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환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 15801-15900

by 리치캣 2023. 1. 10.

환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 15801-15900

번호                  용어                  해설

15801             Constructed systems                인공 습지법; 폐수의 자연적처리법

15802             CONSTRUCTED WETLANDS                      인공습지()

15803             Construction and Demolition Waste                     Waste building materrials, dredging materials, tree stumps, and rubble resulting from construction, remodeling, repair, and demolition of homes, commercial buildings and other structures and pavements. May contain lead, asbestos, or pther hazardous substances.

15804             Construction Ban                     If, under the Clean Air Act, EPA disapproves an area's planning requirements for correcting nonattainment, EPA can ban the construction or nmodification of any major stationary source of the pollutant for which the area is in nonattainment.

15805             CONSTRUCTION QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM                  시공품질관리프로그램; 매립지 최종복토를 건설하는동안 시험하고 감시하여야 할 사항을 다룸

15806             CONSTRUCTION WASTE           건설폐기물; 개인주택, 산업용빌딩과 기타구조물의 신축, 증축, 보수등에서 발생되는 폐기물

15807             Consumptive Water Use            Water removed from available supplies without return to a water resources system, e.g., water used in manufacturing, agriculture, and food preparation.

15808             contact adsorption                   a procedure for extracting minor constituents from fluids by stirring in direct contact with powdered or granulated adsorbents or by passing the fluid through fixed adsorbents.

15809             contact catalysis          the process of change in the structure of gas molecules when adsorbed onto solid surfaces.

15810             contact condenser                   a device in which a vapor is in direct contact with a cooling liquid; the vapor is condensed by losing its latent heat to the liquid.

15811             contact filtration          a process to extract color bodies and improve the stability of oil by mixing finely divided adsorbent clay with the oil.

15812             contact force               the force exerted by a stationary surface on a body that is moving in contact with it.

15813             contact log                 a record of electrical-resistivity data that relates to strata structures encountered along the depth of a drill hole.

15814             Contact Pesticide          A chemical that kills pests when it touches them, instead of by ingestion. Also, soil that contains the minute skeletons of certain algae that scratch and dehydrate waxy-coated insects.

15815             contact process           the catalytic production of sulfuric acid from oxygen and sulfur dioxide.

15816             Contact stabilization process                    접촉안정공정; 활성슬러지공정의 변법으로 2개의 분리된 탱크나 격실을 사용

15817             Contact time               접촉시간; 살균공정에서 가장 중요한 변수

15818             CONTACTING POWER               접촉력 : 처리가스의 단위체적당 소비된 에너지

15819             contact-initiated discharge machining                     an electromachining processs in which the discharge is initiated when a tool and workpiece come in contact, after which the tool is withdrawn and an arc forms.

15820             contactor                    a column, tower, or device designed to bring two or more phases into intimate contact.

15821             CONTAINMENT            봉입(지하수),일반적인 오염물질

15822             Contaminant               Any physical, chemical, biological, or radiological substance or matter that has an adverse effect on air, water, or soil.

15823             Contamination             Introduction into water, air, and soil of microorganisms, chemicals, toxic substances, wastes, or wastewater in a concentration that makes the medium unfit for its next intended use.  Also applies to surfaces of objects, buildings, and various household and agricultural use products.

15824             Contamination Source Inventory               An inventory of contaminant sources within delineated State Water-Protection Areas. Targets likely sources for further investigation.

15825             CONTENT MANAGEMENT                        내용물관리()

15826             continental heat flow                the amount of heat released through the continental crust per unit time and unit area.

15827             Contingency Plan                     A document setting out an organized, planned, and coordinated course of action to be followed in case of a fire, explosion, or other accident that releases toxic chemicals, hazardous waste, or radioactive materials that threaten human health or the environment. (See: National Oil and Hazardous Substances Contingency Plan.)

15828             CONTINUOUS BACKWASH DEEP BED UPFLOW FILTER           연속 역세척 심층 상향류 여과지 ; 입상여과에 사용되는 여과지

15829             continuous brake                     a railroad braking system in which the brakes can be applied simultaneously to all cars from a single control point.

15830             continuous cell recycle reactor                  a high-volume fermenter that increases cell concentration and productivity by continually removing cells from the effluent and returning them to the fermentation vessel.

15831             continuous contact coking                       a thermal conversion process with continuous coke circulation, in which oil-wetted particles of coke travel downward through a reactor where cracking, coking, and drying take place, ultimately resulting in gas, gasoline, gas oil, and pelleted coke products.

15832             continuous countercurrent leaching                     a leaching process using continuous equipment that mechanically moves the solid and liquid through a series of leach tanks in which the flow of solvent is countercurrent to the flow of solid.

15833             Continuous discharge               연속배출;

15834             Continuous Discharge              A routine release to the environment that occurs without interruption, except for infrequent shutdowns for maintenance, process changes, etc.

