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환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 17001-17100

by 리치캣 2023. 1. 11.

환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 17001-17100

번호                  용어                  해설

17001             disk brake                   a brake system in which a disk attached to a wheel is slowed by the friction of disk pads pressed by calipers against each side of the disks. Also, DISC BRAKE.

17002             disk cam                     a disk with a shaped edge that rotates about an axis perpendicular to the disk, transmitting movement to a cam follower in contact with the disk edge.

17003             disk centrifuge            a centrifuge consisting of a large bowl and a set of disks that separate the solid particles in a liquid solution into thin sediment layers to create a series of shallow settling chambers that inhibit remixing of settled layers.

17004             disk clutch                  a clutch that transmits power through one or more disks squeezed between a backplate and a movable pressure plate; can be disengaged by moving the plates apart.

17005             disk colorimeter           an instrument with rotating color disks that compares sample colors with a standard.

17006             disk grinder                a grinding device that uses rigid abrasive disks.

17007             disk sander                 a sander that uses a revolving abrasive disk driven by an electric motor to smooth or shape surfaces.

17008             disk spring                  a mechanical spring in which a disk or washer is supported by one force at the periphery and an opposing force at the center.

17009             disk thermistor            a disk-shaped device whose electrical resistance decreases with increases in temperature; used as a bolometer to measure temperature and, indirectly, microwave energy levels.

17010             disk-seal tube              an ultra-high-frequency electron tube having closely spaced disk-shaped electrodes, providing low interelectrode capacitance along with high-power output. Also, LIGHTHOUSE TUBE.

17011             dispenser cathode                    an electron-tube cathode that is specially coated to continuously replenish electron-emitting material lost during operation of the tube.

17012             Dispersant                  A chemical agent used to break up concentrations of organic material such as spilled oil.

17013             disperse          to cause fine particles to separate throughout a bulk substance in a dispersion.to cause fine particles to separate throughout a bulk substance in a dispersion. also, dispersed. relating to or describing such particles.also, dispersed. relating to or describing such particles.

17014             disperse phase            the less prevalent component (solid, liquid, or vapor) of a dispersion; for example, in paint the solid particles of coloring matter are the disperse phase and the liquid suspension is the continuous phase. Also, INTERNAL PHASE.

17015             dispersed elements                     elements present as traces or impurities in minerals, which are either so rare or occur in such small concentrations that they seldom themselves form minerals.

17016             dispersible inhibitor                 any agent that easily disperses in a medium to slow down or prevent chemical activity or corrosion.

17017             dispersion                   a two-phase system consisting of finely divided particles (the disperse phase) distributed throughout a bulk substance (the continuous phase); for example, fog is a dispersion of liquid particles in a gas; paint is a dispersion of solid particles in a liquid. Also, DISPERSE SYSTEM.

17018             dispersion force or dispersion attraction                     a general force of attraction between nearby atoms or molecules that arises from a temporary polarity between them, caused by the uneven distribution of electrons; independent of temperature and present in all types of matter, including the noble gases. Also, ATTRACTION FORCE.

17019             dispersion interaction               a momentary shift in the symmetry of the electron clouds of two nearby atoms or molecules, resulting in a force of attraction between them.

17020             dispersion medium                  the bulk substance in which another substance is dispersed; for example, the gas in an aerosol spray mixture. Also, CONTINUOUS PHASE

17021             dispersion mill             a size-reduction machine used to break clusters of solids in the preparation of purees, food pastes, cosmetics, pulps, paints, and the like.

17022             dispersion pattern                    the pattern of distribution of chemical elements in rocks or surface material, such as soil, as a result of migration away from a source, such as an ore body.

17023             dispersion relations                  the set of analogous relations between the real and imaginary parts (for example, refractivity and index of refraction, respectively) of any response function, such as the cause-and-effect pairs of force and spatial displacement, electric field and polarization, or incident and scattered waves.

17024             dispersive medium                   a medium in which the phase velocity of electromagnetic waves is a function of the frequency.

17025             dispersoid                   the product of a dispersion.

17026             displacement               any movement of a particle or body from one position in space to a new position.any movement of a particle or body from one position in space to a new position. a description of this motion, involving the linear distance moved and the direction of the path taken.a description of this motion, involving the linear distance moved and the direction of the path taken.

17027             displacement chromatography                  a separation technique using elution chromatography in which the solvent is adsorbed to a packed column (stationary phase) and the freed sample migrates down the column.

