환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 17501-17600
번호 용어 해설
17501 ◆ ECHO ◆ 반향 : 1개의 관측점에서 직접파와 구별되는 크고 시간적으로 지연된 반사파
17502 ◆ echo amplitude ◆ a measurement of the strength of a radar target signal by measuring the amplitude of the echo waveform.
17503 ◆ echo attenuation ◆ the amount of power produced by an output terminal in a transmission line divided by the power that is reflected back to the output terminal.
17504 ◆ echo box ◆ a device that simulates radar echo by slowly releasing the energy received from a radar pulse signal into the radar's receiving system in order to test or tune the equipment.
17505 ◆ echo chamber ◆ a specially designed small room with characteristics that provide controlled sound reflection, used to create special echo effects in recordings and broadcasts.
17506 ◆ echo contour ◆ a pattern formed on a radar screen that indicates the intensity of the echo signal
17507 ◆ echo frequency ◆ the number of oscillations in a radar target's signal that occurs within a given time frame.
17508 ◆ echo intensity ◆ the degree of brightness displayed by a radar echo signal; generally proportional to the voltage of signal received by reflection from the target.
17509 ◆ echo power ◆ the electrical strength of a radar signal received by reflection from the target, generally measured in watts or dBm (decibels referred to 1 milliwatt).
17510 ◆ echo pulse ◆ the energy that reaches a radar system after the signal is reflected from a target.
17511 ◆ echo suppressor ◆ a device that temporarily quiets navigational equipment after a pulse has been received, to prevent the reception of delayed pulses. Also, ECHO ELIMINATOR.
17512 ◆ ECL ◆ Environmental Chemical Laboratory
17513 ◆ eclipsed confirmation ◆ a high-energy confirmation of atoms that results from rotation around a single bond in a molecule.
17514 ◆ eco 효과성 ◆ eco 효과성은 에코 효율성의 제한성에 대한 대응으로 발전되었다. 그것은 단지 환경의 고갈비율을 늦출 뿐이라고 비판하면서 경제활동이 자원소진적인 것이 아닌 자원재생적인 것으로 변환되어야 함을 강조한다.
17515 ◆ ECOCOMPLEX ◆ 생태단지
17516 ◆ ECO-DUTY ◆ 환경상계관세 : 각나라마다 상이한 환경기준으로 인해 발생하는 국가경쟁력의 차이를 상계함으로써 공정한 경쟁을 이루려는 목적의 상계관세제도임
17517 ◆ Ecological Entity ◆ In ecological risk assessment, a general term referring to a species, a group of species, an ecosystem function or characteristic, or a specific habitat or biome.
17518 ◆ Ecological Exposure ◆ Exposure of a non-human organism to a stressor.
17519 ◆ Ecological Impact ◆ The effect that a man-caused or natural activity has on living organisms and their non-living (abiotic) environment.
17520 ◆ Ecological Indicator ◆ A characteristic of an ecosystem that is related to, or derived from, a measure of biotic or abiotic variable, that can provide quantitative information on ecological stucture and function. An indicator can contribute to a measure of integrity and sustainability.
17521 ◆ Ecological Integrity ◆ A living system exhibits integrity if, when subjected to disturbance, it sustains and organizes self-correcting ability to recover toward a biomass end-state that is normal for that system. End-states other than the pristine or naturally whole may be accepted as Anormal and good.
17522 ◆ Ecological Risk Assessment ◆ The application of a formal framework, analytical process, or model to estimate the effects of human actions(s) on a natural resource and to interpret the significance of those effects in light of the uncertainties identified in each component of the assessment process. Such analysis includes initial hazard identification, exposure and dose-response assessments, and risk characterization.
17523 ◆ Ecological/Environmental Sustainability ◆ Maintenance of ecosystem components and functions for future generations.
17524 ◆ Ecology ◆ The relationship of living things to one another and their environment, or the study of such rela-tionships.
17525 ◆ Economic Poisons ◆ Chemicals used to control pests and to defoliate cash crops such as cotton.
17526 ◆ economizer ◆ an apparatus that uses warm flue gases exiting a steam boiler to preheat feedwater entering the boiler, thus improving boiler efficiency and economy.
17527 ◆ ECOS ◆ Environmental Council of the States
17528 ◆ Ecosphere ◆ The bio-bubble that contains life on earth, in surface waters, and in the air. (See: biosphere.)
