공부, :

[스몰미 와 아트리트] 나만의 작은 나. 스몰미, 색다른 자기표현. smallME.



