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환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 16501-16600

by 리치캣 2023. 1. 11.

환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 16501-16600

번호                  용어                  해설

16501             Defluoridation             The rmeoval of excess flouride in drinking water to prevent the staining of teeth.

16502             defoaming agent          a substance that reduces the surface tension of a liquid, thus inhibiting the formation of bubbles in the liquid when it is agitated; for example, sulfonated oils, silicone fluids, or organic phosphates. Also, ANTIFOAMING AGENT.

16503             defocus-dash mode                 a method of writing binary data onto the screen of a storage cathode-ray tube, in which the writing beam forms a dash on the screen for one polarity of binary digit and is defocused for the opposite polarity.

16504             defocus-focus mode                 a method of writing binary data onto the screen of a storage cathode-ray tube, in which the writing beam forms a tightly focused spot on the screen for one polarity of binary digit and is defocused for the opposite polarity.

16505             Defoliant                    An herbicide that remowes leaves from trees and growing plants.

16506             deforestation               산림황폐, 사막화

16507             deforestation drought           사막화 및 한발

16508             deformation                any change in the shape and size of a body.

16509             deformation curve                   a graph for a material showing stress as the abscissa and strain as the ordinate. Also, STRESS-STRAIN RELATION.

16510             deformation energy                  the critical amount of energy represented by the elongation or deformation of a target nucleus that, with the neutron energy imparted to the nucleus, influences the ease of fission.

16511             deformation twin                     a twin crystal produced by slipping along a plane in response to plastic deformation in the original crystal.

16512             deformation-density map          the difference between the electron density at high resolution of a crystal structure and that expected for a molecule composed of isolated spherical atoms. Deformation density maps give some indication of the bonding characteristics of molecules and of the orientations of lone-pair electrons.

16513             deformed nuclei          the nuclei found in the rare earths and actinides with nonspherical equilibrium shapes, in which even small deformations produce sizeable quadrupole moments; only in such nuclei with substantial distortions can rotational motion be observed.

16514             defroster                     equipment that is designed to melt frost, ice, and condensation from the windshield of an automobile or other vehicle; it generally consists of a series of ducts that deliver hot, dry air from the engine. Also, DEFOGGER.

16515             degas             to expel or exhaust all gases from an electron tube during the manufacturing process, including gases absorbed into the internal parts of the tube.

16516             degaser deaerator                    수중의 용존가스를 제거하는 탈기장치. 방식으로서는고순도 질소폭기법(탈산소) ② 가열탈기  진공탈기막탈기등이 있다. 막탈기법은 소수성 중공사막 내부에 순수한 물을 통과하는 외부를 진공에 가까운 상태로 하는 일에 의해 탈기하는 방법.

16517             Degasification              A water treatment that removes dissolved gases from the water.

16518             degauss          to remove an unwanted magnetic field from a piece of electronic equipment; demagnetize.  Computer Technology. to erase information from a magnetic tape, disk, or drum by demagnetizing the oxide surface.  Electromagnetism. to render a ship safe from magnetic mines by neutralizing its magnetic field; this is accomplished by surrounding it with a series of electric cables to set up an equal and opposite magnetic field, thereby neutralizing it. Also, DEPERM.

16519             degaussing                 the process of neutralizing the strength of the magnetic field of an object. Thus, degaussing cable. degaussing   : the process of neutralizing the strength of the magnetic field of an object. Thus, degaussing cable.

16520             degenerate parametric amplifier                an electron-beam amplifier device that operates from an AC source twice the frequency of the input signal; it is capable of operating at microwave frequencies and is characterized by a low noise figure. Also, DEGENERATE AMPLIFIER.

16521             deglitcher                   a special circuit that suppresses switching transients to prevent the generation of spurious digital pulses.

16522             DEGRADABLE              분해가능한 : 분해가능한 물질이란 폐기되었을 때 생물, 물리, 화학적인 자연조건에 의하여 분해되는 물질을 말함

16523             DEGRADATION            분해되어서  초기의 물질이 존재하지 않게 되는 과정

16524             degradation product                in the processing of petroleum, a product with low value, or a contaminant created while a reaction is taking place.

