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환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 16101-16200

by 리치캣 2023. 1. 11.

환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 16101-16200

번호                  용어                  해설

16101             critical flow prover                   an instrument used for measuring the velocity of gas flow while the open-flow testing of gas wells is occurring.

16102             critical frequency          a frequency where a network function has a pole or a zero.a frequency where a network function has a pole or a zero.

16103             critical grid current                  the amount of current drawn by the control grid in a gas tube at the instant plate current starts to flow.

16104             critical grid voltage                  the amount of grid voltage at which plate current starts to flow in a gas tube.

16105             critical humidity           the point above the humidity in the atmosphere of a system at which a crystal of a water-soluble salt will always become damp, due to absorption of moisture from the atmosphere, and below which it will always stay dry.

16106             critical level of escape              the level at which a particle that is moving rapidly upward in the atmosphere will have a 1/e (e is the base of natural logarithm) probability of colliding with another particle as it leaves the atmosphere.the level at which a particle that is moving rapidly upward in the atmosphere will have a 1/e (e is the base of natural logarithm) probability of colliding with another particle as it leaves the atmosphere. the level at which the horizontal mean free path of an atmospheric particle is equal to the scale height of the atmosphere.the level at which the horizontal mean free path of an atmospheric particle is equal to the scale height of the atmosphere.

16107             critical locus                the line that connects the critical points of a substance's conversion from a liquid to a gas, as applied to multicomponent mixtures and plotted on a pressure versus temperature graph; for example, the critical loci for the methane-propane-pentane system.

16108             critical micelle concentration                    a defined level at which a colloidal aggregate of molecules (micelle), such as a household detergent, will dissolve in a liquid.

16109             critical moisture content           the average moisture content throughout a solid material that is in the process of being dried.

16110             critical phenomena                  the physical properties, such as temperature and pressure, of liquids and gases at the point when they are about to unite. Also, CRITICAL PROPERTIES.

16111             critical point                the state at which the properties of the vapor phase of a substance become indistinguishable from those of the liquid phase at the same pressure and temperature, so that the substance exists as a single phase.

16112             critical pressure           the pressure associated with the critical point of the liquid-vapor state of a substance; i.e., the pressure of the substance at its critical temperature.

16113             critical solution temperature                     the temperature above which a pair of liquids will dissolve into each other at all proportions; in some cases two liquids also have a lower critical solution temperature and will mix except in a medium temperature range.

16114             critical speed               the rotational speed of a shaft at which some periodic disturbing force coincides with the natural frequency of the shaft and its attached masses, resulting in dynamic instability.

16115             critical temperature                  the temperature above which a substance has no transition from the liquid to the gaseous phase; that is, the critical temperature of a gas is the highest temperature at which it can be liquefied, regardless of the pressure applied.

16116             critical vibration           any vibration that may harm a structure.

16117             critical voltage             the highest theoretical value of steady anode voltage, at a given steady magnetic flux density, at which electrons emitted for the cathode at zero velocity would fail to reach the anode in a magnetron. Also, CUTOFF BIAS, CUTOFF VOLTAGE.

16118             CRITICALLY DAMPED                임계감쇠

16119             crooked hole               a borehole drilled at an angle; underground hard-rock formations lying at angles from the horizontal cause the drill bit to stray from the vertical.

16120             crooked-hole country               a term for an area or field in which drilling tends to produce a number of crooked holes, due to sharply inclined formations.

16121             Crookes tube               an early form of cathode-ray tube.

16122             CROP             Consolidated Rules of Practice

16123             Crop Consumptive Use             The amount of water transpired during plant growth plus what evaporated from the soil surface and foliage in the crop area.

16124             Crop irrigation             작물관개;

16125             Crop Rotation              Planting a succession of different crops on the same land rea as opposed to planting the same crop time after time.

16126             cross axle                   a driving axle connected to a crank or cranks at a 90° angle.a driving axle connected to a crank or cranks at a 90° angle. a driving axle operated by levers at its ends.a driving axle operated by levers at its ends.

16127             Cross Contamination                The movement of underground contaminants from one level or area to another due to invasive subsurface activities.

16128             cross drum boiler                    a boiler in which the axis of the horizontal drum is perpendicular to the axis of the main bank of tubes.

16129             cross flow filtration (십자가 플로우 여과)                     운전 조작 방법의 한개로, 공급수를 막면을 따라 흘리고, 투과수가 공급수와 직각 방향에 흐르도록 하는 여과 방법.

16130             cross section per atom             the probability that a given nuclear reaction will occur when only one natural isotope is involved per unit area and one target is located somewhere within that unit area.

16131             cross slide                  a part of a planing machine or lathe on which the toolholder is mounted so that it may be moved perpendicularly to the bed of the machine.

