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환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 17101-17200

by 리치캣 2023. 1. 11.

환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 17101-17200

번호                  용어                  해설

17101             DMR              Discharge Monitoring Report

17102             DMZ 생물권보전지역                생물권 보전지역은 유네스코가 보전의 가치가 있는 지역을 지원하기 위해  인정한 육상 및 연안 생태계 지역을 말한다.      유네스코는 1968 `생물 자원의 보전과 합리적 이용'에 관한 국제회의를 연 뒤 유네스코 인간과 생물권 계획(MAB) 국제조정이사회(ICC) 총회를 통해 생물권 보전지역의 개념을 정의했다.      지속가능한 발전을 지원하기 위해 과학적 지식과 기술, 인간의  가치를  제공할 수 있는 지역으로서 세계 생물권 보전지역 네트워크 규약에 따라 국제적으로 인정된 육상 및 연안 생태계라는 것이다.      생물권 보전지역은 3가지 기능을 갖는데 자원과 멸종위기에 처한 생물종,  생태계 및 경관을 지키는 보전기능, 사회 문화적 또는 생태적으로 지속가능토록 하는 발전 기능, 시범사업과 정보교환, 환경교육, 훈련 및 연구 등 보전지역  관리를  위한 지원 기능 등이다.      2004년말 기준으로 세계 97개국 459곳이 생물권 보전지역으로 지정돼 있으며 가장 규모가 작은 지역은 이탈리아의 미라마레 해양공원(30), 가장 큰 지역은  북동그린란드 국립공원(2만㏊)으로 알려져 있다.      한반도에서는 1982년 설악산이 최초로 지정된 뒤 백두산(1989),  한라산(2003), 구월산(2004) 등이 생물권 보전지역으로 지정돼 있다.      DMZ는 군사분계선 남북으로 폭 4, 길이 248, 면적 907㎢에 이르며 인근  민통선 지역은 남방한계선으로부터 5~20㎞ 이내인 총 면적 1369㎢가 해당된다.        적용대상:    WEEE(Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)의교류1,000V, 직류1,500V 이하의전기   전자제품 중 의료기기와 통제기기를 제외한 8개 품목군   -2005 213일 이전조례 및 카테고리/장비의 적용범위 등에 대한 제안서 제출 /     2006. 7. 1부터납, 카드뮴, 수은, 6가크롬, PBB PBDE 6종이포함된새로운전기   전자제품은 시장에서 판매할수 없음-형광등의 수은 및 음극선관 유리의납 사용 등 적용 예외인정   - 개별회원국의제한금지조치는2006. 7. 1까지시행   *PBBs: Polybrominatedbiphenyls* PBDEs: Polybrominatedbiphenyl ethers /     EU 집행위에서 위지침에 포함된 조치의 타당성을 재검토   - 여타 사용물질의 환경 및 인체에 미치는영향,    대체 가능성 등회원국은2004. 8. 13까지 관계법령 정비시행 /     RoHS 규정 농도중 시료의개념   Resistor Capacitor Diode 류 플라스틱 커버 전선 외피 전선 내심    지속가능한 발전을 지원하기 위해 과학적 지식과 기술, 인간의  가치를  제공할 수 있는 지역으로서 세계 생물권 보전지역 네트워크 규약에 따라 국제적으로 인정된 육상 및 연안 생태계라는 것이다.      생물권 보전지역은 3가지 기능을 갖는데 자원과 멸종위기에 처한 생물종,  생태계 및 경관을 지키는 보전기능, 사회 문화적 또는 생태적으로 지속가능토록 하는 발전 기능, 시범사업과 정보교환, 환경교육, 훈련 및 연구 등 보전지역  관리를  위한 지원 기능 등이다.        2004년말 기준으로 세계 97개국 459곳이 생물권 보전지역으로 지정돼 있으며 가장 규모가 작은 지역은 이탈리아의 미라마레 해양공원(30), 가장 큰 지역은  북동그린란드 국립공원(2만㏊)으로 알려져 있다.      한반도에서는 1982년 설악산이 최초로 지정된 뒤 백두산(1989),  한라산(2003), 구월산(2004) 등이 생물권 보전지역으로 지정돼 있다.      DMZ는 군사분계선 남북으로 폭 4, 길이 248, 면적 907㎢에 이르며 인근  민통선 지역은 남방한계선으로부터 5~20㎞ 이내인 총 면적 1369㎢가 해당된다.

