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환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 17801-17900

by 리치캣 2023. 1. 11.

환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 17801-17900

번호                  용어                  해설

17801             electron emitter           a material from which electrons are released.

17802             electron gun               a device, within an electron tube or cathode-ray tube, that produces an electron beam and directs its movement.

17803             electron injection                     the release of electrons from one solid material into another solid material.the release of electrons from one solid material into another solid material. the process of forcing a beam of electrons into any large electron accelerator, such as a betatron, with an electron gun.the process of forcing a beam of electrons into any large electron accelerator, such as a betatron, with an electron gun.

17804             electron lens               a device that uses an electromagnetic field to refract an electron beam in a manner similar to the refraction of light by an optical lens.

17805             electron microscope                 an instrument that uses electrons, generally focused by electron lenses, to magnify tiny objects onto a fluorescent screen or photographic plate. It provides much greater powers of magnification than an optical microscope (up to 1,000,000 times actual size without loss of definition).

17806             electron multiplier                    a tube in which current is amplified by the production of secondary electrons that result from the collisions of electrons with special targets inside the tube.

17807             electron optics             the study of the motion of electrons in an electromagnetic field, as in laser technology, light amplification, and photoelectricity. Also, ELECTRO-OPTICS.

17808             electron pair               a pair of valence electrons that creates a nonpolar connection between two adjacent atoms.

17809             electron telescope                    an instrument in which the infrared light of a distant object is focused onto a photocathode tube, enlarged by a series of electron lenses, and reproduced onto a fluorescent screen to form an image of the object.

17810             ELECTRON TRANSITION            전자전이 : 두 오비탈간에 전자의 이동

17811             electron tube               a device in which electrons are conducted through a vacuum or gaseous medium within a gastight chamber; used to generate, amplify, and rectify electric oscillations and AC currents.

17812             electron-beam channeling                        the process by which high-energy, high-current electron beams are transported from an accelerator through a medium of high-pressure gas directly to an intended target.

17813             electron-beam drilling              the process of boring tiny holes into a material, such as a ferrite or semiconductor, with a tightly focused electron beam.

17814             electron-beam generator          a device, such as a klystron, in which the velocity of an electron beam is kept at a constant level in order to produce exceedingly high radio frequencies.

17815             electron-beam ion source          a source of multiply charged heavy ions used by a highly energized electron beam to ionize injected gas.

17816             electron-beam lithography                       lithography in which radiation-sensitive film is exposed to an electron beam.

17817             electron-beam parametric amplifier                     a device that boosts a signal by varying the energy pumped from an electrostatic field into an electron beam traveling down the length of a tube, and then manipulating the beam at either end of the tube.

17818             electron-beam pumping           a process in which an electron beam provides the energy necessary to move the majority of electrons in a semiconductor out of a ground state.

17819             electron-beam recorder            a device in which an electron beam places signals or data onto film in a vacuum chamber.a device in which an electron beam places signals or data onto film in a vacuum chamber. a device that transfers computer data onto microfilm using an electron beam.a device that transfers computer data onto microfilm using an electron beam.

17820             electron-beam tube                 a device, such as a klystron, oscilloscope tube, or television picture tube, that functions through the generation of one or more electron beams.

17821             electron-bombardment-induced conductivity                in a multimode display-storage tube, a process in which an electron gun is used to erase the image on a cathode-ray tube interface.

17822             electron-coupled oscillator                       a device that generates alternating current; characterized by circuitry that feeds a portion of the generated energy back into the system to sustain its operation, and by an electron stream that is coupled between the screen and the plate to reduce the effects of the load. Also, DOW OSCILLATOR.

17823             electron-density map                a contoured representation of electron density at various points in a crystal structure, expressed in electrons per cubic angstrom and highest near atomic centers. The map is calculated using a Fourier synthesis (a summation of waves of known amplitude, frequency, and phase).

17824             electron-distribution curve                       a line on a graph that shows the electron distribution in a solid at different energy levels.

17825             electronegative            relating to an atom or molecule that tends to draw in electrons from outside the system; nonmetals are generally electronegative.

17826             electronegative atom                an atom that readily accepts electrons and thus has a tendency to acquire a partial negative charge in a covalent bond, or to form a negative ion.

17827             electronegative potential           an electrode's potential stated as negative in relation to the standard potential of the hydrogen electrode, which is established at zero

17828             electronegativity          the relative power of an atom or molecule to attract electrons to itself; the tendency to become negatively charged.

17829             electronegativity scale               a numerical expression of the relative negativity of various substances, based on calculations using bond energies and assigning a value of 4 to fluorine, the most electronegative element; devised by Linus Pauling.

17830             electroneutral              describing a substance that has no net electric charge; neither positive nor negative.

17831             electroneutrality           the condition of a medium that is electroneutral, such as an electrolytic solution in which the negatively and positively charged ions are distributed so that the solution as a whole is neutral.

17832             electron-gun-density multiplication                     the ratio of the average amount of current density at a given aperture to the average current density at the cathode surface.

