환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 16201-16300
번호 용어 해설
16201 ◆ crystal detector ◆ a mineral or crystalline material with rectification properties that converts an alternating current into a pulsating current.
16202 ◆ crystal field theory ◆ the theory that an ion group bound to a metal's central atom is the source of the negative charge that causes the metal to respond to an electric field.
16203 ◆ crystal filter ◆ a filter circuit that uses a piezoelectric crystal to establish the center frequency of the passband.
16204 ◆ crystal gliding ◆ a combined operation in which a molecule is related to another by translation, which is half the spacing between lattice points, followed by reflection.
16205 ◆ crystal lattice ◆ a regularly spaced array of points that represents the structure of a crystal. Crystals are composed of groups of atoms repeated at regular intervals in three dimensions with the same orientation. Each such group of atoms is replaced by a representative point; the collection of points so formed is the space lattice or lattice of the crystal. Each crystal lattice is a Bravais lattice.
16206 ◆ crystal mixer ◆ a crystal receiver that can be fed simultaneously from two input frequencies to produce a lower output frequency; as, for example, a crystal radar receiver in which the received frequency is mixed with the output of a local oscillator to produce an intermediate frequency signal.
16207 ◆ crystal morphology ◆ study of the shape or form of a material. With crystals, a description of the crystal faces and the angles between them can often be used for identification.
16208 ◆ crystal plate ◆ the final form of a piezoelectric crystal slab upon completion of lapping, etching, and metal coating prior to installation in the crystal holder. Also, QUARTZ PLATE.
16209 ◆ crystal pulling ◆ the formation of crystals from a melted substance by pulling solid material from the liquid.
16210 ◆ crystal set ◆ a simple radio receiver consisting only of a resonant circuit, a crystal detector, and a headset or low-power speaker.
16211 ◆ crystal unit ◆ a unit or assembly within a piece of electronic equipment in which one or more crystal plates are installed.
16212 ◆ crystal video receiver ◆ a microwave receiver that contains a crystal detector to demodulate the received signal, and also a video amplifier.
16213 ◆ crystal video rectifier ◆ a crystal detector in which the nonlinear characteristic of a crystal diode is used to transform a video-modulated radio frequency signal directly into a video signal.
16214 ◆ crystal-controlled oscillator ◆ an oscillator whose frequency is controlled by a piezoelectric crystal. Also, CRYSTAL OSCILLATOR.
16215 ◆ crystal-controlled transmitter ◆ a radio transmitter whose carrier frequency is directly controlled by a crystal oscillator.
16216 ◆ crystal-lattice filter ◆ a filter circuit that uses piezoelectric crystals to establish the limits of the passband.
16217 ◆ CRYSTALLINE PRECIPITATION ◆ 결정질 침전; 액체상에서 잊자들의 일시적인 분산
16219 ◆ crystallizer ◆ a vessel in which dissolved solids in a solution are precipitated from the solution by cooling or evaporation, and then recovered as solid crystals with a specified size range.
16220 ◆ crystallogram ◆ an X-ray diffraction pattern revealing the arrangements of atoms in a crystal lattice.
16221 ◆ crystal-stabilized transmitter ◆ a radio transmitter with automatic frequency control in which a crystal oscillator establishes the reference frequency.
16222 ◆ CSA (Canadian Standards Association) ◆ 캐나다 표준협회
16223 ◆ CSCT ◆ Committee for Site Characterization
16224 ◆ CSD (Committee on Sustainable Development) ◆ 지속 개발위원회 리우선언 및 의제 21의 이행을 평가, 감시 하기윈한 총괄관리기구/우리나라는 외무부를 창구로 참여중이다.
16225 ◆ CSGWPP ◆ Comprehensive State Ground Water Protection Program
16226 ◆ CSI ◆ Common Sense Initiative; Compliance Sampling Inspection
16227 ◆ CSIN ◆ Chemical Specialties Manufacturers Association
16228 ◆ CSIN ◆ Chemical Substances information Network
16229 ◆ CSLF (Carbon Sequestration Leadership Forum) ◆ 탄소저감을 위한 국제포럼 우리나라는 현재 저장소 확보를 위한 국제적 모임인 CSLF(Carbon Sequestration Leadership Forum)에 참여, 탄수회수·저장 국제 공동 기술개발에 동의하고, 19대 CSLF 프로젝트를 추진하고 있다. CSLF는 2003년에 미국 주도로 창설됐으며, 우리나라를 포함해 영국, 독일, 프랑스, 일본 등 전 세계 배출량의 75%를 차지하는 22개국이 가입돼있다. 한편 우리나라는 동해가스전을 이용한 이산화탄소 저장사업의 실증화를 통해 2015년 후반 상용공정을 목표로 하는 로드맵을 제시한 바 있다.
