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환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 17401-17500

by 리치캣 2023. 1. 11.

환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 17401-17500

번호                  용어                  해설

17401             duty cycle                   the ratio of the on period of a pulse to the total pulse period.  Nucleonics. the fraction of time that a useful beam is available at full power in a particle accelerator.  Telecommunications. the daily schedule of a radio transmission station.

17402             Duty Cycle (가동 사이클 )          풀의 원 사이클 시간에 대한, 기기가 가동될 시간의 비율. 여기서 풀의 원 사이클이란, 기기가 가동하고 있을 시간과 기기가 정지하고 있을 시간의 합계임. 가동 사이클은, 풀의 온 타임과 풀 오프 타임의 합계(원사이클)100%로서 계산한 가동 시간의 비율로서 통상 표현된다.

17403             duty of solidarity          연대 책임

17404             duty of water              the relationship between the quantity of water used in irrigating an area and the size of the area or the amount of crops produced there.

17405             duty ratio                   the ratio of the time an intermittently operating device is working to the total time available.the ratio of the time an intermittently operating device is working to the total time available. the ratio of average to peak power in a pulsed system.the ratio of average to peak power in a pulsed system.

17406             DWCDs           Drinking Water Criteria Documents

17407             DWEL             Drinking Water Equivalent Level

17408             DWS              Drinking Water Standard

17409             DWSRF           Drinking Water State Revolving Fund

17410             dyeing            the process of applying a color-producing agent to a material.

17411             dynamic          of or relating to the science of dynamics.

17412             dynamic balance          a running balance in a rotating system, such that the system rotates with no tendency to wobble; it occurs when the axis of forced rotation coincides with a principal axis.

17413             dynamic braking          the slowing of a mechanism by using its motor as a generator to convert kinetic energy into electricity or heat. Unlike that in regenerative braking, energy is dissipated without reuse.

17414             dynamic circuit            a high-speed metal-oxide semiconductor circuit whose high input impedance contributes to its fast operation.

17415             dynamic convergence               a condition in which the three electron beams of a color picture tube come together as they are swept vertically and horizontally over the face of the screen by the deflection circuits.

17416             dynamic creep             creep produced by fluctuating stress in a material.

17417             dynamic equilibrium                 the condition of a system in which it is either at rest or moving at a constant velocity with no linear or rotational accleration; thus, the net force on the system is equal to zero. Also, KINETIC EQUILIBRIUM.

17418             dynamic error              an error in the varying output signal of a transducer caused by its inadequate dynamic response.

17419             dynamic focusing                    the automatic and continuous varying of the focus signal for a color picture tube to compensate for the tendency of the electron beams to defocus as they sweep over the flat surface of the screen.

17420             dynamic height            the distance above the geoid of points on the same equipotential surface, as measured from sea level in terms of linear units measured along a plumb line at a given latitude.

17421             dynamic holdup           the liquid held in a tank or process vessel, in which a constant flow of new material offsets withdrawal of the held material to maintain a constant liquid level.

17422             DYNAMIC IL                동적 삽입손실치 : DIL, 정격유속 조건하에서 측정하는 것을 제와한 삽입손실치와 같은 정의임

17423             DYNAMIC INSERTION LOSS                      동적삽입손실치; 격 유속 조건하에서 측정하는 것

17424             dynamic level              the location of the liquid surface when a well is producing oil. Also, PUMPING LEVEL.

17425             dynamic membrane (다이나믹막 )             여과의 과정에 있어서, 용액중에 포함되는 물질에 의해 다공질지지체상에 형성되고, 분리 기능을 가지는 막.

17426             DYNAMIC MICROPHONE          다아니믹 마이크로폰 : 진동막에 붙은 코일을 이용. 음압에 따라 코일이 움직이면 코일에 기전력이 발생하는 마이크로폰

17427             dynamic noise suppressor                        an audio-frequency filter circuit that suppresses noise dynamically by reducing the low- and high-frequency bands when noise becomes significant.