16525             DEGRADE                   분해하다.

16526             degree of current rectification                  the quotient of the average value of the pulsating direct current from a rectifier and the effective (root mean square) value of the alternating current into the rectifier.

16527             degree of freedom                   any of the independent modes in which a system can continuously change shape or move in space.any of the independent modes in which a system can continuously change shape or move in space. the total number of such modes.the total number of such modes.

16528             degree of voltage rectification                  the quotient of the average value of the pulsating direct voltage from a rectifier and the effective (root mean square) value of the alternating voltage into the rectifier.

16529             Degree-Day                 A rough measure used tod estimate the amount of heating required in a given area; is defined as the difference between the mean daily temperature and 65 degrees Fahrenheit. Degree-days are also calculated to estimated to estimate cooling requirements.

16530             DEHP, Di ( 2-ethylhexyl) phthalate              정의 :        Di(2-ehylhexy1)phthalate는 보다 유연한 플라스틱을 만들기 위한 제조된 화학물이다. 그것은 DEHP라고 불린다. DEHP는 냄새가 없는 색깔이 없는 액체이다.        DEHP는 접착제, 코팅, 샤워 커튼, 비닐 upholstery, 인형 같은 폴리비닐 클로라이드 (PVC) 플라스틱 산물이다. 비닐 플라스틱은 40% DEHP 이상을 함유할지 모른다. DEHP는 잉크, 살충제, 미용, 진공 펌프 오일로 사용된다. 이것은 여과시스템에 대해 테스트 물질로서 그리고, 안면보호장치로서 새는 것을 검사하기 위해서 사용된다. DEHP의 상표이름은 Plainol DOP, Octoil, silicol 150, Bisoflex 81, 그리고 Eviplast 80 이다. http://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/tfacts9.html

16531             dehumidifier               a device that removes moisture from the atmosphere.

16532             dehydrohalogenation                the process of removing hydrogen and a halide from a compound.

16533             DEICER           제빙장치

16534             DE-INK GRADES           탈잉크등급종이; 폐지등급, 화학적으로 잉크를 제거하고 한 후 사용될 수 있는 종이

16535             de-ionzed water in exchanged water     (ion 교환수  :     ion)                   이온교환 수지에 의해 수중의 ion H+ , OH- 와에 치환되고, ion 제거된 물.

16536             delay distortion           a distortion in transmitted signals caused by different rates of change of phase shift over the frequency range of the equipment. Also, ENVELOPE DELAY DISTORTION.

16537             delay equalizer            a corrective circuit designed to reduce the delay distortion in a system by compensating for the different rates of change of phase shift over the frequency range of the system.

16538             delay line                    an artificial transmission line or equivalent device designed to provide a time delay of a signal between input and output.

16539             delay multivibrator                   a monostable circuit capable of producing an output pulse at a predetermined time after receipt of a trigger input pulse.

16540             delayed alpha particle              an alpha particle that is emitted by an excited nucleus long after beta decay has taken place.

16541             delayed automatic gain control                 an automatic gain control circuit that preserves weaker signals in a receiver by acting only on inputs above a predetermined amplitude. Also, delayed automatic volume control.

16542             DELAYED INFLOW                    지연유입수; 하수관거로 배수하기 위해 여러날 또는 그 이상이 필요한 우수

16543             delayed neutron          a neutron arising from fission but not instantaneously released, sometimes delayed up to seconds; resulting from the breakdown of fission products and helpful in the control of reactors.

16544             delayed neutron fraction           the ratio of the average number of delayed neutrons to the total number of neutrons per fission event, amounting to about 0.75%.

16545             delayed PPI                 a plan-position indicator in which the start of each sweep is delayed for a predetermined time after transmission of the main pulse.

16546             delayed sweep             a technique in which the start of a sweep is delayed for a predetermined time after the reference pulse in order to enhance the clarity of later signals by allowing them to be seen on an expanded time scale.

16547             Delbruck scattering                  the diffusion of photons by the electric field created by a motionless charged particle.

16548             Delegated State           A state (or other governmental entity such as a tribal government) that has received authority to administer an environmental regulatory program in lieu of a federal counterpart, As used in connection with NPDES, UIC, and PWS used in connote and transfer of federal authority to a state.