17028             displacement compressor          a compressor that relies on the displacement of a volume of air by a piston moving in a cylinder.

17029             DISPLACEMENT OF ACCELERATION                     가속도진폭

17030             displacement parameters          a description of the displacement of atoms in a crystal structure; atomic vibrations are displacements from equilibrium positions with periods that are typically smaller than 10-12 seconds. Because static displacements of a given atom are random from unit cell to unit cell, they will stimulate atomic vibrations.

17031             displacement pump                  a pump in which non-return valves prevent the return flow of displaced liquid during the retracting phase of the pump cycle, thus creating a pulsing action characterized by alternate filling and emptying of an enclosed volume.

17032             Displacement Savings               Saving realized by displacing purchases of natural gas or electricity from a local utility by using landfill gas for power and heat.

17033             display           any visual presentation of the output of a unit or system, as on a cathode-ray tube or in readable characters of a digital display.  Computer Science. in an activation record, an array of pointers to the activation records of surrounding blocks, used to access variables defined in those blocks.  Behavior.

17034             display tube                a cathode-ray tube that is used to provide an electronic display.

17035             disposable filter (일회성 필터)                  일회성이 되고 있는 필터 조립체.

17036             Disposables                 Consumer products, other items, and packaging used once or a few times and discarded.

17037             Disposal          Final placement or destruction of toxic, radioactive, or other wastes; surplus or banned pesticides or other chemicals; polluted soils; and drums containing hazardous materials from removal actions or accidental releases. Disposal may be accomplished through use of approved secure landfills, surface impoundments, land farming, deep-well injection, ocean  dumping, or incineration.

17038             disposal and treatment             처분 및 처리

17039             Disposal bed               처분지; 폭이 3-4ft 보다 클 경우의 처분지

17040             Disposal Facilities                        Repositories for solid waste, including landfills and combustors intended for permanent ontainment or destruction of waste materials. Excludes transfer stations and composting facilities.

17041             Disposal pit                 처분지; 구조가가 원통형인 처분지

17042             DISPOSAL SITES           처분지

17043             DISPUTE SETTLEMENT              분쟁해결제도 : 국제무역체계에서 무역과 관련하여 발생되는 국가간 마찰을 해소하기 의한 절차

17044             dissector tube             a photomultiplier camera tube in which each element is scanned in a controlled sequence; the output of the tube is a series of voltage levels representing the light level of each element as it is scanned. Also, IMAGE DISSECTOR, FARNSWORTH DISSECTOR TUBE.

17045             dissipation                  the loss of energy from a system as a result of this.

17046             dissipation constant                 a measure of the rate at which an electrically charged particle loses its charge to the air.

17047             dissipation line            a length of resistive transmission line used for dissipating several kilowatts of power for a rhombic transmitting antenna; it is typically two parallel lengths of Nichrome or stainless steel wire terminated by a large, noninductive resistance.

17048             dissipative system                    any system in which energy is not conserved, but dissipates with time, as from the effect of friction.

17049             dissociate                   to undergo or cause to undergo the process of dissociation.

17050             dissociation                 the separating of a molecule into fragments, such as simpler molecules, atoms, radicals, or ions, because of a change in physical conditions, as when the molecule collides with other material or absorbs electromagnetic radiation; usually reversible, as with the breakdown of weak acids in water.

17051             dissociation constant                a fixed quantity whose value derives from the equilibrium between the whole and fragmented forms of a molecule.

17052             dissociation energy                  the amount of energy needed to separate a molecule into smaller fragments, such as atoms, radicals, and ions.

17053             dissociation pressure                the amount of pressure, at a specified temperature, needed to fragment a molecule.

17054             Dissolution time          용해시간;

17055             dissolved air flotation               a liquid-solid separation procedure in which the main mechanism for removing the suspended solid particles is the change of specific gravity of the solids in relation to the suspending liquid; separation is achieved by the occlusion of small gas bubbles formed by the release of dissolved gas to the solids. Also, AIR FLOTATION.

17056             Dissolved air flotation thickening              용존공기 부상 농축; 수처리시설에서 발생되는 슬러지 처리시의 농축방법

17057             Dissolved Oxygen (DO)             The oxygen freely available in water, vital to fish and other aquatic life and for the prevention of odors. DO levels are considered a most important indicator of a water body's ability to support desirable aquatic life. Secondary and advanced waste treatment are generally designed to ensure adequate DO in waste-receiving waters.

