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환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 17601-17700

by 리치캣 2023. 1. 11.

환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 17601-17700

번호                  용어                  해설

17601             Effluent Limitation                       Restrictions established by a state or EPA on quantities, rates, and concentrations in wastewater discharges.

17602             Effluent recovery system           유출수 회복 시스템; 급속침투법에서 침투수가 지하수와 함께 있는 등 바람직 못 할 경우 집수관거나 회복정을 이용하여 유출수를 회복하기 위한 시스템

17603             Effluent Standard                     (See effuent limitation.)

17604             EFO                Equivalent Field Office

17605             EFTC               European Fluorocarbon Technical Committee

17606             EGE                Enhanced Greenhouse Effect

17607             EGR               Exhaust Gas Recirculation

17608             EGS                환경재와 서비스  environmental goods and services

17609             EGS (Enhanced Geothermal System)                     인공저류층생성기술(EGS;Enhanced Geothermal System) 높은 지열을 갖춘 지역에서 주입정으로 물을 주입하고 인공저류층을 통해 생산정으로 빼내는 방식

17610             EH                 Redox Potential

17611             EHC               Environmental Health Committee

17612             EHS               Extremely Hazardous Substance

17613             EI                   Emissions Inventory

17614             EIA                 Environmental Impact Assessment. Economic Impact Assessment

17615             EIA (Environmental Impact Assessment)                     환경영향평가

17616             eigentones                  the modes of natural vibration in a specific medium; e.g., the resonant vibrations in the air columns of a pipe organ.

17617             EIL                 Environmental Impairment Liability

17618             Einchluss thermometer             a liquid-filled laboratory thermometer capable of measuring temperatures from -201°C to 360°C.

17619             Einstein viscosity equation                       an equation that gives the viscosity of a colloidal solution as  = 0(1 + k), where  is the viscosity of the solution, 0 is the viscosity of a pure suspending medium,  is the fraction of the total volume occupied by the colloidal particles, and k is a constant coefficient based on the configuration of the particles.

17620             EIR                 Endangerment Information Report; Environmental Impact Report

17621             EIS                 환경영향평가서; Environmental impact statement

17622             EIS                 Environmental Impact Statement; Environmental Inventory System

17623             EIS/AS            Emissions Inventory System/Area Source

17624             EIS/PS            Emissions Inventory System/Piont Source

17625             ejecta             also, ejectamenta. any material, including volcanic ash, pyroclasts, and bombs, that is discharged by a volcano.

17626             Ejector            A device used to disperse a chemical solution into water being treated.

17627             EJWG(Environmental Joint working Group)                     환경공동실무위원회        환경정보공유 및 접근절차 부속서 A에 따른 행위의 실행을 지원하고 이것으로부터 야기될 수 있는 현안을 고려하기 위한 목적으로 설치

17628             EKMA             Empirical Kinetic Modeling Approach

17629             EL                  환경라벨링  environmental labeling

17630             EL                  Exposure Level

17631             elaidin reaction            an analysis using nitrous acid to differentiate between types of oils; nondrying oils form a solid isomer, semidrying oils slowly thicken, and drying oils become resinous.

17632             elastance                    an electrical quantity that is equal to the reciprocal of the capacitance of a capacitor.  Medicine. the degree to which an air- or fluid-filled organ, such as the lung or bladder, can return to its original size when a distending or compressing force is removed.

17633             elastic            having the property of elasticity; able to return to its original shape after experiencing strain and removal of deforming stress.

17634             elastic aftereffect          the lag that some materials show in recovering from elastic deformation.

17635             elastic axis                  a line lengthwise through a beam; transverse surface forces must be directed toward this line in order not to produce torsion.

17636             elastic body                a solid body possessing elasticity.

17637             elastic buckling            the buckling of a member or structure under a compressive load within its elastic range.

17638             elastic center               the midpoint in the cross section of a beam between the shear center and the center of twist (the three are often at the same point).

17639             elastic collision            a collision between ideally elastic bodies, such that the final kinetic energy is the same as the initial kinetic energy.

17640             elastic curve                the shape of the neutral surface in a beam deflected by a load.

17641             elastic failure               the deformation of a solid body in excess of its elastic limit, resulting in permanent deformation or fracture.

17642             elastic flow                 the elastic deformation of a material, or recovery from such deformation.

17643             elastic force                the resisting internal force resulting from the elastic deformation of an object, which restores the original shape when the external force is removed.

