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환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 17201-17300

by 리치캣 2023. 1. 11.

환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 17201-17300

번호                  용어                  해설

17201             down-Doppler             a phenomenon in which the frequency of sound decreases due to the increase of wavelengths caused by the relative motion of the sound source, the listener, and the medium carrying the sound waves.

17202             downdraft carburetor               a carburetor in which the fuel is introduced into a downward current of air.

17203             DOWNFLOW BUBBLE CONTACT CHAMBER                     하향류 기포접촉 포기기

17204             Downflow bubble contactor                     하향류 기포 접촉기; 순산소 용해장치

17205             Downgradienat            The direction tht groundwater flows; similar to downstream for surface water.

17206             downhole                   describing equipment, tools, and instruments used in a borehole during drilling. Thus, downhole drill.

17207             Downs cell                  a sodium-producing electrolytic cell having a steel container that is lined with brick and that has four graphite anodes projecting upward from the bottom; the cathodes are in the form of steel cylinders concentric with the anodes.

17208             Down's process            a procedure for producing sodium and chlorine from sodium chloride by adding fluoride and potassium chloride to the sodium chloride to reduce the melting point, then fusing and electrolyzing the mixture, so that sodium forms at the cathode and chlorine at the anode.

17209             downstream                that portion of a product stream that has passed through the system.

17210             downstream processing            any technique that separates, concentrates, and purifies the end products of fermentation, e.g., chromatography, distillation, centrifugation, and precipitation methods.

17211             Downstream Processors               Industries dependent on crop production (e.g., canneries and food processors).

17212             down-to-basin fault                 a deep fracture or fault in a formation that extends from an oil basin into another porous zone.

17213             DP Hole          Hole in the ground made with DP equipment. (See: direct push.)

17214             DPA               Deepwater Ports Act

17215             DPCA (Distributed Power Coalition of America)                     분산형 전원 설비 제조회사의 회원조직, 회원에 대해 분산형 전원의 보급 장애요인을 정책 제언을 통해 제거하는데 노력하는 조직이다.

17216             DPD               Method of Measuring Chlorine Residual in Water

17217             DQO              Data Quality Objective

17218             DR (Demand Response)            수요응답. 전력 공급자와 수요자 사이의 양방향 통신을 통하여 전력망의 상태에 따라 유연하게 전력 사용량을 조절하는 기술이다. 예를 들어 전력망에 과부하가 걸릴 때, 고객은 전력 사용 자제요 청을 인터넷이나 각종 온라인 매체를 통해 실시간으로 받게 된다. 또한 전력사용 절감 시 요금 청구서로 보상을 받을 수 있다. 전체 전력사용량을 줄이고 피크 시 자가 발전에 의해 분산 전원 발전을 사용 함으로써 분산 전원 보급을 촉진할 수 있다.

17219             Draft              1. The act of drawing or removing water from a tank or reservoir. 2. The water which is drawn or removed.

17220             DRAFT            수직기류

17221             draft loss                    the decrease of static pressure in a boiler or furnace due to flow resistance.

17222             Draft Permit                A preliminary permit drafted and published by EPA; subject to public review and comment before final action on the application.

17223             draft tube                   a flared, vertical, discharge pipe leading from a water turbine to its tailrace; it decreases outlet pressure and increases turbine efficiency.

17224             drag classifier              a machine used to sort sand by weight; it consists of an endless belt equipped with transverse rakes that drag heavier, faster-settling material upward through an inclined trough while lighter, slower-settling material overflows and falls to the bottom.

17225             drag conveyor             a conveying machine used for loose material, consisting of a wide-linked endless chain with projections on either side; the chain is dragged along the bottom of a trough into which the material is fed. Also, drag-chain conveyor.

17226             drag factor                  the ratio of hindered diffusion rate to unhindered rate in a swollen dialysis membrane. Also, FAXEN DRAG FACTOR, HINDRANCE FACTOR.

17227             DRAG FORCE              항력 : 유체속을 운동하는 입자에 있어 유체는 입자의 상대속도와 반대방향으로 입자에 항력을 주게 된다.

17228             drag link                     a four-bar linkage designed to connect two cranks located on parallel shafts while allowing both cranks to traverse full circles.

17229             dragline          an excavating machine consisting of a steel scoop that swings on chains from a movable jib; the scoop is cast into the material to be excavated and dragged back to the jib, where it is lifted and dumped. Also, dragline crane, dragline excavator.

