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환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 16001-16100

by 리치캣 2023. 1. 11.

환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 16001-16100

번호                  용어                  해설

16001             Coulomb force            the force between two charged particles, as between electrons and protons, that (by Coulomb's law) is proportional to the product of the charges and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them and that is either repulsive or attractive, depending on the relationship of the charges.

16002             Coulomb friction          a frictional force between dry stationary surfaces; it is proportional to the normal force.

16003             Coulomb's law             a law stating that the force between two electric charges is proportional to the product of their magnitudes and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them; the force between like charges is an attraction, and the force between unlike charges is a repulsion. Also, LAW OF ELECTROSTATIC ATTRACTION.

16004             coulometer                 a device that measures an electric charge in a cell by monitoring the reactions taking place when the charge or current passes through a chemical solution.

16005             coulometric titration                 an indirect analytical technique using a low-concentration titrant that is generated electrolytically at a constant rate; as it is generated it reacts stoichiometrically with the substance to be identified and measured.

16006             COULOMETRIC TITRIMETRY                      전기량적 적정법

16007             coulometry                 the determination of the amount of an electrolyte released during electrolysis by measuring the number of coulombs used. Also, coulometric analysis.

16008             coulostatic analysis                  a technique that determines the amount of a given substance in a solution by measuring the amount of electricity it takes to remove the substance from the solution.

16009             COUNCIL ON ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY                     환경질위원회; 미국의 대통령직속기구로서 모든 연방행정기구로부터 연방정부가 후원하거나 감독권이있는 활동 또는 사업에 대에 환경영향평가서를 제출토록 권한을 가진 기구

16010             counter circuit             a circuit that provides an indication of some type after having received a predetermined number of pulses. Also, COUNTING CIRCUIT.

16011             COUNTER CURRENT                 향류

16012             counter tube               an electron tube that converts an incident particle or burst of incident radiation into a discrete electric pulse that can be counted. Also, RADIATION COUNTER TUBE.an electron tube that converts an incident particle or burst of incident radiation into a discrete electric pulse that can be counted. Also, RADIATION COUNTER TUBE. a tube that produces one or more pulses after receiving a specified number of input pulses.a tube that produces one or more pulses after receiving a specified number of input pulses.

16013             counterblow hammer               a forging hammer in which the anvil and ram are forced toward each other by compressed steam or air.

16014             countercurrent distribution                       a profile of a compound's concentration given in different ratios of two immiscible liquids.

16015             countercurrent extraction          a process of liquid-liquid extraction where the solvent and the process stream in contact flow in opposite directions. Also, COUNTERCURRENT SEPARATION.

16016             countercurrent flow                  a heat transfer system in which two fluids flow in opposite directions.a heat transfer system in which two fluids flow in opposite directions. any contacting or transfer operation in which two fluid phases in either direct or indirect contact flow in opposite directions.any contacting or transfer operation in which two fluid phases in either direct or indirect contact flow in opposite directions.

16017             COUNTERCURRENT FLOW SCRUBBER                     수직형 살수세정기 : 살수세정기의 형태로 Vertical spray chamber scrubber 라도 불림

16018             countercurrent leaching            a leaching operation in which the solvent flows through a series of leach tanks countercurrent to the flow of the solid.

16019             counterion or counter-ion                        any ion with a charge opposite to that of another given ion, especially an adjacent ion.

16020             countermeasures set                one or more units of militaryElectronics equipment used to impair the operational effectiveness of enemy radar or communications systems; typically, jamming equipment.

16021             counterradiation          the radiation reflected back by the atmosphere after being released from the earth; the principal action of the greenhouse effect.

16022             countershaft                an intermediate shaft installed between the driving and driven shafts in a belt drive, either to increase the speed ratio or because direct connection is impossible.

16023             COUNTRY BREEZE                    전원풍 : 도시중심부에서는 상승기류가 발생하고 도시주위의 시골에서 도시로 바람이 부는 바람

16024             COUNTRY CLIMATE EXAMINATION                     국가별 기후변동상태 측정

16025             COUNTRY OF ORIGIN OF GENETIC RESOURCES                유전자원 원산국 : 생물체 또는 생물체의 유전물질이 유래한 지역의 국가

16026             COUNTRY PROVIDING GENETIC RESOURCES                유전자원 제공국 : 야행 또는 사육된 종의 개체군을 포함하여 현지내 출처에서 수집하였거나 그 국가가 원산국인지 여부에 관계없이 현지의 출처로부터 취득한 유전자원을 제공하는 국가를 말함

16027             coupled engine            a locomotive engine whose driving wheels are connected by a rod.

