환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 16901-17000
번호 용어 해설
16901 ◆ diode-connected transistor ◆ a transistor in which the emitter and collector terminals are shorted to form a diode between the base terminal and the common emitter-collector terminal connection.
16902 ◆ diode-pentode ◆ an electron tube in which a diode and a pentode are contained within the same envelope, usually with a common cathode.
16903 ◆ diode-triode ◆ an electron tube in which a diode and a triode are contained within the same envelope, usually with a common cathode.
16904 ◆ diolefin hydrogenation ◆ the hydrogenation of diolefins in C4 and C5 fractions to mono-olefins for alkylation feedstocks, using a fixed-bed catalytic reactor.
16905 ◆ Dioxin ◆ Any of a family of compounds known chemically as dibenzo-pdioxins. Concern about them arises from their optential toxicity as contaminants in commercial products. Tests on laboratory animals indicate that it is one of the more toxic anthropogenic (man-made) compounds.
16906 ◆ Diphenylamine의 특성 및 방제방법 ◆ 주최 : 국립환경 연구원
16907 ◆ Diphenylmethane-4, 4'-diisocganate의 특성 및 방제방법 ◆ 주최 : 국립환경 연구원
16908 ◆ diplexer ◆ a coupling unit that allows two transmitters to safely share the same antenna.
16909 ◆ diploid ◆ a 24-sided crystal form belonging to an isometric system in which the faces are arranged in pairs.
16910 ◆ dipole field ◆ the sound field radiated by a dipole.
16911 ◆ dipper ◆ ㆍ a digging bucket that is rigidly attached to a stick or arm of an excavating machine.a digging bucket that is rigidly attached to a stick or arm of an excavating machine. ㆍ a machine having such a digging bucket.a machine having such a digging bucket. 3. of, relating to, or resembling such a machine. Thus, dipper dredge, dipper shovel.of, relating to, or resembling such a machine. Thus, dipper dredge, dipper shovel.
16912 ◆ diproton ◆ an unstable state, probably hypothetical, consisting of two bound protons.
16913 ◆ dipulse ◆ a type of binary code transmission in which 1 represents the presence of a single cycle of a sine-wave tone, and 0 represents its absence.
16914 ◆ DIRECT AND STORAGE DISCHARGE ◆ 직접/저장투하 결합방식 : 폐기물 적환장의 형식
16915 ◆ direct coupling ◆ the direct attachment of the shaft of a motor or other driving mechanism to the shaft of a rotating mechanism.
16916 ◆ DIRECT DISCHARGE ◆ 직접투하방식; 폐기물 적환장의 형식
16917 ◆ Direct Discharger ◆ A municipal or industrial facility which introduces pollution through a defined convey-ance or system such as outlet pipes; a point source.
16918 ◆ direct drive ◆ an arrangement in which the driving mechanism is connected directly to the driven mechanism.
16919 ◆ direct effect ◆ a chemical reaction that occurs when ionizing radiation strikes an atom or a molecule in a material.
16920 ◆ direct expansion ◆ in a refrigeration system, an arrangement in which the refrigerant expands in an evaporator in the airstream.
16921 ◆ direct field ◆ a field of sound waves that are not reflected but rather arrive at the receiver directly from the source.
16922 ◆ Direct Filtration ◆ A method of treating water which consists of the addition of conagulent chemicals, flash mixing, coagulation, minimal flocculation, and filtration. Sedimentation is not uses.
16923 ◆ DIRECT FLAME AFTER BURNER ◆ 직접불꽃방식; 배출가스 처리방법
16925 ◆ DIRECT INFLOW ◆ 직접 유입수; 강유유출수등 하수관거에 직접 연결된 형태로 거의 즉시 폐수량을 증가시키는 것
16926 ◆ DIRECT INJECTION ◆ 직접주입
16927 ◆ DIRECT INSOLATION ◆ 직달일사; 태양광선에 직각인 면이 태양으로부터 직접 받는 양
16929 ◆ direct nuclear reaction ◆ the collision of two nuclei that takes place in the time needed for the incident particle to transverse the target nucleus and, as a result, does not mix with the nucleus as a whole but interacts only at the surface of the target nucleus.