17103             DNA              Deoxyribonucleic acid

17104             DNA = Deoxyribonucleic acid                   디옥시 리보핵산 ; 모든 세포조직의 생성에 필요한 유전정보를 가짐. , 유전자의 본체

17105             DNA 바코드                생물종에 대한 일종의 주민등록증(ID) 역할을 하는 정보이다. DNA 바코드는 가까운 종이라도 생물체마다 다르게 가지고 있는 유전정보인 DNA 염기서열의 차이를 이용해서 생물종을 구분하는 식별코드로, 생물에게 있어서 하나의 신분증과 같은 역할을 할 수 있다. 전통적으로 생물을 구분지을 때 사용되던 형태학적 종 분류보다 훨씬 정확하게 종을 판별할 수 있어 오늘날 그 활용도가 매우 높다.

17106             DNA Hybridization                   Use of a segment of DNA, called a DNA probe, to identify its complementary DNA; used to detect specific genes.

17107             DNA synthesizer          any of a wide variety of commercially available automated machines that produce short polynucleotide chains similar in structure to oligonucleotides.

17108             DNAPL           Dense Non-Aqueous Phase Liquid

17109             DNAPL           NAPL중 물보다 비중이 큰 유기화합물

17110             DNMES          Dynamic Non-Member Economics (OECD) (International)

17111             DO                Dissolved Oxygen

17112             DO (Dissolved Oxygen)             용존산소; 액체 또는 수중에 용해되어 있는 분자상의 산소

17113             DO(용존산소)               물의 오염상태를 나타내는 항목 중 하나로 물에 녹아 있는 산소의 농도를 나타낸다. 하천에 유기물이 증가하면 물 속의 미생물이 용존산소를 소비하여 유기물을 분해한다. 그러므로 물 속에 유기물질이 많으면 용존산소가 부족하게 되고 그 물은 자정능력과 생물서식지로서의 기능을 잃게 된다. 오염도가 높을수록 용존산소는 적다. 맑은 하천은 보통 7-10ppm 정도의 용존산소를 포함한다.

17114             Dobbin's reagent          a solution of mercuric chloride, potassium iodide, ammonium chloride, and sodium hydroxide, that is used to test for caustic alkalies in soap or in products containing soap.

17115             Dobson Unit (DU)                    Units of ozone level measurement. measurement of ozone levels. if, for example, 100 DU of ozone were brought to the earth's surface they would form a layer one millimeter thick. Ozone levels vary geographically, even in the absence of ozone depletion.

17116             doctor roll                  a roller instrument that removes accumulated filter cake from rotary filter drums.

17117             doctor solution            a sodium plumbite solution used to rid light petroleum products of mercaptans.

17118             doctor test                  the use of doctor solution for the detection of sulfur compounds in light petroleum distillates.

17119             doctor treatment          a refining procedure for sweetening petroleum products; sulfur and sodium plumbite convert disulfides from the odoriferous mercaptans.

17120             DOCUMENT CONTROL             문서관리()

17121             DOE               Department of Energy or Department of the Environment

17122             Doebner-Miller synthesis           the heating of aniline with paraldehyde in the presence of hydrochloric acid to synthesize methylquinoline.

17123             doghouse                   a small enclosed space on a drilling rig floor used for housing various supplies.a small enclosed space on a drilling rig floor used for housing various supplies. a one-room, portable shelter at a well site that is used by the drilling crew, geologist, and other workers.a one-room, portable shelter at a well site that is used by the drilling crew, geologist, and other workers.