17529 ◆ Eco-Star 프로젝트 ◆ 환경부의 차세대핵심환경기술개발사업으로 사업기간은 2007∼2014년이다. 사업 내용은 세 가지로 1.가연성폐기물의 고형연료화, 2.매립가스발전사업, 유기성폐기물 가스화 등 폐기물 에너지화 효율성 개선, 3.Non-CO2 감축 기술 개발, 폐기물 자원화 기술과 연계하여 CDM(청정개발체제) 사업에 적용할 수 있는 non-CO2 감축 기술 개발이다.
17530 ◆ ECOSYSTEM ◆ 생태계 : 생물다양성 협약상의 정의를 보면 일정한 공간에서 존재하는 식물과 동물을 포함하는 생물군집과 그들이 생육하면서 기능적 단위로서 상호작용하는 비생물적인 환경의 역동적인 복합체임
17531 ◆ Ecosystem ◆ The interacting system of a biological community and its non-living environmental surroundings.
17532 ◆ ECOSYSTEM APPROACH ◆ 생태적 접근방법 : 자연체계와 그들의 기능, 가치를 지속시키거나 회복하는 방법으로서 목적지향적이고 공동으로 개발된 바람직한 미래에 대한 비젼에 기초하여 생태적, 경제적, 사회적 요인을 통합하는 것을 말함
17533 ◆ Ecosystem Structure ◆ Attributes related to the instantaneous physical state of an ecosystem: examples include species population density, species richness or evenness, and standing crop biomass.
17534 ◆ ECOTONE ◆ 추이대 : 두 생태계가 전이하는 지역
17535 ◆ Ecotone ◆ A habitat created by the juxtaposition of distinctly different habitats; an edge habitat; or an eco-logical zone or boundary where two or more ecosystems meet.
17536 ◆ ECO-TOURISM ◆ 생태관광 다양한 생물상, 희귀 동식물, 원시림등을 소유한 지역을 본래 생태특성을 훼손시키지 않으면서 지속적인 관광자원으로 활용하는개념임
17537 ◆ ECPNL ◆ 한대의 비행기 소음에 대해서 표시하는 평가량; Equivalent continuous PNL
17538 ◆ ECR ◆ Enforcement Case Review
17539 ◆ ECRA ◆ Economic Cleanup Responsibility Act
17540 ◆ ED ◆ Effective Dose
17541 ◆ ED ◆ Environmental Damage
17542 ◆ EDA ◆ Emergency Declaration Area
17543 ◆ EDB ◆ Ethylene Dibromide
17544 ◆ EDC ◆ Ethylene Dichloride
17545 ◆ EDD ◆ Enforcement Decision Document
17546 ◆ EDDY ◆ 소용돌이
17547 ◆ EDDY CURRENT SEPARATION ◆ 와전류식 선별; 폐기물처리공정중 자력및 전기선별에 이용되는 장비
17550 ◆ eddy-current brake ◆ a brake consisting of a mass of metal rotating in relation to a magnetic field, which induces the internal currents used as a retarding force; used, for example, in electric tramways and in loading motors for testing.
17551 ◆ eddy-current test ◆ a test in which the change of impedance of a test coil placed close to a conducting specimen indicates the eddy current induced by the coil. Metallurgy. one of several nondestructive tests for detecting cracks and other flaws.
17552 ◆ Edeleanu process ◆ a solvent extraction process using liquid sulfur dioxide or liquid sulfur dioxide and benzene as solvent to remove undesirable sulfur compounds from heavy petroleum products.
17553 ◆ EDF ◆ 환경보호기금 environmental defense fund
17554 ◆ EDF ◆ Environmental Defense Fund
17555 ◆ edge well ◆ ㆍ a well that is placed at the edge of a leased reservoir or at the edge of a gas or oil reservoir.a well that is placed at the edge of a leased reservoir or at the edge of a gas or oil reservoir. ㆍ a well that is positioned far down the side of an oil pool so as to touch the water line where water and oil meet.a well that is positioned far down the side of an oil pool so as to touch the water line where water and oil meet.
17556 ◆ EDRS ◆ Enforcement Document Retrieval System
17557 ◆ EDS ◆ Electronic Data System; Energy Data System
17558 ◆ EDTA ◆ Ethylene Diamine Triacetic Acid
17559 ◆ edulcorate ◆ to free a substance from acids, salts, or other impurities by washing.
17560 ◆ EDX ◆ Electronic Data Exchange
17561 ◆ EDZ ◆ Emission Density Zoning
17562 ◆ EE ◆ 환경교육 environmental education
17563 ◆ EEB ◆ 유럽 환경국 European environment bureau
17564 ◆ EEC convention on long-range transboundary air pollution ◆ 장거리 대기오염에 관한 EEC 회의
17565 ◆ EECs ◆ Estimated Environmental Concentrations
17566 ◆ EEIC ◆ Environmental Education and Information Committee
17567 ◆ Eenergy Management System ◆ A control system capable of monitoring environmental and system loads and adjusting HVAC operations accordingly in order to conserve energy while maintaining comfort.