15835             continuous distillation              the distillation by boiling of a mixture with different component boiling points, in which a feed is supplied continuously to a fractionating column, and the product is withdrawn continuously at the top, at the bottom, and sometimes at intermediate points.

15836             continuous fermentation           a fermentation process used to produce either a cell biomass or a secondary product; cells are kept in a state of exponential growth by the continuous feeding of a suitable medium through the fermenter.

15837             continuous film scanner           a scanner containing a flying-spot kinescope that continuously scans moving motion-picture film to produce video signals for use in television broadcasting.

15838             continuous furnace                  a furnace in which the materials are loaded through one door and progress on a moving belt or similar means through the furnace where they are retrieved from another door.

15839             continuous mixer                     a mixer in which materials are introduced, mixed, and discharged in a steady, continuous flow; used especially for mixing concrete.

15840             CONTINUOUS MIXING IN REACTORS AND HOLDING TANKS          반응기 및 저장조내의 연속 혼합;

15841             Continuous monitoring             The taking and recording of measurement at regular and frequent intervals during operation of a facility.

15842             CONTINUOUS RAPID MIXING OF CHEMICALS                 화학약품의 급속연속혼합;

15843             Continuous Sample                  A flow of water, waste or other material from a particular place in a plant to the loca-tion where samples are collected for testing. May be used to obtain grab or composite samples.

15844             continuous titrator                   a titrator with a reservoir that refills the buret in order to deliver an ongoing supply of standard solution as titrant.

15845             continuous-flow conveyor                        an enclosed belt conveyor that is pulled through a mass of granular or powdered material fed from an overhead hopper.

15846             continuous-flow reactor            a reactor in which new material is continuously supplied and the product continuously withdrawn; used in both chemical and biological processes.

15847             CONTINUOUS-FLOW STIRRED-TANK REACTOR                    연속흐름 교반탱크형 반응조

15848             continuous-spectrum sound                     sound that consists of a wide band of frequencies, many of which are not harmonically related, so that the frequencies that are present are continuous rather than discrete.

15849             continuous-tone squelch           a squelch system in which the receiver squelch circuit is activated by a continuous subaudible tone that is transmitted along with the desired voice modulation.

15850             continuous-wave jammer          a jammer transmitter that emits a single unmodulated frequency to interfere with enemy radar signals, appearing in the form of a picket or rail fence on an enemy radar screen. Also, RAIL-FENCE JAMMER.

15851             continuous-wave tracking system              a missile tracking system that keeps a continuous-wave radio beam on a target and determines the target's position from changes in the antenna that must be made to keep the beam locked on to the target.

15852             continuum                  a material medium that has a continuously distributed mass, such as a bulk amount of a gas, liquid, or solid. Also, continuous medium.

15853             Contour Plowing          Soil tilling method that follows the shape of the land to discourage erosion.

15854             Contour Strip Farmiong            A kind of contour farming in which row crops are planted in strips, between alter-nating stripls of close-growing, erosion-resistant forage crops.

15855             contour turning           a method by which a three- dimensional reproduction of a template is produced by controlling the cutting tool with a follower that moves along the template.

15856             contourograph            a device using a cathode-ray oscilloscope to produce contoured images that appear to have three dimensions.

15857             Contract Labs              Laboratories under contract to EPA, which analyze samples taken from waste, soil, air, and water or carry out research projects.

15858             CONTRACTING PARTY              체약국 : GATT/WTO에서 가입국을 의미함

15859             contraction                 a shortening in length or a decrease in volume.

15860             contrarotating propellers           a pair of propellers mounted on concentric shafts and rotating in opposite directions.

15861             contrast ratio              the ratio of the maximum to minimum luminance values in a television picture or similar cathode-ray tube display.

15862             control agent              in a process system under automatic control, the operation condition on which the controlled variable is dependent.

15863             control electrode          an electrode used to initiate or vary the current between two or more electrodes.

15864             control grid                 a grid, usually placed between the cathode and an anode, that is used as a control electrode.a grid, usually placed between the cathode and an anode, that is used as a control electrode. the electrode of an electron tube, other than a diode, upon which a signal voltage is impressed to regulate plate current.the electrode of an electron tube, other than a diode, upon which a signal voltage is impressed to regulate plate current.

15865             control panel               a panel containing an array of switches, dials, and other equipment, used to control the operation of some system or device, such as an aircraft. Also, CONTROL BOARD.  Computer Technology. specifically, such a panel from which a computer operator monitors and controls the computer operations.

15866             Control Technique Guidelines(CTG)                     EPA documents designed to assist state and local pollution authorities to achieve and maintain air quality standareds for certain sources(e.g. organic emissions from solvent metal cleaning known as degreasing) through reasonably available control technologies(RACT).

15867             control winding           an excitation winding carrying a current that controls the performance of a machine.an excitation winding carrying a current that controls the performance of a machine. the winding used to apply a controlling magnetomotive force to the core in a saturable reactor.the winding used to apply a controlling magnetomotive force to the core in a saturable reactor.