17230             dragline scraper           a machine for moving soil, gravel, or other loose material; generally consists of a scraper attached to an endless cable or belt that is operated by a drum or sprocket wheel.

17231             drain              the electrical current or power taken from a source.the electrical current or power taken from a source. the load device that absorbs this current or power.the load device that absorbs this current or power.

17232             drain sample               a sample drawn from an oil-water, oil-brine, or oil-drilling mud separator.

17233             Drainage                     Improving the productivity of agricultural land by removing excess water from the soil by such means as ditches or subsurface drainage tiles.

17234             drainage                     the movement of oil or gas in a reservoir due to reduced pressure.

17235             Drainage Basin            The area of land that drains water, sediment, and dissolwed materials to a common outlet at some point along a stream channel.

17236             DRAINAGE LAYER                    배수층; 매립지 복토층 구성층

17237             Drainage Well              A well drilled to carry excess water off agricultural fieleds. Because they act as a funnel from the surface to the groundwater below. Drainage wells can contribute to groundwater pollution.

17238             DRAINAGE WIND                     배수풍 : 해안부근에 큰 산맥이 있고 그 내륙에 넓은 평원이나 분지가 있으면 겨울동안 축적되었던 차가운 공기가 계속 또는 협만 등을 따라 강하게 불 때 생기는 바람

17239             Draper effect               an increase in volume under constant pressure when hydrogen and chlorine begin to react to create hydrogen chloride, due to an increased temperature in the reactor because of the exothermic reaction.

17240             draw tube                   a coaxial tube within the body tube of a microscope that allows for adjustment of the body tube length.

17241             drawbar pull               the force, measured in pounds, that is available to a locomotive or tractor to pull a load after overcoming its own tractive resistance. Similarly, drawbar horsepower.

17242             Drawdown                  1. The drop in the water table or level of water in the ground when water is being pumped from a well. 2. The amount of water used from a tank or reservoir. 3. The drop in the water level of a tank or reservoir.

17243             drawdown                   the difference between the flowing and the static bottom-hole pressure.

17244             drawing          the removal of a material after a processing operation is completed, such as metal from a casting mold, ceramic ware from a kiln, or a solid material from a furnace.

17245             D-RDF            고밀도폐기물가공연료

17246             DRE               제거 및 파괴 효율  Destruction and removal efficiency

17247             DRE               Destruction and Removal Efficiency

17248             dredge           the barge upon which such a machine is mounted.the barge upon which such a machine is mounted. to excavate with a dredge.to excavate with a dredge.

17249             Dredging                    Removal of mud from the bottom of water bodies. This can disturb the ecosystem and eauses silting that kills aquatic life. Dredging of contaminated muds can expose biota to heavy metals and other toxics. Dredging activities may be subject to regulation under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act.

17250             DREGS            앙금이나 찌꺼기로 가라앉은 쓰레기

17251             DRES              Dietary Risk Evaluation System

17252             dress              to shape a tool or material.

17253             Dressler kiln                a muffle-type tunnel kiln, originally built by the Swindell-Dressler Corporation.

17254             Drew number              a dimensionless group of variables used to study the diffusion of a solid into a vapor.

17255             drift               a displacement of the gimbals of a gyroscope, typically caused by friction on its bearings.a displacement of the gimbals of a gyroscope, typically caused by friction on its bearings.

17256             drift diameter              the inside diameter of a wellbore joint of tubing, casing, or line pipe.the inside diameter of a wellbore joint of tubing, casing, or line pipe. in a drilling operation, the width of a hole.in a drilling operation, the width of a hole.

17257             drift punch                 a tapered metal punch used to align rivet holes without coincidence.

17258             drift space                  a region within a velocity-modulated electron tube at which bunching of the electron stream occurs.

17259             drift transistor             a transistor in which high-frequency response is achieved through the nonuniform doping of the base region; this nonuniformity causes electric field gradients that, in turn, reduce transit time for the carriers. Also, DIFFUSED-ALLOY TRANSISTOR.

17260             driftbolt          a round-shafted spike, used to fasten together heavy timbers. Also, DRIFTPIN.

17261             drifter            a mounted rack drill, used for drilling holes up to 4.5 inches in diameter.

17262             driftpin           a round, tapered piece of steel used for enlarging or aligning holes in metal. Also, DRIFT.a round, tapered piece of steel used for enlarging or aligning holes in metal. Also, DRIFT.