16549             deliquescence              the absorption of water from the air that eventually leads to a softened state.

16550             deliquescent                describing a substance that tends to absorb water vapor from the atmosphere and become liquid.describing a substance that tends to absorb water vapor from the atmosphere and become liquid. specifically, describing a powdery substance that will dissolve in the water it absorbs from the atmosphere, unless kept enclosed or stoppered.specifically, describing a powdery substance that will dissolve in the water it absorbs from the atmosphere, unless kept enclosed or stoppered.

16551             Delist             Use of the petition process to have a facility's toxic designation rescinded.

16552             delocalized bond          a molecular bonding concept, often used to describe the pi bonding in a system of alternating single and multiple bonds; a bonding electron is seen as delocalized between the linked atoms instead of being associated with a particular atom.

16553             delta modulation          a transmission system in which each sample of the signal is transmitted by the value with which it differs from the preceding sample.

16554             delta pulse-code modulation                    a transmission system in which each sample of the signal is transmitted by a value, coded as a binary number pulse sequence, showing how much it differs from the preceding sample.

16555             deltic method              a method of sampling incoming waveforms and reference signals, in which the samples are compressed in time and compared by autocorrelation. (An acronym for delayed-line-time-compression.)

16556             demagnetization          the complete or partial elimination of permanent magnetic fields.

16557             demal             a solution of one gram-equivalent of solute dissolved in one cubic decimeter of solvent.

16558             Demand-side Waste Management             Prices whereby consumers use purchasing decisions to ommunicate to product maunfacturers that they prefer environmentally sound products packaged with the least amount of waste, made from recycled or recyclable materials, and containing no hazardous substances.

16559             demasking                  the process of restoring normal chemical reactivity to a masked substance.

16560             Dember effect             an effect in which light shining on one region of a two-region semiconductor stimulates the diffusion of hole-electron pairs, thus producing a voltage between the regions. Also, PHOTODIFFUSION EFFECT.

16561             Demineralization          A tratment process that removes dissolved minerals from water.

16562             demister                     a British term for a defroster.

16563             DEMOLITION WASTES              해체폐기물; 해체빌팅, 파손된 가로, 인도, 다리등 기타구조물에서 나온 폐기물

16564             demountable tube                   an electron tube that can be partially disassembled for inspection and replacement of electrodes.

16565             demultiplexer              a device that is designed to separate signals previously combined by a multiplexer and transmitted over a single channel.

16566             demultiplexing circuit               a circuit that acts as a demultiplexer.

16567             denaturation               the process of denaturing a substance.  Molecular Biology. any process in which the molecular structure of a substance, especially that of a protein or nucleic acid, is artificially altered using heat, radiation, or an acidic solution, in order to eliminate or modify one or more of its characteristic chemical, physical, or biological properties; the process usually involves the breaking of hydrogen bonds.

16568             denature                     to add a chemical substance to a product to render it unpleasant or unfit for human consumption, so that the product may be used exclusively for other purposes.

16569             Denifrification              탈질화 ; 질산성 질소가 질소 및 기타 기체상태의 최종생성물로 전화되는 생물학적 과정

16570             DENITRIFICATION                     탈질산화

16571             Denitrification              Thr biological reduction of nitrate to nitrogen gas by denitrifying bacteria in soil.

16572             DE-NOX SYSTEM          질소산화물 저감 기술

16573             dense layer, skin layer (치밀층)                  비대칭막 및 복합막에 있어서, 표면에 있는 얇은 밀인 층.

16574            Dense Non-Aqueous Phase Liquid (DNAPL)                     Non-aqueous phase liquids such as chlorinated hydrocarbon solvents or petroleum fractions with a specific gravity greater than 1.0 that sink through the water column until they reach a confining layer. Because they are at the bottom of aquifers instead of floating on the water table, typical monitoring wells do not indicate their presence.

16575             DENSIFICATION           압축; 폐기물의 물리적처리에서, 일반적으로 기계적인 압력을 가해 폐기물을 처음의 부피보다 감소시키는 공정을 일컫는 용어이다

16576             Density           A measure of how heavy a specific volume of a solid, kiquid, or gas is in comparison to water. depending on the chemical.

