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환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 16701-16800

by 리치캣 2023. 1. 11.

환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 16701-16800

번호                  용어                  해설

16701             dew-point pressure                  the pressure of a system, at a fixed temperature, at which condensation or a liquid phase first appears.

16702             dextrorotatory form                 the isomer of a compound that rotates the plane of vibration of plane-polarized light clockwise, or to the right, as distinguished from the levo form that involves counterclockwise rotation.

16703             DfE                Design for the Environment

16704             DG synchro amplifier                an analog circuit used to amplify differential generator signals in a synchro system.

16705             DI                  지향지수  directivity index

16706             DI                  Diagnostic Inspection

16707             DIABATIC PROCESS                  비단열과정 : 열의 출입이 있으면서의 변화과정

16708             diadochy                    the replacement of atoms or ions by other atoms or ions at specific lattice point sites.

16709             DIAGNOSTIC MODEL                진단모델

16710             diagonal displacement                 displacement along a line of applied force or torque.

16711             diagonal stay               a diagonal member between the tube sheet and shell of a fire-tube boiler.

16712             diagram factor             the ratio of the actual mean effective pressure of a steam engine to its ideal cycle.

16713             dial feed                     a device that positions workpieces successively so that they can be acted upon by a machine.

16714             dial press                    a punch press equipped with dial feed.

16715             dial pulse interpreter                a circuit that converts the pulse strings of a dial telephone to a format that is suitable for data entry to a computer; used in areas without touch-tone capability.

16716             dialysis           the separation of substances in a solution based on the rate at which each component is diffused through a membrane; chiefly used to separate large particles (colloids) from soluble substances.

16717             dialysis fermenter                    a fermenter fitted with a selectively permeable membrane through which the substrate and other materials can penetrate but the biomass cannot, thus maintaining a high biomass concentration within the reactor.

16718             dialysis membrane (투석막)                      용질, ion등을 확산에 의해서, 막을 투과하는 현상을 이용해 분리를 하는 막.

16719             dialyzate                     the material in a dialysis process that does not pass through the semipermeable membrane

16720             dialyzer          the semipermeable membrane used in dialysis, such as a collodion.

16721             diameter group           a parameter used in the study of flow machines such as turbines, equal to the fourth root of pressure number 2 divided by the square root of the delivery number.

16722             diaphragm                  a thin, flexible disk or cone in a microphone that vibrates when contacted by sound waves, producing or varying an electric current.a thin, flexible disk or cone in a microphone that vibrates when contacted by sound waves, producing or varying an electric current. a similar part in a loudspeaker that vibrates in response to an electric current, thus producing sound.a similar part in a loudspeaker that vibrates in response to an electric current, thus producing sound.  Optics. a device that prevents destructive light rays, those that would cause aberrations or glare, from entering the lens of a camera or microscope by limiting the diameter of the opening through which rays can enter the system.  : a conductive plate inserted into a waveguide to introduce and match impedance.  Radiology. an apparatus with an adjustable opening used to limit or restrict the light or radiation that passes through it.

16723            diaphragm  pump      (다이어프램 펌프)                     왕복동펌프의 일종. 플렁거를 왕복시키고, 다이아프램을 억지 연고하는 것에 의해 송액한다.  소용량으로(에서) 정량성이 뛰어나고 있으므로, 접액부에 내약품성재질을 사용하는 것에 의해, 물약 주입 펌프로서 좋게  사용된다.

16724             diaphragm cell            a type of electrolytic cell in which anode and cathode compartments are divided by a porous membrane or diaphragm; used for the production of sodium hydroxide and chlorine from sodium chloride brine.

16725             diaphragm compressor             a compressor in which a reciprocally moving diaphragm is used to compress a small volume of gas.

16726             diaphragm pump                     a pump in which a flexible diaphragm is set between two nonreturn valves, clamped around the edge, and attached to the center of a short-stroke reciprocating rod.

16727             DIASTEREOMER           부분 입체 이성질체

16728             Diatomaceous Earth (Diatomite)                A chalk-like material (fossilized diatoms) used to filte out solid waste in wastewater treatment plants; also used as an active ingredient in some powdered pesticides.

16729             DIATOMS                    규조류, 규조토

16730             diatonic          of or relating to a musical scale that contains five whole tones and two semitones.

16731             diatonic scale              a musical scale with separations between notes based on natural intonations; a major scale or minor scale.