16028             coupled modes            the overlap of acoustic waves from two separate resonators, such as on the tube of a reed instrument and on the reed itself, to produce one sound.

16029             coupled oscillators                   two or more systems exhibiting simple harmonic motion individually, but which interact with one another to execute more complicated motions.

16030             coupling                     a means of transferring power from one stage of a circuit to another stage, or from one circuit to another circuit.a means of transferring power from one stage of a circuit to another stage, or from one circuit to another circuit. a hardware mechanism used to fashion a temporary connection between two wires.a hardware mechanism used to fashion a temporary connection between two wires.  Computer Programming. the measure of the strength of the interconnection or dependence between two modules in a structured program design; loosely coupled modules have little interaction, while tightly coupled modules have a great deal of interaction.

16031             coupling capacitor                   any capacitor used to couple two circuits together.

16032             coupling coefficient                  a value of less than 0 representing the degree of coupling between two circuits, expressed as the ratio of the mutual impedance divided by the square root of the product of the self impedances.  Physics.  a parameter that measures the strength of the interaction between two systems.a parameter that measures the strength of the interaction between two systems.

16033             coupon           a polished metal strip of specified size and weight, used to determine the corrosive action of liquid or gaseous products, or to test the efficiency of corrosive-inhibiting additives.

16034             covalence                    the number of shared electron-pair bonds that an atom can form.the number of shared electron-pair bonds that an atom can form. the sharing of electrons to form a chemical bond. Also, covalency.the sharing of electrons to form a chemical bond. Also, covalency.

16035             covalent bond             a chemical bond between two atoms of the same or different elements, in which each atom contributes one electron to be shared in a pair. Also, COVALENT BONDING, ELECTRON-PAIR BOND.

16036             covalent crystal            any crystal held together by covalent bonds. Also, VALENCE CRYSTAL.

16037             covalent radius            half the distance from center to center between two atoms that are covalently bonded together.

16038             Cover Crop                 A crop that provides temporary protection for delicate seedlings and/or provides a cover canopy for seasonal soil protection and irmprovement between normal crop production periods.

16039             cover glass                  a thin rectangular glass plate that covers a mounted microscopical object or culture. Also, coverslip.

16040             COVER MATERIAL                    복토재; 매립지에서 폐기물을 안전하게 덮기 위하여 사용되는 흙이나 기타물질

16041             Cover Material             Soil used to cover compacted soild waste in a sanitary landfill.

16042             COVER SLIP                 유리 덮개

16043             COVER SYSTEM           덮개설비()

16044             cow-dung bomb          a volcanic bomb that has a flat, rounded shape due to its striking the ground while in a molten state.

16045             Cox chart                    a graph plotting vapor pressure against temperature for a specified hydrocarbon.

16046             CPC               Center for Plant Conservation (of IUCN) (International)

16047             CPDA             Chemical Producers and Distributor Association

16048             CPF                Carcinogenic Potency Factor

16049             CPO               컴퓨터프린트용지; Computer PrintOut

16050             CPO               Certified Project Officer

16051             CPR (Commitment Period Reserve)             배출권거래의 공약예치기간

16052             CQA               시공품질관리프로그램; Construction quality assurance

16053             CQA               Construction Quality Assurance

16054             CR                 Continuous Radon Monitoring

16055             cracked residue           the residue of fuel that is produced from the cracking of hydrocarbons.

16056             cracking          a refining process that decomposes and recombines molecules of organic compounds, especially hydrocarbons, by using heat, to form molecules that are suitable for motor fuels, monomers, and petrochemicals.

16057             cracking coil               a coil installed in a heated chamber or furnace, used for cracking heavy petroleum products.

16058             cracking still                the furnace, reaction chamber, and fractionator used for the cracking of high-molecular-weight petroleum compounds into gasoline and light products.

16059             Cradle-to-Grave or Manifest System                     A procedure in which hazardous materials are identified and followed as they are produced, treated, transported, and disposed of by a series of permanent, linkable, descriptive documents (e.g., manifests). Commonly referred to as the cradle-to-grave system.

16060             crane             a power-operated hoisting machine with lifting tackle and a pivoted boom that allows movement of loads horizontally as well as vertically.a power-operated hoisting machine with lifting tackle and a pivoted boom that allows movement of loads horizontally as well as vertically. of, relating to, or equipped with such a machine. Thus, crane barge, crane motor, crane truck.of, relating to, or equipped with such a machine. Thus, crane barge, crane motor, crane truck.

