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환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 17701-17800

by 리치캣 2023. 1. 11.

환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 17701-17800

번호                  용어                  해설

17701             electrochemistry          the branch of chemistry concerned with the chemical changes that occur when a chemical reaction produces an electric current or when an electric current produces a chemical reaction.

17702             electrochromic             undergoing change in color upon the passage of an electric current.

17703             electrochromic display              a passive solid-state display in which an electric field controls the characteristics of light transmission and light reflection.

17704             electrocratic                of or relating to a liquid colloidal suspension, maintained in equilibrium by the repulsion between insoluble solid particles that are positively or negatively charged.

17705             electrode admittance                the ratio of the alternating component of the current flowing through an electrode to the alternating component of electrode voltage.

17706             electrode capacitance               the capacitance between one electrode and a reference point, such as ground, another electrode, or all the other electrodes connected together.

17707             electrode characteristic             the relationship between the current flowing through an electrode and the electrode voltage; usually indicated by a graph.

17708             electrode conductance              the ratio of the DC current through an electrode to the DC voltage between that electrode and a reference terminal.

17709             electrode dark current              the generally weak current that flows through a photoconductive cell, such as a camera tube, when it is shut off. Also, DARK CURRENT.

17710             electrode dissipation                the power lost by an electrode in the form of heat when it is bombarded by electrons or ions.

17711             electrode drop             the decrease in voltage that occurs as a result of resistance in an electrode.

17712             electrode impedance                the ratio of the phasor representing the AC voltage of an electrode (relative to a reference terminal) to the phasor representing the AC current through that electrode.

17713             electrode inverse current           current that flows through an electrode in the direction opposite to that for which it was designed.

17714             electrode potential                   the potential developed by a metal or other electrode material immersed in an electrolytic solution; usually related to the standard potential of the hydrogen electrode, which is established at zero. Also, ELECTRODE VOLTAGE.

17715             electrode resistance                  the ratio of the DC voltage of an electrode (relative to a reference terminal) to the DC current through that electrode.

17716             electrode voltage          the voltage between an electrode and a given point, such as the cathode of an electron tube or ground. Also, electrode potential.

17717             electrodecantation                   a form of electrodialysis in which a three-part container is divided by two semipermeable membranes, with a positive electrode in one end chamber and a negative one in the other; ionic materials in the center chamber move to their respective electrodes through the membranes.

17718             ELECTRODELESS DISCHARGE LAMP                     전극없는 방전등 : 원자흡수법 기기의 종류

17719             electrodeposition          the deposit of a material, usually a metal or an alloy, at or on an electrode as a result of the passage of an electric current through a solution or suspension of the material.

17720             electrodialysis              a process in which an electric field transports ionized material through a membrane to separate it from other liquids or ions of opposite charge.

17721             Electrodialysis              A process that uses electrical current applied to permeable membranes to remove minerals from water. Often used to desalinize salty brackish water.

17722             ELECTRO-DIALYSIS                   전기투석: 용액의 이온성분을 반투과성의 이온선택성 박막을 통하여 분리

17723             electrodialyzer             a device by which electrodialysis is performed; salt can be removed from seawater by means of such a device.

17724             electrodisintegration                 a process in which a nucleus is split into two or more parts by bombarding it with electrons.

17725             electrodynamic            describing an acoustical device, such as a loudspeaker or microphone, that derives electroacoustic energy from the action of a current or the motion of a conductor in a magnetic field.

17726             electrodynamic drift                 the motion of charged particles in the upper atmosphere, caused by the combined force of electric and magnetic fields.

17727             electrodynamics           the study of the relationships between electromagnetic and mechanical phenomena.

17728             electroelution              the separation and removal of a substance by means of an electrical charge, such as in the freeing of an enzyme from an absorbent.

17729             electroendosmosis                   the migration, under the influence of an electric field, of the liquid phase of a colloidal solution toward an electrode. Also, ELECTROOSMOSIS.

17730             electroextraction          the process of recovering metal from metallic salts using electrolysis.

17731             electrographic pencil                a device that produces conductive marks on paper; used for detection by a conductive-mark sensing device.

17732             electrogravimetry                     a technique in which a suitable electrode is weighed before and after electrolysis to determine the amount of metal deposited on the electrode from the sample solution. Also, electrodeposition.

17733             electrojet                    a narrow belt of intense electric current flowing through the lower ionosphere in the equatorial and polar regions that creates auroras.

17734             electrokinetic               relating to electrokinetics; having to do with electricity in motion.

