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환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 16301-16400

by 리치캣 2023. 1. 11.

환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 16301-16400

번호                  용어                  해설

16301             CUTOFF DITCH             차단 도랑

16302             cutoff frequency          the upper and lower frequencies at which the gain of an amplifier is reduced to the half-power point (0.707 times the maximum gain for voltage and current amplifiers).the upper and lower frequencies at which the gain of an amplifier is reduced to the half-power point (0.707 times the maximum gain for voltage and current amplifiers). the frequency below which radio waves are reflected by the ionosphere and above which they penetrate the ionosphere layer.the frequency below which radio waves are reflected by the ionosphere and above which they penetrate the ionosphere layer. 3. the upper or lower frequency beyond which a filter or other frequency-selective device fails to respond to an input.the upper or lower frequency beyond which a filter or other frequency-selective device fails to respond to an input.

16303             cutoff valve                 in a steam engine, a valve that stops the flow of steam to a cylinder.

16304             cutoff voltage              the minimum value of negative voltage on the control grid of an electron tube that stops the flow of plate current.the minimum value of negative voltage on the control grid of an electron tube that stops the flow of plate current. the value of base-to-emitter voltage (approximately 0 volts) in a transistor that causes collector current to stop.the value of base-to-emitter voltage (approximately 0 volts) in a transistor that causes collector current to stop.

16305             cutout angle               the phase angle of the input power cycle in a rectifier circuit at which conduction of a diode ceases; a cutout angle can never be exactly 0° or 180° degrees because of the forward bias requirements of the rectifying diodes.

16306             CUTTER          절단기; 폐기물파쇄장치

16307             cutter bar                   in a mower, combine, or similar machine, a bar along which a knife or blade runs, protected by triangular guards. Also, SICKLE BAR.in a mower, combine, or similar machine, a bar along which a knife or blade runs, protected by triangular guards. Also, SICKLE BAR. a bar that supports a cutting tool.a bar that supports a cutting tool.

16308             cutterhead                  a device on a machine tool that holds the cutting tool.

16309             cutting stylus              a tool that cuts grooves into a lacquer base to create a phonograph record from a master recording.

16310             cutting tool                 the part of a machine tool that removes material from the workpiece. Also, CUTTER.

16311             Cuttings          Spoils left by conventional drilling with hollow stem auger or rotary drilling equipment.

16312             cuvette           a rectangular or cylindrical container used in various laboratory experiments; often made of quartz, with optical surfaces used to mold samples so that their light-absorbing properties can be measured.  Geology. a basin in which sedimentation has occurred or is taking place, as opposed to one formed by the folding of preexisting rocks.

16313             CV                 변이계수; Coefficient of variation

16314             CV                 Chemical Vocabulary

16315             CVS               Constant Volume Sampler

16316             CVS [CVS-method]                자동차배가스 중의 오염물질 함량을 측정하는데 있어서, 측정시료를 채취하는 방법의 하나이다. Constant Volume Sampling Method 의 약으로 정용량채취법이라고도 한다. Europe 배가스 시험(ECE-R-15) 에서는 전량 채취하고 있는데 반해서 우리나라와 미국에서는 이 CVS법을 자동차 배기 motor 시험법에 추가시키고 있다. 각 시험 motor 에 따라서 운전할때 chassis-dynamo-meter 에 실려 있던 피시험차에서 배출되어진 가스를 CVS 장치에 도입하고 여기에서 air-cleaner 에서 보내온 청정공기에 의해 희석한 후, 희석배가스의 전용량에 대해서 일정비율의 시료가스를 back으로 채취 하던가, 또는 일산화탄소, 탄화수소, 질소산화물 등의 농도를 측정한다. 장치에는 NDIR(비분산식적외선 분석계), FID(수소염 이온화 검출기). CLD(화학 발광법 검출기)가 사용된다. 이때 희석 배가스의 전용량은 항상 일정하게 유지되도록 한다. 이 방법에서는 배가스에 포함된 성분을 응축 등에 손실되지 않도록 하고, 또 성분이 화학적으로 변화를 받지 않도록 회피하면서 각 운전조건하에 연속적으로 sampling 할 수 있는 것이 특징이다.