17124             dogleg           an abrupt deviation in the direction of the borehole of a well which can cause tubing wear and failure; an abrupt bend in a joint of pipe. Also, ELBOW.

17125             Doherty amplifier                     a linear radio-frequency power amplifier divided into two sections whose inputs and outputs are connected by quarter-wave networks; designed to ensure maximum undistorted transmitted power as required in amplitude-modulated transmitters.

17126             Dolan equation            an empirical equation for the permeability damage factor in a reservoir by the intrusion of drilling mud or other materials.

17127             Domestic Application               Pesticide application in and around houses, office buildings, motels, and other living or working areas.(See: residential use.)

17128             DOMESTIC WASTER USE           가정용수;

17129             DOMESTIC WASTEWATER          가정하수; 주택과 상업용, 공용 또는 이와 유사한 시설에서 배출되는 하수

17130             DOMESTIC WASTEWATER FLOW RATE                     생활폐수량

17131             DOMESTICATED OR CULTIVATED SPECIES                     사육 또는 배양종 : 인위적인 필요에 의하여 야생종에 인위적인 영향을 가한 생물종

17132             donkey           describing a relatively small, auxiliary machine. Used to form various compound terms, such as donkey boiler, donkey hoist, donkey pump, and so on.

17133             donkey engine             a small engine powered by steam or compressed air, used especially to lift cargo.

17134             Donnan dialysis           a process in which only certain types of charged particles can pass through a permeable membrane, as when smaller ions pass through but larger colloidal particles do not.

17135             Donnan equilibrium                 the conditions of equilibrium that exist when two solutions are separated by a membrane that is permeable to certain ions of the solutions, but not all of them; an electrical potential develops between the two sides of the membrane, and the two solutions vary in osmotic pressure. (From Frederick George Donnan.)

17136             donor             a molecule or the part of a molecule structure that provides an electron pair to an acceptor. Also, ELECTRON DONOR.  Solid-State Physics. an impurity that is intentionally introduced into a pure semiconductor so as to increase the number of conduction electrons. Also, donor impurity.

17137             donor-acceptor complex           the relationship between a donor and an acceptor.

17138             doodlebug                  a small tractor.a small tractor. a car used in railroad maintenance and repair.a car used in railroad maintenance and repair.

17139             DOOR TO DOOR COLLECTION                  문전수거; 폐기물수거방법

17140             doorknob tube            a UHF electron tube having a shape similar to that of a doorknob.

17141             doped junction            a PN junction in a diode or transistor produced by doping.

17142             doping           the addition of an impurity element to a semiconductor material, such as germanium or silicon, during the manufacturing process to form P- or N-type material required for semiconductor diodes and transistors.  Engineering. the coating of a mold or mandrel with a material that will facilitate the removal of the molded plywood part.  Metallurgy. in powder metallurgy, the addition of a substance that accelerates sintering.

17143             doping agent              a metallic impurity, such as aluminum or antimony, used in doping. Also, DOPANT.

17144             doping compensation               the addition of a P- or N-type impurity to a semiconductor material to compensate for the effect of an opposite-type impurity previously added to the semiconductor.

17145             DOPPLER EFFECT          도플러효과 : 진동원, 관측점 또는 매질이 이동할 때 관측되는 파동의 진동수가 변화하는 현상

17146             Dorn effect                 the energy generated by the movement of particles through water or another liquid.

17147             Dorr agitator               a circular tank equipped with bottom rakes, central air lifting, and rotating top launder; used to aerate and stir pulp during cyanidation of gold ores.

17148             Dorr classifier              a horizontal-flow classifier having a rake that moves sand uphill through a rectangularly shaped tank with a sloped base; heavier materials are raked out of the tank while slime and finer sands are carried over the rear wall in suspension.

17149             Dorr thickener             a large cylindrical tank equipped with slowly circulating ploughs that move heavier materials to a central bottom discharge area while relatively clear liquid overflows along the periphery of the tank.

