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환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 17301-17400

by 리치캣 2023. 1. 11.

환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 17301-17400

번호                  용어                  해설

17301             DROPLET                    수포; 고요한 상태에서는 낙하와 와류가 있는 상태에서는 부유하는 미세하고 밀도가 작은 액체입자

17302             Drop-off          Recyclable materials collection method in which individuals bring them to a dessignated collection site.

17303             DROP-OFF CENTER                  재활용품 수집센타 : 재활용센타 recycling center 와 유사한 의미로 쓰인다.

17304             dropout error              an error that occurs in recorded magnetic tape due to foreign particles in the magnetic coating or defects in the backing.

17305             dropout or drop out                a momentary loss of signal in any system, causing a noticeable reduction of audio or video response.  Computer Technology. the disappearance of a character from a display screen, or from a file or printout, due to one or more bits being misread or misrecorded on a tape or disk.  Graphic Arts. a halftone from which some of the dots have been removed, either by retouching the negative or by etching the printing plate, in order to make certain areas (usually the background) print as completely white. Also, HIGHLIGHT HALFTONE.

17306             dropping point            the temperature at which a grease liquefies under standardized conditions.

17307             dropping-mercury electrode                     a device that produces mercury droplets at a constant rate, allowing electrochemical analysis to be done on a fresh mercury surface with each new drop.

17308             DROUGHT                  한발 : 강수량이 정상기록치에 상당히 미달하여 토지자원 생산체계에 부정적인 영향을 미치는 심각한 수자원 부족의 자연현상

17309             DRR               Data Review Record

17310             drum              a vessel in which heated products are charged to allow volatile portions to separate.

17311             DRUM (ROTARY) SCREENS                       드럼식 회전 스크린; 수처리에 사용되는 스크린

17312             drum brake                 a brake system in which a pair of brake shoes are pressed against the inner surface of a shallow metal drum rigidly attached to a wheel.

17313             drum feeder                a rotating drum designed to distribute parts for assembly into different chute arrangements. Also, ROLL FEEDER, TUMBLER FEEDER.

17314             drum filter                  a rotating cylindrical drum that is equipped with a vacuum pump and used to filter ore pulp. Also, ROTARY VACUUM FILTER.

17315             drum recorder             a facsimile recorder consisting of a motor-driven rotating cylinder that contains the paper on which the image is to be reproduced.

17316             drum transmitter          a facsimile transmitter in which the copy is mounted on a rotating cylinder.

17317             dry abrasive cutting                 the process of cutting a material using a rotary abrasive wheel without a liquid coolant.

17318             DRY ADIABATIC LAPSE RATE                     건조단열감률

17319             dry bed          a vessel filled with solid absorption materials, used to purify or recover liquid from a gas stream.

17320             dry coloring                a process of plastics coloring by tumbling uncolored particles of plastic material with pigments and dyes.

17321             dry cooling                 any system for cooling water in which the water is circulated through pipes that contact the cooling element, but is not directly exposed to the coolant or air.

17322             DRY DEPOSITION                     건조침적; 어로졸형태로 직접 침착하는 것

17323             dry flashover voltage                the minimum voltage across a clean, dry insulating material at which flashover of the surrounding air occurs.

17324             dry friction                  the resistance to motion of a nonlubricated system of solid bodies.

17325             dry hole          a drill hole that has been abandoned due to a lack of production of marketable petroleum materials.

17326             dry limestone process              a method to control air pollution by exposing sulfur oxides in flue gases or the like to limestone, which changes them to disposable residues.

17327             dry pipe          a pipe that prevents moisture from entering a steam outlet; it is positioned about the normal liquid level in the steam space of a boiler.

17328             dry point or dry point              the temperature at which the complete evaporation of a liquid occurs.  Graphic Arts. a method of plate engraving using a hard needle instead of an acid-etching solution.

17329             dry sleeve                   a cylinder liner that is not in contact with a refrigerant or coolant.

17330             dry spot          an open area on laminated plastic where the surface film is incomplete.an open area on laminated plastic where the surface film is incomplete. a portion of laminated glass in which there is no bonding of the plastic interlayer and surrounding glass layers.a portion of laminated glass in which there is no bonding of the plastic interlayer and surrounding glass layers.

