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환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 15701-15800

by 리치캣 2023. 1. 10.

환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 15701-15800

번호                  용어                  해설

15701             Condensate                 1. Liquid formed when warm landfill gas cools as it travels through a collection system. 2. Water created by cooling steam or water vapor.

15702             CONDENSATE              응축액; 따뜻한 수분이 갑자기 냉각되면서 표면에 형성됨

15703             condensate flash          the partial evaporation or flash of hot condensed liquid by decreasing the system pressure in several steps.

15704             Condensate Return System                       System that returns the heated water condensing within steam piping to the boiler and thus saves energy.

15705             condensate strainer                  in a boiler system, a screen that removes solid particles from the steam condensate before pumping it back to the boiler.

15706             condensate well           a water-vapor collection well.

15707             condensation              a measure of the instantaneous density in a medium through which a sound wave is passing, given by the expression (r - ro)/r where r is the density and ro is the mean density at a given point in the medium.  Acoustical Engineering. the use of electrostatic force to convert acoustic energy to electrical energy, or vice versa, whereby the capacitive charge on two electrodes separated by air is increased by sound energy, for a device such as a microphone.  Optics. the process of focusing or collimating a beam of light.  Psychology. a process by which one idea or image comes to represent a group of different elements.

15708             condensation temperature                       the temperature at which a thin moving film of liquid coexists with the vapor from which the liquid has been condensed.  Meteorology. the temperature at which a parcel of moist air expanded dry adiabatically reaches saturation. Also, ADIABATIC SATURATION TEMPERATURE.

15709             condensed system                   a fluid system in which there is negligible vapor pressure or in which the pressure on the system greatly exceeds the vapor pressure

15710             condenser                   a chamber enclosing an array of tubes into which the exhaust steam from a steam engine is distributed and condensed by the circulation of cooling water through the tubes.

15711             CONDENSER MICROPHONE                     콘덴서 마이크로폰 : 진동막의 변위에 의한 전기용량의 변화를 전압으로 바꾸는 마이크로폰

15712             condenser tubes          the tubes through which the cooling water is circulated in a surface condenser and on whose outer surfaces the steam is condensed.

15713             condensing engine                   a steam engine in which the steam exhaust liquefies in the vacuum space following discharge from the engine cylinder.

15714             CONDENSING EXTRACTION TURBINE                     추기복수 터빈; 증기이용방식의 증기터빈

15715             condensing gas drive               a process in which reservoir oil is displaced by gas when components of hydrocarbon of the injected gas condense in the oil that it displaces.

15716             CONDENSING TURBINE            복수터빈; 증기이용방식의 증기터빈

15717             CONDITIONAL FORMATION CONSTANT                     유효생성상수;

15718             Conditional Registration            Under special circumstances, the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) permits registration of pesticide products that is conditional upon the submission of addition-al data. These special circumstances include a finding by the EPA Administrator that a new product or use of an existing pesticide will not significantly increase the risk of unreasonable adverse effects. A product containing a new (previously unregistered)activ ingredient may be conditionally registered only if the Administrator finds that such conditional registration is in the public interest, that a reasonable time for conducting the additional studies has not elapsed, and the use of the pesticide for the period of conditional registration will not present an ureasonable risk.

15719             Conditionally Exempt Generators (CE)                     Persons or enterprises which produce less than 220 pounds of hazardous waste per month. Exempt from most regulation, they are required merely to determine whether their waste is hazardous, notify appropriate state or local agencies, and ship it by an authorzed transporter to a permitted facility for proper disposal.(See:small quantity generator.)

15720             conditionally periodic motion                   the motion of a system whose generalized coordinates undergo simple harmonic motion with differing frequencies that are not all rational fractions of each other, so that the complete motion of the system is not simply periodic. Also, PSEUDOPERIODIC MOTION.

15721             conditionally stable circuit                        a circuit or system that is stable when operating with specific values of input signal gain, but unstable for other values.