16930 ◆ direct phase determination ◆ a method of deriving relative phases of diffracted beams by consideration of relationships among the indices and among the structure factor amplitudes of the stronger reflections. These relationships come from the conditions that the structure is composed of atoms and that the electron density must be positive or zero everywhere. Only certain values for the phases of the Bragg reflections are consistent with these conditions. Also, direct method.
16931 ◆ DIRECT POTABLE REUSE ◆ 직접 음용수로의 재이용(재생된 폐수를 직접 상수공급망을 이용하여 공급하는 과정)
16932 ◆ DIRECT POTABLE REUSER ◆ 직접음용수로의 재이용; 재생된 폐수를 직접 상수공급망을 이용하여 공급하는 과정
16933 ◆ Direct Push ◆ Technology used for performing subsurface investigations by driving, pushing, and/or vibrating small-diameter hollow steel rods into the ground/ Also known as direct drive, drive point, or push technology.
16934 ◆ DIRECT RADIATION ◆ 직달복사; 태양고도에는 상관 없이 태양으로부터 직접 도달되는 복사
16935 ◆ direct radiator (speaker) ◆ a speaker whose radiator element directly affects the air, rather than affecting an intermediate element such as a horn.
16936 ◆ Direct reuse ◆ 직접 재사용; 재생된 폐수를 하천이나 호수로 방류하지 않고 사용하는 과정으로 농업용수 또는 관개용수로의 재사용을 의미
16937 ◆ Direct Runoff ◆ Water that flows over the ground surface or through the ground directly into streams, rivers, and lakes.
16938 ◆ DIRECT THERMAL OXIDATION ◆ 직접가열산화법 : 공기중에 희석된 VOC를 소각하는 방법
16939 ◆ direct tide ◆ a gravitational tide (solar or lunar) of the oceans or the atmosphere that is in phase with the apparent motion of the tide-producing force
16940 ◆ DIRECT USE ◆ 직접재사용; 재생된 폐수를 하천이나 호수로 방류하지 않고 사용하는 과정
16941 ◆ DIRECT WEIGHING METHOD ◆ 직접계근법; 폐기물 발생량 조사법으로 직접 계근하는 방법
16942 ◆ direct-coupled amplifier ◆ an amplifier configuration in which the output of one stage is connected to the input of the next stage, either directly or through a resistance; used for amplifying dc voltages and slowly varying signals.
16943 ◆ direct-coupled transistor logic ◆ a logic circuit in which transistors are connected without coupling components such as capacitors or resistors.
16944 ◆ direct-current amplifier ◆ an amplifier circuit that can boost DC voltages. Also, DC AMPLIFIER.
16945 ◆ direct-current coupling ◆ a coupling used in amplifiers in which the output of one stage is connected to the input of the next stage, either directly or through a resistance; used for amplifying dc voltages and slowly varying signals.
16946 ◆ direct-current discharge ◆ the flow of direct current through a gas, which ionizes the gas and causes luminescence.
16947 ◆ direct-current inserter ◆ a circuit in a television transmitting system used for inserting a DC component into the composite video signal to be transmitted.
16948 ◆ direct-current offset ◆ a direct-current biasing level added to a signal at the input of a circuit, usually to cancel a DC component added by the circuit.
16949 ◆ direct-current restorer ◆ a circuit that adds a fixed voltage component to a waveform in order to restore a specified reference level for the waveform; usually used to restore a DC component lost by capacitive coupling between stages.
16950 ◆ direct-current transducer ◆ a transducer that requires a DC power source and generates a DC output signal in response to an input stimulus.
16951 ◆ direct-expansion coil ◆ a finned refrigeration coil within which a cold fluid or evaporating refrigerant circulates.
16952 ◆ direct-fired evaporator ◆ an evaporator with a metal wall or other heating surface to separate the flame and combustion gases from the boiling liquid.
16953 ◆ direct-geared ◆ describing two mechanisms that are connected in such a manner that a gear on a shaft of one mechanism meshes with a gear on a shaft of the other mechanism.
