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환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 15501-15600

by 리치캣 2023. 1. 10.

환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 15501-15600

번호                  용어                  해설

15501             combiner circuit          a circuit that mixes the luminance and chrominance signals with the synchronizing signals in a color television camera.

15502             COMBUSTIBLE MATERIALS                       가연성물질; 폐기물속에 있는 연소가능한 다양한 물질 

15503             Combustion                1. Burning, or rapid oxidation, accompanied by release of energy in the form of heat and light . 2. Refers to controlled burning of waste, in which heat chemically alters organic compounds, converting into stable inorganics such as carbon dioxide and water.

15504             COMBUSTION             연소; 유기물이 산소와 화학적 반응을 하여 빛과 열을 수반한 산화물을 생성하는 것 말한다

15505             combustion chamber                in an internal combustion engine, the space above a piston in which combustion occurs.in an internal combustion engine, the space above a piston in which combustion occurs. in a furnace, any space in which combustion occurs, or the space in which combustion of gaseous products occurs.in a furnace, any space in which combustion occurs, or the space in which combustion of gaseous products occurs.

15506             Combustion Chamber               The actual compartment where waste is burned in an incinerator.

15507             combustion chamber volume                   the volume of the combustion chamber when a piston is located at top dead center.

15508             combustion efficiency               the ratio of heat produced in a combustion process to the heat that would be produced if combustion were complete.

15509             combustion engine                  an engine operated by the energy released from a combustible fuel that is fed to the engine.

15510             combustion engineering           the study of heat liberated and absorbed by the combustion process as applied to furnace efficiency and design.

15511             COMBUSTION GAS COOLING FACILITY                     연소가스 냉각설비

15512             Combustion Product                   Substance produced during the burning or oxidation of a material.

15513             combustion wave                     a zone of combustion that travels along a narrow path through a burning substance.

15514             combustor                  the system in a gas turbine or jet engine that contains burners, ignitors, and injection devices in addition to the combustion chamber.

15515             CO-METABOLISM                     다른 기질과의 공통대사작용

15516             comma           a term used in music to describe an inharmonic interval between two notes, such as C and D flat, which produces overtones less than a whole step apart

15517             Command Post            Facility located at a safe distance upwind from an accident site, where the on-scene coordinator, responders, and tachnical representatives make response decisions, deploy manpower and equipment, maintain liaison with  news media, and handle communications.

15518             command pulses          the electrical representation of bit values that govern input-output devices.

15519             Command-and-Control Regulations                     Specific requirements prescribing how to comply with specific standards defining acceptable levels of pollution.

15520             Comment Period          Time provided for the public to review and comment on a proposed EPA action or rulemaking after publication in the Federal Register.

15521             COMMERCIAL CHEMICAL PRODUCTS                     사업용 화공약품

15522             COMMERCIAL SOLID WASTE                    상업폐기물; 상업시설에서 발생되는 폐기물 

15523             Commercial Waste                   All solid waste emanating from business establishments such as stores, marjets, office buildings, restaurants, shopping centers, and theaters.

15524             Commercial Waste Management Facility                     A treatment, storage, disposal, or transfer facility which accepts waste from a variety of sources, as compared to a private facility which normally manages a limited waste stream generated by its own operations.

15525             COMMERCIAL WASTEWATER                    영업오수; 사무실, 학교, 식당등에서 배출되는 오수

15526             COMMINGLED RECYCLABLES                    혼합재활용품; 컨테이너내에 혼합되어 있는 여러종류의 재활용가능한 물질

15527             Commingled Recyclables           Mixed recyclables that are collected together.

15528             COMMINGLED WASTE              혼합폐기물; 폐기물 성분들이 필요에 따라 분리되지 않고 일괄적으로 한데 배출된 생활 또는 상업폐기물 지칭한다. 

15529             COMMINGLED WASTE COLLECTION                     혼합수거; 폐기물관리에 있어서 폐기물을 혼합하여 수거함

15530             commingling               the blending of oil products with like properties, often performed to ease pipeline transportation.

15531             Comminuter                A machine that shreds or pulverizes soilds to make waste treatment easier.

15532             COMMINUTION           분쇄; 수처리에 사용되는 물리학적 단위조작

15533             Comminution              Mechanical shredding or pulverizing of waste. Used in both soild waste management and wastewater treatment.

15534             comminutor                a tool or machine used to break up solids into very fine particles.

15535             COMMITMENT            약속 : 교역자유화에 따라 각종 보호 및 지원조치를 구체적으로 감축하겠다고 약속한다는 의미로 사용됨

15536             COMMITTEE ON TRADE AND ENVIRONMENT           무역환경위원회 : WTO 각료회의 산하에 설치된 특별위원회이며, 국제무역과 환경정책의 다각적인 조화방안을 논의하기 위해 구성된 위원회

15537             COMMON AGRICULTURAL POLICY                     공동농업정책  CAP

15538             COMMON BUT DIFFERENTIATED RESPONSIBILITIES                    보편적이지만 차등적인 책임  분배된 자원의 보호를 위해 각국에 분배된 책임을 말함

15539             Common ion effect                  공통이온 효과; 약전해질의 전리는 공통되는 이온을 포함한 강전해질을 가하면 현저하게 감소함

15540             common mode            in a system processing a differential signal, the part of the signal that appears on both conductors and does not contribute to the differential component. The common mode signal is one-half of the sum of the signals measured on the two differential leads with respect to the ground reference.