15868             control-grid bias          the average direct-current voltage between the control grid and the cathode of an electron tube.

15869             controllable-pitch propeller                      any of various aircraft or ship propellers in which the pitch of the blades can be changed while the propeller is functioning. Also, CP PROPELLER.

15870             controlled avalanche device                      a semiconductor device with specific maximum and minimum avalanche-voltage characteristics that can operate and absorb momentary power surges in the avalanche region indefinitely without damage.

15871             controlled avalanche diode                       an avalanche diode with a well-defined avalanche voltage.

15872             controlled avalanche transit-time triode                     a high-speed controlled avalanche device operating at microwave frequency range.

15873             controlled mercury-arc rectifier                 a rectifier tube containing mercury vapor, in which one or more electrodes control the point along the input cycle waveform at which the mercury vapor is ionized and plate current starts to flow, thus controlling output current.

15874             CONTROLLED POTENTIAL COULOMETRY                     조절전위 전기량법 : 작업전극의 전위를 오직 분석물질만의 전극-용액 계면을 통하여 전하의 전도 구실을 하도록 일정수준으로 유지하게 한는 전기량법

15875             Controlled Reaction                  A chemical reaction under temperature and pressure conditions maintained within safe limits to produce a desired product or process.

15876             controlled rectifier                   a rectifier using grid-controlled devices to regulate its output current.

15877             convection                  a pattern of lateral movements of subcrustal mantle material, vertically and horizontally, due to heat variations in the earth.  Oceanography. the movement and mixing of ocean water masses, usually caused by temperature differences between them.

15878             convection cell            the lateral movement of subcrustal mantle material, due to variations of heat in the earth.

15879             convection-current modulation                 the time variation in the magnitude of the convection current passing through a surface, or the process of producing such a variation.

15880             convective discharge                the flow of a stream of particles carrying away charges from a body that has received a sufficiently high voltage charge.

15881             CONVECTIVE FLUX                   이송흐름률

15882             CONVENTION ON BIOLOGICAL DIVERSITY                     생물다양성협약 : 지구상의 생물자원을 보존하기 위해 각국의 생물자원이용을 규제 관리하자는 내용의 국제협약

15883             CONVENTION ON WETLAND OF INTERNATIONAL IMPORTANCE ESPECIALLY AS A WATERFOWL HABITAT              습지보전을 위한 람사협약 : 개발을 위한 매립, 환경오염 등 다양한 요인에 의한 습지의 잠식과 상실을 방지하고 특히 국경을 넘어 이동하는 물새류를 국제적인 자원으로 중시하여 이를 보호하고자 19972 2월 이란의 람사에서 채택한 협약임

15884             Conventional aerobic digestion                 재래식 호기성소화법; 호기성 소화의 일반적인 공법

15885             CONVENTIONAL DOWNFLOW FILTER                     일반 하향류식 여과지; 입상여과에 사용되는 여과지

15886             CONVENTIONAL DUAL-MEDIUM FILTER                     일반 복층여상 여과지; 입상여과에 사용되는 여과지

15887             Conventional Filtration                 (See:complete treatment)

15888             CONVENTIONAL MONO-MEDIUM FILTER                     일반 단층여상 여과지; 입상여과에 사용되는 여과지

15889             CONVENTIONAL MULTIMEDIUM FILTER                     일반 다층여상 여과지; 입상여과에 사용되는 여과지

15890             Conventional plug flow activated sludge process           표준 플러그 흐름 활성슬러지 공정 ; 활성슬러지 공정의 일반적 형태

15891             Conventional sand drying beds                 재래식 모래 건조상; 슬러지 탈수방법의 하나인 건조상의 종류

15892             CONVENTIONAL SEMICONTINUOUS FILTER            일반 반연속식 여과지; 입상여과에 사용되는 여과지

15893             Conventional Site Assessment                   Assessment in which most of the sample analysis and interpretation of data is completed off-site;process usually requires repeated mobilization of equipment and staff in order to fully determine the extent of contamination.

15894             Conventional System                Systems that have been traditionally used to collect municipal wastewater in gravity sewers and convey it to a central primary or secondary treatment plant prior to discharge to surface waters.

15895             Conventional Tilling                 Tillage operations considered standard for a specific location and crop and that tend to bury the crop residues; usually considered as a base for determining the cost effectiveness of control practices.

15896             Conventional two-compartment tank                     2구역정화조; 정화조 형태

15897             convergence coil          either one of the two coils used to ensure convergence of the electron beams in a color television receiver.

15898             convergence control                 a variable resistor in the high-voltage section of a color television receiver that controls the voltage applied to the three-gun picture tube.

15899             convergence electrode              an electrode, in a multibeam cathode-ray tube, with an electric field that converges two or more electron beams.

15900             convergence magnet                a magnet assembly in a multibeam cathode-ray tube whose magnetic field converges two or more electron beams.