17428             dynamic nuclear polarization                    the arrangement of groups of nuclei so as to align their (normally random) spin axes in the same direction.

17429             dynamic pickup           a phonograph transducer in which the motion of a stylus in the groove of the phonograph record causes a conductor to vibrate within a magnetic field, producing an electrical output signal. Also, dynamic reproducer.

17430             dynamic plate impedance/resistanc                     the dynamic-state internal ac resistance between cathode and plate in a vacuum tube; computed by dividing the change in plate voltage by the resulting change in plate current, with other electrode voltages held constant. Also, AC PLATE RESISTANCE. e

17431             dynamic positioning                 a system that uses propulsion units controlled by computers to keep a floating offshore- drilling rig in the correct position over the well.

17432             dynamic range            the range in signal amplitude over which a communication receiver or audio amplifier is capable of operating while producing an acceptable output; usually expressed in decibels.

17433             dynamic regulator                    a transmission regulator that continuously monitors output voltage or current and immediately responds to a change in output voltage by producing an equal and opposite correction.

17434             DYNAMIC SHAPE FACTOR                        역학적 형상계수

17435             dynamic similarity                    the condition that two systems, such as a real system and a model of it, behave in a similar manner, except for a difference of scale; this requires that all forces and masses be scaled appropriately. If a scale model operates at a speed exactly proportional to that of a full-size prototype, then resistance, density, length, and velocity are related as follows: R1/R2 = d1l12v12/d2l22v2

17436             dynamic stability          the property of a system such that, when it is slightly perturbed from a state of steady motion, it will return to that state.

17437             dynamic unbalance                  in a rotating machine, an imbalance that occurs along a single axial plane and on opposite sides of a rotating axis, or in two axial planes, arising from inertia on the rotating plane and forces in a single axial or differing axial planes; coincides with the value of a rotation axis, which may or may not coincide with the center of gravity.

17438             dynamic variable          a variable describing the state of a mechanical system that changes with time.

17439             DYNAMIC VISCOSITY                점성계수; 접선방향 힘 또는 전단응력에 대한 저항의 크기

17440             DYNAMIC VISCOSITY COEFFICIENT                     동점성계수

17441             dynamical diffraction                   diffraction theory in which the modification of the primary beam on passage through the crystal is important. The mutual interactions of the incident and scattered beams are taken into account; this is important for perfect crystals and for electron diffraction by crystals.

17442             dynamics                    the field ofMechanics that deals with the study of motion and of the forces that bring about this motion.

17443             dynamo          an electric generator, especially one designed for direct current.

17444             dynamo effect             a process in which an induced current is produced in the geomagnetic field by the wind moving ions in the atmosphere.

17445             dynamo theory            a theory stating that daily variations in the earth's magnetic field are caused by the tidal movement of ionized air across the magnetic field, producing electrical currents in the lower ionosphere.

17446             dynamotor                  a rotating electrical machine with two or more windings on a single armature containing a commutator for DC operation and slip rings for AC operation; used primarily as an inverter to convert DC to AC.

17447             dynatron                     an electron tube, typically a tetrode, that exhibits a negative resistance effect between cathode and plate such that, within a certain operating range, plate current decreases as plate voltage is increased. Also, NEGATRON.

17448             dynatron oscillator                   an oscillator circuit that depends for its operation on the negative resistance effect of a dynatron.

17449             dynode           an electrode that is coated with an electron-emitting surface and positioned to maximize the effects of secondary emission.

17450             dysprosium                 a metallic element having the symbol Dy, the atomic number 66, an atomic weight of 1650, a melting point of 1410°C, and a boiling point of 2580°C; a highly magnetic rare-earth (lanthanide) metal used to measure neutron fluxes and in lasers, phosphors, and reactor fuels. (From a Greek word meaning hard to get at; so named in 1886 by its discoverer, the French chemist Paul Emile Lecoq de Boisbaudran.)