16317             CW                Continuous working-level monitoring

16318             CWA              Clean Water Act (aka FWPCA)

16319             CWAP             Clean Water Action Project

16320             CWM연료                   석탄슬러리 연료는 0il과 같은 방법으로 탱크저장, 펌프에 의한 배관수송, 버너에 의한 연소가 가능하도록 제조된것으로서 석탄(65%) + (35%) + 첨가제(미량)를 분쇄, 혼합 및 안정화 과정을 거쳐 유체상의 연료로 만든 것을 말한다.          이 연료의 특성을 살펴보면 액체연료와 같은 방법으로 저장, 수송, 연소가 가능하며 선박에 의한 수송시 부두 하역시설이 크게 간편한 이점이 있다.          또한 석탄의 수송, 저장, 분쇄시 발생되는 비산분진에 의한 환경공해가 없고 화재의 위험이 없으며, 다른 석유대체연료에 비해 비교적 빠른 시기에 실용화가 가능하고 대량의 석유대체와 경제성이 높다.

16321             CWTC             Chemical Waste Transportation Conucil

16322             Cyanide (KCN)             정의 :        시안화수소산의 염으로 cyanide는 복합물을 형성하기 위한 또 다른 화합물과 함께 결합되는 것을 발견되었다. 간단한 cyanide는 복합물의 예는 hydrogen cyanide, sodium cyanide, potassium cyanide 이다.  cyanide는 어떤 박테리아, 곰팡이, 조류에 의해서 산출된다. 그리고 수많은 음식과 식물을 발견된다. 구체적으로, cyande는 비타민        를 형성하기 위한 화합물과 함께 결합한다. cyanide cassava 뿌리에서 자연적으로 생겨난다. cassava 뿌리는 열대지방에서 자라나는 cassava 식물의 괴경과 같은 감자이다.        Hydrogen cyandie는 희미한, 지독한, 아몬드 냄새가 나는 무색의 가스이다. Sodiium cyanide potassium cyanide는 둘 다 습기상태에서 아몬드와 같은 냄새, 쓴 냄새 가진 하얀색의 고체이다. cyanise hydrogen cyanide는 전기도금물, 야금, 화학물의 생산, 사진 개발, 플라스틱 합성, 연기에 그을리는 선박, 채광공정에 사용되고 있다. http://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/tfacts8.html

16323             CYANIDES                   시안화물

16324             cyanohydrin                a compound having a carbon atom attached to both a cyano group and a hydroxyl group. Also, CYANALCOHOL.

16325             cycle stock                  an unfinished product removed from a unit of a refinery process, then recharged to the process at an earlier point in the operation.

16326             cycle timer                  a mechanical or electronic control device that opens or closes contacts according to a preprogrammed schedule. Also, PROGRAMMED TIMER.

16327             cyclic chronopotentiometry                      an electrochemical method of analysis in which current reversal is effected at the working electrode and the potential is measured against time.

16328             cyclic coordinate          a generalized coordinate that does not appear in the Lagrangian of a conservative holonomic dynamical system.

16329             cyclic train                  a gear system in which one or more of the gear axes rotates around a fixed axis.

16330             cyclic voltammetry                   an electrochemical technique in which one or more triangular potential sweeps are applied to the working electrode and the resulting current measured.

16331             cycling           an operation in which gas flowing from a gas reservoir passes through a separation system or processing plant, after which the remaining gas is returned to the reservoir.

16332             cycloidal pendulum                  a heavy weight suspended by a cord that hangs between two cycloid-shaped metal constraints. This type of pendulum executes motions whose period of oscillation is completely independent of the swing amplitude.

16333             cyclone           any of various cone-shaped devices that are used to classify fine powders or to separate fine particles and dusts from air or other gases through centrifugal action. Also, cyclone collector, cyclone classifier.any of various cone-shaped devices that are used to classify fine powders or to separate fine particles and dusts from air or other gases through centrifugal action. Also, cyclone collector, cyclone classifier. a similar apparatus that extracts suspended particles from flowing liquid; used especially to classify solids in mineral pulp.a similar apparatus that extracts suspended particles from flowing liquid; used especially to classify solids in mineral pulp.

16334             Cyclone Collector                     A device that uses centrifugal force to remove large particles from polluted air.

16335             CYCLONE SCRUBBER                사이클론형세정기; 흡수장치 종류

16336             CYCLONE SEPARATOR               사이클론 분리기; 폐기물처리의 단위공정에서 사이클론 분리기는 소각가능한 가벼운 물질을 분리하는 장비로서 쓰인다.

16337             CYCLONE SPRAY CHAMBERS                    원심력 살수탑 : 세정집진기의 한 종류

16338             CYCLONES                  원심력 집진기 : 원통구조물 내에서 전체 가스를 나선모양으로 흐르게 하여 입자를 제거하는 대기오염방지 장치

16339             cyclonic          relating to rotation in the same direction as the earth when viewed from the local vertical; that is, counterclockwise in the Northern Hemisphere, clockwise in the Southern Hemisphere, and undefined at the Equator.