16732             Diazinon                     정의 :        Diazinon은 토양에서 장식적인 초목, 과일, 야채를 생산하는 작물, 해추을 제거하기 위해서 사용해 온 유기인계 살충제의 공통된 이름이다.  이것은 파리, 벼룩, 바퀴벌레와 같은 집안에 살고 있는 해충을 제거하기 위해서 사용한다. 이것의 화학물은 환경에서 자연적으로 생겨나지 않고 만들어 지는 것이다. 순수한 화학물은 무색이며, 냄사가 없는 오일이다. 조제품은 농업에 사용되어지고 구제약에 의해서 85~90% diazion을 담고 있으며, 어둡고 갈색의 액체로서 엷게 나타난다. 집과 정원 사용을 위한 Diazion 조제약은 액체 혹은 고체 알갱이로서 1~5% diazion을 포함하고 있다.        http://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/tfacts86.html

16733             Diazinon                     An insecticide. In 1986, EPA banned its use on open areas suh as sod farms and golf courese because it posed a danger to migratory birds. The ban did not apply to agricultural, home lawn or commercial establishment uses.

16734             Dibenzofurans             A group of organic compounds, some of which are toxic.

16735             Dibutylpthalate (DBP)의 특성 및 방제방법                    

16736             Dibutylpthalate (DBP)의 특성 및 방제방법                     주최 : 국립환경 연구원

16737             di-cap storage             a device that stores information in the form of arrays of charged capacitors and utilizes diodes to control information flow.

16738             Dichlorvos                  dichlorvos는 진한 무색의 액체형 살충제이며, 단내가 나고 물과 쉽게 혼합된다. 해충 살충제로 사용되는 dichlorvos는 다른 화학물질로 희석되어 스프레이로서 사용된다. 또한 화학물질을 천천히 방출되는 플라스틱과 합성된다.        dichorvos는 식료품 저장소, 온실, 헛간 등에 있는 벌레를 죽이고 가축에 붙어 있는 벌레를 없애는데 사용된다. 일반적으로 외부 농작물에서는 사용되지 않는다. dichlorvos는 때때로 작업장과 집에서 살충제로 쓰이기도 한다.        수의사들은 페스트에 대비해 기생충을 박멸하기 위해 사용하고 있으며, “No-Pest Strips,”의 재료로도 사용하였지만 더 이상은 이 목적으로 사용하지 않는다.        ATSDRIC@cdc.gov

16739             dicing             the cutting of semiconductor material into cubes or rectangles as part of a manufacturing process for solid-state devices.the cutting of semiconductor material into cubes or rectangles as part of a manufacturing process for solid-state devices. the slicing of a slab of piezoelectric material into crystal blanks.the slicing of a slab of piezoelectric material into crystal blanks.

16740             dicing cutter               a machine in which sheet material is first cut into horizontal strands by blades and then fed against a rotating knife for dicing.

16741             Dicke radiometer          an instrument that detects and measures low-level radiant energy in noise and provides a representative indication on an output display.

16742             Dicofol           A pesticide used on citrus fruits.

16743             DID (Digital Information Display)               디지털 화면을 통해 다양한 콘텐츠와 정보를 제공하는 것으로 영화 포스터를 디지털 액정화면에 표시해 주며, 초지향성 스피커와 인식 센서를 설치해 해당 영화 주제곡 및 효과음 까지 들려줌

16744             dideoxynucleotide                    a nucleotide that lacks the 3' hydroxyl group necessary for bonding and so prevents further chain elongation on a growing polynucleotide.

16745             die nipple                   a cylindrical fishing tool with an inside surface that is tapered upward and furnished with hardened threads; used to recover drill pipe. When placed over lost downhole drilling equipment and rotated, the inside surface cuts into the outside of the lost equipment and grips it. Also, DIE COLLAR.

16746             die shoe          a block to which a die holder is mounted in order to spread the impact over the die bed.

16747             Dieckman condensation reaction               the condensation reaction of any esters of dicarboxylic acids to produce cyclic Beta-ketoesters.

16748             dielectric absorption                 an undesirable characteristic of certain dielectrics to retain a portion of an electric charge after removal of the electric field. Also, DIELECTRIC HYSTERESIS.

16749             dielectric breakdown                a sudden increase in electric current flow through a dielectric material when the applied electric field strength goes beyond a critical value.

16750             dielectric fatigue          a property of some dielectrics in which resistance to breakdown increases after voltage has been applied for a long period.

