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환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 16401-16500

by 리치캣 2023. 1. 11.

환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 16401-16500

번호                  용어                  해설

16401             DCO               Delayed Compliance Order

16402             DCO               Document Control Officer

16403             DDAC(염화디데실디메틸암모늄)                 수용성의 물질로 세균과 곰팡이에 사용되는 방부·살균제이다. 탈취제 등에 함유되어 있어 노출되면 호흡 빈도 증가, 면역세포 분열능 증가, 혈액 관련 지표 변화 등 폐와 인체기관에 영향을 준다. 『화평법』에 의해 유독물질로 지정되어 있으며, 2017년부터는 섬유탈취제 내 0.18% 이하로 함량이 제한되었다.

16404             DDT                  DichloroDiphenylTrichloroethane

16405             DDT               The first chlorinated hydrocarbon insecticide chemical name: Dichloro-Diphenyl-Trichloroethane). It has a half-life of 15 years and can collect in fatty tissues of certain animals. EPA banned registration and interstate sale of DDT for virtually all but emergency uses in the United States in 1972 because of its persistence in the environment and accumulation in the food chain.

16406             DDT, DDE, and DDD                 정의 :        DDT(1,1,1-trichloro-2,2-bis(p-chloropheny)ethane)은 말라리아와 typhus와 같은 질병을 옮기는 곤충, 해충을 제어하거나 수풀을 제거하기 위해 사용되는 화합물로 제조되었다. 이것은 환경에서 자연적으로 일어나지 않는다. DDT는 맛이 없고 냄새가 없는 하얀색의 크리스탈 고체이다.        인간 보건에 잠재적 해와 삶에 충격을 주기 때문에 DDT의 사용은 공공보건협회를 제외한 미국에서 금지하고 있다. DDT는 아직 몇몇 나라에서 사용하고 있다.        때때로 DDT산물로 오염된 2개의 유사한 화합물은 DDE(1,1-dichloro-2,2-bis(chloropheny) DDD(1,1-dichloro-2,2-bis(p-chlorophenyl)이다. DDD는 해충을 죽이지만 그 사용을 금지하고 있다. 그중 하나의 형태는 의학적으로 부신 내분비선의 암을 처리하기 위해서 사용한다. DDE는 상업적으로 사용하지 않는다 http://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/tfacts35.html .

16407             de la Rue and Miller's law                        a principle stating that the minimum sparking voltage in a gas-filled device is directly proportional to the gas pressure and the distance between the electrodes to which the voltage is applied.

16408             de la Tour method                   a method of measuring critical temperature by sealing a sample in a tube and heating it; the critical temperature is obtained when the meniscus disappears.

16409             De Vries effect             an approximate 100-year oscillation in the radiocarbon content of the atmosphere that produces variations in the apparent radiocarbon age of rock and mineral samples.

16410             de Witte relation          a graphical representation of the relation between electrical conductivity and distance.

16411             deaccentuator             a circuit that reduces the high-frequency response of audio signals in a frequency modulation receiver in order to compensate for the undesired accentuation of high-frequency audio that normally occurs at the transmitter.

16412             deacidify                     to reduce the acidity of a substance.

16413             Deacon process           a method of producing chlorine by the oxidation of hydrogen chloride with oxygen at 400-500°C over a copper salt catalyst.

16414             dead              describing an area that does not allow significant sound reflection, such as a recording studio equipped with sound-absorbing materials.

16415             dead axle                    an axle that has a wheel mounted to it but does not rotate with the wheel.

16416             dead center                 in a reciprocating engine, either of two positions, occurring at either end of the stroke, when the crank and connecting rod are in the same line and the force exerted on the crank by the piston and connecting rod is zero.

16417             Dead End                    The end of a water main which is not connected to other parts of the distribution system.

16418             dead end                    the portion of a sound-recording area that produces minimal sound reflection, as opposed to the live end where considerable reverberation takes place.  : a portion of a tapped coil through which no current is flowing at a particular bandswitch position.

16419             dead end filtration (전량 여과)                  운전 조작 방법의 한나로, 공급수를 막면에 대해 직각 방향에 흘리고, 전량을 여과하는 방법.

16420             dead room                  a room constructed of or lined with sound-absorbing material to minimize internal sound reflection.

16421             DEAD STORAGE           사수량; 수지의 최저 저수위 이하의 저수량

16422             DEAD TIME                 불감시간 : 크로마토그래피에서 머무르지 않는 화학종이 검출기에 도달하는 시간

16423             Dead Volume (데드 볼륨)          실온 · 대기압에 있어서의, 검출 소자의 압력 포토의 용적.

16424             deadbeat                    describing an oscillating system, such as a meter, that comes to rest in a new position without overshooting it. Thus, deadbeat reaction, deadbeat response.

16425             dead-end effect           the energy absorption of unused portions of a tapped coil.

16426             deadman's brake          a safety device used on electric vehicles or machinery, designed so that the vehicle or machine will stop if the operator releases pressure on the control, usually a handle or foot pedal. Similarly, deadman's handle, deadman's pedal.