17735             electrokinetic effects                 the conditions associated with relative movement between a charged surface and an electrolytic solution; the surface is ordinarily either a solid particle suspended in the solution or the medium through which the solution flows. Also, electrokinetic phenomena.

17736             ELECTROKINETIC FORCES WITHIN FILTER                     동전기력; 입상여재 여과지내에서 부유물질제거에 기여하는 메카니즘

17737             electrokinetic transducer           a device that converts dynamic physical forces into electric signals.

17738             electrokinetics             the study of the motion of electric charges.

17739             electroluminescence                 the emission of light by a phosphor or semiconductor that is excited by an electromagnetic field.the emission of light by a phosphor or semiconductor that is excited by an electromagnetic field. the direct, nonthermal conversion of electrical energy into light energy in a liquid or solid.the direct, nonthermal conversion of electrical energy into light energy in a liquid or solid.

17740             electroluminescent display                       a display device that presents data, usually in the form of numbers or letters, when alternating current is applied to its electroluminescent segments.

17741             electroluminescent panel          a panel that produces a low-intensity light when an alternating current is applied to the phosphor centered between its two electrodes.

17742             electrolysis                  a process in which the passage of an electric current through an electrolytic solution or other suitable medium produces a chemical reaction, such as that which occurs in a battery. Also, ELECTROLYTIC PROCESS.

17743             electrolyte                   any liquid or solid substance that while in solution or in its pure state will conduct an electric current by means of the movement of ions; usually it is a solution of water and acids or metal salts. Also, BATTERY ELECTROLYTE.

17744             electrolytic                  relating to, causing, or involving electrolysis.

17745             electrolytic analysis                  a method of analysis based on determining the amount of chemical change that takes place at an electrode.

17746             electrolytic cell            an electrochemical cell in which the reactions are driven by the use of an external potential greater than the thermodynamic or reversible potential of the cell.

17747             electrolytic conductance            the movement of charged particles through a medium.

17748             electrolytic conductivity            the ability of charged particles to move through a medium.

17749             electrolytic dissociation             the ionization of a solute in solution.     : the breaking up of a neutral ionic compound into two or more oppositely charged ions, usually by the effect of dissolution.

17750             electrolytic grinding                 a combined grinding and machining operation in which the abrasive cathodic grinding wheel is in contact with the anodic surface of an electrolyte; used with a metal-bonded and diamond-impregnated grinding wheel.

17751             electrolytic machining               an electrochemical process, similar to electroplating, in which the workpiece acts as an anode and the tool as a cathode.

17752             electrolytic mercaptan process                  a procedure used to remove mercaptans from refinery streams by using an electrolytic solution.

17753             electrolytic model                    a laboratory-model simulation of steady-state fluid flow through porous media found in a reservoir. Also, POTENTIOMETRIC MODEL, OIL-FIELD MODEL, GELATIN MODEL.

17754             electrolytic potential                 the smallest difference in electronic energy between an electrolytic solution and an electrode that is immersed in the solution that will lead to the acceptance or donation of electrons.

17755             electrolytic recording                a document created by passing an electric current through a stylus onto chemically treated paper.

17756             ELECTROLYTIC RESPIROMETER                  전기분해 호흡기; 전기분해 셀이 부착된 호흡기

17757             electrolytic separation               a process in which a charged electrode collects ions from a solution.

17758             electrolytic solution                  a liquid that contains a solvent, usually water, and an associated ionic compound, such as an acid.

17759             electromachining          the use of electric power to shape an object or remove material from a workpiece.

17760             electromagnetic cathode ray tube             a cathode ray tube in which the beam of electrons produced in the tube's filament is deflected by a magnetic field.

17761             electromagnetic clutch              a friction clutch that operates by the action of electric power from a dynamo on a magnetic coupling between conductors.

17762             electromagnetic compatibility                   the ability of radio equipment to operate efficiently in a given electromagnetic environment.

17763             electromagnetic current            the movement of charged particles in the atmosphere that give rise to electric and magnetic fields, such as those in the ionosphere that transmit radio signals.

17764             electromagnetic deflection                       the use of a magnetic field or external horizontal- and vertical-deflection coils to deflect an electron beam in a television picture tube or an oscilloscope.

17765             electromagnetic disturbance                     a random or periodic electromagnetic phenomenon that is superimposed on a desired signal.

17766             electromagnetic field tensor                     an antisymmetric second-rank tensor whose elements are proportional to the electric and magnetic fields.

17767             electromagnetic focusing          a method of adjusting the electron beam in a television picture tube by varying the direct current flowing through the coils attached to the tube, thus altering the surrounding magnetic field.

17768             Electromagnetic Geophysical Methods                     Ways to measure subsurface conductivity via low-frequency electromagnetic induction.