16230 ◆ CSM ◆ Climate System Monitoring Project (WMO/WCP) (International)
16231 ◆ CSMoS ◆ Center for Subsurface Modeling Support
16232 ◆ CSO ◆ Combined Sewer Overflow
16233 ◆ CSOs ◆ 합류식관거의 월류수; Combined sewer overflows
16234 ◆ CSPA ◆ Council of State Planning Agencies
16235 ◆ CSRL ◆ Center for the Study of Responsive Law
16236 ◆ CTARC ◆ Chemical Testing and Assessment Research Commission
16237 ◆ CTE (Committee on Trade and Environment, 무역환경위원회) ◆ WTO 산하에 존재하는 무역환경위원회. 무역환경위원회(CTE)는 기본적으로 지구환경보전을 위한 국제협약 및 각종 국제기구의 활동과 자유무역의 활성화를 위한 WTO의 노력과의 마찰을 최소화하기 위한 기구이다.
16238 ◆ CTG ◆ Control Techniques Guidelines
16239 ◆ CTI ◆ 기후변화시범사업 climate technology initiative OECD
16240 ◆ CTL (Coal-to-Liquid, 석탄액화) ◆ 고체상태인 석탄을 휘발유 및 디젤유 등의 액체연료로 전환 시키기 위하여 고온 (430-460℃) 및 고압 (약 100-280기압)의 반응조건 하에서 수소를 첨가시켜서 생성물의 수소/탄소-비를 1.5 - 2.0 정도로 증가시킴으로써 에너지 밀도가 높고 수송 및 보관이 용이한 청정 인조원유를 제조하는 기술. 석탄을 직접 녹여 액화시키는 직접액화기술과 가스화한 후 액화시키는 간접액화기술로 분류됨
16241 ◆ CTSA ◆ Cleaner Technologies Subsitutes Assessment
16242 ◆ Cuanuric chloride의 특성 및 방제방법 ◆ 주최 : 국립 환경 연구원
16243 ◆ Cubic Feet Per Minute(CFM) ◆ A measure of the volume of a substance flowing through air within a fixed period of time. With regard to indoor air, refers to the amount of air, in cubic feet, that is exchanged with outdoor air in a minute's time;i.e., the air exchange rate.
16244 ◆ cubic measure ◆ a unit or set of units for the measurement of volume.
16245 ◆ CUBING ◆ 입방체제조; 폐기물의 압축에 이용되는 기술
16246 ◆ CUBING AND PELLETING EQUIPMENT ◆ 입방체또는 펠레트제조기; 폐기물처리공정중 압축처리에 이용되는 장비
16247 ◆ cue circuit ◆ a unidirectional communication circuit used in radio and television for conveying program control information.
16248 ◆ cull ◆ ㆍ a fruit, vegetable, or grain product having some defect that makes it unmarketable or less marketable.a fruit, vegetable, or grain product having some defect that makes it unmarketable or less marketable. ㆍ an animal that is inferior or unsuitable.an animal that is inferior or unsuitable. 3. to remove such worthless or inferior items from a crop, herd, or flock.to remove such worthless or inferior items from a crop, herd, or flock. : the material remaining in the transfer chamber after a plastics mold has been filled.
16249 ◆ CULLET ◆ 유리부스러기
16250 ◆ Cullet ◆ Crushed glass.
16251 ◆ Cultural Eutrophication ◆ Increasing rate at which water bodies die by pollution from human activities.
16252 ◆ CULTURE ◆ 배양, =incubation
16253 ◆ Cultures and Stocks ◆ Infectious agents and associated biologicals including cultures from medical and pathological laboratories; cultures and stocks of infectious agents from research and industrial laboratories;waste from the production of biologicals; discarded live and attenuated vaccines; and culture dishes and devices used to transfer, inoculate, and mix cultures.(See: regulated medical waste.)
16254 ◆ CULVERT ◆ 암거; 지중에 매설한 관거 또는 밀폐형 덮개가 있는 거를 말함
16255 ◆ cum sole ◆ relating to motion in the same direction as the sun; i.e., clockwise in the Northern Hemisphere, counterclockwise in the Southern. (From Latin, meaning with the sun.)
16256 ◆ cumulative compound motor ◆ a motor that operates in a manner between that of shunt-wound (constant-speed) and series-wound (variable-speed) motors.
16257 ◆ cumulative double bonds ◆ the bonds found in a chain of three or more carbon atoms joined by double bonds, e.g., -C=C=C-.
16258 ◆ Cumulative Ecological Risk Assessment ◆ Consideration of the total ecological risk from multiple stressors to a given eco-zone.
16259 ◆ Cumulative Exposure ◆ The sum of exposures of an prganism to a pollutant over a period a of time.
16260 ◆ Cumulative Working Level Months(CWLM) ◆ The sum of lifetime exposure to radon working levels expressed in total working level months.
16261 ◆ cumulus ◆ an accumulation of mineral crystals that precipitated from a magma and settled to form layers without further modification.
16262 ◆ Cunnersdorf twin law ◆ a rarely occurring relationship between normal twin crystals in feldspar in which the twin plane is (201).
16263 ◆ CUP ANEMOMETER ◆ 컵풍속계 : 풍속을 측정하는 기기
16264 ◆ CURB SERVICE ◆ 노변수거; 폐기물 수거방법
16265 ◆ Curb Stop ◆ A water service shutoff valve located in a water service pipe near the curb and between the water main and the building.