16751             dielectric matching plate           a plate made of a dielectric material that is used for matching purposes in waveguide technique.

16752             dielectric polarization               a polarized effect that arises from molecules oriented in such a way that permanent dipole moments arise from an asymmetric charged distribution.a polarized effect that arises from molecules oriented in such a way that permanent dipole moments arise from an asymmetric charged distribution.

16753             dielectric vapor detector           an instrument used to measure the change in the dielectric constant of gases, especially of carrier gases in chromatography.

16754             dielectrophoresis          the property that causes an uncharged material to be activated by an electric field.

16755             Diesel cycle                 an actual version of this cycle used in compression-ignition (Diesel) engines: first, air is drawn into the cylinder and compressed; second, energy is added by the injection and combustion of fuel in the cylinder; third, the gases produced by this combustion expand to move the piston downward for the power stroke; fourth, the burned gases in the cylinder are expelled.

16756             diesel engine               a compression-ignition engine in which a fuel pump injects measured quantities of fuel into the heated compressed-air charge of each cylinder in succession, with the fuel igniting at an almost constant temperature; earlier types sprayed the fuel with an air blast.

16757             diesel index                 a rating system for diesel fuel based on ignition characterisitics; the higher the index, the higher the ignition quality of the fuel.

16758             diesel knock                a knock caused when the period of ignition delay in a diesel engine is so long that a large quantity of atomized fuel accumulates in the combustion chamber.

16759             diesel or Diesel            relating to or powered by a diesel engine.relating to or powered by a diesel engine. a vehicle or object that is powered by a diesel engine. Used to form various compounds, such as diesel locomotive, diesel truck, diesel hammer, diesel generating station, and so on.a vehicle or object that is powered by a diesel engine. Used to form various compounds, such as diesel locomotive, diesel truck, diesel hammer, diesel generating station, and so on.

16760             DIESEL PARTICULATE FILTER TRAP              매연여과장치

16761             diesel squeeze             a method of driving a mixture of diesel oil and cement through casing openings to mend areas that bear water without affecting the areas that bear oil.

16762             diesel-electric              describing a vehicle or machine that is powered by an electric motor, which receives power from an electric generator, which in turn is powered by a diesel engine. Thus, diesel-electric locomotive.

16763             dieseling                     in a compresser, the explosion of the mixture of air and lubricating or fuel oil in a compression chamber or other part of the air system.

16764             Diethyl Phthalate          Diethyl Phthalate이 날카롭고 이해할 수 없는 무색의 액체이다. 이 합성물질은 더욱 유연한 플라스틱을 만들기 위해서 공통적으로 사용되어진다. 생산품은 칫솔, 자동차부품, 공구, 인형 음식 포장등에 쓰이는 것을 볼 수 있다. 플라스틱을 만드는 화학물의 고리의 부분은 아니다. Diethyl Phthalate는 그러한 산물로부터 쉽게 공평하게 방출될 수 있다. Diethyl Phthalate는 단지 화장품, 살충제, 아스피린과 크로마토그래피에 이용된다.        http://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/tfacts73.html

16765             difference tone            a tone created by the overlap of two tones, having a frequency equal to the difference of the two tones.

16766             differential                  an epicyclic gear train that allows two shafts to rotate at different speeds while being driven by a third shaft; the sum of the rotational rates remains constant and is equal to twice the rotational speed of the driving shaft; allows the rear wheels of an automobile to rotate at different speeds when the vehicle is turning. Also, DIFFERENTIAL GEAR.

16767             differential amplifier                 an amplifier circuit whose output is directly proportional to the instantaneous differences between the two input waveforms.

16768             differential brake          a brake whose operation is based on the difference between two motions.

16769             differential capacitance             the rate of change of the charge characteristic of a capacitor at a specific point on the operating curve.

16770             differential chemical reactor                     a flow reactor that operates at constant temperature and very low conversions, with reactant and product concentrations close to the levels in the feed.

16771             differential comparator             a circuit containing one or more differential amplifiers, designed to compare the polarity and amplitude of an input voltage with respect to that of a reference voltage.

16772             differential discriminator           a discriminator circuit that responds only to pulse signals within a predetermined amplitude range.

16773             differential ebuliometer             a device that measures both the condensation temperature of the vapors of a boiling liquid and the boiling temperature of the liquid.