17058             dissolved oxygen concentration                the amount of dissolved oxygen in a fermentation broth, determined by a technique using either galvanic or polarographic electrodes.

17059             DISSOLVED SOLIDS                  용존고형물; 수용액으로 존재하는 무기물 및 유기물 분자와 이온으로 이루어진 것

17060             Dissolved Solids           Disintegrated organic and inorganic material in water. Excesive amounts make water unfit to drink or use in industrial processes.

17061             Dissolved-oxygen sag analysis                  용존산소 변화분석;

17062             dissonance                  the playing together of two musical tones that are one step or less apart, so that the combination and most of the resulting overtones are inharmonic. Also, DISCORD.  Psychology.  a situation in which a person's behavior is not consistent with his attitude toward that behavior; e.g., a person believes smoking is harmful yet continues to smoke.a situation in which a person's behavior is not consistent with his attitude toward that behavior; e.g., a person believes smoking is harmful yet continues to smoke. an unpleasant feeling arising from such an inconsistency.an unpleasant feeling arising from such an inconsistency.

17063             dissymmetrical transducer                        a transducer with unequal input and output image impedances. Also, dissymetrical network.

17064             dissymmetry coefficient            a ratio used to correct for interference occurring in light-scattering photometry of liquids, based on the intensities of scatter light at 45° and 135°.

17065             distance          the measured length between two points.

17066             distance mark or marker           a mark on a radar screen that indicates the distance from the radar set to a target; distance marks can be fixed at specific intervals along the radar sweep for estimating target distance, or they can be moved by turning a range knob connected to a counter for direct reading of distance. Also, RANGE MARK.

17067             distance ratio              the ratio of the distance moved by the input or effort of a machine during a given time to the distance moved by the output or load.

17068             DISTILLATION              증류

17069             Distillation                  The act of purifying liquids through boiling, so that the steam or gaseous vapors condense to a pure ioquid. Pollutants and contaminnts may remain in a concentrated residus.

17070             distillation test             a standard method for identifying initial, intermediate, and final boiling points of petroleum products.

17071             distillery          a facility where a process of distilling takes place.a facility where a process of distilling takes place. specifically, such a location where the distilling of alcoholic beverages takes place.specifically, such a location where the distilling of alcoholic beverages takes place.

17072             distortion                    any undesirable change in the waveshape of a signal.any undesirable change in the waveshape of a signal. any undesired difference in the proportions of a reproduced image as compared to the original image.any undesired difference in the proportions of a reproduced image as compared to the original image.  Optics. an aberration in a lens or lens system in which lateral magnification varies with the distance from the optical axis, causing straight lines to appear curved.  Radiology. a representation of a structure under study in which the image does not accurately represent its actual shape or outline.

17073             distributed amplifier                 a wideband, multistage amplifier in which tubes are distributed along sections of an artificial delay line; the input and output capacitances of each tube form part of the total capacitance, and gain can be increased by adding more tubes.

17074             distributed circuit                     a circuit in which the electrical properties (such as resistance or capacitance) are spread throughout the circuit area and not contained in easily recognized stand-alone components.

17075             distributed paramp                  a paramagnetic amplifier that produces a high-frequency traveling wave effect by the sequential excitation of varactors spaced uniformly along a transmission line.

17076             distributed-emission photodiode               a photodiode that is sensitive to stimulus from a modulated laser beam; photo energy striking the device propagates a traveling wave of energy along an output transmission line.

17077             distributing frame                    a unit of equipment that serves as a central interconnection point for the wires and cables in a telephone switching system. Also, DISTRIBUTION FRAME.

17078             distributing terminal assembly                  a unit of equipment used in a telephone-switching system for terminating and cross-connecting trunk wiring between selector switches

17079             distribution coefficient              the ratio in which a given substance distributes itself between two or more phases.the ratio in which a given substance distributes itself between two or more phases. specifically, the ratio in which a given solute dissolves in two different immiscible liquids. Also, PARTITION COEFFICIENT.specifically, the ratio in which a given solute dissolves in two different immiscible liquids.

17080             distribution law           a law stating that if a substance is dissolved in two different immiscible liquids, the ratio of the concentration of the substance in the two solutions is constant, regardless of the quantity of solute. Also, PARTITION LAW, NERNST LAW, BOLTZMANN DISTRIBUTION LAW.