17150             Dosage/Dose               1. The actual quantity of a chemical administered to an organism or to which it is exposed. 2. The amount of a substance that reaches a specific tissus (e.g., the liver). 3. The amount of a substance available for interaction with metaboic processes after crossing the outer boundary of an organism. (See: absorbed dose, administered dose, applied dose, potential dose.)

17151             Dose Equivalent           The product of the absorbed dose from ionizing radiation and suh factors as account for biological differences due to the type of radiation and its distribution in the body in the body.

17152             Dose Rate                   In exposure assessment, dose per time unit (e.g., mg/day), sometimes also called dosage.

17153             Dose Response            Shifts in toxicological responses of an individual (such as alterations in severity) or populations (such as alterations in incidence) that are related to changes in the dose of any given substance.

17154             Dose Response Curve                  Graphical representation of the relationship between the dose of a stressor and the biological response thereto.

17155             Dose- Response Curve              1. Estimating the optency of a chemical. 2. In exposure assessment, the proess of determining the relationship between the dose of a stressor and a specific biological response. 3. Evaluating the quantitative relationship between dose and toxicological responses.a

17156             Dose-Response Rdlationship                     The quantitative relationship between the amount of exposure to a substance and the extent of toxic injury or disease produced.

17157             Dosimeter                   An instrument to measure dosage; many so-called dosimeters actually measure exposure rather than dosage. Dosimetry is the process or technology of measuring and/or estimating dosage.

17158             DOSING RATE              주입율

17159             dot generator              a signal generator used for convergence adjustments of color television tubes, by producing a pattern of white dots or small squares on the face of the tube.

17160             DOT Reportable Quantity          The quantity of a substance specified in a U.S. Department of Transportation regulation that triggers labeling, packaging and other requirements related to shipping such substances.

17161             dot-sequential color television                  a color television system in which the three primary screen colors are developed in sequence on each trace.

17162             DOUBLE BEAM SPECTROPHOTOMETER                     이중 빛살형 분광광도계

17163             double beta decay                   a possible change in the properties of a nucleus in nature, in which two protons decay into two neutrons or vice versa.

17164             DOUBLE COMPLETION WELL                    이중 추출공

17165             DOUBLE COMPOSITE LINER                     이중 복합 차수층

17166             double distribution                  the distribution of product that results from counter double-current extraction, an arrangement in which the two liquid phases are transferred continuously and simultaneously in opposite directions through a series of contact vessels.

17167             DOUBLE FLOW TURBINE           복류터빈; 흐름수에 따른 증기터빈

17168             double Hooke's joint                a universal joint consisting of two Hooke's joints conected by a shaft; this eliminates angular displacement and angular velocity between driving and driven shaft.

17169             double layer                the region of charge separation formed when an electrode meets an ionic conductor; a metal electrode in a water solution forms a specific structure consisting of the metal surface itself, an adjoining layer of adsorbed water molecules and ions, and an outer region of oppositely charged ions diffused in the liquid; this causes an electric field of considerable intensity.

17170             DOUBLE LINER            이중 차수층

17171             double moding            the undesirable tendency of a magnetron to shift abruptly and unpredictably from one operating frequency to another.

17172             double pendulum                    a pendulum that has been attached to the end of another pendulum.

17173             double screen             a cathode-ray tube containing two screens overlying each other, each screen having a different persistence value and color.

17174             double valves              two valves in series that are used as standing or subsurface traveling valves in wells; the dual valves are more reliable than one valve.

17175             double-acting              describing a machine having pistons that work in both directions, with the working fluid introduced alternately at opposite ends of the cylinder. Thus, double-acting compressor, double-acting engine, double-acting pump, and so on.describing a machine having pistons that work in both directions, with the working fluid introduced alternately at opposite ends of the cylinder. Thus, double-acting compressor, double-acting engine, double-acting pump, and so on. describing a machine or device that works in both directions from a central position. Thus, double-acting hammer, double-acting hinge, double-acting pawl, and so on.describing a machine or device that works in both directions from a central position. Thus, double-acting hammer, double-acting hinge, double-acting pawl, and so on.