17769             electromagnetic induction                        the generation of an electromotive force by changing the magnetic flux through a closed loop circuit or by moving a conductor across the magnetic field.

17770             electromagnetic inertia             the characteristic delay of response in an electric circuit as it reaches its maximum or zero value after the source voltage is applied or removed.

17771             electromagnetic lens                a device in which the magnetic field surrounding a coil forces an electron beam passing through the coil to refract in a manner similar to light passing through an optical lens.

17772             electromagnetic mass               the mass of a moving charge whose kinetic energy appears to account for the discrepancy between the total field energy and the field energy of a purely static electric field.

17773             electromagnetic oscillograph                    an oscillograph that records signal waveforms by means of a moving-coil galvanometer.

17774             electromagnetic pump              a device that moves conductive liquid through a pipe by sending current through the liquid; used in a nuclear reactor cooling system for liquid alkali metal circulation.

17775             ELECTROMAGNETIC RADIATION                전자기복사

17776             electromagnetic reconnaissance                the process of locating electromagnetic radiation devices, such as radar or missile-guidance systems, operated by hostile forces.the process of locating electromagnetic radiation devices, such as radar or missile-guidance systems, operated by hostile forces. the use of electromagnetic equipment to locate enemy activity in a particular region.the use of electromagnetic equipment to locate enemy activity in a particular region.

17777             electromagnetic spectrum                        the total range of the frequencies or wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation, ranging from the longest radio waves to the shortest cosmic rays.

17778             electromagnetic wave               a wave generated by the oscillation of a charged particle and characterized by periodic variations of electric and magnetic fields.

17779             ELECTRO-MAGNETIC WAVE                      전자파

17780             ELECTROMAGNETRIC RADIATION              전자기 복사선 : 대단히 빠른 속도로 공간을 통하여 전파하는 에너지의 한 형태

17781             electromechanical                    of a mechanical device, system, or process, actuated or controlled by electromagnetism or electrostatics.

17782             electromechanical brake            a brake whose force is obtained partly as a result of the attraction of two magnetized surfaces and partly by mechanical means.

17783             electromechanical dialer           a device on a telephone that activates a group of precoded numbers when a user presses a button.

17784             electromechanical recording                     a document created by varying the signal of electric current flowing through a stylus moving across a sheet of paper.

17785             electromechanical transducer                   a device that converts mechanical energy into electrical energy or vice versa.

17786             electromechanics          the science and technology of electromechanical devices, systems, or processes.

17787             electrometer amplifier              an amplifier circuit characterized by low-current drift and input-current offsets, and adequate power and current sensitivities, such that it is capable of measuring extremely low current variations in a circuit.

17788             electrometer tube                    a component in an electrometer that has a high input impedance and low control-electrode conductance, facilitating the measurement of extremely low direct current or voltage.

17789             electromotion              the mechanical force produced by an electric current.

17790             electromotive              relating to or producing an electric current.

17791             electromotive force                  the amount of energy supplied by an electric current passing through a given source, as measured in volts.the amount of energy supplied by an electric current passing through a given source, as measured in volts. the potential energy difference existing between an anode and cathode that are immersed in the same electrolytic solution, or that otherwise adjoin each other.the potential energy difference existing between an anode and cathode that are immersed in the same electrolytic solution, or that otherwise adjoin each other.

17792             ELECTRON ACCEPTOR              전자수용체

17793             electron beam             a stream of electrons emitted from the same source and traveling under the influence of an electric or magnetic field in the same direction and at approximately the same speed.

17794             electron capture detector          a device used in gas chromatography, in which carrier gas molecules flowing through the ionization chamber are radiated and low-energy electrons are formed; certain compounds entering the chamber have an affinity for these electrons, and this decrease in electrons is recorded for component identification.

17795             electron coupler          a device that increases the power of a microwave tube by subjecting its electron beam to alternating periods of acceleration and retardation. Also, CUCCIA COUPLER.

17796             electron coupling                     a process by which two circuits within an electron tube transfer energy generated by the electron stream passing between the electrodes of one of the circuits.

17797             electron cyclotron resonance source                     a source of multiply charged heavy ions that uses microwave power to increase electron energy to extremely high levels in two magnetic-mirror confinement chambers connected in series.

17798             electron device            a device whose operation involves the motion of electrical charge carriers in a vacuum, gas, or semiconductor.

17799             ELECTRON DONOR                  전자공여체

17800             electron emission                     the release of electrons from a given material into the surrounding space; may be caused by heat, light, impact, chemical disintegration, or an electric field.