17263             drill capacity               on a rotary or diamond drill, the length of a drill rod that the hoist can lift or that the brake can grip on a single line.

17264             drill carriage                a frame on which several rack drills are mounted and which moves along a track for heavy drilling needs in large tunnels. Also, JUMBO.

17265             drill press                   a drilling machine that has a single vertical spindle.

17266             drill string                   a drill pipe assembly that links the drill bit to a mechanism imparting rotary or reciprocating motion.

17267             driller's method           a technique for killing a well by circulating high-density kill mud after the formation fluids have been circulated out of the well, in order to maintain drill pipe pressure.

17268             drilling break               a sudden gain in the penetration rate of a drill bit while drilling in a well.

17269             DRILLING FLUID           시추 유체

17270             Drilling Fluid               Fluid used to lubricate the bit and convey drill cuttings to the surface with rotary drilling equipment. Usually composed of bentonite slurry or muddy water. Can become contaminated, leading to cross contamination, and may require special disposal. Not used with DP methods

17271             drilling machine           a power machine that is used to create or enlarge a hole in a solid material. Also, DRILLER.

17272             drill-stem test              a procedure for procuring a fluid sample from a formation by using a tool attached to the drillstem for testing formations; it analyzes bottom-hole pressure and aids in determining the productivity of a formation.

17273             DRINK MATERIAL                     ()

17274             Drinking Water Equivalent Level                Protective level of exposure related to potentially non-carcinogenc effects of chemicals that are also known to cause cancer.

17275             Drinking Water State Revolving Fund                     The Fund provides capitalization grants to states to develop drinking water revolving loan funds to help finance system infrastructure improvements, assure source-water protection, enhance operation and management of drinking-water systems, and otherwise promote local water-system compliance and protection of public health.

17276             DRIP IRRIGATION                     적하 관개법

17277             Drip systems               적하 장치; 페수의 자연처리방법중 저속법에 이용되는 분배방법

17278             Drive Casing                Heavy duty steel casing driven along with the sampling tool in cased DP systems. Keeps the hole open between sampling runs and is not removed until last sample has been collected.

17279             drive chuck                 a mechanism that tranfers motion from a drive rod to a drill string.

17280             Drive Point Profiler                   An exposed groundwater DP system used to collect multiple depth-discrete groundwater samples. Ports in the tip of the probe connect to an internal stainless steel or teflon tube that extends to the surface. Samples are collected via suction or airlift methods. Deionized water is pumped down through the ports to prevent plugging while driving the tool to the next sampling depth.

17281             drive pulley                 a pulley or drum that transfers power to a conveyor belt through contact friction.

17282             drive pulse                  a pulsed magnetomotive force applied to a magnetic cell from one or more sources.

17283             drive rod                    a hollow shaft through which power is transferred from a motor to a drill string or other device. Also, drive spindle.

17284             driven gear                 any gear that receives transmitted motion and power from the another gear.

17285             driver sweep               a cathode-ray tube trace that is initiated by a trigger pulse.

17286             driver transformer                    a transformer designed to apply signal power to a circuit or device.

17287             driveshaft or drive shaft            a shaft that transfers torque from a power source to a machine unit.

17288             DRIVING FORCE           구동력

17289             driving pinion              the input gear to the differential of an automotive vehicle.

17290             driving resistance                     the resistance against an applied force that is forcing a system to oscillate.

17291             driving signal              a timing signal in a television transmitting system used to synchronize the start of a horizontal or vertical scan of the transmitted image.

17292             driving wheel              a main wheel that communicates motion to other wheels. Also, drive wheel.

17293             driving-point admittance           the ratio of resulting signal current to the signal voltage applied at the driving point of an electron tube, network, or other transducer.

17294             driving-point impedance           the ratio of the signal voltage applied at the driving point to the resulting signal current in an electron tube, network, or other transducer.

17295             DRIZZLE          이슬비 : 물방울의 직경이 0.5mm이내의 것일 때

17296             DRMS            Defense Reutilization and Marketing Service

17297             droop             a decrease in mean pulse amplitude, expressed as a percentage of maximum amplitude at a specified time after maximum amplitude has been attained.

17298             droop governor           a rotating device that controls the speed of a machine motor.

17299             drop hammer              a heavy hammer that is lifted to a height and released; often part of a larger apparatus such as a pile driver. Also, GRAVITY DROP HAMMER, PILE HAMMER.

17300             drop repeater              a microwave repeater station that has the capability to function as a local termination point.

