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환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 15901-16000

by 리치캣 2023. 1. 11.

환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 15901-16000

번호                  용어                  해설

15901             convergence phase control                      a variable resistor that adjusts the phase of the dynamic convergence voltage in a color television receiver with a three-gun picture tube.

15902             convergence pressure               the pressure at which vapor-liquid equilibrium ratios converge to unity under constant temperature conditions

15903             convergence zone                    an ocean region in which the intensity of sound is 10 to 20 decibels greater than it would be in a free field, due to various conditions of temperature and pressure that bend all the sound waves toward these areas. Occurring at depths between 750 and 4500 meters, this channel produces patterns of sound refraction that are used in sonar technology.

15904             conversion                  the extent of chemical change from reactants to products in an industrial chemical process.

15905             conversion coefficient               the ratio of the number of electrons released from the nucleus per unit time to the number of photons released per unit time. Also, conversion fraction.

15906             conversion electron                  an electron ejected from the inner shell of an atom when the excited nucleus returns to ground state and the released energy is given to the orbital electron.

15907             CONVERSION EQUIVALANCE                    전환성 환산량

15908             conversion gain           the effective amplification of a conversion detector, measured as the ratio of voltage of output signal frequency to voltage of input signal frequency, and commonly expressed in decibels.  Nucleonics. a quantitative measure of nuclear fuel utilization in which fissile material is formed from fertile material.

15909             converter                    a circuit or device that converts signals, frequency, voltage, current, or data from one form or mode to another.a circuit or device that converts signals, frequency, voltage, current, or data from one form or mode to another. specifically, a device that changes alternating current to direct current.specifically, a device that changes alternating current to direct current.  Computer Technology. a device or interface unit that transforms information from one form to another, for example, from decimal to binary, from floating point to fixed point, or from analog to digital.  Metallurgy. a refining furnace in which air is blown through the molten bath in order to oxidize unwanted impurities.  Nucleonics. a reactor in which a significant amount of fertile species is changed into a fissile species.

15910             converter tube             a multielement electrode tube that combines the mixer and local oscillator functions of a heterodyne conversion transducer.

15911             CONVEY RAW WATER               도수; 취수설비에서 정수장까지 원수를 보내는 것

15912             Conveyance Loss          Waster loss in pipes, channels, conduits, ditches by leakage or evaporation.

15913             conveyor                    a system or device for moving materials a short distance within a facility.a system or device for moving materials a short distance within a facility.

15914             conveyor belt              an endless belt, having appropriate tension and usually running on rollers, that is used to move materials in bulk from one point to another.

15915             conveyor-belt balance               a balance that weighs loose material being transported by a conveyor belt.

15916             CONVEYORS               콘베이어; 폐기물처리시설에서 폐기물을 이송시키는 시설

15917             convolver                    a surface-acoustic-wave device that performs signal processing by nonlinear interactions between opposite traveling waves.

15918             cooled infrared detector           a transducer sensitive to invisible infrared radiation that must be operated at extremely low temperatures to obtain the desired sensitivity.

15919             COOLER          냉각기 : 가스의 흐름에 물을 통과시키거나 포화온도까지 냉각하는 동안 수증기로 가스를 포화시키는 장치

15920             cooling coil                 a tubing that transfers heat from the material or space that is being cooled to the primary refrigerant.

15921             Cooling Electricity Use              Amount of electricity used to meet the building cooling load.(See:building cooling load.)

15922             cooling fin                  a projection or protrusion along the surface edge of a heat transfer device, designed to increase the surface area.

15923             cooling load                the amount of heat energy per unit of time that must be removed from a system by a cooling mechanism in order to achieve the desired temperature condition.

15924             cooling pond              an open pond in which water, heated by an industrial process, is allowed to cool through evaporation before reuse.

15925             cooling power             the rate at which air will remove heat from a body; may be measured wet or dry.

15926             cooling range              in a cooling tower, the difference in temperature between the entering hot water and the exiting cool water.