16427             Deadmen                    Anchors drilled or cemented into the ground to provid additional Areactive mass for DP sampling rigs.

16428             dead-stroke                 having little or no recoil after a stroke or upon impact; such a device may utilize a spring mechanism to reduce recoil. Thus, dead-stroke hammer.

16429             deaerator                    in high-pressure steam boilers, a vessel in which the boiler feed water is heated at lower pressure in order to remove dissolved gasses that might damage the boiler metal.

16430             dealkylate                   to remove attached hydrocarbon groups.

16431             deashing                    a process by which both anions and cations of inorganic salts are removed from solution through adsorption by ion-exchange resins.

16432             Deborah number          a dimensionless parameter equal to the relaxation time of a process, divided by the time after which the process is observed.

16433             debunching                 the tendency for a beam of electrons in a velocity-modulated tube to spread because of mutual repulsion.

16434             Debye relaxation time               the time during which the movement of ions in a solution is retarded by the ions of the opposite charge (ion atmosphere) surrounding them.

16435             Debye-Falkenhagen effect          a phenomenon in which the application of a high-frequency voltage increases an electrolyte's conductivity.

16436             Debye-Huckel theory                the assumption that every ion in an electrolytic solution is surrounded by an ion atmosphere (a cluster of oppositely charged ions), which restricts ionic mobility when a current passes through the medium; this assumption provides an explanation for the deviation from ideal behavior of dilute solutions

16437             Debye-Sears ultrasonic cell                       a method of creating light images of ultrasonic beams by using acoustic waves as optical grating to diffract light on either side of a central spot, and then focusing the undiffracted light to a pinhead hole which is the only source of light from the cell.

16438             DEC               Department of Environmental Conservation

16439             decade scaler              a scale-of-ten electronic counter that delivers one output pulse for each group of ten input pulses. Also, decade counter.

16440             decahydrate                a compound that contains ten molecules of water of crystallization.

16441             Decant           To draw offthe upper layer of liquid after the heaviest material (a solid or another liquid) has set-tled.

16442             decay constant            the constant of proportionality that relates the rate of disintegration of a particular radioactive species to the total number of atoms in the element under consideration; the decay constant is uniquely characteristic of the species and can identify it as precisely as qualitative chemical analysis. Also, decay coefficient.

16443             decay curve                a graph that tracks the activity of a radioactive sample over time, showing how much radioactive material remains at any given time.

16444             decay gammas            the gamma rays that are emitted from radioactive isotopes during decay.

16445             decay mode                one of two or more alternative and competing modes by which a radioactive nuclide or particle undergoes decay, such as alpha- or beta-ray emission, spontaneous fission, or electron capture.

16446             Decay Products            Degraded radioactive materials, often referred to as daughters or progeny; radon decay products of most concern from a punlic health standpoint are poloint are oplonium-214 and polonium-218.

16447             decay rate                   the continuously changing rate of disintegration of an active species, in which the number of atoms disintegrating in a unit time is proportional to the total number of remaining atoms of that species then present.

16448             decay series                a sequence of nuclides that arise from and are transformed by radioactive decay until a stable isotope is produced, as in the actinium series. Also, DISINTEGRATION FAMILY, DISINTEGRATION SERIES, RADIOACTIVE CHAIN, DECAY FAMILY.

16449             decelerating electrode              an electrode to which a potential is applied to reduce the velocity of the electrons in the beam of an electron-beam vacuum tube.

16450             deceleration                a decrease in velocity with time.a decrease in velocity with time. the rate of such a decrease.the rate of such a decrease.

16451             deceleration coefficient             the ratio of an object's deceleration in a fluid to the square of its velocity.

16452             Dechlorination             탈염소; 수처리에서 사용되는 화학적 단위공정

16453             Dechlorination             Removal of chlorine from a substance.

16454             DECIBEL(db)                데시벨 : 파워, 음의 세기 또는 기타의 양을 비교하는데 사용되는 것으로 차원이 없는 단위이다. dB

16455             decimal attenuator                   an attenuator used to decrease voltage or current in discrete decimal steps.

16456             decinormal                  a solution that contains one-tenth of the gram-equivalent weight of solute per one liter of solution.

16457             decision element          a circuit that performs logic operations on digital input data and expresses the result in its output; it is usually a component of a larger logic system or subsystem.

16458             DECLARATION ON THE HUMAN ENVIRONMENT           인간환경선언 : 1972년 스웨덴의 수도 스톡홀름에서 113개국 대표가 모여 세계국으로 환경위기에 처한 지구를 보전하는데 전지구인이 다함께 협력하고 노력하자는 선언적 규정

16459             declination                  the horizontal angle, varying with geography, between true north and magnetic north.

16460             Declining growth phase            감소성장기; 미생물 성장의 안정기에 해당하는 단계

16461             decommutation           the process of extracting one or more signals from a composite signal created by a commutation process.

16462             decommutator             the equipment used in extracting commutated signals. Also, DEMODULATOR.