17644             elastic hysteresis          the dependence upon strain history of the relationship between stress and strain in a nearly elastic solid. Also, MECHANICAL HYSTERESIS.

17645             elastic limit                 the critical stress or strain beyond which a body will yield to enduring deformation. Also, YIELD POINT LOAD.

17646             elastic potential energy             the energy made available for use by the return of an elastic body to its original configuration.

17647             elastic ratio                 for the component of a specified stress, the elastic limit divided by the ultimate strength of a material.

17648             elastic recovery            the portion of deformation that reverses after the causative force is removed.

17649             elastic strain energy                 the work required to elastically deform a body.

17650             elastic theory              the theory of the elastic relationships among loads, stresses, deformations, and strains. Also, THEORY OF ELASTICITY.

17651             elastic vibration           the oscillatory motion in an elastic solid.

17652             elastica           a plane curve made by a thin rod when forces and couples are applied only at its ends

17653             elastodynamics            the field of dynamics that deals with the propagation and properties of elastic waves.

17654             elastoplasticity             the state exhibited by a material that has deformed both elastically and plastically

17655             elbow  (엘보)              배관과 츄빙의 방향을90도또는 45도변경하는데 사용하는 이음새. 금속 파이프용의 나사입엘보우, 용접 엘보우.  염화비닐 파이프용의TS엘보우등이 있다.

17656             ELC                Environmental Law Center (of IUCN) (International)

17657             ELCI               국제환경문제 연락센타 : environment liaison center international network NGO

17658             elective           describing the tendency to combine with certain substances in preference to others. Thus, elective attraction.

17659             ELECTRET MICROPHONE           전기 마이크로폰 : 축전된 전하를 이용하는 마이크로폰

17660             electret transducer                   a device that produces voltage by utilizing the motion of a permanently polarized foil placed next to a metal-coated plate.

17661             electric boiler              a steam generator that uses electrical energy as a heat source.

17662             electric brake               a braking system whose force is supplied by an adjustable spring counteracted by a solenoid, a centrifugal thruster, and an actuator, in which the actuating force is supplied by current flowing through a solenoid or an electromagnet. Also, ELECTROMAGNETIC BRAKE.a braking system whose force is supplied by an adjustable spring counteracted by a solenoid, a centrifugal thruster, and an actuator, in which the actuating force is supplied by current flowing through a solenoid or an electromagnet. Also, ELECTROMAGNETIC BRAKE. an emergency braking system that is automatically applied to an electric-powered apparatus when a power failure occurs.an emergency braking system that is automatically applied to an electric-powered apparatus when a power failure occurs. 3. the contact component of an electric braking system.the contact component of an electric braking system.

17663             electric braking            in an electrically driven vehicle, a system in which the motor acts as a generator, returning energy to the contact braking element.in an electrically driven vehicle, a system in which the motor acts as a generator, returning energy to the contact braking element. the process of applying any type of electric brake.the process of applying any type of electric brake.

17664             electric conductivity     (전기 전도율,  도전률, 전도률, 전집도)                전기가 흐르기 쉬움의 지표. 도전률=1/저항율()Ω · cm=1/저항(R)Ω × 길이(L)cm/면적(S)cm2

17665             Electric conductivity  recovery characteristics (전기 전도율회복 특성 )               모듈 또는 필터의 일차측에 초과순수한 물을 통수한 경우, 이차측으로 나와 오는 물의 전기 전도율이 통수개시뒤, 일차측의 물의 값과 동일하게 될 때까지의 시간.

17666             electric delay line                     a device that postpones a signal's arrival time in a circuit by employing capacitive and inductive properties.

17667             electric desalting          a method for removing impurities from crude oil by settling out in an electrostatic field.

17668             ELECTRIC DOUBLE LAYER          전기이중층; 입자의 표면에 흡착된 전하층과 그 입자를 둘러싸고 있는 용액의 반대전하로 이루어짐

17669             electric drive               an electromechanical device that transmits motion from one shaft to another while controlling the velocity ratio of the shafts.

17670             electric filter                a circuit that passes selected frequencies of alternating currents while weakening other frequencies. Also, ELECTRIC WAVE FILTER.

17671             electric forming           a process in which electric energy is applied to a device, such as a semiconductor, so as to permanently change its electrical characteristics.

17672             electric ignition            the ignition system in an automobile or internal-combustion engine that ignites the combustible mixture in the engine cylinders with a high-voltage, high-tension spark produced between metal points in a spark plug.