16061             crank             a device composed of an arm attached to a shaft, with a pin located at the outer edge of the arm and parallel to the shaft; it may either translate reciprocating motion to a component attached to the pin or transform such motion into rotary motion of the shaft.

16062             crank angle                 the angle between the crank and a given reference direction.the angle between the crank and a given reference direction. in a slider crank mechanism, the angle between the crank and a line from the crankshaft to the piston.in a slider crank mechanism, the angle between the crank and a line from the crankshaft to the piston.

16063             crank axle                   any axle that is attached to a crank.any axle that is attached to a crank. specifically,an axle bent at both ends to accommodate a large body with large wheels.specifically,an axle bent at both ends to accommodate a large body with large wheels.

16064             crank press                 a punch press in which a crank applies power to the slide.

16065             crank throw                the radial distance from the main shaft to the pin of a crank, equal to one-half the stroke of a reciprocating component attached to the pin.the radial distance from the main shaft to the pin of a crank, equal to one-half the stroke of a reciprocating component attached to the pin. the web and pin of a crank.the web and pin of a crank.

16066             crank web                   the arm of a crank, usually a flat, rectangular section, connecting the pin to the shaft or connecting two adjacent pins.

16067             crankcase                    a boxlike casing for the crankshaft and connecting rods of certain engines; in an autmobile engine, the bottom is a reservoir where hot motor oil is collected and cooled before being recirculated by a pump.

16068             crankshaft                   the shaft around which a crank rotates; in most engines or machines, it is the main shaft that transmits power from the crank to the connecting rod.

16069             crater             a depression in the face of a cutting tool caused by chip contact.  Metallurgy. in arc welding, an undesirable depression formed at the end of the bead.

16070             crater cone                 a cone formed around a volcanic vent by erupting lava.

16071             crater lamp                 a neon-filled glow discharge tube in which the glow is concentrated at a crater-shaped depression at one end of the cathode; the brightness is proportional to the current through the tube and can be modulated with a signal.

16072             crawler           either one of a pair of continuous sprocket-driven belts used instead of wheels as a means of propulsion by some tractors, bulldozers, and other heavy machinery.either one of a pair of continuous sprocket-driven belts used instead of wheels as a means of propulsion by some tractors, bulldozers, and other heavy machinery. a piece of machinery equipped with this form of propulsion.a piece of machinery equipped with this form of propulsion. 3. having such a form of propulsion. Thus, crawler drill, crawler crane, crawler tractor.having such a form of propulsion. Thus, crawler drill, crawler crane, crawler tractor.

16073             CRAWLER TRACTOR                 위생매립지에서 널리 사용되는 장비

16074             credence                     a measure of confidence in a radar system's capability for target detection.

16075             Credit             탄소흡수가 배출보다 많을 경우를 말함.

16076             creep             a fenced area for young animals that is not accessible to their mothers, used especially for feeding. any slow movement of mining ground.  Engineering. the tendency for a rating or characteristic to change slowly, especially to deteriorate, with prolonged use or age.  Materials Science. the deformation with time of materials under stress, usually at elevated temperatures; the deformation frequently occurs at grain boundaries.  Building Engineering. specifically, the slow deformation and movement of concrete under stress; it is useful as a uniform load-stabilizing feature in building construction.       : a phenomenon in which strain in a solid increases with time when the stress producing the strain is held fixed.       : any undesirable play or movement in a mechanism.  Aviation. the continued deflection of an instrument needle after an initial deflection caused by an exciting force.  Graphic Arts.  during a press run, a forward movement of an offset press blanket.during a press run, a forward movement of an offset press blanket. in a bound book, a condition in which the middle pages of a printed signature extend slightly beyond the edges of the front and back pages.in a bound book, a condition in which the middle pages of a printed signature extend slightly beyond the edges of the front and back pages.

16077             Creep (크리- )          외력이 일정하게 유지되어 있을 때, 시간이 흐름에 따라 재료의 변형이 증대하는 현상

16078             creep buckling             buckling that occurs after a structural member has suffered from creep due to the application of a compressive load over a prolonged period of time.

16079             creeper           a low work platform supported by small casters; used to lie on while working beneath an automobile.

