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환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 18001-18100

by 리치캣 2023. 1. 11.

환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 18001-18100

번호                  용어                  해설

18001             emitter bias                 voltage applied to the emitter electrode on a semiconductor in order to establish a reference level for operation.

18002             emitter follower           a device in which amplification is achieved by applying the input signal to the base and taking the output signal from the emitter resistor.

18003             emitter resistance                    in a bipolar transistor, the ratio of the emitter-to-base voltage to the emitter current.

18004             emitter-coupled logic               a logic circuit whose operation is based on pairs of transistors with their emitters connected together.

18005             EMPA Data                  Environmental monitoring data collected under the auspices of the Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program. All EMPA data share the common attribute of being of known quality, having been collected in the context of explicit data quality objectives (DQOs) and a consistent quality assurance program.

18006             empirical formula                    a simple written representation of the chemical composition of a molecule that indicates the types and relative numbers of atoms in the molecule, but not the structure and not necessarily the number of atoms. For example, CH is the empirical formula for both acetylene (molecular formula: C2H2) and benzene (molecular formula: C6H6).

18007             EMR               Environmental Management Report

18008             EMS               Enforcement Management System

18009             EMS (Energy Management System)                     환경경영체제. 전력 시스템의 종합적인 관리 및 제어의 효율의 극대화를 실현합니다. SCADA(Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) DCS(Distributed Control System)에 고도의 진보된 응용 소프트웨어를 부가하여 기존의 SCADA DCS의 기능을 대량 확장한 것으로서 실시간 감시 및 제어·안전성 향상·경제적 운전·시뮬레이션·운용자 운용 훈련 등 다양한 기능들을 가지고 전력회사의 전력계통 운전에 혁신적 효율 증대를 이룩 합니다.

18010             EMSL             Environmental Monitoring Support System Laboratory

18011             EMTS             Environmental Monitoring Testing Site; Exposure Monitoring Test Site

18012             emulsification test                    a standard laboratory technique for determining the ability of insulating oils, turbine oils, and other lubricating oils to resist emulsification.

18013             Emulsifier                   A chemical that aids in suspending one liquid in another. Usually an organic chemical in an aqueous solution.

18014             emulsion                    any stable mixture of two or more immiscible liquids where one liquid (in the form of fine droplets or globules) is dispersed in the other.  Food Technology. a practical example of this used as a sauce or flavoring; mayonnaise is an emulsion of oil in egg yolks.  Pharmacology. a preparation of one liquid distributed throughout the body of a second, usually more palatable, liquid; e.g., cod-liver oil emulsion with malt.  Graphic Arts. a photosensitive coating for film or printing plates, usually made of silver salts suspended in a gelatin base.

18015             enabling pulse             the surge of electric current that activates a device or prepares it for a subsequent function.

18016             enantiomer                 either of two molecules of the same chemical composition that are mirror images of each other but not identical, such as one of a pair of optical isomers containing chiral carbon atoms. Also, enantiomorph.

18017             enantiomeric excess                 in a synthesis that is asymmetric, a product yield in which more of a desired enantiomer is produced relative to other products.

18018             enantiotropic ligand                 a ligand whose addition or replacement gives rise to an enantiomeric compound.

18019             enantiotropy               the existence of a compound in two crystalline forms, one of which is stable below a certain temperature (the transition temperature) and the other of which is stable above it.

18020             ENCAPSULATION          피막화; 오염물질에 피막을 입히는 것

18021             Encapsulation              The treatment of asbestos-containing material with a liquid that covers the surface with a protective coating or embeds fibers in an adhesive matrix to prevent their release into the air.

18022             Enclosure                    Putting an airtight, impermeable, permanent barrier around asbestos-containing materials to prevent the release of asbestos fibers into the air.

18023             ENCLOSURE HOOD                  포위형 후드 : 후드의 종류로서, 오염원을 완전히 둘러싸고 공기의 면속도가 충분히 고려된 형태

18024             encroachment             the replacement of gas or oil by the movement of edge water or bottom water into a reservoir as the gas or oil is withdrawn, which reduces both the reservoir pressure and the remaining volume of gas or oil.

18025             end cap (엔드캡)          모쥬르 또는 요소의 통로끝을 밀폐하는 물건.

18026             end mill          a milling cutter having radially disposed teeth and spiral blades; used for facing, shaping, and cutting.