16340             CYCLONIC SPRAY SCRUBBER                    원심력 살수세정기 : 세정집진기의 한 종류

16341             cyclotron radiation                   the radiation emitted by charged particles as they orbit in a magnetic field. Also, cyclotron emission.

16342             cyclotron-frequency magnetron                a magnetron constructed to produce microwave energy through the synchronous interaction of an electron stream oscillating under the influence of a radio- frequency electrostatic field and the field itself.

16343             cylinder          in an internal-combustion engine, a cylindrical chamber in which the pressure of a heated liquid fuel moves a sliding piston; the part of an engine in which the combustion energy of the fuel is converted to mechanical force.

16344             cylinder block              in an internal-combustion engine, the metal casing in which the cylinders are bored; it also contains channels for cooling water.

16345             cylinder head              a removable top component of a reciprocating engine, pump, or compressor that, when bolted in place, provides a gas-tight seal for the cylinders; in an internal-combustion engine, it also contains valves, valve ports, combustion chambers, and cooling water channels.

16346             cylindrical array           a two-dimensional array of antenna elements whose corresponding points lie on a cylindrical surface.

16347             cylindrical cam            a cam mechanism in which the cam follower undergoes translational motion parallel to the camshaft as a roller attached to the follower moves in a cylinder that is concentric with the camshaft.

16348             cylindrical grinder                    a machine designed to accurately finish cylindrical shapes with a high-speed abrasive wheel; the work is rotated by the head stock of the machine and the wheel is automatically moved along it under a flow of coolant.

16349             CYLINDRICAL WAVE                 원주파 : 파면이 원주형인 파

16350             cylindrical-film storage             a magnetic core memory in which each individual core consists of a thin film of ferromagnetic material on the surface of a short glass cylinder.

16351             cytofluorometry           an automated separation and analysis technique for cells or chromosomes that relies on the detection of specific fluorescent markers.

16352             CYTOPLASM                원형질, 세포질

16353             CZARA           Coastal Zone Management Act Reauthorization Amendments

16354             CZMA            Coastal Zone Management Act

16355             Czochalski process                   a method of growing crystals by placing a seed crystal in contact with molten material and then gradually pulling it away from the melt. The result is a rod-shaped crystal.

16356             D region                     the area of the ionosphere, about 60 miles (100 km) above sea level, where the D layer normally occurs.

16357             dado head                  a power-saw tool used to cut flat bottom grooves in wood; consists of two circular saws with one or more chippers in between.

16358             DAF               Dissolved Air Flotation

16359             DAILY COVER              당일복토; 자연토 또는 퇴비와 같은 대체물로 폐기물 층을 15-30cm정도 덮는 것을 말한다  

16360             d'Alembert's principle               the principle that a system under acceleration can be treated as a static system with the addition of all the related inertial forces, and that in this frame the net force on it is zero.

16361             Dall tube                    a device that is used to measure the flow rate of fluid through a section of pipe; similar to a venturi tube.

16362             Dalton's atomic theory              the atomic theory formulated by John Dalton, specifically the assumptions that: elements are made up of atoms that are identical for a given element in terms of mass, size, and other properties; atoms of a given element have properties differing from those of other elements; atoms can combine in constant relative numbers to form new compounds.

16363             damaging stress          the force that causes damage to a structure which will impair its function or shorten its lifespan, expressed in terms of stress per unit area.

16364             DAMPED PERIOD                     감쇠주기

16365             DAMPER                     감쇄장치 : 운동체에 저항을 주어 운동체의 운동에너지를 정적인 열에너지로 변화시키는 장치

16366             damper or damper tube           any circuit or device intended to limit unwanted oscillations, such as the damper circuit in a television receiver that ensures a stable picture by suppressing unwanted oscillations in the horizontal deflection drive circuit. Also, DAMPING DIODE.

16367             DAMPING                   감쇠, 제진; 진동에 의한 기계에너지를 열에너지로 변환시키는 기능

16368             damping capacity                    the ability of a material or system to dissipate the energy imparted to it by an impulse force or during impulsive forcing.

16369             DAMPING COEFFICIENT            감쇠계수 : 단위속도당 저항력

16370             DAMPING RATIO          감쇠비

16371             DAMPING VIBRATION               감쇠진동

16372             Danckwerts model                   a theory for the calculation of mass transfer between liquid and gas in a packed absorption tower; it is assumed that the gas in the column contacts new liquid that is brought to surface by the liquid eddies from the interior of the liquid body.

