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환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 15301-15400

by 리치캣 2023. 1. 10.

환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 15301-15400

번호                  용어                  해설

15301             coacervate                  a mass of colloidal particles that are bound together by electrostatic attraction.

15302             coagulant                   any agent that causes the precipitation or separation of dissolved solids or particles from a solution.

15303             COAGULANT AID                     응집보조제

15304             COAGULATION            응집; 콜로이드 현탁을 여과할 수 있는 고체로 바꾸는 과정

15305             Coagulation                Clumpling of particles in wastewater to settle out impurities, often induced by chemicals such as lime, alum, and iron salts.

15306             Coagulation-bridging phenomenon                     응집-가교현상; 고분자전해질에 의한 입자간의 응집 메카니즘

15307             Coal Cleaning Technology          A precombustion process by which coal is physically or chemically treated to remove some of sulfur so as to reduse sulfur dioxide emissions.

15308             coal gasification           a method of converting coal, coke, or char to a gaseous product by reaction with oxygen, steam, carbon dioxide, air, or a mixture of these.

15309             Coal Gasification          Conversion of ccoal to a gaseous product by one of several available technologies.

15310             coal liquefaction          the procedure for making a liquid mixture of hydrocarbons by the destructive distillation of coal.

15311             coalescent                   any agent used to separate two immiscible liquids by causing the droplets of one to form a mass.

15312             coalescent pack           a high-surface-area packing that consolidates liquid droplets for gravity separation from a second phase, such as immiscible liquid or gas.

15313             coalescer                    a process unit containing wettable, high-surface-area packing on which liquid droplets coalesce.

15314             COARSE PARTICLE                    조대입자

15315             coastal aquifer             연안 대수층 : 지하수를 함유하고 있는 지층

15316             coastal refraction                     a change in the direction of a radio wave as it crosses a coastline.

15317             Coastal Zone               Lands and waters adjacent to the coast that exert an influence on the uses of the sea and its ecology, or whose uses and ecology are affected by the sea.

15318             coated cathode            a cathode that is coated with a compound having a lower work function than the base metal in order to increase electron emission.

15319             coated filament           a filament that has been coated with metal oxides in order to increase electron emission.

15320             coaxial            having a common axis.

15321             coaxial cavity magnetron          a chamber in which the central conductor makes contact with movable pistons, or other reflecting devices, in order to pick up microwaves.

15322             coaxial cylinder magnetron                      a device, used to generate extremely powerful microwaves, that achieves mode separation, high efficiency, stability, and ease of mechanical tuning by coupling two different types of resonators.

15323             coaxial diode               a diode having the same outer diameter and terminations as the coaxial cable into which it is inserted.

15324             coaxial transistor          a diffused-base, alloy-emitter device that conducts electricity through a thin piece of semiconductor material at medium power.

15325             cobalt-60                    a radioactive isotope of cobalt with a half-life of 5.27 years that emits gamma rays when it decays; often used as a source of gamma rays in radiation therapy and nondestructive testing.

15326             cobalt-molybdate desulfurization               a process using cobalt-molybdate as a catalyst to desulfurize petroleum.

15327             COCO            Contractor-Owned Contractor-Operated

15328             COCURRENT FLOW                  병류; 흐름이 같은 방향으로 이동하는 유형

15329             COD               (Chemical Oxygen Demand) 화학적 산소요구량    생물학적 산소 요구량과 마찬가지로 하천 오염상태를 나타내는 수치로서, 물속의 유기물 등 오염이 되는 물질을 산화제로 산화시키는데 요구되는 산소의 양을 말한다.     산화제로는 과망간산칼리나 중크롬산칼리가 사용된다.     화학적 산소요구량의 수치가 크게 되면 유기물이 많다는 것을 의미하므로 그만큼 오염이 심하게 됐음을 나타낸다.     검사가 단시간에 가능하므로 오염의 개략치를 추정하는데 많이 쓰인다.