15722             Conditioning               개량; 수처리시설에서 나오는 슬러지 처리를 위한 공정

15723             Conditioning tank                    개량조;

15724             conductance               the physical property of an element, device, branch, or system that is the factor by which the mean square voltage must be multiplied to determine the corresponding power lost by dissipation.the physical property of an element, device, branch, or system that is the factor by which the mean square voltage must be multiplied to determine the corresponding power lost by dissipation. the real part of the admittance; in a circuit with no reactance, equal to the reciprocal of the resistance; expressed in siemens and designated as G.the real part of the admittance; in a circuit with no reactance, equal to the reciprocal of the resistance; expressed in siemens and designated as G.

15725             Conductance               A rapid method of estimating the dissolved solids content of water supply by determining the capacity of a water sample to carry an electrical current. Conductivity is a measure of the ability of a solution to carry electrical curerent,

15726             CONDUCTION             전도; 물질이동 없이 온도차에 의한 열의 이동

15727             conduction cooling                  a process of removing undesirable heat to increase power-handling capability by mounting a device against a heatsink that transfers heat to the environment.

15728             conductive interference            the unwanted extraneous power from natural or artificial sources that interferes with reception of desired signals; introduced into equipment by a power supply or power transformer.

15729             CONDUCTIVITY            전도도

15730             Conductivity                A measure of the ability of a solution to carry qn electrical current.

15731             conductivity modulation           a variation in the conductivity of a semiconductor as the density of the charge carriers within the semiconductor varies.

15732             conductivity modulation transistor             a transistor whose active properties are derived from conductivity modulation caused by variations of the density of the minority carriers within the transistor.

15733             conductometric titration           a titration during which the electrical conductivity of the solution is measured to determine the endpoint.

15734             conductometry            the measurement of the conductivity of a solution. Thus, conductometric. Also, conductimetry.

15735             conductor                   a material that is capable of carrying electric current, especially one that is highly suitable for this, such as copper wire.  Physics. any material that serves or can serve as a medium for conduction, as of sound, heat, and so on.  Surgery. a probe or sound with a groove along which a knife is passed in slitting open a sinus or fistula; a grooved director.

15736             conductor pipe            a short string of large-diameter casing that acts to keep the top of a well bore open and to carry drilling fluid from the well bore to the slush pit.

15737             cone brake                  a friction brake with cone-shaped rubbing parts. Similarly, cone clutch.

15738             cone crusher               a device that reduces the size of materials by crushing them in the tapered space between a revolving truncated cone and an outer chamber.

15739             Cone of Depression                  A depression in the water table that develops around a pumped well.

15740             cone of escape            a theoretical, cone-shaped region of the exosphere in which an atom or molecule can escape into space without collision.

15741             Cone of Influence                    The depression, roughly conical in shape, produced in a water table by the pumping of water from a well.

15742             Cone Penterometer Testing(CPT)                A direct push system used to measure lithology based on soil penetration resistance. Sensors in the tip of the cone of the DP rod measure tip resistance and side-wall friction, transmitting electrical signals to digital processing equipment on the ground surface.(See: direct push.)

15743             cone rock bit               a rotary drill with two hardened, knurled cones that cut the rock as they roll.a rotary drill with two hardened, knurled cones that cut the rock as they roll.

15744             Confidential Business Information(CBI)                     Meterial that contains trade secrets or commercial or financial information that has been claimed as confidential by its source(e.g., a pesticide or new chemical formulation registrant). EPA has special procedures for handling such information.

15745             Confidential Statement of Formula(CSF)                     A list of the ingredients in a new pesticide or chemical formulation . The list is submitted at the time for application for registration or change in formulation.

15746             configuration              the position of all the particles of a system.  Mathematics. a combination or arrangement of geometrical objects, such as points, lines, surfaces, and curves.

15747             configuration interaction           the portion of the total electronic interaction energy not described by antisymmetrized one- electron obitals.

15748             configuration space                  the space spanned by a set of generalized coodinates that define the configuration of a system, with every point reperesenting a certain state of the system.