15541             common return           a single conductor that forms the return circuit for two or more otherwise separate circuits.

15542             Common Sense Initiative              Voluntary program to simplify environmental regulation to achieve cleaner, cheaper, smarter results, starting with six major industry sectors.

15543             common-drain amplifier           a field-effect transistor amplifier in which the drain terminal is common to the input and the output. Also, SOURCE-FOLLOWER AMPLIFIER.

15544             common-gate amplifier            a field-effect transistor amplifier in which the gate terminal is common to the input and the output.

15545             common-ion effect                  a phenomenon whereby an ionic compound is rendered less soluble when added to a solution containing another compound with which it has an ion in common.

15546             common-mode error                a difference in voltage that appears at the output terminal of an operational amplifier, caused by the appearance of voltage at two separate input locations.

15547             common-mode gain                 the ratio of the common mode of the output voltage of a differential amplifier to the common mode of the input voltage; the gain of an ideal differential amplifier is zero.

15548             common-mode rejection           the ratio of the common mode signals at the input and the output, respectively, of a differential amplifier. Also, IN-PHASE REJECTION.

15549             common-mode signal              the algebraic average of two signals applied simultaneously to both ends of a balanced circuit, such as a differential amplifier. Also, IN-PHASE SIGNAL.

15550             common-mode voltage             the amount of voltage common to both lines of a balanced amplifier.the amount of voltage common to both lines of a balanced amplifier. a signal carried along a transmission line in both wires of its circuit.a signal carried along a transmission line in both wires of its circuit.

15551             common-rail injection              a fuel injection system applied to multicylinder compression-ignition engines; an untimed pump maintains constant pressure in a pipe line, called a rail, from which branches deliver oil to mechanically operated injection valves.

15552             common-source amplifier          a field-effect transistor amplifier in which the source terminal is common to both the input and the output.

15553             communication zone indicator                  a device designed to indicate whether long-distance high-frequency broadcasts are reaching their destination.

15554             Community                 In ecology, an assemblage of populations of different specieis within a specified location in space and time. Sometimes, a particular subgrouping may be specified, such as the fish community in a lake or the soil arthropod community in a forest.

15555             COMMUNITY EFFECTS INDEX                   지역사회효과지수; 폐기물수거상태를 가로의 청소상태를 기준으로 평가하는 방법. CEI

15556             COMMUNITY NOISE EQUIVALENT LEVEL                     사회소음등가레벨 : 불괘감에 따른 사회적 반응을 평가하는 방법

15557             Community Relations               The EPA effort to establish two-way communication with the public to create under-standing of EPA programs and related actions, to ensure public input into decision-making processes relat-ed to affected communities, and to make certain that the Agency is aware of and responsive to public concerns. Specific community relations activities are required in relation to Superfund remedial actions.

15558             Community Water System                        A public water system which serves at least 15serveice connections used by year-round residents or regularly serves at  least 25 year-round residuents.

15559             commutating capacitor             a capacitor that provides commutating voltage for circuit-commutated thyristors in a self-commutated converter.

15560             commutating reactance            the reactance that effectively opposes the transfer of current to ensure that it remains steady as it flows from one anode to the next; for convenience, the value of the commutating reactance is designated as the reactance from phase to neutral or one-half the total reactance in the commutating circuit.

15561             commutator                for rotating machines, an assembly of conductors onto which brushes are pressed to allow current to flow between the rotor and stator.  Mathematics. given two elements a, b in a group G, the element c (= a-1b-1ab) of G such that ab = bac.

15562             comonomer                a simple molecule that is combined with both like and unlike molecules in chains to form a polymer.

15563             Compact Fluorrescent Lamp(CFL)               Smal  fluorescent lamps used as more efficient alternatives to incandescent lighting. Also called PL, CFL, Twin-Tube, or BIAX lamps.

15564             compact layer              in a double-layer ionic structure, the inner layer of ions that are specifically adsorbed on the electrode surface, as opposed to the adjacent outer region diffused in the electrolytic liquid. Also, COMPACT DOUBLE LAYER, HELMHOLTZ LAYER.

15565             COMPACTER               압축기; 압축하여 폐기물의 부피를 줄일 수 있도록 설계된 동력기계

15566             COMPACTER COLLECTION VEHICLE                     압축수거차; 차체내에 폐기물을 적재, 압축 그리고 배출하기 위하여 특수한 동력장치가 설치된 수거차

15567             COMPACTION             압축; Densification 과 같은 의미로 쓰임

15568             Compaction                Reduction of the bulk of solid waste by rolling and tamping.

15569             COMPACTION RATIO                압축비; 압축전후의  부피비로 나타낸다

15570             compaction(압밀화)                  파우링이 없는 상태에서, 장시간의 압력 부하에 의해 막이 압축 되는 현상.