18027             END OF PIPE CONTROL            소극적 사후관리방법; 폐기물관리를 폐기물발생후 처리에 중점을 둔 소극적인 사후 관리방법

18028             END OF THE PIPE TECHNOLOGY               사후처리기술; 사전예방의 상대적 개념으로 사용되며 기존의 대기, 수질오염물질의 처리기술로 일단 발생된 오염물질을 처리정화하는 기술을 의미함

18029             end point                   a point in a titration reaction, usually indicated by a color change of the sample, at which the titrant has been added in equal proportions to the material titrated.  : the highest thermometer reading when a determined proportion of a given liquid has boiled off in an analysis of distillation. Also, FINAL BOILING POINT.  Immunology. the highest dilution to which an antibody or antiserum solution can be carried and still exhibit a detectable reaction with the antigen.  Mathematics. a boundary point of an interval, line segment, or arc.  Robotics. the point in a path of motion where a robot stops.

18030             End Points 엔드· 포인트 (종점)                 훌스케일의 캐소책자-숀 곡선의 종점.

18031             End User                    Consumer of products for the purpose of recycling. Excludes products for re-use or combustion for energy recovery.

18032             end uses                     최종 사용(소비)

18033             Endangered Species                 Animals, birds, fish, plants, or other living organisms threatened with extinction by anthropogenic (man-caused) or other natural changes in their environment. Requirements for declaring a species endangered are contained in the Endangered Species Act.

18034             Endangerment Assessment                       A study to determine the nature and extent of contamination at a site on the National Prioritis List and the risks posed to public health or the environment. EPA or the state conducts the study when a legal action is to be taken to direct potentially responsible parties to clean up a site or pay for it. An endangerment assessment supplements a remedial investigation.

18035             end-cell rectifier          a device that provides direct current to a circuit when the voltage in the battery drops.

18036             endergic                     taking in work; said of a chemical reaction in which the reactants have a higher free energy than the products.

18037             endergonic                 characterized by the absorption of energy; said of a chemical reaction requiring energy input to proceed, such that the products have a higher free energy than the reactants; generally associated with anabolism.

18038             ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS          내분비계 교란물질

18039             End-of-Pipe Pollution Abatement Facilities                     오염물질처리시설

18040             End-of-the-pipe           Technologies such as scrubbers on smokestacks and catalytic convertors on automobile tailpipes tha reduce emissions of pollutants after they have formed.

18041             ENDOGENEOUS RESPIRATION                  내생호흡

18042             Endogenous decay                   내생감소; 공정내에 세포질량의 감소는 공정내의 존재하는 미생물의 질량에 비례

18043             Endogenous decay coefficient                   내생감소계수; 보통 Kd로 나타냄

18044             ENDOGENOUS ORGANIC CARBON                     내생 유기탄소

18045             Endogenous phase                   내생호흡기; 섭취가능한 기질의 농도가 최소가 되어 미생물이 자체의 원형질을 대사에 이용하는 단계로 대수사멸기에 주로 나타나는 단계

18046             ENDOGONIC REACTION           에너지 흡수반응

18047             Endorsement Claims                 환경적기여주장

18048             Endosulfan                  Endosulfan은 크리스탈 혹은 turpentine과 같은 냄새를 가진 크림의, 갈색을 띤 고체이다. 이것은 차, 과일, 야채, 담배, 목화, 수확때 해충을 제어하기 위해서 사용되는 살충제이다. 미국에서는 Endosulfan가 담배와 과일 농업에 주요하게 적용된다. 이것은 나무 예방액으로서 사용된다. Endosulfan은 같은 화합물(alpha-and-beta-endosulfan) 2개의 다른 형태가 혼합된 고형물이다. 이것은 미국에서 1982년이래로 생산되어지지 않는다. 그러나, 이것은 다른 화학물을 생산하는데 사용되고 있다.        http://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/tfactd41.html

18049             endotherm                  a graph of the temperature differences between a given compound and a thermally inert reference compound, such as aluminum oxide, when both are heated at a predetermined rate.

18050             endothermic                relating to or describing any process in which a system absorbs heat from its surrounding environment.relating to or describing any process in which a system absorbs heat from its surrounding environment. of a chemical process, requiring heat in order to proceed. Thus, endothermic reaction, endothermic process. Also, ENDOERGIC.of a chemical process, requiring heat in order to proceed.

18051             ENDOTHERMIC REACTION                       흡열반응

18052             ENDPOINT                  종말점

18053             Endrin            A pesticide toxic to freshwater and marine aquatic life that produces adverse health effects in do-mestic water supplies.

18054             endurance                  the maximum amount of time that a vehicle can operate under designated conditions without refueling.