15749             configurational isomer              any of a group of isomers that differ from one another in the spatial arrangement of their atoms about a chiral center. Thus, configurational isomerism.

15750             Confined Aquifer          An aquifer in which ground water is confined under pressure which is significantly great-er than atmospheric pressure.

15751             Confined gas injections systems                한정된 가스주입장치; 고율 혐기성소화조 교반에 사용되는 장치

15752             confining liquid           a liquid seal that is displaced during the no-loss transfer of a gas sample from one container to another.

15753             confirmation well                     a well drilled to prove the producing zone found by an exploratory or wildcat well; the second producing well in a new, developmental oil field.

15754             Confluent Growth                    A continuous bacterial growth covering all or part of the filtration area of a membrane filter in which the bacteria colonies are not discrete.

15755             confocal scanning light microscopy                     an advanced form of light microscopy in which a laser beam-illuminated subject is rapidly scanned, resulting in excellent linear resolution.

15756             conformable optical mask                        a flexible glass substrate used as an optical mask in integrated circuit fabrication; under vacuum, the optical mask is forced into full contact with the integrated circuit substrate.

15757             conformal array           an array of antennas that are electronically switched and normally used for production of special radiation beam patterns required for air navigation, radar, and missile applications.

15758             conformational analysis            the study of the typical or most likely conformation of a molecule in its ground, transition, and excited states.

15759             conformational isomers            isomers of the same compound whose specific spatial arrangements correspond to energy minima for that molecule.

15760             CONFORMITY ASSESSMENT PROCEDURES                     적합판정절차 : 특정상품이 기술규정 또는 표준의 관련요건에 부합되는지를 결정하기 위하여 직접 또는 간접적으로 사용되어지는 모든 절차가 해당됨

15761             confusion jamming                  a military electronic countermeasure in which an incident enemy radar signal is amplified, distorted, and retransmitted, creating a false echo that will present confusing range, azimuth, and target velocity data to the operator. Also, DECEPTION JAMMING.

15762             CONGER                     동족체 (붕장어)

15763             conical beam               a cone-shaped radar beam pattern, usually produced by conical scanning.

15764             conical horn                a cone-shaped tube in which enclosed air vibrates to produce the harmonics of a fundamental frequency, which can be explained by the equation fn = n(10.05/L)(TA)1/2, with fn representing the harmonics, n representing the harmonic number, L the length of the horn, and (TA)1/2 the reciprocal of the fundamental.

15765             conical pendulum                    a weight attached to a cord or light rod, which is made to execute circular motion; the cord motions thus form the surface of a circular cone.

15766             conical refiner             a cone-shaped refiner with two sets of bars mounted on a rotating plug; used in paper processing.

15767             conical scanning          a sequential radar scanning in which the direction of maximum radiation creates a cone whose axis coincides with that of the radar reflector; used in missile scanning.

15768             coning            the gushing of reservoir water from formation strata into an oil column, caused by excessive rates of oil production.

15769             CONJUGATE ACID                    짝산; 염기가 양성자를 받을 때 생성되는 화학종

15770             CONJUGATE BASE                    짝염기; 산이 양성자를 잃어 버릴 때 형성되는 화학종

15771             conjugate bridge          a bridge in which the electrical supply circuit and the detector circuit are interchanged, as compared to a normal bridge configuration.

15772             connecting rod            the rod that connects the piston or crosshead to the crank in a reciprocating pump or engine.

15773             connection gas            a gas injected into a well with the mud pump inactivated so that a connection can be made.

15774             CONPACSE                  동남 태평양 해양오염감시 프로그램  south-east pacific marine pollution monitoring program

15775             Conrad discontinuity                an area in the earth's crust, 17 to 20 km below the surface, at which compressional seismic waves experience an abrupt increase in velocity, from about 6.1 km per second to 6.4-6.7 km per second.