17673             electric locomotive                   a locomotive operated by electric power supplied from a third rail alongside or between the two track guide rails or from an overhead wire system feeding a trolley.

17674             electric motor              a device that converts electrical power into mechanical torque.

17675             electric potential          the potential measured by the energy of a unit positive charge at a point, expressed relative to an equipotential surface, generally the surface of the earth, that has zero potential.

17676             electric power plant                 a power plant that converts raw energy into electricity, such as a hydrosteam, diesel, or nuclear generating station.

17677             electric power system               the circuitry applied to many electrical devices, in which electric energy is generated, transmitted, transformed, and distributed in the form of heat or as a driving force to other motor-controlled systems.

17678             electric precipitation                 a procedure using an electric field to enhance the separation of hydrocarbon reagent dispersions; often such dispersions are too fine to separate efficiently by other means.

17679             electric railroad            a railroad having a continuous system of overhead wires or a third rail mounted alongside or between the guide rails throughout the track's length to supply electric power to a locomotive transportation system.

17680             electric scanning          a target-seeking method in which an operator directs the radar beam by varying the phase or amplitude of the currents flowing into various components of its antenna.

17681             electric susceptibility                a measure of the polarization ease of a dielectric, equivalent to the ratio of the polarization to the product of the electric field strength and the vacuum permittivity.

17682             electric transducer                   a two-port device that processes electrical signals.

17683             electric transient          a current or voltage that appears temporarily in an electric circuit whose steady-state condition has been disrupted.

17684             electric tuning             the process of selecting a desired frequency on a component, such as a receiver, transmitter, or oscillator, without using mechanical devices.

17685             electric typewriter                    a typewriter containing an electric motor that provides power for all keyboard operations.

17686             electrical equivalent                  an outside calibrated current source that is compared to the current passing through an electrolyte solution.

17687             electrical scanning                   a technique in which the area covered by a transmitting or receiving antenna can be varied electrically without moving the antenna. Also, ELECTRONIC SCANNING.  Telecommunications. the technique of scanning a surface to reproduce or transmit a picture.

17688             electroanalytic chemistry           the chemical analysis of compounds using electric current to produce characteristic, observable change in the substance being studied.

17689             ELECTROANALYTICAL METHOD                 전기법 분석 : 전위, 전류, 저항 그리고 전기량 같은 전기적 성질을 측정

17690             electrochemical            of or relating to electrochemistry; having to do with the relationship of chemical change and electric force.

17691             electrochemical cell                  a vessel containing two electrodes separated by an electrolyte phase. Also, CELL.

17692             electrochemical effect               a term for the process by which chemical energy is converted into electrical energy, or electrical energy into chemical energy.

17693             electrochemical emf                 the electrical force that results from a chemical reaction, as produced in dry batteries or fuel cells, or as occurs in nature in a galvanic reaction. Also, EMF.

17694             electrochemical equivalent                       the mass, in number of grams, of any substance generated or depleted when an electric current of one coloumb passes through an electrolytic solution.

17695             electrochemical potential          a thermodynamic construct that conceptually separates the chemical potential into the familiar chemical potential and a term which depends on the electrical environment.

17696             electrochemical process            the chemical change that occurs in an electrolytic solution when an electric current passes through it.the chemical change that occurs in an electrolytic solution when an electric current passes through it. the chemical change that gives rise to an electric current, such as occurs in fuel cells or batteries.the chemical change that gives rise to an electric current, such as occurs in fuel cells or batteries

17697             electrochemical recording          a facsimile technique in which information is recorded by passing an electric current through a chemically sensitized area of the paper.

17698             electrochemical series               a chart on which various substances, such as metals, are listed according to their chemical reactivity or electrode potential, with the most reactive ranked at the top and the others listed in descending order.

17699             electrochemical valve                an electric valve composed of a metal in contact with a solution or compound across whose boundary current travels more readily in one direction than the other, and in which the valve action is accompanied by chemical variations.

17700             electrochemiluminescence                        the production of light during an electrochemical reaction. Also, ELECTROGENERATED CHEMILUMINESCENCE.



페인팅 스몰미 15세트 (painting smallME, 컬러링 스몰미) 페인팅스몰미, 미술교육. 창의력교육. 색칠

[스몰미 와 아트리트] 나만의 작은 나. 스몰미, 색다른 자기표현. smallME.