18055             End-use Product          A pesticide formulation field or other end use. The label has instructions for use or application to control pests or regulate plant growth. The term excludes products used to formulate other pesticide products.

18056             Energy 2000 - EU                     개요        - 대기전력 절감하는 제품을 보급하는 유럽의 대표적 프로그램        - GEEA와 동일기준 적용하며 같은 Energy라벨 사용        대상품목 : 컴퓨터, 모니터, 프린터, 팩시밀리, 복사기, 스캐너, 복합기, 텔레비전, 비디오, 오디오, DVD플레이어 등(15품목)        시행기관 : 스위스 에너지부(SFOE: The Swiss Federal Office of Energy)

18057             Energy and Environmental Analysis                    

18058             Energy Conservation Index                       에너지절약지수

18059             ENERGY CONTENT                   에너지 함량

18060             energy diagram           a graph of potential energy versus the position of a particle, or versus one generalized coordinate of a system.

18061             ENERGY DISSIPATION IN MIXING              교반시의 에너지 소산;

18062             ENERGY EQUIVALENT SOUND LEVEL                     등가소음도

18063             Energy Guide 라벨 표시제도 - 미국                     개요 : 에너지비용, 에너지효율 등에 대한 Energy Guide 라벨표시 및 최저효율기준 운용          대상품목        - 라벨표시: 냉장고, 에어컨, 세탁기, , 보일러 등(18품목)        - 최저효율: 냉장고, 에어컨, 보일러, 형광램프 등(23품목)        시행기관        - 라벨표시 : 미국 연방무역위원회(FTC : Federal Trade Commission)        - 최저효율 : 미국 에너지부(DOE : Department of Energy)        근거법령           - Energy Policy and Conservation Act           - National Appliance Energy Conservation Act

18064             ENERGY INTENSITY                  에너지 집약도 : 총산출에 대한 에너지 사용량

18065             energy profile              a graph that shows the changes in a system's energy levels in a chemical reaction or series of reactions.

18066             Energy Rating 라벨 표시제도 - 호주                    개요        - 라벨표시: 냉장고, 에어컨, 세탁기, 의류건조기 등(8품목)        - 최저효율: 냉장고, 냉동고, 냉동냉장고, 온수기 등(4품목)        시행기관 : DPIE(Department of Primary Industries and Energy), 각 州정부 및 호주가스협회        근거법령        - 전기제품규제법(Electrical Product Regulation)        - 전기안전기기효율규제법 (Electricity Safety(Equipment Efficiency) Regulation

18067             Energy Recovery          Obtaining energy from waste through a variety of processes (e.g., combustion).

18068             ENERGY RECOVERY SYSTEMS                   에너지회수시설

18069             ENERGY REQUIREMENTS          에너지 소요량; 단위 조작 및 공정의 선정과 평가시에 고려되어야 할 인자

18070             energy service requirement                      에너지 서비스 수요

18071             Energy Smart Program - 호주                   개요        - 가정 및 주택의 에너지소비를 절감하기 위해 에너지절약기기 보급 활성화를 위한 프로그램으로  Energy Smart Product Program Energy Smart Home Program 등으로 구성        대상품목 : 냉장고, 냉동고, 세탁기, 의류건조기, 식기세척기, 안정기내장형램프, 샤워헤드, 단열재, 온수기, 주택 등(10품목)        시행기관 : SEDA(Sustainable Energy Development Authority)

18072             Energy source             에너지원; 미생물의 에너지원은 빛과 화학적 산화반응에 의해 이루워짐

18073             Energy Star Program - 미국                     개요 : 지구환경보호를 위해 제조업체의 자발적 참여를 기초로 에너지절약기기를 보급하는 프로그램         대상품목        - 컴퓨터, 모니터, 프린터, 팩시밀리, 복사기, 스캐너, 복합기, 텔레비전, 비디오, 오디오, 냉장고, 에어컨, 세탁기, 보일러, , 에어컨, 조명기기, 변압기, 창호 등(41품목)        시행기관 : 미국 환경보호청(EPA: Environmental Protection Agency)        근거법령 : 지구환경문제에 대한 행동지침(Climate Change Action Plan)

18074             energy-conversion efficiency                    the efficiency with which the energy of a working substance in a machine is converted into kinetic energy.

18075             Energy-Efficient/Energy-Conserving/Energy-Saving                     에너지효율(적인)/에너지보존(적인)/에너지절약(적인)

18076             enfleurage                  the process of removing perfume from flowers by putting them close to an odorless tallow and lard mixture that absorbs the perfume, which is then extracted from the fatty mixture by washing with alcohol.