16954 ◆ direction rectifier ◆ a rectifier circuit that converts a synchro system ac error voltage to a dc voltage; the polarity of the voltage represents the direction of the angular error and the amplitude of the voltage represents the magnitude of the error.
16955 ◆ directional coupler ◆ a device that is used to couple radio-frequency energy to or from a wave that is traveling only in a specified direction in a transmission line or waveguide; it does not interact with waves traveling in the opposite direction. Also, DIRECTIVE FEED.
16956 ◆ directional filter ◆ a low-pass, bandpass, or high-pass dual-filter that separates the bands of frequencies used for transmission in opposite directions in a carrier system.
16957 ◆ DIRECTIONAL GAIN DIRECTIVITY INDEX ◆ 지향성이득 : 지향계수를 dB로 표시한 것으로 지향계수의 상용대수 10배
16958 ◆ directional gyro ◆ a gyroscope on board a freely moving object that provides a reference for orienting the object with an inertial coordinate system. Also, DIRECTION INDICATOR.
16959 ◆ DIRECTIONAL MICROPHONE ◆ 지향성 마이크로폰 : 음파의 입사방향에 따라 감도가 다른 마이크로폰
16960 ◆ directional well ◆ a well that is intentionally drilled to deviate from the vertical by as much as 70°, in order to bypass obstacles over the reservoir. Thus, directional drilling.
16961 ◆ directivity ◆ a property that causes some antennas to receive or radiate more radio-frequency energy in some directions than in others. Electromagnetism. ㆍ the value of the directive gain of an antenna in its maximum-gain direction.the value of the directive gain of an antenna in its maximum-gain direction. ㆍ the ratio of the power at the forward-wave sampling terminals of a directional coupler to the power measured at the same terminals when the direction of the forward wave is reversed.the ratio of the power at the forward-wave sampling terminals of a directional coupler to the power measured at the same terminals when the direction of the forward wave is reversed.
16962 ◆ directivity factor ◆ a factor Q that is the ratio of the square of the sound pressure, at some fixed distance and in a specified direction, to the mean squared pressure at the same distance in all directions.
16963 ◆ directivity index ◆ the on-axis power expressed in decibels of an acoustic signal transmitted by a transducer, as given by the formula DI = 10log Q, where Q is the directivity factor. Also, directivity gain.
16964 ◆ directivity pattern ◆ a directional sound response profile made by a transducer at a specified frequency and in a specified plane, such as the heart-shaped pattern created by a cardioid microphone.
16965 ◆ DIRECT-LOAD TYPE ◆ 직접적재방식; 폐기물적환시 적용되는 적환방식
16966 ◆ DIRECTLY COUPLED TURBINE ◆ 직결형 터빈; 피구동기에 따른 증기터빈
16967 ◆ direct-view storage tube ◆ a cathode-ray tube, including one or more writing guns, a flooding gun, and selective erasing capability, in which the emission of electrons from a storage grid provides a bright display for long and controllable periods of time; used in radar and weapons-control displays on aircraft instrument panels.
16968 ◆ DISC SCREENS ◆ 디스크스크린; 폐기물처리시 스크리닝단위공정에 이용되는 장비
16969 ◆ Discharge ◆ Flow of surface water in a stream or anal or the outflow of ground water from a flowing artesian well, ditch, or spring. Can also apply tp discharge of liquid effluent from a facility or to chemical emissions into air through designated venting mechanisme.
16971 ◆ discharge lamp ◆ a lamp that produces light when the gas is ionized by an electric current passing through it at low or high pressure; e.g., fluorescent lamps, neon tubing. Also, GAS DISCHARGE LAMP.
16972 ◆ discharge liquor ◆ ㆍ any liquid that has gone through a processing operation.any liquid that has gone through a processing operation. ㆍ specifically, waste liquid from a manufacturing plant.specifically, waste liquid from a manufacturing plant.
16973 ◆ discharge tube ◆ a tube consisting of a glass envelope containing a low- or high-pressure gas or vapor and two metal electrodes; the gas is ionized by an electric current flowing through it when adequate voltage is applied between the electrodes.
16974 ◆ discontinuity ◆ a seismic boundary within the earth where seismic waves abruptly change velocity.