17568 ◆ EER ◆ Excess Emission Report
17569 ◆ EERL ◆ Eastern Environmental Radiation Laboratory
17570 ◆ EERU ◆ Environmental Emergency Response Laboratory
17571 ◆ EESI ◆ Environment and Energy Study Institute
17572 ◆ EESL ◆ Environmental Ecological and Support Laboratory
17573 ◆ EETFC ◆ Environmental Effects, Transport and Fate Committee
17574 ◆ EF ◆ Emission Factor
17575 ◆ effective ampere ◆ a time-varying or ac current that, when flowing through a resistor, produces heat at the same average rate as that produced by a steady DC current of one ampere.
17576 ◆ effective area ◆ the area of process media that is actually involved in the process.
17577 ◆ effective atmosphere ◆ the part of the atmosphere in which the scattered light of twilight can still be seen. Also, OPTICALLY EFFECTIVE ATMOSPHERE.
17578 ◆ effective bandwidth ◆ the bandwidth of an ideal filter, with a flat response, that would pass the same amount of energy as the given filter, when processing the same wideband input signal. Also, SPECTRAL BANDWIDTH.
17579 ◆ effective bore line ◆ the path of a projectile in the bore of a moving launcher, as visualized in a stationary reference frame.
17581 ◆ effective launcher line ◆ the direction in which a rocket would be traveling at the end of its burn period in the absence of gravity, but considering all aerodynamic effects.
17582 ◆ effective molecular diameter ◆ a term for the general range of the electrons rotating around a molecule.
17583 ◆ effective molecular weight ◆ the empirical relationship of oil plotted against API gravity to give the pseudoaverage molecular weight of oil for use in reservoir calculations.
17584 ◆ effective osmotic pressure ◆ that part of the total osmotic pressure of a solution which governs the tendency of its pure solvent to pass through a semipermeable membrane.
17585 ◆ effective permeability ◆ the ability of a porous medium to absorb one liquid phase when it is in the presence of other liquid phases.
17586 ◆ EFFECTIVE POROSITY ◆ 유효공극률
17587 ◆ effective potential energy ◆ the potential energy as determined in an accelerated coordinate system.
17588 ◆ effective pressure (유효 압력) ◆ 평균 조작 압력 (P0) 로부터 침투압차(△ π)와 이차즉압력(Pprod)와(을)를 공제했을 때, 막에 움직이는 유효한 압력.
17589 ◆ effective rake ◆ in cutting wood or other materials, the angular relationship between the cutter plane and the line made through a tooth point oriented in the direction of chip flow.
17590 ◆ effective sound pressure ◆ the root-mean-square value of sound pressure, obtained by squaring instantaneous sound pressure level measurements, averaging these over the time of one cycle, and taking the square root of this average. Also, ROOT-MEAN-SQUARE (RMS) SOUND PRESSURE.
17591 ◆ EFFECTIVE STACK HEIGHT ◆ 유효 굴뚝높이 : 오염물질의 확산을 고려한 굴뚝 유효한 높이
17592 ◆ effective terrestrial radiation ◆ the amount of infrared energy released by the earth's surface that exceeds the counterradiation reflected back by the atmosphere.
17593 ◆ effective thermal resistance ◆ the effective temperature rise of a semiconductor device per unit power dissipation of a designated junction that is higher than the temperature of a specified external reference point under conditions of thermal equilibrium.
17594 ◆ effervescence ◆ a bubbling of a liquid that is caused by a rapid release of gases rather than by boiling.
17595 ◆ efflorescence ◆ the loss of combined water molecules by a hydrated salt when exposed to air, resulting in a lower hydrate or anhydrous salt. Geology. a whitish, mealy, fluffy, or crystalline powder forming a crust or hard coating of minerals on the surface of a rock in an arid region as a result of this process. Also, BLOOM.
17596 ◆ effluent ◆ any liquid or gas that is discharged from a processing operation. Also, DISCHARGE LIQUOR.
17597 ◆ Effluent ◆ Wastewater--treated or untreated--that flows out of a treatment plant, sewer, or industrial outfall. Generally refers to wastes discharged into surface waters.
17598 ◆ Effluent Charges ◆ 배출부담금
17599 ◆ Effluent disposal ◆ 유출수의 처분;
17600 ◆ Effluent Guidelines ◆ Technical EPA documents which set effluent limitations for given industries and pollutants.
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