17451             dystetic mixture           the type of mixture that results when different substances are mixed in such a way as to produce the highest melting point possible.

17452             Dystrophic Lakes          Acidic, shallow bodies of water that contain much humus and/or other organic matter; contain many plants but few fish.

17453             E display                     a rectangular radar display in which targets appear as intensity-modulated spots, with their range as the horizontal coordinate and their elevation as the vertical coordinate. Also, E SCAN, E INDICATOR.

17454             E layer            a layer in the earth's atmosphere, occurring at 100 to 120 km above sea level, in which short-wave radio waves are reflected and temperature increases with increasing altitude.

17455             E scope          a radarscope that produces an E display.

17456             EA                 환경감시  environmental auditing

17457             EA                 Endangerment Assessment; Enforcement Agreement; Environmental Action; Environmental Assessment; Environmental Audit

17458             EAERE            European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists

17459             EAF                Electric Arc Furnaces

17460             EAG               Exposure Assessment Group

17461             EANET(Acid Deposition Monitoring NETwork in East Asia)               동아시아 산성비 모니터링 네트웍        EANET는 동아시아지역의 국가간 산성강하물질 모니터링 네트워크이다. EANET은 과학적 평가기법, 자원 등의 면에서 현재 규정된 EANET의 역할을 수행하기에는 호조건의 독립변수로 구성되어 있으며, 문제 이해도 제고, 이행/목표 달성, 자원투입 등에서 높은 유효성이 있는 것으로 평가됨.

17462             EAP                Environmental Action Plan

17463             EAPS              제품표준의 환경적 측면  Environmental aspects in product standard

17464             EAR               Environmental Auditing Roundtable

17465             early detection system              조기탐지체계

17466             Earth Charter              지구헌장

17467             earth movement          any motion of the earth, including revolutions around the sun, rotation on its axis, and movement of the crust in relation to the mantle.

17468             earth oscillation           any periodic fluctuation of the earth, its oceans, or its atmosphere

17469             EARTH PLEDGE            지구환경서약 : 지구에 사는 모든 사람들에게 현재와 미래세대를 위해 지구의 안전과 편안한 안식처를 만들도록 그들의 최선을 다해햐 한다는 사실을 알려주는 기회를 제공하고자 하는 서약문

17470             Earth System Science                지구 시스템 과학

17471             earth tide                   the periodic movements of the earth's crust caused by the gravitational pull of either the sun or the moon.

17472             earth-current storm                  any variable fluctuations in an earth-current in the earth's crust; they can be as large as several volts per km.

17473             earth-layer propagation            the transmission of electromagnetic waves through the layers of the earth or its atmosphere.

17474             earthmover                 any of various large vehicles, such as a bulldozer, used to excavate and transport earth.

17475             earthquake                  a movement or trembling of the earth caused by a sudden release of stresses within, usually less than 25 miles below the surface; major earthquakes cause significant damage.

17476             earthquake focus                     the specific point within the earth from which an earthquake originates.

17477             earthquake magnitude              a measure of an earthquake's strength or the quantity of strain energy it releases, based on seismographic data.

17478             earthquake swarm                   a series of minor earthquakes that occur in a limited area and time, and that are not identified with a major earthquake.

17479             EARTHWORK               토공

17480             EASI               Environmental Alliance for Senior Involvement

17481             EASOE            유럽 북극성층권 오존탐사   European arctic stratospheric ozone expedition

17482             Easter-egging              a method for inspecting electronic equipment in which no particular system or procedure is followed, not unlike the approach taken by children on an Easter egg hunt.

17483             EB                  Emissions Balancing

17484             EBCT, =Empty bed contact time                공상 접촉시간; 입상활성탄상안에서 물질이동대가 완전히 만들어지는 접촉시간

17485             ebullating-bed reactor              a kind of fluidized bed in which catalyst particles are suspended by the upward movement of the liquid.