16132             cross-color                  the interference in the chrominance channel in a color television receiver caused by crosstalk from monochrome signals.

16133             Cross-Connection                    Any actual or potential connection between a drinking water system and an unapproved water supply or other source of contamination.

16134             cross-correlation          a function that describes the dependence of the values of a function (or data) at two points, x and y, at one time on the values at the two points at another time.

16135             cross-correlator           a circuit to detect the presence of a weak signal whose waveform is known, by integrating the product of the incoming noisy signal and a waveform of expected shape.

16136             crosscurrent extraction             a multistage extraction technique using repeated contacts of the feed solution with fresh solvent, resulting in a series of extract streams of diminishing concentration.

16137             crossed belt                a driving belt that is twisted between the driving and driven pulleys so that they operate in opposite directions.

16138             crossed-field amplifier              a high-power amplifier operating in the microwave spectrum and utilizing strong perpendicular magnetic and electric fields that interact with the electron beam emitted from the cathode to produce the power output.

16139             crossed-field device                  a high-vacuum electron tube in which voltage is applied to produce an electric field that is perpendicular both to a magnetic field and to the direction of propagation of a radio-frequency delay line.

16140             crossed-field multiplier phototube             a sensitive optical detector in which strong, perpendicular electric and magnetic fields are used to produce output from a multiplier phototube.

16141             crossfade or crossfading           the gradual mixing from one sound source or group of sources into another source or group of sources.

16142             CROSS-FLOW              직교류

16143             CROSS-FLOW SCRUBBER          수평형 살수세정기 : 살수세정기의 형태로 Vertical spray chamber scrubber 라도 불림

16144             crosshatch generator                a signal generator that produces a test pattern consisting of a grid of horizontal and vertical lines, for testing and adjusting color television receivers.

16145             crosshaul                    a loading device that consists of a power-driven chain connected on opposite sides of a vehicle; it is looped around an object and rolls the object into the vehicle.

16146             crosshead                   a reciprocating block that forms a junction between the piston-rod and connecting-rod of an engine; it usually slides between guides.

16147             cross-neutralization                  a method of reducing distortion in a push-pull amplifier, in which each half of the amplifier applies negative feedback signals to the other half through neutralizing capacitors.

16148             crossover distortion                 signal distortion occurring in amplifiers as input signals cross over, or pass through, their zero references.

16149             crossover frequency                 the frequency of a crossover network at which equal amounts of energy are supplied to the woofers and to the tweeters.the frequency of a crossover network at which equal amounts of energy are supplied to the woofers and to the tweeters.

16150             crossover joint             a casing length that has different threads at either end to allow changes from one thread type to another in a casing string.

16151             crossover network                    an electroacoustical network designed to supply high-frequency signals to tweeters and low-frequency signals to woofers.

16152             CROSSOVER TEMPERATURE                     경계온도

16153             crossover voltage                     the voltage of a secondary-emitting surface in a charge-storage tube at which the secondary emission is unity; the crossovers are numbered in progression with increasing voltage.

16154             crosstalk                     a phenomenon in which a signal on one channel of a sound system is processed by another channel, due to poor separation between the channels or improper pickup of the sound.a phenomenon in which a signal on one channel of a sound system is processed by another channel, due to poor separation between the channels or improper pickup of the sound.

16155             crown block                a stationary pulley system joined to the top of a derrick for supporting as well as lowering and raising the drilling tools; the sheaves and supporting members are attached to the lines of the traveling block and hook.

16156             Crown corrosion          관정부식; 하수가 혐기성상태에서 황화수소를 발생, 정부로 상승하여 박테리아의 작용으로 산회되어 황산으로 변화하여 하수관거를 부식시키는 현상

16157             crown platform            a platform at the top of a derrick that allows access to the sheaves of the crown block and also creates a safe place for working with the gin pole.

16158             crown sheet                the plate that forms the top of the furnace in a fire-tube boiler.

16159             CRP               주변지역사회와의 관계개선계획; Community Relation Plan, CERCLA에 의거 요구되는 사항

16160             CRP              Child-Resistant Packaging; Conservation Reserve Program

16161             CRR               Center for Renewable Resources

16162             CRSTER          Single Source Dispersion Model

16163             CRUCIBLE                   도가니

16164             crude assay                 a method to determine the general distillation characteristics and other information concerning the quality of a crude oil.

16165             crude cumulative gas               the measurement of total gas production from a reservoir, often shown graphically in parallel relationship to the total or cumulative oil yielded from the same reservoir.

16166             crude desalting            the washing of crude oil with water in one or a series of vessels, to remove materials such as dirt, silt, and water-soluble minerals.

16167             crude still                   the distillation equipment used to separate crude oil into various fractions and products.