18077             Enforceable Requirements                        Conditions or limitations in permits issued under the Clean Water Act Section 402 or 404 that, if violated, could result in the issuance of a compliance order or initiation of a civil or criminal action under federal or applicable atate laws. If a permit has not been issued, the term includes any requirement which, in the Regional Administrator's judgement, would be included in the permit when issued. Where no permit applies, the term includes any requirement which the RA determines is necessary for the best practical waste treatment technology to meet applicable criteria.

18078             Enforcement                EPA, state, or local legal actions to obtain compliance with environmental laws, rules, regulations, or agreements and/or obtain penalties or criminal sanctions for violations. Enforcement procedures may vary, depending on the requirements of different environmental laws and related implementing regulations. Unader CERCLA, for example, EPA will seek to require potentially responsible parties to clean up a Superfund site, or pay for the cleanup, whereas under the Clean Air Act the Agency may invoke sanctions against cities failing to meet ambient air quality standards that could prevent certain types of construction or federal funding. In other situations, if investigations by EPA and state agencies uncover willful violations, criminal trials and penalties are sought.

18079             Enforcement Decision Document (EDD)                     A document that provides an explanation to the public of EPA's selection of the cleanup alternative at enforcement sites on the National Priorities List. Similar to a Record of Decision.

18080             engaged                     interlocked, as two wheels that are in gear with each other.

18081             engine            a machine in which power is applied to do work, specifically by converting thermal energy into mechanical energy.a machine in which power is applied to do work, specifically by converting thermal energy into mechanical energy. broadly, any mechanical apparatus.broadly, any mechanical apparatus. 3. the powered vehicle that pulls or drives a railroad train; a locomotive.the powered vehicle that pulls or drives a railroad train; a locomotive.

18082             engine balance            an assembly of moving parts designed to minimize vibrations in a reciprocating or rotating machine.

18083             engine cooling            a cooling system in which circulating coolant, lubricating oil, and a fan are used to control the temperature of the parts of an internal-combustion engine.

18084             engine displacement                the total volume displaced by an engine's cylinders, calculated by multiplying the number of pistons times the volume displaced by a cylinder moving from bottom dead center to top dead center, and expressed in cubic centimeters.

18085             engine friction             the resistance to motion offered by contact among various moving parts of an engine.

18086             engine intake              the place or opening through which fuel enters an engine. Also, engine inlet.

18087             engine performance                 the relationship of various engine operating characteristics such as power output, revolutions per minute, fuel consumption, or ambient conditions.

18088             Engineered Controls                 Method of managing environmental and health risks by placing a barrier between the contamination and the rest of the site, thus limiting exposure pathways.

18089             engineer's strain          strain calculated by dividing the change in length by the initial length; it is an approximation to true strain that is exact for infinitesimal strains.

18090             Engler distillation test               a laboratory procedure for determining the boiling range of petroleum distillates by measuring the percent of gasoline distilled at different specific temperatures.

18091             Engler flask                 a standardized, 100-milliliter volume flask used in the Engler distillation test.

18092             English degree             a unit used to measure the hardness of water; 1 degree is equivalent to 1 part of calcium carbonate in 70,000 parts of water. Also, CLARK DEGREE.

18093             engysseismology          a branch of seismology that studies earthquake records from points close to the center of seismic activity.

18094             Enhanced Inspection and Maintenance (IM)                 An improved automobile inspection and maintenance pro-gram--aimed at reducing automobile emissions--that contains, at a minimum, more vehicle types and model years, tighter inspection, and better management practices. It may also include annual computerized or centralized inspections, under-the-hood inspection--for signs of tampering with pollution control equi-pment--and increased repair waiver cost.

18095             enhanced recovery                   any sophisticated recovery system for crude oil that augments the fraction of crude oil recovered from a reservoir.

18096             enhancement              a process that increases current flow in a given section of a semiconductor.  Virology. the increased yield of one virus by its joint infection with another virus.

18097             enhancement mode                 a characteristic of a field-effect transistor's operation in which current flows through the source-drain channel only when a voltage has been applied to the gate, and increases as the voltage increases.

18098             EnPA              Environmental Performance Agreement

18099             enriched material                     an element that has been altered to have more of a given isotope than is present in nature, such as enriched uranium, which has a higher percentage of the fissionable isotope uranium-235.

18100             enriching column                     the section of a countercurrent contactor above the feed point in which a product-rich, ascending stream from the stripping section is purified by countercurrent contact with a downward-flowing reflux stream.