16266 ◆ CURBSIDE COLLECTION ◆ 가로변수거체계; 거주자가 가로변에 내놓은 분리된 폐기물을 수거하는 행위
16267 ◆ Curbside Collection ◆ Method of collecting recyclable materials at homes, community districts or businesses.
16269 ◆ CURING ◆ 숙성
16270 ◆ CURING PHASE ◆ 퇴비화 2단계; 퇴비화공정상에 2단계에 해당하는 공정으로 후숙공정으로도 불리우며 낮은 분해속도와 장시간이 요구됨
16271 ◆ curium ◆ a synthetic radioactive element having the symbol Cm, the atomic number 96, atomic weights of isotopes 242-247.07, and melting point 1340°C; a chemically reactive, silver-white metal used for remote, small-scale power generation. (After Marie and Pierre Curie.)
16272 ◆ curium-244 ◆ a radioactive isotope of curium with a half-life of 18.1 years that emits alpha particles during decay.
16273 ◆ curling dies ◆ tools that shape the ends of a workpiece into a form with a circular cross section.
16274 ◆ curling machine ◆ a machine that uses curling dies to shape the ends of cans.
16275 ◆ current amplification ◆ the ratio of the output signal current in an amplifier circuit to the input signal current. Also, CURRENT GAIN.
16276 ◆ current amplifier ◆ an amplifier circuit designed to produce an output current larger than its input current.
16277 ◆ current attenuation ◆ the ratio of the input current of a transducer to the output current; the inverse of current gain.
16278 ◆ current distribution ◆ the variation of current density across the surface of an electrode.
16279 ◆ current efficiency ◆ the ratio between the amount of electricity theoretically needed in an electrochemical process and the amount actually used.
16280 ◆ current feed ◆ a method of connecting a radio-frequency transmission line to an antenna at the point at which the standing wave of the current is at maximum amplitude.
16281 ◆ current feedback ◆ a feedback voltage in amplifier circuits that is proportional to the load current.
16282 ◆ current generator ◆ a two-terminal circuit element whose terminal current is not dependent on the voltage between its terminals; ideally it would have zero internal admittance.
16283 ◆ current hogging ◆ a term for a condition in which one of several parallel-connected logic circuits draws more current because of improper balance among the circuits; such a condition can be cumulative and may eventually impair the operation of the associated circuits.
16284 ◆ current noise ◆ the low-frequency electrostatic noise that is produced when an electric current flows through certain components, particularly carbon resistors. Also, EXCESS NOISE.
16285 ◆ current ratio ◆ the ratio of the maximum to the minimum current in a waveguide.
16286 ◆ current regulator ◆ a device intended to maintain the current through a circuit at a predetermined value, usually by automatically adjusting applied voltage or circuit resistance.
16287 ◆ current-controlled switch ◆ a semiconductor device in which a controlling bias current sets the resistance very high (switch off) or very low (switch on).
16288 ◆ current-mode logic ◆ a logic circuit whose operation depends on switching the current from one path to another.
16289 ◆ curtain coating ◆ a method in which a substrate is passed perpendicularly through a liquid falling sheet of coating material of low-viscosity solutions or resins.
16290 ◆ curvature effect ◆ a phenomenon in which the dielectric strength of a liquid or vacuum separating two electrodes increases as the electrode's radius of curvature decreases.
16291 ◆ curvilinear motion ◆ motion that occurs along a curved path rather than in a straight line.
16292 ◆ cusp ◆ a funnel-shaped area in the magnetosphere containing solar wind plasma.
16293 ◆ CUT DIAMETER ◆ 절단입경
16294 ◆ cut point ◆ the boiling-temperature separation between cuts of a crude oil or a base stock.
16295 ◆ cutback ◆ a blending of heavier and lighter oils to bring the heavier ones to desired specifications.
16296 ◆ Cutie-Pie ◆ An instrument used to measure radiation levels.
16297 ◆ cut-in angle ◆ the phase angle of the input power cycle in a rectifier circuit at which conduction of a diode begins; a cut-in angle can never be exactly 0° or 180° because of the forward bias requirements of the rectifying diodes.
16298 ◆ cutoff ◆ the point in an engine cycle at which the fuel supply is stopped.
16299 ◆ cutoff attenuator ◆ a nondissipative attenuator consisting of an adjustable-length waveguide, operating at frequencies below the cutoff frequency.
16300 ◆ cutoff bias ◆ ㆍ the minimum value of negative voltage on the control grid in an electron tube that stops the flow of plate current.the minimum value of negative voltage on the control grid in an electron tube that stops the flow of plate current. ㆍ the value of base-to-emitter bias voltage (approximately 0 volts) in a transistor that causes collector current to stop.the value of base-to-emitter bias voltage (approximately 0 volts) in a transistor that causes collector current to stop.
컬러링 스몰미빌딩 (20개 도시 세트) 미술교육. 창의력 발달. 해외여행. 창의력교육. 색칠공부, :
[스몰미 와 아트리트] 나만의 작은 나. 스몰미, 색다른 자기표현. smallME.
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