16080             Crenothrix                   철박테리아;

16081             Creosote                     정의 :        creosote는 여러가지 산물을 이용되어지는 이름이다.  나무 creosote, 코올타르 creosote, 코울타르,코올타르수지, 코올타르수지휘발유, 그러한 산물은 석유, creosote 관목의 수지로부터 혹은 다른 나무, 너도밤나무의 높은 온도 처리에 의해서 만즐어지는 많은 화합물의 혼합물이다. 나무 creosote는 연기나는 냄새와 타는듯한 맛과 하게 무색의 누르스름한 기름띠의 액체이다. 코올타르 crosote는 색깔이 검은색인 호박과 같은 두껍고 오일의 액체이다. 코울타르와 코울타르수지는 언제나 두껍고 검은색 혹은 어두움이다.-갈색의 액체혹은 연기 나는 냄새와 같은 반고체이다.        나무 creosote는 불연소 처리, 완화제, 살균제로서 사용되지만 오늘날 거의 드물게 그러한 방식으로 사용된다. 코울타르 산물은 psoiasis와 같은 피부병을 치료하는 의약품으로 쓰인다. 살충제, 제초제, 곰팡이제거제, 동물 dips, 새나 동물의 방충제로서 사용된다. 코올타르 creosote는 미국에서 나무를 예방하는 것으로 널리 사용된다, 코올타르, 코올타르수지, 그리고 코올타르수지휘발유는 알루미늄 용해제, 점결탄, 도로포장, 지붕잇기로서 사용된다. http://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/tfacts85.html

16082             Cresols           cresols은 화학물의 제조 그룹과 자연적으로 넓게 형성된다. 천연의 형태에서 물질은 무색의 고체이고 만약 섞인다면 액체가 될 수도 있다. cresols는 의약품과 같은 냄새를 가진다. 화학적인 구조에서 가볍게 처리하는 cresols 3가지 형태이다.: ortho-cresol(o-cresols), mrta-cresol(m-cresol), para-cresol(p-cresol), 그러한 형태는 혼합물로서 혹은 분리해서 발생한다. 그것들은 해충을 죽이기위한 어떤 화합물로 만들기 위해서 그리고, 살균제, 냄새제거제로서, 다른 물질에 용해되어 사용될 수 있다.        cresols는 원유오일, 코올타르, 나무를 보호하는 cresols cresylic 산과 같은 갈색 혼합물로서 담배연기, 나무에서 혹은 많은 음식에서 발견될 수 있다. 환경에서 그들이 물질을 분쇄할 때 토양 혹은 물에서 작은 미생물은 cresols를 생산한다.        http://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/tfacts34.html

16083             cricondenbar               the highest pressure at which two different phases of a substance can coexist.

16084             cricondentherm           the highest temperature at which two different phases of a substance, such as a liquid and a vapor, can coexist.

16085             crisis period                a condition in which a cell culture enters a time period during which most of the secondary cells die even though the required substances and conditions to maintain life are available.

16086             CRITERIA                    표준(판정기준)

16087             Criteria           Descriptive factors taken into account by EPA in setting standards for various pollutants. These factors are used to determine limits on allowable concentration levels, and to limit the number of violations per year. When issued by EPA, the criteria provide guidance to the states on how to establish their standards.

16088             CRITERIA AIR POLLUTANTS                      기준대기오염물질 : 미국의 연방 대기질기준으로 설정한 것으로 오염원에서 직접 배출되는 5개의 1차오염물질과 1개의 2차오염물질이 있다.

16089             CRITERIA POLLUTANT               규제대상오염물질

16090             Criteria Pollutants                    The 1970 amendments to the Clean Air Act required EPA to set National Ambient Air Quality Standards for certain pollutants known to be hazardous to human health. EPA has identified and

16091             critical angle               the angle of incidence at which acoustic waves will not penetrate a medium but will be totally reflected.  Optics. the maximum angle of incidence for which light can be refracted from a medium with a large index of refraction to one with a smaller index. Light striking a surface at an angle greater than the critical angle is totally reflected back into the first medium.

16092             critical anode voltage               the anode breakdown voltage in a gas tube.

16093             critical compression ratio          the lowest compression ratio that allows compression ignition of a given fuel.

16094             critical constant           a maximum or minimum physical value that is characteristic of a substance, such as the value of temperature, pressure, and volume below which a gas can be liquefied.

16095             critical current density              the amount of current that is needed to cause a sudden change in one of the variables in an electrolytic process.

16096             CRITICAL DAMPING COEFFICIENT              임계감쇠계수

16097             CRITICAL DEPTH          한계수심

16098             critical distance            the point at which the reverberant field equals the direct field.

16099             Critical Effect               The first adverse effect, or its known precursor, that occurs as a dose rate increases. Designation is based on evaluation of overall database.

16100             critical field                 the lowest theoretical magnetic flux density, at a steady anode voltage, that would prevent an electron emitted from the cathode at zero velocity from reaching the anode in a magnetron. Also, CUTOFF FIELD.