15927             cooling stress              stress resulting from the uneven contraction of an object upon cooling, due to an unequal temperature distribution or nonuniform material properties.

15928             Cooling Tower             A structure that helps remove heat from water used as a coolant;e.g., in electric power generating plants.

15929             Cooling Tower             Device which dissipates the heat from water-cooled systems by spraying the water through streams of rapidly moving air.

15930             Cooling tower make-up water                   냉각수;

15931             cooling water              water that is used to remove metabolic or process heat; the water is cycled between a heat exchanger associated with the reactor and a cooling tower or refrigeration plant.

15932             Cooperative Agreement            An assistance agreement whereby EPA transfers money, property, services or any-thing of value to a state, university, non-profit, or not-for-profit organization for the accomplishment of authorized activities or tasks.

15933             coordinate data receiver           a radio receiver designed to receive transmitted coordinate data and convert it to an analog or digital form for input to equipment such as radar, computers, or plot boards. Similarly, coordinate data transmitter.

15934             coordination lattice                  the crystal structure of a coordination compound.

15935             coordination number                the number of points at which ligands are attached to the central atom or ion in a coordination compound.  Crystallography. the number of nearest neighbors of a particular atom or molecule in a crystal lattice.

15936             coping            the process of shaping or polishing stone with a grinding wheel.

15937             coplanar Coriolis acceleration                   the apparent acceleration in a rotating reference frame due to the Coriolis force.

15938             coplanar electrodes                  a set of two or more electrodes that are physically aligned with each other.

15939             copper dish gum          a test procedure yielding the milligrams of gum in 100 mililiters of gasoline evaporated in a polished copper dish under controlled conditions.

15940             copper number            the number of milligrams of copper produced by the reduction of Benedict's or Fehling's solution by 1 gram of a carbohydrate.

15941             copper oxide photovoltaic cell                  an early type of nonvacuum photovoltaic cell that generates a small voltage between the substrate and the conducting layer when exposed to light; its active element is of a layer of copper oxide in contact with a layer of metallic copper.

15942             copper oxide rectifier or copper oxide diode             a semiconductor rectifier in which the rectifying barrier is formed by a junction of copper and cuprous oxide.

15943             Copper sulfate의 특성 및 방제방법                    

15944             Copper sulfate의 특성 및 방제방법                     주최 : 국립 환경 연구원

15945             copper sweetening                   a refining process that uses cupric chloride to oxidize mercaptans in petroleum.

15946             Copper(Ⅱ) chloride의 특성 및 방제방법                     주최 : 국립환경 연구원

15947             copper-64                   a radioactive isotope of copper with a half-life of 17 hours that is created by irradiating metallic copper in a reactor; commonly used as a tracer to study diffusion, corrosion, and friction in metals and alloys.

15948             COPRECIPITATED IMPURITY                      공침되는 불순물;

15949             COPRECIPITATION                    공침; 정상적으로 녹아 있어야 할 화합물이 침전에 의해 용액에서 제거되는 현상, 수처리에서 하수의 잉여오니와 함께 제거되는 침전물을 생성하기 위해 화학약품을 가하는 것

15950             cordwood module                    a circuit module configuration in which the individual components are mounted between, and at right angles to, a pair of parallel printed-circuit boards in a manner resembling stacked cordwood.

15951             Core               The uranium-containing heart of a nuclear reactor, where energy is released.

15952             CORE AREA                 핵심지역 : 인간과 생물관계획에 의한 보호지역으로 원칙적으로 생태계의 훼손이 허용되지 않는 지역

15953             core bank                   a complete magnetic core memory unit consisting of a specific quantity of core arrays and related devices, such as read/write amplifiers and address registers.

15954             core drill                     a mechanism designed to control an annular-shaped rock-cutting bit in penetrating a rock formation, producing a core sample of the formation, and lifting the sample back to the surface.a mechanism designed to control an annular-shaped rock-cutting bit in penetrating a rock formation, producing a core sample of the formation, and lifting the sample back to the surface. core-drill. to use such a mechanism.core-drill. to use such a mechanism.