17331             DRY WEATHER FLOW               건기유량;

17332             dry-box process           a method of removing hydrogen sulfide from industrial gases by passing the gases through boxes holding trays of wood shavings or other material coated with iron oxide.

17333             dry-chemical fire extinguisher                   a type of chemical fire extinguisher filled with a dry powder, consisting mainly of sodium or potassium bicarbonate; used mostly for extinguishing small electrical fires.

17334             dry-desiccant dehydration                        a technique to remove liquids from gases by using silica gel or another solid absorbent.

17335             Drying            건조; 수처리시설에서 나오는 슬러지 처리를 위한 공정

17336             dry-pit pump              a pump that operates by using liquid conducted to and from the unit through the pipe.

17337             dry-steam drum           a pressurized chamber that allows steam to flow from a boiler drum.

17338             DS                 Dichotomous Sampler

17339             DSAP             Data Self Auditing Program

17340             DSCF              Dry Standard Cubic Feet

17341             DSCM            Dry Standard Cubic Meter

17342             DSS               Decision Support System; Domestic Sewage Study

17343             DT                 Detectors (radon) damaged or lost; Detention Time

17344             DU                 Decision Unit. Ducks Unlimited; Dobson Unit

17345             DUAL ALKALI               이중 염기법 : 습식폐기공정의 유형

17346             Dual injector for small pipe                      소구경관용 이중주입기; 염소용액을 주입하는데 사용되는 분산기 종류

17347             dual in-line package                 a standard form of housing for integrated circuits consisting of a rectangular body with two rows of terminal pins bent at right angles to the body and uniformly spaced for insertion in connectors or mating holes in printed circuit boards.

17348             dual radioactive decay              the characteristics of a nucleus that has two or more separate and alternative decay methods.

17349             DUAL WATER SYSTEM              중수도

17350             Dualayer distillate process                        a process used to remove mercaptan and oxygenated compounds from fuel oil, using concentrated caustic Dualayer solution and electrical precipitation of the impurities.

17351             Dualayer solution                     a concentrated solution of potassium or sodium hydroxide that contains a solubilizer.

17352             dual-bed humidifier                 an air humidifier system that contains two adsorber beds in parallel, thus facilitating a continuous flow of air.

17353             dual-emitter transistor              a special transistor with two emitters; generally used in chopper circuits for the amplification of DC or very low-frequency AC signals.

17354             dual-fuel engine          an internal combustion engine that is adapted to run on either gasoline or natural gas.

17355             dual-gravity valve                     a valve that is float-operated and functions on the interface between two immiscible liquids of different specific gravities.

17356             duality principle           the principle that every circuit has a dual and analogous counterpart containing dual (and sometimes complementary) parameters; used in the analysis and design of electrical circuits.  Quantum Mechanics.

17357             Dual-medium and multimedium stratified filter bed                    2층 및 다층여재 비층형성화 여과상; 층형성여부에 따른 여과상의 종류

17358             Dual-Phase Extraction               Active withdrawal of both liquid and gas phases from a well usually involving the use of a vacuum pump.

17359             dual-trace amplifier                  a two-channel amplifier unit in which each channel is independently adjustable; used for amplifying the signal voltages that are to appear as vertical deflections on the associated timebase, in a dual-trace oscilloscope.

17360             dual-trace oscilloscope             an oscilloscope capable of displaying two separate and independently adjustable timebase sweeps.

17361             DUC               Decision Unit Coordinator

17362             DUCKWEED                 개구리밥

17363             duct               a metal tube or casing through which air is passed to ventilate, heat, or cool a machine or part.

17364             duct effect                  a duct created by temperature inversions in the atmosphere through which radio waves appear to travel. Also, ducting effect.

17365             ducting           an atmospheric phenomenon in which microwave signals travel more than ten times farther than the line-of-sight limit and are refracted and retransmitted by an atmospheric duct.

17366             Duhring's rule             a rule for estimating vapor pressure, which states that a straight line can be drawn between the temperature at which one liquid exerts a certain pressure and the temperature at which a chemically similar liquid exerts the same pressure.

17367             Dukler theory              a theory giving the relationship of velocity and temperature distribution in thin films on vertical walls; used to compute effective thermal conductivity and eddy viscosity near the solid boundary.

17368             dull emitter                 the cathode of an electron tube that has been coated with a special material that increases the electron-emitting capability allowing the cathode to operate at lower temperatures than otherwise possible.