16373             dandy roll                   a roller used with a papermaking machine, consisting of a hollow cylinder covered with wire cloth; used to compress and strengthen the web of the paper.

16374             DANGER                     위험

16375             Daniell cell                  a device that produces an electric current from the interactions of two electrodes, having a copper anode immersed in a copper sulfate solution and a zinc-mercury cathode in a sulfuric acid or zinc sulfate solution, separated by a porous partition.

16376             DAPSS            Document and Personnel Security System (IMD)

16377             darcy or darcie            this unit used as a measure of rock permeability; because a darcy is too large to characterize many oil-producing rocks, the permeabilities used in the oil industry are expressed in units that are one-thousandth as large, such as millidarcies; commercial gas and oil sands show permeabilities from a few millidarcies to several thousand. (From Henri Darcy, 1803-1858, French engineer.)

16378             DARCY’S LAW             다르시의 법칙 : 유속은 수두구배에 의해 발생된다는 법칙

16379             dark conduction          the conduction of current by a photosensitive material, even though the source of light has been removed.

16380             DARK CURRENT           암전류 : 복사선이 없는 상태에서도 작은 일정한 감을 나타내는 것

16381             dark discharge             an electric discharge that does not emit light.

16382             dark spot                    a characteristic of television camera tubes in which electron clouds, formed within the tube, cause a dark area to appear on the received television picture.

16383             dark-current pulse                    a pulse generated by a phototube in the absence of incident radiation on the phototube.

16384             dark-trace tube            a cathode ray display tube in which the information is presented as dark traces on a very bright background and, when properly illuminated, the display can be projected onto a large screen. Also, SKIATRON.

16385             Darlington amplifier                 a compound emitter-follower amplifier consisting of two transistors with both collectors connected; the emitter of the input transistor is connected to the base of the output transistor, and the output signal is taken from the emitter of the second transistor; the amplifier is characterized by a high input impedance and a large current gain. Also, Darlington pair.

16386             dart leader                  the leader in chain lightning that, after the first lightning stroke, initiates the subsequent strokes.

16387             Darwin-Doodson system           a technique for the prediction of tides by depicting them as sums of the harmonic functions of time.

16388             dashpot          a device that is used to damp the vibration or control the motion of a mechanism; it consists of a piston that is connected to the component to be controlled and slides within a liquid-filled cylinder.

16389             Data Call-In                 A part of the Office of Pesticide Programs (OPP) process of developing key required test date, especially on the long-term, chronic effectes of existing pesticides, in advance of scheduled Registration Standard reviews. Data Call-In from maunfactuers in an adjunct of the Registration Standards program inteded to expedite re-registration.

16390             data circuit                 a radio or wire communication system specifically designed for transmission of digital data.

16391             Data Quality Objectives (DQOs)                Qualitative and quantitative statements of the overall level of uncertainty that a decision-maker will accept in results or decisions based on  environmental data. They provide the statistical framework for planning and managing environmental data operations consistent with user's needs.

16392             daughter                    a term used to denote a nuclide produced by the radioactive decay of another nuclide. Also, DECAY PRODUCT.

16393             Daughter nuclide (딸핵종)                        방사성 붕괴 과정에서 어떠한 방사성 핵종이 붕괴됨에 따라 생긴 또 다른 핵종. 붕괴 전의 핵종을 모핵종이라 하며, 붕괴 생성물을 딸핵종 (자손)이라고 한다. 라돈 딸핵종이란 라돈이 붕괴되어(반감기 3.82) 생성된 218Po(폴로늄) 로부터 214Bi(비스무스)를 거쳐 206Pb(, 안정원소)에 이르는 연쇄 붕괴과정 중에서 생성되는 방사성 물질이다.

16394             Dauphine twin law                   a twin law specifying a relationship between twin crystals in quartz, in which the twin is formed by the rotation of two left-handed or right-handed crystals 180° about the c axis. Also, Dauphine law.

16395             Day Tank                    Anotrher name fr deaerating tank. (See: age tank)

16396             DAY-NIGHT AVERAGE SOUND LEVEL                     주야등가 소음레벨; 24시간 가중 등가소음레벨 Ldn;

16397             d-block element          a term for a transition element that has an unfilled d subshell.

16398             DBP               Disinfection By-Product

16399             DC/PAC          사막화 통제프로그램 활동센타  desertification control program activity center

16400             DCI                Data Call-In