15571             compactor                  a machine that consolidates earth by vibration, impact, or other means in order to carry a larger load.

15572             compander                 a device that increases signal/noise ratio by compressing the volume range of a transmitted signal and reexpanding it at the receiver. (An acronym for compressor expander.)

15573             companding                a process in which compression is followed by expansion; it is often used to reduce noise.

15574             Comparability (상응성)              교토의정서에 따라 각국이 수량적 감축 목표를 이행할 때 이를 수치적으로 비교할 것이 아니라 각국의 특수한 정황을 고려하여 상응하도록 이해해야 한다는 의미. 상응성을 고려하는 것은 일본과 같이 1970년대 에너지 효율화 노력 의 결과 온실가스 배출 자체가 상대적으로 낮은 상황에서 출발한 국가가 감축 목표 이행시 이러한 상황을 인정해야 한다는 의미

15575             Comparative Risk Assessment                   Process that generally uses the judgement of experts to predict effects and set priorities among a wide range of environmental problems.

15576             comparator circuit                   a circuit whose output indicates whether one of its two inputs is higher than, equal to, or lower than the other input.

15577             comparison bridge                   a voltage-comparison circuit that resembles a four-arm electrical bridge, in which the elements are arranged so that a zero error signal is derived if a balance exists in the circuit.

15578             COMPATIBILITY            겸용성; 단위 조작 및 공정의 선정과 평가시에 고려되어야 할 인자

15579             compatibility conditions            a set of six kinematic relations among the six independent components of any strain tensor that ensures the existence of a single-valued continuous displacement field. Also, ST. VENANT'S COMPATIBILITY EQUATIONS.

15580             compensated amplifier             a broadband amplifier whose frequency range has been extended by altering circuit characteristics.

15581             compensated semiconductor                    a semiconductor in which a donor imperfection partially cancels the electrical effects of an acceptor imperfection.

15582             compensated-loop direction finder                     a direction finder that uses two antenna systems to compensate for polarization error.

15583             Compensation Import LEV-IES and Export Rebates Priciple           보상적 수입세 및 수출환급 금지원칙 - OECD에서 제시된 4대 원칙중 하나, 각국은 환경정책의 차이에 따른 경제적 효과를 상쇄시키기 위해 관세를 부과하거나 수출환급금제등을 시행해서는 안된다는 원칙

15584             competent cells           a group of embryonic cells that retain the capability to differentiate themselves into other types of cells when exposed to a particular stimulus.

15585             competing equilibria condition                 the competition for a particular reactant among several simultaneous chemical reactions in a complex chemical system.

15586             complementary            describing elements that have similar characteristics, differing by sign, such as P-type and N-type devices.  Psychology. of or relating to complementarity; balancing or offsetting the traits of another person.

15587             complementary constant-current logic                     a computer circuit design that produces extremely fast switching speeds of 3 nanoseconds.

15588             complementary logic switch                     a device in which two transistors are paired so that one is on when the other is off.

15589             complementary symmetry                        a circuit in which two transistors with opposite conductivity provide electricity during opposite halves of the input signal frequency cycle; commonly used in loudspeaker systems.

15590             complementary transistors                       two transistors with opposite conductivity that operate in the same functional unit.

15591             Complete composting at temperatures above 55oC and curing in a stockpile for at least 30d                     55oC 이상에서 퇴비화 또는 30일 이상 저장소에서 숙성; 슬러지 살균처리 방법

15592             Complete exposure pathway  (완전노출경로)                 화학물질이 환경 중 오염원으로부터 매체를 통해 수용체 (화학물질에 의해 영향을 받을 수 있는 생물체)로 전달 되는 모든 경로.  예를 들어  오염물질이 저질로부터 표층수를 거쳐 물고기의 아가미로 전달될 경우, 완전노출경로는 저질-표층수물고기 아가미이다.

15593             Complete Treatment                 A method of treating water that consists of the addition of coagulant chemicals, flash mixing, coagulation-flocculation, sedimentation, and fitration. Also called conventional filtration.

15594             completely mixed bioreactor                    a stirred-tank or single- stage fermenter characterized by continuous stirring of the reactor contents but no recycling of the biomass.

15595             Complete-mix activated sludge process                     완전혼합 공정; 활성슬러지 공정의 연속흐름 혼합반응조 형식의 응용

15596             COMPLETE-MIX REACTOR          완전혼합 반응조

15597             COMPLETE-MIX REACTORS IN SERIES                     순차적 완전혼합 반응조

15598             complex chemical reaction                       a system in which several chemical reactions take place at the same time.

15599             Complex effluent  (복합 배출물)               조성이 일정하지 않고 가변可變적인 혼합물로 된 폐수.

15600             complex living organism           복합유기체