15955             CORE LASHING           조립화; 기름의 미세입자화

15956             core logic                   a digital logic circuit based on the use of magnetic cores to perform the operations.

15957             Core Program Cooperative Agreement                     An assistance agreement whereby EPA spports states or tribal governments with funds to help defray the cost of non-item-specific administrative and training activities.

15958             CORINE          Coordinated Information on the European Environment (International)

15959             coring            the process of taking cylindrical samples of rock from an underground formation during the drilling operation by using a hollow drill bit; used for core analysis.

15960             Coriolis effect              the deflection relative to the earth's surface of an object that is moving on or above the earth, due to the action of the Coriolis force. An object that is moving horizontally above the earth's surface in the Northern Hemisphere tends to show a rightward deflection, and one in the Southern Hemisphere tends to show a leftward deflection. Also, Coriolis deflection.the deflection relative to the earth's surface of an object that is moving on or above the earth, due to the action of the Coriolis force. An object that is moving horizontally above the earth's surface in the Northern Hemisphere tends to show a rightward deflection, and one in the Southern Hemisphere tends to show a leftward deflection. Also, Coriolis deflection. the effect of the Coriolis force in any rotating coordinate system.the effect of the Coriolis force in any rotating coordinate system.

15961             Coriolis force               an inertial force that acts on particles moving in a reference frame that is rotating with respect to an inertial frame, given by the cross product of twice the particle's momentum in the rotating frame, with the system's angular velocity.

15962             Coriolis parameter                   the measurement and speed of the Coriolis force per unit mass within a given parameter.

15963             CORIOLIS’S FORCE                   코리올리의 힘; 전향력을 가리키는 말

15964             Corliss valve                a rotating admission and exhaust valve used on a steam engine.

15965             corner effect               a rounding off of a characteristic that ideally has a sharp corner (e.g., the response at the end of the pass band).  Engineering. the reflection of an ultrasonic beam that hits the intersection of two surfaces 90° apart at a perpendicular angle.

15966             cornering force            the force produced as a vehicle turns to counteract the centrifugal force acting on it. The greater the cornering force proportional to a vehicle's weight, the more sharply it can turn.

15967             cornice brake              a device used to bend and shape sheet metal.

15968             CORONA                    코로나 : 강한 전장에서 고 에너지 전자에 의해서 가스분자 가 이온화 되는 것

15969             corona method            a means of determining drop sizes of clouds by measuring the angular radii of the rings of the clouds' corona.

15970             CORPORATE AVERAGE FUEL ECONOMY                     평균연비제도 : CAFE, 1차 오일쇼크 이후에 대외 원유 의존도를 낮추기 위해 미국이 도입한 제도로서 미국내에서 판매되는 모든 회사별 자동차의 가중평균연비가 일정한 수준을 초과할 경우 벌금형태의 세금을 부과하는 제도임

15971             correction force           a force that is presumed or postulated to exist because it provides an opposing effect to correct an actual force; e.g., centrifugal force, which accounts for the fact that centripetal force does not draw rotating objects inward in a shrinking circle.

15972             Corrective Action          EPA can require treatment, storage and disposal (TSDF) facilities handling hazardous waste to undertake corrective actions to clean up spills resulting from failure to follow hazardous waste management procedures or other mistakes. The process includes cleanup procedures designed to guide TSDFs toward in spills.

15973             correlator                    a logic device that detects weak signals by an operation approximating the computation of a correlation function, in which a reference signal representing the expected signal is constructed and compared with the receiver input to distinguish between the noise and signal components. Also, correlation type receiver.

15974             corresponding states                a condition in which two or more different substances have reduced pressures, volumes, and temperatures that are equal fractions of their critical pressures, temperatures, and volumes.