17833             electronic                    relating to a device whose operation involves the motion of electrical charge carriers in a vacuum, gas, or semiconductor.relating to a device whose operation involves the motion of electrical charge carriers in a vacuum, gas, or semiconductor. relating to the study of such devices.relating to the study of such devices.

17834             ELECTRONIC ABSORPTION                       전자흡수 : 에너지 흡수과정

17835             electronic alternating-current voltmeter                     a device that measures voltage in amplifier-rectifier circuits.

17836             ELECTRONIC ANALYTICAL BALANCE                     전자식 분석용 저울

17837             electronic azimuth marker                        a line on a radar screen that indicates the bearing of an airborne target.

17838             electronic balance                    a microbalance in which the sample weight is obtained automatically, based on the force produced by current in a coil in a magnetic field.

17839             electronic bearing cursor          a line on a radar screen that indicates the bearing of a marine target.

17840             electronic calculator                 a device in which transistors perform mathematical calculations and utilize light-emitting diodes or liquid crystals to display the results.

17841             electronic camouflage              the use of electronic properties to minimize or negate the presence of echoes in a radar system.

17842             electronic circuit          a circuit that contains active components, such as tubes and transistors, as opposed to one that contains only passive components, such as resistors and switches.a circuit that contains active components, such as tubes and transistors, as opposed to one that contains only passive components, such as resistors and switches. a circuit in which the balance of electrons in a given component, such as a tube, transistor, or amplifier, is disturbed by something other than an applied voltage.a circuit in which the balance of electrons in a given component, such as a tube, transistor, or amplifier, is disturbed by something other than an applied voltage.

17843             electronic commutator              a device that reverses or exchanges the external connections in a transducer at a high rate of speed, thus eliminating noise and wear.

17844             electronic component              a device, such as an electron tube or a transistor, that does not use mechanical means to control current and voltage in a circuit.

17845             electronic computing units                       in cardpunch technology, the section of a tabulating device designed to ensure that it will process the data on punch cards in a prescribed manner.

17846             ELECTRONIC CONTROL MODULE              전자제어방식

17847             electronic counter                    a device that uses electronic elements to count the number of pulses applied to it.

17848             electronic counter-countermeasures                     a division of electronic warfare in which actions are taken to ensure friendly, effective use of the electromagnetic spectrum in spite of an enemy's use of electronic countermeasures.

17849             electronic countermeasures                      a division of electronic warfare in which actions are taken to interfere with an enemy's use of the electromagnetic spectrum, used in air defense and interception.

17850             electronic defense evaluation                    a procedure in which a pilot uses electronic countermeasures to penetrate an area monitored by radar; designed to determine the effectiveness of both radar and aircraft.

17851             electronic display                     an electronic component that converts electromagnetic signals into a visual display.

17852             electronic dummy                    a device that is used for simulating impedance, frequency response, and other characteristics of the human body to provide approximately equivalent features in vocal and hearing processes.

17853             electronic efficiency                  the ratio of the power at a given frequency that is delivered by an electron stream to an oscillator or amplifier to the average power supplied to the stream.

17854             electronic energy curve             a graph that shows the range of energy levels in a diatomic molecule, based on the distance between the nuclei of its two atoms.

17855             electronic flame safeguard                       in a burner system, an electrode that acts as a safety valve by interrupting fuel flow from the main burner when its flame is not detected.

17856             electronic formula                    a structural formula in which the bonds are replaced by dots that indicate electron pairs; a single bond is equivalent to one pair of electrons shared by two atoms.

17857             electronic interference              a disturbance from nearby electrical or electromagnetic activity that causes an electronic device to malfunction.

17858             electronic line scanning            in a television system, a method by which a spot of light or another energy source moves along a given path by electronic means.in a television system, a method by which a spot of light or another energy source moves along a given path by electronic means. in facsimile copying, a method by which a spot on a cathode-ray tube moves across the copy by electronic means.in facsimile copying, a method by which a spot on a cathode-ray tube moves across the copy by electronic means.

17859             electronic listening device                        an instrument that picks up sound waves from an ostensibly private conversation and reproduces them in a form, generally on magnetic tape, that can be used as evidence.

17860             electronic locking                    a method used to prevent the activation of a switch until a special sequence of signals is received by the circuit.

17861             electronic microradiography                     a procedure in which electrons released from microscopic irradiated objects are used to produce a photographic image.

17862             electronic motor control           an electronic device that varies the speed of a dc motor when it is driven by an ac power line.

17863             electronic multimeter               a device that uses semiconductors or electron-tube circuits to measure resistance, current, and voltage.

17864             electronic noise jammer            a device that transmits a signal with a white noise component in order to prevent the functioning of a radar system.

17865             electronic phase-angle meter                    an instrument that uses electronic devices, such as amplifiers and limiters, to change an ac voltage into square waves before measuring its phase angle.

17866             electronic polarization              the ionic energy that an electron exhibits in the presence of an electric field.