17176             double-base junction transistor                 a bipolar transistor in which there are two base terminals. Also, TETRODE JUNCTION TRANSISTOR.

17177             double-beam cathode-ray tube                 a cathode-ray tube, containing two separate and independent electron streams, that effectively functions as two separate cathode-ray tubes within the same envelope. Also, DUAL-GUN CATHODE-RAY TUBE.

17178             double-bond isomerism            a condition in which two or more chemical compounds have the same composition, but with double bonds in different positions along the molecular chain.

17179             double-bounce calibration                       the calibration of waveguide propagation delays in a radar system by using round-trip echoes; the correct range is the difference between the first and second echoes. Also, DOUBLE ECHO CHECK.

17180             double-crank press                  a mechanical press with a wide slide mechanism that is operated by a crankshaft having two crank pins.

17181             double-diffused transistor                        a transistor in which two PN junctions are formed in the semiconductor wafer by gaseous diffusion of both P- and N-type impurities.

17182             double-diode limiter                 a limiter circuit that acts as a clipper circuit to prevent the positive and negative excursions of a signal from exceeding a predetermined peak amplitude.

17183             double-doped transistor           a transistor made from a grown-crystal material to which alternate P- and N-type dopants have been successively added during the crystal growth.

17184             double-hump fission barrier                     the occurrence of secondary minima in potential energy, associated with decreased binding energy arising from unequal asymmetric axes in the deformed nucleus

17185             double-layer capacitance           the capacitance at a double-layer interface, estimated by the distance that separates the oppositely charged ions from the dielectric constants of the system.

17186             double-pipe exchanger             a fluid-fluid heat exchanger composed of two concentric pipes; one fluid flows in the ringlike space between the pipes, and the other fluid flows through the inner pipe. Also, CONCENTRIC TUBE HEAT EXCHANGER.

17187             double-solvent refining             a petroleum-refining procedure in which two solvents are used to deasphalt and solvent-treat lubricating-oil stocks simultaneously.

17188             double-stream amplifier            a microwave traveling-wave amplifier in which amplitude occurs through the interaction of two electron beams with different average velocities.

17189             doublet          two items that are joined or associated in some way; a pair; specific uses include:     : a bond between two electrons that are shared by two atoms.

17190             doublet trigger            a trigger signal consisting of two pulses separated by predetermined intervals for coding.

17191             double-tuned amplifier             an amplifier in which the stages are tuned to two different resonant frequencies to obtain a wider bandwidth than is possible with single-frequency tuning.

17192             double-tuned circuit                 a tuned circuit in which resonant components are tuned to two adjacent frequencies to achieve a wide bandwidth.

17193             double-tuned detector              an FM discriminator containing two tuned circuits; the resonant frequency of each tuned circuit is adjusted to provide an overall balanced response above and below the resting frequency.

17194             doughnut                   a device used to support a string of pipes, casing, or tubing; composed of a threaded, tapered ring of steel or a ring of wedges.a device used to support a string of pipes, casing, or tubing; composed of a threaded, tapered ring of steel or a ring of wedges. a concrete structure formed around a wellhead to create a one-atmosphere chamber used for inspecting the equipment under normal atmospheric conditions.a concrete structure formed around a wellhead to create a one-atmosphere chamber used for inspecting the equipment under normal atmospheric conditions.

17195             DOVAP           a system in which the trajectory of a missile or other rapidly moving long-range object can be plotted by means of the Doppler effect, shown by radio waves bounced off the object. (An acronym for Doppler velocity and position.)

17196             DOW              Defenders Of Wildlife

17197             DOWN DRAFT             공동현상

17198             downcomer                 a down-flow zone for conveying liquid from one tray in a tray column to the tray beneath.

17199             down-converter           a converter whose ouput is at a frequency lower than the frequency of the input signal.

17200             downcutting                a milling procedure in which the teeth of a cutting tool proceed into the work in the same direction as the feed. Also, CLIMB MILLING, CLIMB CUTTING.