15975             Corrosion                   The dissolution and wearing away of metal caused by a chemical reaction such as between water and the pipes, chemicals touching a metal surface, or contact between two metals.

15976             corrosion                    the partial resorption, alteration, or erosion of crystals by the solvent action of residual magma.

15977             Corrosion control                     부식제어;

15978             CORROSION INHIBITOR            방청제; 부식방지제

15979             Corrosive                    A chemical agent that reacts with the surface of a material causing it to deteriorate or wear away.

15980             corrosive product                     any product, usually acidic or alkaline, that corrodes or eats away surfaces of metal or other materials by electrochemical action.

15981             CORROSIVITY              부식성

15982             CORRUGATED CARDBOARD                     골판지

15983             CORRUGATED CONTAINER                       골판지상자

15984             cosine winding            a coil in the deflection yoke of a cathode- ray tube with electromagnetic deflection, which reduces astigmatism over the face of the screen by dynamically focusing the beam as it is deflected.

15985             cosmic rays                 a stream of high-energy charged particles consisting of nuclei, electrons, positrons, photons, and neutrinos that includes particles not only near the earth, but also in the solar atmosphere, in interplanetary space, and perhaps throughout the universe.

15986             cosmic-ray shower                   a cascade initiated by the interaction of a high-energy cosmic-ray proton with an oxygen or nitrogen nucleus in the earth's upper atmosphere, producing a shower of secondary radiation that consists principally of pions, muons, electrons, and gamma rays. Also, SHOWER.

15987             cosolvent                    a nonsolvent that becomes an acceptable solvent when a small amount of active solvent is added. Also, LATENT SOLVENT, INDIRECT SOLVENT.

15988             COST INDEX                비용지수

15989             Cost Recovery             A legal process by which potentially responsible parties who contributed to contamination at a Superfund site can be required to reimburse the Trust Fund for money spent during any cleanup actions by the federal government.

15990             Cost Sharing               A publicly financed program through which society, as a beneficiary of environmental pro-tection, shares part of the cost of pollution control with those who must actually install the controls. In Superfund, for example, the government may pay part of the cost of a cleanup action with those responsible for the pollution paying the major share.

15991             Cost/Benefit Analysis                A quantitative evaluation of the costs which would bve incurred by implementing an environbmental regulation versus the overall benefits to society of the proposed action.

15992             Cost-Effective Alternative           An alternative control or corrective method identified after analysis as being the best available in terms of reliability, performance, and cost. Although costs are one important consider-ation, regulatory and compliance analysis does not require EPA to choose the least expensive alternative. For example, when selecting or pproving a method for cleaning up a Superfund site, the Agency balances costs with the long-term effectiveness of the methods proposed and the potential danger posed by the site.

15993             COST-EFFECTIVENESS               비용-효율성

15994             cotectic          relating to the conditions of temperature, pressure, and composition under which two or more liquids crystallize from the same liquid.

15995             cotectic crystallization              a process by which more than one solid forms from a single liquid over a limited range of falling temperatures.

15996             cottered joint              a joint in which a cotter transmits power by shear on an area perpendicular to the cotter's longitudinal axis.

15997             Cotton effect               the dependence on wavelength of the optical rotary dispersion curve and the circular dichroism curve of a substance in the vicinity of an absorption band due to vibrational differences.

15998             coulomb                     the standard international unit of electric charge, equal to the charge that passes through any cross section of a conductor in one second during a constant current flow of one ampere.

15999             Coulomb barrier          the electrostatic forces within the high potential energy region of a nucleus that prevents positively charged particles from reaching the nucleus of an atom.

16000             Coulomb excitation                  the existence of a high-energy state within a nucleus, arising from the interaction of the nucleus and bombarding particles too weak to penetrate it.



페인팅 스몰미 15세트 (painting smallME, 컬러링 스몰미) 페인팅스몰미, 미술교육. 창의력교육. 색칠

[스몰미 와 아트리트] 나만의 작은 나. 스몰미, 색다른 자기표현. smallME.