17486             ebulliometer                an instrument that measures the precise boiling points of solutions. Also, ebullioscope.

17487             ebulliometry                a method for the precise measurement of a solution's boiling point. Also, ebullioscopy.

17488             EC                 지구환경 관련 NGOs  earth council

17489             EC                 Emulsifiable Concentrate; Environment Canada; Effective Concentration

17490             EC (European Commission, 유럽위원회)                     공식적으로는 the Commission of the European Communities 라고 하며 유럽연합의 행정부 역할을 함. 법안을 제안하고, 의결사항을 집행하며 유럽연합이 체결한 조약을 이행하며, 연합을 운영하는 역할을 함

17491             EC6차 수정[EC Sixth amendments]             위험물질의 식별과 그 포장, 표시규제에 관한 가맹제국의 법률의 근사화에 관한 EC이사회지령의 6차수정 (council directive of 18 september 199amending for the sixth time direetive 67/548/EEC on the approximation of laws, regulations and administrative provisions relating to the classification, packaging and labelling of dangerous substances)의 것. 1979 9 18 EC이사회에서 제출된 6차 수정판의 지령으로 가맹각국은 새로이 시장에 내는 일반화학물질에 의한 사람 및 환경에 미치는 위험성을 사전에 방지코저 가맹각국에 있어 상시된다. 사람 및 환경에 대한 위험한 물질의 식별과 그 포장, 표시에 관한 법률, 규정을 1981 9월까지 그 지령내용에 따라 재정화하는 것을 구한 것이다. 특징으로는 상시된 화학물질의 양에 의하여 제출할 안전성의 범위가 넓고 깊게 된 것이다.

17492             ECA               Economic Community for Africa

17493             ECAP              Employee Counselling and Assistance Program

17494             ECCP (European Climate Change Program)                     유럽 기후변화프로그램. ECCP는 온실가스 배출 저감, 재생가능에너지에 의한 전력생산, 폐기물 매립가스 관리, 배출권 거래, 생물연료(biofuel) 보급, 열병합발전 촉진 등을 내용으로 한다.

17495             ECCS·긴급노심냉각장치             원자력발전소의 배관 파손, 단절 등으로 냉각재가 유출될 경우에 보조 냉각재를 투입하여 노심이 고온 되는 것을 방지한다. 이에 대하여 사고시에 원자로의 핵분열 연쇄반응자체를 정지시키는 것은 스크럼(긴급 노심정지계)이라는 별도 기구에 의한다. 따라서 중대사고가 일어나면 스크럼이 잘 작동하느냐 마느냐가 첫번째 문제이지만, 작동한다 하여도 축적된 '죽음의 재'로 노심에서는 계속 발열되므로 냉각은 불가결한 것이다. 드리마일 섬 원자력발전소 사고도 ECCS가 사고 발생 13초 후에 작동되었으나, 그후 냉각불능으로 노심 용융이라는 대참사에 이르렀다. 경수로에는 대구경의 배관파열로 압력이 급속히 저하될 경우에 작동하는 저압 주입계와 소구경 파열같이 고압시에 작동하는 고압 주입계 등이 있어 상온의 냉수를 주입하게 되어 있다. 그러나 과연 적절하게 주수가 이루어질 것인가, 주수가 이루어져도 증기가 가득한 속에서 기대만큼 냉각작용을 발휘할 수 있는가, 냉수를 급격히 주입한 충격으로 압력용기 자체가 파괴되는 것이 아닌가(이 경우에 냉각은 이미 불가능하다) 등등 그 유효성에 많은 의문이 제기되고 있다.

17496             ECD               Electron Capture Detector

17497             ECD, ELECTRON CAPTURE DETECTOR                     전자포획형 검출기

17498             ECETOC          유럽화학, 생태학, 유독물질 센타  European chemical industry, ecology toxicology center

17499             ECG               생태계 보존 그룹 NGOs   ecosystem conservation group

17500             ECHH             Electro-Catalytic Hyper-Heaters