16577             density           the concentration of matter of an object, measured as the ratio of its mass to its volume;the mass per unit volume of a substance, expressed in such units as kg/m3, g/cm3 or lb/ft3.

16578             DENSITY CURRENT                   밀도류, 밀도율

16579             density gradient centrifugation                 a method of separating the components of a mixture according to the density of their particles by spinning in a centrifuge.

16580             density modification                 a computational method for improving the phases used to calculate an electron density map from X-ray diffraction data. An envelope defining the approximate boundary of the molecule is determined from the electron density map, and all electron density outside this envelope is set to its average value. A new set of phases is then determined by Fourier inversion of this solvent flattened map. The usefulness of the method increases as the fraction of solvent in the unit cell increases. Also, SOLVENT-FLATTENING.

16581             density modulation                  a process in which the density of the electron beam in an electron tube is varied with time, resulting in a bunching of electrons.

16582             DENSITY OF AIR          공기밀도; 0℃, 1기압하에서 공기의 밀도는 1.2928 g/L 이다.

16583             dental coupling           a flexible coupling device that is used to join a reduction-gear pinion shaft to a steam turbine; consists of a short shaft with a set of gear teeth at each end.

16584             deodorizing                any process for eliminating odor-creating substances from a product.

16585             DEP                Deparment of Environmental Protection

16586             depentanizer               a fractionating column to remove pentane and lighter fractions from hydrocarbon mixtures.

16587             dephlegmation            the partial condensation of vapor to form a liquid containing higher boiling constituents than the original vapor, often done in a distillation operation.

16588             dephlegmator              a device used in fractional distillation to cool the vapor mixture, thus condensing less volatile boiling fractions. Also, FRACTIONATING COLUMN.

16589             Depletion Curve           In hydraulics, a graphical representation of water depletion from storage-stream channels, surface soil, and groundwater. A depletion curve can be drawn for base flow, direct runoff, or total flow.

16590             depletion drive            a well drive displacement mechanism for expelling hydrocarbons from porous reservoir formations; types of drives are water or gas, either injected or natural, and injected LPG. Also, SOLUTION GAS DRIVE, DISSOLVED GAS DRIVE.

16591             depletion layer            the region of a reverse-biased P-N junction in which there are no charge carriers, so that current does not flow and the junction acts as an insulator rather than as a semiconductor. Also, BARRIER LAYER, DEPLETION REGION, SPACE-CHARGE LAYER.

16592             depletion mode transistor                        a field-effect transistor in which the gate is reverse-biased with respect to the channel, and which can be driven from a state of full conduction to nonconduction by varying the gate voltage.

16593             depletion-layer capacitance                      the capacitance of the depletion layer of a semiconductor. Also, BARRIER-LAYER CAPACITANCE, JUNCTION CAPACITANCE.

16594             depletion-layer rectification                      the rectification that occurs at the contact between dissimilar materials, such as a semiconductor P-N junction, as the energy levels on each side of the discontinuity are readjusted.

16595             depletion-layer transistor          a transistor whose operation depends directly on the flow of carriers through depletion layers.

16596             depletion-type reservoir            an oil reservoir that is constantly in a state of equilibrium between the gas and liquid phases; oil is displaced during production by the expansion of gas set free from solution in the oil.

16597             DEPOLARIZATION                    탈분극, 감극

16598             depolarizer                  a substance that tends to reduce the polarization of an electrode.a substance that tends to reduce the polarization of an electrode. a substance that is preferentially oxidized or reduced to preclude undesired reactions.a substance that is preferentially oxidized or reduced to preclude undesired reactions.

16599             DEPOSIT REFUND SYSTEM                       예치금제도;  주로 공해의 저감과 자원의 재상용을 목적으로 사용되는 제도로서 오염물질 단위당 일정액을 예치하고 대상오염물질을 회수하거나 적절한 폐기과정을 거쳤을 때 이를 반환하는 제도, 폐기물 자원화를 위한 경제적 유인책

16600             DEPOSIT SYSTEM                     예치금제도