16463             DECOMPOSITION                     분해; 생물학적, 화학적, 혹은 열을 이용하여 유기성 폐기물을 파괴하는 행위

16464             Decomposition            Thr breakdown of matter by bacteria and fungi, changing the chemical makeup and physi-cal appearance of materials.

16465             decomposition potential           the minimum amount of electromotive force that is required to allow an electrolytic cell to be recharged. Also, decomposition voltage.

16466             Decontamination          Removal of harmful substances such as noxious chemicals, harmful bacteria or other organisms, or radioactive material from exposed individuals, rooms and furnishings in buildings, or the exterior environment.

16467             decoupling                  the process of eliminating or effectively minimizing transfer or feedback of energy from one circuit to another.  Computer Technology. the process of separating a system into its component parts, in order to study how the individual parts function and interface with one another.  Robotics. a coordinate system based on the positions of a robot's joints in space.

16468             decoupling filter          a filter connected at a common point between two or more circuits to reject frequencies that cause interference through interstage coupling.

16469             decoy transponder                   a transponder used in radar deception.

16470             decrepitation               a process of breaking up mineral rock by heating, usually accompanied by a cracking noise.

16471             DEDUCTION                환원. 감소(문장내용에 따라 해석)

16472             deemphasis                 the introduction of a complementary frequency response to restore the frequency spectrum to its original form, by offsetting higher frequencies that were introduced in preemphasis. Thus, deemphasis network.

16473             DEEP BED CONTINUOUS FILTER                심층 연속식 여과지; 입상여과에 사용되는 여과지

16474             DEEP BED MONO-MEDIUM FILTER             심층 단층여상 여과지; 입상여과에 사용되는 여과지

16475             DEEP BED SEMICONTINUOUN FILTER                     심층 반연속식 여과지; 입상여과에 사용되는 여과지

16476             DEEP BED UPFLOW FILTER                        심층 상향류식 여과지 ; 입상여과에 사용되는 여과지

16477             deep inelastic collision              a type of nuclear reaction that takes place when the collision of two heavy ions lies between grazing and a direct hit, resulting in the dissipation of kinetic energy in reaction fragments. Also, deep inelastic transfer.

16478             Deep shaft process                  심층포기공정; 기이 120-150m의 수직 반응조를 가진 활성슬러지의 변법

16479             DEEP-WELL INJECTION             심정 주입법

16480             Deep-well Injection                     Deposition of raw or treated, filtered hazardouswaste by pumping it into deep wells, where it is contained in the pores of permeable subsurface rock.

16481             deep-well pump          any pump that delivers water and other liquid from a well, shaft, or borehole.any pump that delivers water and other liquid from a well, shaft, or borehole. specifically, one of a series of centrifugal pump impellers mounted on a single rotating shaft operated by an electric motor at the surface.specifically, one of a series of centrifugal pump impellers mounted on a single rotating shaft operated by an electric motor at the surface.

16482             DEEP-WELL REACTOR               심정 반응조

16483             defect cluster              a deviation from the internal symmetry of a crystal resulting in regrouping, due to impurities or to ions being missing or out of position.

16484             defined medium          a nutritional medium for a cell culture that is of a known composition and can be duplicated whenever required. Also, SYNTHETIC MEDIUM.

16485             definite composition law           a law stating that a given chemical compound is always composed of the same elements in the same proportions by weight. Also, definite proportions law.

16486             deflagration                a rapid combustion process that gives off heat and light.

16487             deflagration spoon                   a spoon with a long handle, used in deflagration demonstrations.

16488             deflecting torque          the torque that drives an instrument, such as a meter needle, where deflection and torque are proportional.

16489             deflection                   an alteration in the angle of a well bore in oil well drilling.

16490             deflection coil             one coil of the set that composes a cathode-ray tube deflection yoke.

16491             deflection curve           the shape assumed by a horizontal bar, supported at both ends, subject to the application of a vertical force.

16492             deflection defocusing               an inherent tendency in a cathode-ray tube for the electron beam to become less focused as it is deflected toward the outer perimeter of the screen.

16493             deflection electrode                  one electrode of a pair in a cathode-ray tube that produces one side of the electrostatic field, creating deflection of the electron beam in one axis. Also, DEFLECTION PLATE.

16494             deflection factor          the amount of deflection voltage or current needed to produce a given deflection on a cathode-ray tube screen.

16495             deflection polarity                    the relation between the polarity of the voltage applied to a pair of deflection electrodes in a cathode-ray tube and the direction in which the electron beam moves.

16496             deflection sensitivity                 the amount of deflection produced by a given deflection voltage or current applied to a cathode-ray tube; the inverse of deflection factor.

16497             deflection voltage                    the voltage applied between a pair of deflection electrodes to control the movement of the electron beam across the screen.

16498             deflection yoke            an assembly of electromagnetic coils installed around the neck of a cathode-ray tube to control the deflection of the electron beam.

16499             deflocculant                a substance used to break up aggregated particles in solution, thus forming a colloidally stable suspension.

16500             Deflocculating Agent                A material added to a suspension to prevent settling.