17081             Distribution method                 분배방법;

17082             distribution of intensities          the plot of intensity of Bragg reflections versus the number within that range of intensity. Intensities in the X-ray diffraction pattern of a noncentrosymmetric crystal tend to be clustered more tightly around the mean than do those from a centrosymmetric one. This forms the basis for one test for the presence or absence of a center of symmetry in the crystal.

17083             DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM             상수장치, 분배계

17084             distributor                   a register that temporarily stores data transferred into or out of computer memory and functions as a distribution point for that data; information in the register can be changed without necessarily changing the contents of the memory. Also, MEMORY REGISTER.

17085             distributor gear           a gear that meshes with the camshaft gear to rotate the distributor shaft.

17086             district heating            the process of supplying heat from a main source to a group of buildings.

17087             Disturbance                 Any event or series of events that disrupt ecosystem, community, or population structure and alters the physical environment.

17088             Disulfoton                   디술폰이라고 부르며 디티오인산계 살충제로서 순품은 무색의 액체이다.        Disulfoton는 농업이나 야채 수확물을 공격하는 여러 가지 위해한 살충제를 제거하기 위한 살충제로서 사용되는 제조된 물질이다. 이것은 자연적으로 생겨나지 않는다. 천연의 Disulfoton는 특성적으로 냄새나 맛을 구분할 수 없으며, 무색의 오일이다. 기술적인 산출물은 아로마틱의 냄새를 가진 어둡고 노란색이다. 공통의 상업적인 이름은 Di-systom, Disystox, Frumin, Frumin AL, 그리고 soilvirex이다. 상업적 이름의 사용은 증명을 위해서 사용되며, 위해한 물질을 위한 질병등록, 공공보건 서비스, 혹은 US 건강부 그리고 인간서비스, 협회 등에서 보증을 위해서 사용하지는 않는다.        http://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/tfacts41.html

17089             DIURNAL FLUCTUATION            일중변동

17090             diurnal variation          a change in the earth's magnetic field measured at a set point on a day-to-day basis. Also, DAILY VARIATION.

17091             diver method              a system to establish particle size or density by comparing how far the particle sinks in a liquid with how far a small glass plummet of a known dimension and density sinks in the same liquid.

17092             divergence loss            the power lost from a seismic pulse during geophysical prospecting due to the spreading effect of geologic formations within the earth.

17093             DIVERGING WAVE                    발산파; 음원으로부터 거리가 멀어질수록 더욱 넓은 면적으로 퍼져나가는 파

17094             Diversion                    1. Use of part of a stream flow as water supply. 2. A channel with a supporting ridge on the lower constructed across a slope to divert water at a non-erosive velocity to sites where it can be used and disposed of.

17095             DIVERSION CHANNEL              임시수로; 공사를 하기 위하여 유로를 변경하는 수로

17096             DIVERSION RATE          재활용률; 버려져 있는 총 폐기물 중에서 재이용 및 재활용되는 양

17097             Diversion Rate             The percentage of waste materials diverted from traditional disposal such as landfilling or incineration to be recycled, composted, or re-used.

17098             diversity receiver          a radio receiver designed for space or frequency diversity reception. Also, DUAL DIVERSITY RECEIVER.

17099             division plate               in a crosshead engine, a diaphragm that surrounds the piston rod and separates the crankcase from the lower portion of the cylinder.in a crosshead engine, a diaphragm that surrounds the piston rod and separates the crankcase from the lower portion of the cylinder. in a machine tool, a plate used to position the plunger of an indexing head.in a machine tool, a plate used to position the plunger of an indexing head.

17100             DME (Di-Methyl-Ether)              천연가스로부터 출발하여 얻어지는 화합물로서 디메틸 설페이트, 고가의 산소결합 화합물등의 중요한 화학제품을 제조하는데 중간체로 사용되어 왔으나 최근의 DME의 환경친화적 성질로 인하여 오존층 파괴의 주범인 CFC를 대체하여 헤어스프레이, 면도크림 등의 에어로졸 분사제로서 사용되고 있다. 지금까지 DME의 사용량은 그리 대단한 것은 아니었으나 최근에 DME가 디젤엔진의 대체 청정연료로 사용이 가능하다는 것이 알려지면서 가까운 미래에 DME가 청정 연료로서의 대량 활용될 것으로 예측되고 있다.