17369             Dumas method            a test for the presence of nitrogen in organic compounds, by heating the substance with copper oxide to convert the nitrogen to nitrogen oxides, reducing the oxides, and measuring the volume of nitrogen.a test for the presence of nitrogen in organic compounds, by heating the substance with copper oxide to convert the nitrogen to nitrogen oxides, reducing the oxides, and measuring the volume of nitrogen. a method to determine the vapor density of a volatile liquid.a method to determine the vapor density of a volatile liquid.

17370             dumbwaiter                 a small electric or hand-operated elevator designed for quickly transporting loads between floors; used, for example, to move equipment in a construction project.

17371             dummy antenna          a resistive device that simulates the electrical characteristics of a transmitting or receiving antenna but is incapable of receiving or radiating radio-frequency energy; used chiefly for testing transmitters. Also, ARTIFICIAL ANTENNA.

17372             DUMMY DITCH            맹암거; 지하배수를 위해 땅속에 묻은 잡석 등으로 된 암거

17373             dummy load               a power-dissipating device used at the end of a transmission line or waveguide to convert transmitted energy into heat so that no energy is radiated outward or reflected back to its source. Also, ARTIFICIAL LOAD.

17374             DUMMY RESISTOR                   가설저항

17375             Dump:            A site used to dispose of solid waste without environmental controls.

17376             dumpcar                     a dumpcart that is fitted to run on a narrow-gauge railway; used especially in mining.

17377             dumpcart                    a cart having either a bottom that opens downward or a body that tilts so that its contents can be discharged without handling.

17378             DUMPING                   덤핑; 정상적인 가격이하로 수출되는 행위

17379             Dumpster                   a trade name for a large metal refuse bin designed to be left and filled at a remote site, then picked up and hauled away by a specially equipped truck.

17380             DUNE BEDS                사구 하상

17381             DUNKEL TEXT              덴켈초안 : dunkel GATT 사무총장이 91 12 UR협상이 교착상태를 타개하기 위해 제시한 최종협정문초안

17382             duodiode                    an electron tube in which two diodes are contained within the same envelope. Also, DUAL DIODE, DOUBLE DIODE.

17383             duodiode-pentode                   an electron tube in which two diodes and a pentode are contained within the same envelope.

17384             duodiode-triode           an electron tube in which two diodes and a triode are contained within the same envelope.

17385             duoplasmatron            a gas-filled electron tube that generates ion beams for use in mass spectrometer applications.

17386             duotriode                   an electron tube in which two triodes are contained within the same glass envelope. Also, DOUBLE TRIODE, DUAL TRIODE.

17387             duplex compressor                   an apparatus consisting of two types of compressors, such as a simple steam and a simple air cylinder, set side by side and working in combination.

17388             duplex pump               a positive-displacement pump in which two liquid cylinders are set side by side and geared so that their piston strokes alternate, thus producing continuous action; used especially to move a low volume of liquid at high pressure.

17389             duplex tube                an electron tube in which two electron tubes are contained within the same envelope.

17390             Duplicate                    A second aliquot or sample that is treated the same as the original sample in order determine the precision of the analytical method. (See: aliquot.)

17391             duration control          a potentiometer control used to adjust the duration of the reduced gain time in a sensitivity time-control circuit.

17392             DURATION OF SUNSHINE                        일조시간 : 햇빛이 실제로 지표를 비추는 시간길이

17393             During beds                건조상 탈수법; 슬러지 탈수방법

17394             DUST COLLECTOR                    집진기

17395             DUST DOME EFFECT                 먼지지붕효과()

17396             DUST FALL                  강하분진; 먼지의 입경이 크기 때문에 공기중에 떠 있지 못하고 가라앉은 분진

17397             DUST STORMS            먼지폭풍

17398             dust-devil effect           an abrupt and short-lived change in the vertical component of an atmospheric electric field, caused by the passage of a dust devil that is near an instrument sensitive to the vertical gradient.

17399             Dustfall Jar                  An open container used to collect large particles from the air for measurement and analysis.

17400             Dutch process             a procedure for creating white lead, in which metallic lead in containers corrodes due to the action of acetic acid and carbon dioxide, which are produced by the fermenting tanbark and manure into which the containers have been placed.