17867             electronic radiography              a procedure in which an image generated by an irradiated object is converted into a signal for television viewing.

17868             electronic raster scanning          in facsimile, a method of scanning in which the motion of the scanning spot is completely controlled by electronic means. Also, electronic scanning.

17869             electronic reconnaissance          the detection, identification, evaluation, and location of foreign electromagnetic radiations emanating from points of origin other than nuclear detonations or radioactive sources.

17870             electronic recording                 a method of producing a graphical record of a varying quantity or signal by controlling an electron beam with an electromagnetic field, as in a cathode-ray oscillograph.

17871             electronic security                    a security system consisting of electronic circuit components, used to monitor circuit variables.a security system consisting of electronic circuit components, used to monitor circuit variables. a security system used to restrict access to valuable information.a security system used to restrict access to valuable information.

17872             ELECTRONIC SMOG                 전자스모그

17873             electronic tuning          a method of adjusting the frequency of a device by changing the controlling voltage, rather than manually adjusting the component.

17874             electronic video recording                        the act of recording color signals onto photographic film as black and white coded images.

17875             electronograph            a device consisting of an electron tube in which an accelerated beam of electrons produces images on a fine-grain photographic emulsion. Also, electronographic tube.a device consisting of an electron tube in which an accelerated beam of electrons produces images on a fine-grain photographic emulsion. Also, electronographic tube. an image produced by this device.an image produced by this device.

17876             electronography           the production of an image or images using an electronograph.

17877             electron-poor              being somewhat deficient in electrons, and therefore able to accept an available pair of electrons.

17878             electron-ray tube          a small cathode-ray tube with a fluorescent screen on which the pattern varies with the voltage applied to the grid; used to indicate the accuracy of tuning in a radio receiver.

17879             electron-rich               having available electrons that can be contributed to an electron-poor atom or group of atoms.

17880             electron-stream potential          the time average of the potential differential difference between a given point in an electron stream and the surface at which electrons are emitted.

17881             electron-tube amplifier             a circuit that uses electron tubes to provide the additional power needed to amplify a signal.

17882             electron-tube generator            a device that transforms direct current into a radio frequency by passing it through an electron tube in an oscillator circuit.

17883             electron-tube static characteristic              the relationship among the various parameters in an electron tube when voltage and current are constant.

17884             electroosmotic driver                a solution in which voltage is converted into fluid pressure by the streaming of the potential effect.

17885             electrophile                 an ion or molecule that has a partial or complete positive charge, so that it can accept an electron pair or share an electron pair with another atom.

17886             electrophilic                relating to a process in which electrons are acquired from or shared with another atom or molecule.relating to a process in which electrons are acquired from or shared with another atom or molecule. describing a substance with an electron deficiency.describing a substance with an electron deficiency.

17887             electrophilic reagent                 a molecule that forms a bond with another molecule by accepting an electron pair during a chemical reaction.

17888             electrophoresis            a process in which electrically charged particles that are suspended in a solution move through the solution under the influence of an applied electric field. Also, CATAPHORESIS.

17889             electrophoresis          (전기영동)                     단백질과 핵산을 전해 용액에 녹이려 직류 전압을  걸면 이것들의 물질은 저절로 가지는 가전과 반대의  극에 이동해 가는 이 현상을 전기영동이라고 말한다. 또 그 이동 속도는 분자량에 의해 다르다. 이 것을 이용해  이것들의 종류의 동정과 정제에 이용된다. 통상겔과 멘브렌을 사용해 그 중을 이동시키고, 분자량별로  밴드장로 분리시킨다.

17890             electrophoretic            of or relating to electrophoresis.

17891             electrophoretic effect                the tendency of an applied electromotive force to move an ionic atmosphere in a direction opposite to the motion of the central ion, thus creating a countercurrent effect that reduces the ion's velocity.

17892             electrophoretic mobility            the velocity per unit electric field of a charged particle in a solution.

17893             electrophoretic velocity             the rate at which charged particles move in a solution under the influence of an electric field.

17894             electropositive             an element that can function as the positive electrode in an electric cell.  Physical Chemistry. relating to an atom or molecule that tends to provide electrons to an electron-acquiring substance; metals are generally electropositive.

17895             electropositive atom                 an atom that readily yields electrons and thus has the tendency to acquire a partial positive charge in a covalent bond, or to form a positive ion.

17896             electropositive potential            an electrode's potential stated as positive in relation to the standard potential of the hydrogen electrode, which is established at zero.

17897             electrorefining             a petroleum refinery procedure to aid in separating chemical treating agents from the hydrocarbon phase in light hydrocarbon streams by use of an electrostatic field.

17898             electroresistive effect                a change in resistance against an electrical current that parallels a change in voltage applied to the current.

17899             electroscope                a device that detects the presence of minute charges of electricity and determines their sign by means of electrostatic attraction and repulsion

17900             electrosensitive recording          a document that is produced when an electric current is applied through a stylus onto a specially treated paper.