16168             cruise control              a control in an automobile that allows for travel at a single constant speed by automatically adjusting the accelerator to maintain that speed.

16169             Crumb Rubber             Ground rubber fragments the size of sand or silt used in rubber or plastic products, or processed further into reclaimed rubber or asphalt products.

16170             crusher           any of a wide variety of machines used to crush rock or other materials; such machines are generally used in the early stages of size reduction.

16171             crushing strain            compressive strain that leads to the failure of a material.

16172             crushing strength                    the compressive stress required to fracture a material.

16173             crustal abundance                    the relative average content or mean concentration of an element in the earth's crust, including the atmosphere and the oceans.

16174             cryochem process                    a freeze-drying procedure that involves conduction heat transfer to the frozen solid secured on a metallic surface.

16175             cryoelectronics            a field of engineering that studies the design and functioning ofElectronics systems, circuits, and devices at temperatures approaching absolute zero (0 K or -270°C); particularly as applied to the phenomenon of superconductivity. Also, CRYOTRONICS.

16176             Cryogenic air separation           액화공기 분리장치; 고순도 산소 활성슬러지 공정에서 사용되는산소발생 장치

16177             CRYOGENIC AIR-SEPARATION                   액화공기분리

16178             cryogenic fluid            any fluid that changes from a liquid to a gas at less than 110 K at standard pressure. Also, CRYOGEN, CRYOGENIC LIQUID.

16179             CRYOGENIC LIQUID                  초저온액체; 수소연료

16180             CRYOGENIC SEPARATION          저온분리

16181             cryogenic transformer              a superconducting transformer, especially designed to operate at temperatures approaching absolute zero.

16182             cryohydrate                 a salt that contains water of crystallization at low temperatures. Also, CRYOSEL.a salt that contains water of crystallization at low temperatures. Also, CRYOSEL. a crystal that is produced by freezing a supersaturated solution and that has the same proportions of solute and solvent as the solution.a crystal that is produced by freezing a supersaturated solution and that has the same proportions of solute and solvent as the solution. 3. a mixture of ice and a salt combined in a proportion designed to have the lowest possible melting point.a mixture of ice and a salt combined in a proportion designed to have the lowest possible melting point.

16183             cryohydric point          the lowest point at which salt water freezes.

16184             cryology          the study of refrigeration at low temperatures ranging down to absolute zero.

16185             Cryophilic digestion                 저온 호기성소화법; 호기성 소화의 공법으로 아직 실제 운전되지 않고 있음

16186             cryopreservation          the process of preventing materials from spoiling or deteriorating by maintaining them at extremely low temperatures.

16187             cryosar           a cryogenic semiconductor device designed for very high speed computer switching and memory applications.

16188             cryoscopic constant                 a proportionality constant used to calculate freezing point depression, which is dependent on concentration.

16189             cryoscopy                   a phase equilibrium technique used to determine the molecular weight of a solute by dissolving it in a solvent and measuring the freezing point.

16190             cryosistor                    a cryogenic semiconductor device that, after ionization, can act as a three-terminal switch, a pulse amplifier, an oscillator, or a unipolar transistor.

16191             cryosorption pump                  a high-vacuum pump that uses an adsorbent such as activated charcoal cooled by liquid nitrogen to reduce pressure in the enclosed atmosphere.

16192             cryotron          a superconductive device in which current in one or more input circuits magnetically controls the superconducting-to-normal transition in one or more output circuits, provided that the current in each output circuit is less than its critical value.

16193             Cryptic growth            내성성장; 죽은 세포나 자체의 원형질을 기질로 성장하는 것

16194             Cryptosporidium          A protozoan microbe associated with the disease cryptosporidiosis in man. The disease can be transmitted through ingestion of drinking water, person-to-person contact, or other pathways, and can cause acute diarrhea, abdominal pain, vomiting, fever, and can be fatal as it was in the Milwaukee episode.

16195             crystal activity             an indication of how well a finished slab of crystal utilizes the piezoelectric effect; determined by measuring the amplitude of vibrations of the crystal slab under controlled conditions.

16196             crystal audio receiver               a crystal detector in which the nonlinear characteristic of a crystal diode is used to transform an audio-modulated radio-frequency signal directly into an audio signal.

16197             crystal blank               a slab of piezoelectric or semiconductor crystal material that has been cut to approximate final size, but not yet processed into final form.

16198             crystal calibrator          a crystal-controlled oscillator used as a standard against which the frequency tuning of a receiver or transmitter can be checked.

16199             crystal control             the use of a piezoelectric crystal to control the frequency of an oscillator circuit.

16200             crystal current             the actual current that flows through a crystal incident to the operation of the associated equipment, such as the radio-frequency current flowing through the crystal unit of a crystal-controlled oscillator.