15776             Consent Decree           A legal document, approved by a judge, that formalizes an agreement reached between EPA and potentially responsible parties(PRPs) through which PRPs will conduct all or part of a cleanup action at a Superfund site; cease or correct actions or processes that are polluting the environment; or otherwise comply with EPA intiated regulatory enforcement actions to resolve the contamination at the Superfund site involved. The consent decree describes the actions PRPs will take and may be subject to a public comment period.

15777             Conservation               Preserving and renewing, when possible, human and natual resources. The use, protection, and improvement of natural resources according to principles that will ensure their highest economic or social benefits.

15778             Conservation Easement                Easement restricting a landowner to land uses that that are compatible with long-term conservation and environmental values.

15779             conservation of angular momentum                     the principle that a system under no external forces will maintain constant total angular momentum.

15780             conservation of momentum                     the principle that a system under no external forces will maintain constant linear momentum.

15781             CONSERVATION TRUST FUND                  보전신탁기금 : NGO, 지역공동체 등 외부 공여자에 의해 만들어지는 자연보호를 위한 기금임

15782             conservative force                    a force for which the work done in displacing a particle from one point to another depends only on the location of those two points, and not on the path taken by the particle in moving from the initial position to the final one; e.g., the force of gravity. Thus, conservative force field.

15783             conservative system                 a mechanical system in which there are no losses of energy due to dissipative processes such as friction; i.e., the sum of potential plus kinetic energy is constant.

15784             consonance                 two tones, such as a natural fifth, which when played produce overtones that are more than one step apart and therefore are pleasing to hear and are said to be harmonious.  Psychology. a situation in which a person's behavior is consistent with his or her attitude toward that behavior; e.g., a person believes smoking is harmful and does not smoke.

15785             constant of motion                  a dynamical variable of a system that remains unchanged in the course of motion. Also, CONSERVED QUANTITY.

15786             CONSTANT RATE FILTRATION                   정속여과; 여과지내 유량을 일정하게 유지

15787             constant-bandwidth filter          a frequency analyzer that uses a parallel processing of overlapping frequency filters to analyze sound frequency versus amplitude or time in separate bands that have the same bandwidth. Also, constant-bandwidth analyzer.

15788             constant-false-alarm rate           a constant rate of false target indications in a radar system, caused by interference or noise levels that exceed the established detection threshold.

15789             constant-force spring               a spring having a steady restoring force no matter what the degree of displacement.

15790             constant-k filter           a highpass or lowpass filter composed of a tandem connection of a number of identical prototype L-section filters in which the product of the various series and parallel impedances is a constant value regardless of frequency within the operating range.

15791             constant-k network                  a ladder network of constant-k filters.

15792             constant-potential electrolysis                   electrolysis in which the electric potential of one electrode, with respect to a stable reference electrode, is controlled by the application of a varying voltage to the cell.

15793             constant-resistance network                     a network that reflects a constant resistance to the output of a driving source, such as a power amplifier, when the load is resistive. Also, CONSTANT-CONDUCTANCE NETWORK.

15794             constant-speed drive                a mechanism that transmits motion from one shaft to another without allowing the velocity ratio of the shaft to vary.

15795             constant-velocity universal joint                a joint that transmits a constant drive speed, regardless of angles; used for the drive shafts of front-wheel-drive vehicles.

15796             CONSTITUENT CONCENTRATION              성분농도;

15797             Constituent(s) of Concern          Specific chemicals that are identified for evaluation in the site assessment process

15798             constitutive equations               the equations B = H, relating the magnetic induction to the magnetic field intensity, and D = E, relating the electric displacement to the electric field intensity.

15799             constrained mechanism            a mechanism in which all members move in a predetermined pattern.

15800             constraint                   an external restriction on the motion of a system. Each constraint equation removes one effective degree of freedom from a holonomic system. Also, KINEMATIC CONSTRAINT.



컬러링 스몰미빌딩 (20개 도시 세트) 미술교육. 창의력 발달. 해외여행. 창의력교육. 색칠공부, :

[스몰미 와 아트리트] 나만의 작은 나. 스몰미, 색다른 자기표현. smallME.