16975 ◆ discontinuous amplifier ◆ an amplifier that samples only a part of an entire input waveform and effectively reconstructs the output waveform by an averaging process.
16976 ◆ discovery well ◆ an exploratory well that reveals oil in a new field or at a new level; a successful wildcat well.
16977 ◆ discrepancy index, residual R ◆ an index that gives a crude measure of the correctness of a crystal structure determination. It is defined as R = |(|F0| - |Fc|)|/|F0| and values of 0.06 to 0.02 are considered good. However, some partially incorrect structures have had R values below 0.10, and many basically correct but imprecise structures have higher R values.
16978 ◆ DISCRETE PARTICLE SETTLING ◆ 독립입자 침전; 제1형 침전
16979 ◆ discrete sampling ◆ a method of waveform sampling that avoids appreciable negative effects on the frequency response of the channel by lengthening the duration of the individual samples.
16980 ◆ DISCRETE SETTLING ◆ 개별침강
16981 ◆ discrete sound system ◆ a term for a multi-channel sound system, such as a quadraphonic system, that possesses the ability to process each channel separately.
16982 ◆ discriminator ◆ a circuit that converts frequency or phase deviations from a carrier to corresponding amplitude variations.
16983 ◆ discriminator transformer ◆ a transformer used in a discriminator circuit; it is usually designed to operate at radio frequencies and contains a center-tapped secondary winding connected to a balanced detector circuit.
16984 ◆ Disinfectant ◆ A chemical or physical process that kills pathogenic organisms in water, air, or on surfaces. Chlorine is often used to disinfect sewage treatment effluent, water supplies, wells, and swimming pools.
16985 ◆ Disinfectant By-Product ◆ A compound formed by the reaction of a disinfenctant such as chlorine with organic material in the water supply; a chemical byproduct of the disinfection process..
16986 ◆ Disinfectant Time ◆ The time it takes water to move from the opoint of isinfectant application (or the previous point of residual disinfectant measurement) to a point before or at the point where the residual disinfectant is measured. In pipelines, the time is calculated by dividing the internal volume of the pipe by he maximum hourly flow rate; within mixing basins and storage resrvoirs it is determined by tracer studies of an equivalent demonstration.
16987 ◆ DISINFECTION ◆ 소독, 살균, 멸균; 질병을 유발시키는 미생물을 선택적으로 파괴시키는 것
16988 ◆ Disinfection by high-energy irradiation ◆ 고에너지 방사에 의한 살균; 슬러지 살균처리 방법
16989 ◆ Disinfection wih ultraviolet light ◆ 자외선 살균; 수처리에서 사용되는 화학적 단위공정
16990 ◆ Disinfection with bromine chloride ◆ 브롬화염소 살균; 수처리에서 사용되는 화학적 단위공정
16991 ◆ Disinfection with chlorine ◆ 염소살균; 수처리에서 사용되는 화학적 단위공정
16992 ◆ Disinfection with chlorine dioxide ◆ 이산화염소살균; 수처리에서 사용되는 화학적 단위공정
16993 ◆ Disinfection with other chemicals ◆ 기타 화학약품에 의한 살균; 슬러지 살균처리 방법
16994 ◆ Disinfection with ozone ◆ 오존 살균; 수처리에서 사용되는 화학적 단위공정
16995 ◆ disintegrate ◆ to undergo the process of disintegration.
16996 ◆ disintegration ◆ a change in the properties of a nucleus, whether spontaneous or induced, in which particles or photons are released.
16997 ◆ disintegration energy ◆ the energy released or absorbed during a nuclear or particle reaction.
16998 ◆ disintegration rate ◆ the rate of radioactive transformation, or activity, of a sample of radioactive material, measured in disintegrations per second; defined quantitatively as the product of the number of atoms originally in the sample and the decay constant.
16999 ◆ DISINTEGRATION SCRUBBER ◆ 분리형세정기 : 세정집진기의 한 종류
17000 ◆ disintegration voltage ◆ the lowest plate voltage in a gas-filled electron tube at which destruction of the cathode-emitting surface occurs due to ion bombardment.
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