16774             differential effects                       perturbations to a trajectory caused by variations from standard conditions.

16775             differential extraction               a theoretical limiting case of crosscurrent extraction in a single vessel. Feed is continuously processed into product and pure solvent.

16776             differential gain control            a receiver-gain control circuit in which receiver gain is varied with time to keep output signal levels constant, by reducing sensitivity to close, strong signals and increasing sensitivity to distant, weak signals; used mainly in radar and loran applications.. Also, SENSITIVITY-TIME CONTROL.

16777             differential indexing                 in a dividing engine, a method of subdividing a circle based on the difference in motion between the index plate and the index crank.

16778             differential input          an input applied to a two-input device, in a manner such that the sum of the signals on the two terminals, measured to a common reference ground, is zero. Used to form various compounds, such as differential-input voltage, differential-input resistance, differential-input capacitance, and so on.

16779             differential keying                    a method of keying a continuous-wave transmitter to avoid chirping noises at the start and end of each keying pulse; the oscillator is keyed-on a short time before the main amplifier and keyed-off a short time after the main amplifier.

16780             differential motion                   a mechanical movement wherein the velocity of the driven part is equal to the difference of the velocities of two parts connected to it.

16781             differential permeability            the slope of the magnetization curve for a magnetic material.

16782             differential phase                     the difference in phase of the high-frequency color subcarrier signal in a color television transmission system as the video signal on which it is superimposed is varied from one level to another.

16783             differential polarography           an electroanalytical technique that measures the difference in current flowing between two identical electrodes that are at the same potential but in two different solutions.

16784             differential process                   a process that causes a system to perpetually change in composition or quantity.

16785             differential pulley                     a tackle system that yields a high mechanical advantage, composed of an endless cable passing through a movable, load-bearing lower pulley and two stationary, coaxial upper pulleys of varied diameter.

16786             differential pulse-code modulation                     a phase-code modulation in which quantized differences between successive samples are coded into a defined number of equal-duration binary digits and used for data transmission.

16787             differential reaction rate            the incremental change in reactant concentration that occurs in a differential interval of time.

16788             differential separation               a process in which gas or vapor is released from liquids by a reduction in pressure and removed from the system.

16789             differential stage          an amplifier circuit that contains a differential input, and that produces an output signal proportional to the instantaneous differences in signal voltage or current between the two inputs.

16790             differential temperature survey                 a technique for logging the temperature in a well that determines small temperature deviations; placed 6 ft (8 m) apart, two thermometers record the temperature gradient down the well, with small differential variations indicating irregularities.

16791             differential thermometric titration             a titration in which the titrant is added simultaneously to a mixture and a blank in identically equipped cells, and the difference in temperature is determined.

16792             Differential Transducer (차압트랜스듀서 )                     동시에 2개가 독립한 소스를 받아, 그리고 2개의 소스간의 차이에 비례하는 출력을 일으키기 위해서 설계된 트랜스듀서.

16793             differential voltage gain            the ratio of the output voltage of a differential amplifier to the differential input voltage.

16794             differential windlass                 a windlass composed of two drums of different diameter that are rotating at the same rate; a pulley suspended below them on a line wound around the larger drum and unwound from the smaller drum is raised with mechanical advantage. Also. CHINESE WINDLASS.

16795             differential-input measurement                 a measurement of the signal voltage or current at the input of a differential-type circuit in which the value at each input is measured with respect to the other and not with respect to ground. Also, FLOATING-INPUT MEASUREMENT.

16796             differential-mode input             the voltage difference between the input terminals of a differential amplifier.

16797             DIFFERENTIATING SOLVENT                      구별성 ; 산의 근복적인 세기 차를 나타낼 수 있는 용매

16798             differentiator               a circuit that produces an output voltage which is proportional to the rate of change of the input voltage, so that the output waveform is the time derivative of the input waveform. Also, DIFFERENTIATING CIRCUIT.

16799             DIFFRACTION              회절 : 전파속도가 장소에 따라 변하고, 파의 진행방향이 변하는 현상

16800             DIFFRACTION OF SOUND WAVE               음의 회절; 장애물 뒤쪽으로 음이 전파하는 현상



컬러링 스몰미빌딩 (20개 도시 세트) 미술교육. 창의력 발달. 해외여행. 창의력교육. 색칠공부, :

[스몰미 와 아트리트] 나만의 작은 나. 스몰미, 색다른 자기표현. smallME.