15330             COD               화학적 산소요구량; 수중의 피산화물을 산화제를 이용하여 화학적으로 산화시킬 때 소비되는 산소량 ppm단위로 표시한 것

15331             COD               Chemical Oxygen Demand

15332             COD (CHEMICAL OXYGEN DEMAND)                     화학적 산소요구량 ; COD, 수중의 피산화물을 산화제를 이용하여 화학적으로 산화시킬 때 소비되는 산소량 ppm단위로 표시한 것

15333             codan             an electronic circuit that activates a receiver when a signal is received. (An acronym for carrier-operated device anti-noise.)

15334             Code of Fedral Regulations(CFR)               Document that codifies all rules of the executive departments and agencies of the federal government. It is divided into fifty volumes, known as titles. Title 40 of the CFR(referenced as 40 CFR)lists all environmental regulations.

15335             COE               Commission on Ecology (of IUCN) (International)

15336             coefficient  of  discharge      (유량계수)                 구멍으로부터의 유출 유량계 계산식에 있어서의 계수Q=c·A√ 2 gH     c: 유량 계수   c= 0.592+0.00069{1/ (d√ H)}3/4

15337             coefficient  of  discharge      (CV)                     각밸브의 구멍 트인 구멍 면적에 의해  결정되는 유량 계수. 밸브의1, 2차측의  차압과 희망 유량으로(에서) 밸브를 선정할 때에 계산상사용하는 밸브 고유의 계수. Cv 값이 큰 구멍 면적도 크게 대유량이 얻어진다. 물의 유량계 계산식    Q (L/ ) = 14.28Cv√ Δ P (kg/ cm2)

15338             coefficient of compressibility                    a measure of the fractional change in volume of a body under unit pressure; the reciprocal of the bulk modulus.

15339             coefficient of friction                a constant that, when multiplied by the normal force between two bodies that are in surface contact, gives the force of friction between them necessary to start sliding. Also, FRICTION COEFFICIENT.

15340             Coefficient of Haze(COH)          A measurement of visibility interfernce in the atmosphere.

15341             coefficient of kinetic friction                     a constant that, when multiplied by the normal force between two bodies that are in surface contact and are in motion relative to each other, gives the force of friction necessary to maintain uniform motion. Also, COEFFICIENT OF SLIDING FRICTION.

15342             COEFFICIENT OF KURTOSIS                      첨도계수; 정상분포보다 더 뾰족하거나 평평함 정도를 나타낸 값

15343             COEFFICIENT OF PERMEABILITY                 투수율 계수

15344             coefficient of restitution            the ratio of the relative speeds of two bodies just after and just before a collision between them along a mutual straight line; it ranges from 0, for perfectly inelastic collisions, to 1, for completely elastic ones. It is a constant at moderate speeds.

15345             coefficient of rolling friction                     a constant that, when multiplied by the normal force between two bodies rolling against each other, gives the force of friction needed to maintain the uniform motion.

15346             COEFFICIENT OF SKEWNESS                     왜도계수; 비대칭도수분포의 정도를 나타낸 값

15347             COEFFICIENT OF SPECIFIC RESISTANCE                     비저항계수

15348             coefficient of static friction                       a constant that, when multiplied by the normal force between two stationary bodies in surface contact, gives the shear force that must be exceeded for the bodies to start sliding against each other. Also, COEFFICIENT OF STANDING FRICTION.

15349             coefficient of strain                  the ratio of the distance along the strain axis between two points in a body undergoing a one-dimensional strain, to the distance between the same points before the deformation.

15350             COEFFICIENT OF VARIATION                     변이계수; 표준편차의 평균치에 대한 상대적인 값, 상태표준편차

15351             Co-fire            Burning of two fuels in the same combustion unit;e.g., coal and natural gas, or oil and coal.

15352             cog                a wooden tooth along the edge of a gear wheel.

15353             cog belt          a device in which a gear or wheel engages with a flexible belt within an engine to provide accurate timing and slip-free power transmission.

15354             Cogeneration              The consecutive generation of useful thermal and electric energy from the same fuel source.

15355             cogeneration               the process of supplying both electric and steam energy from the same power plant.

15356             COGENERATION SYSTEMS                       열병합발전; 열에너지와 전기에너지를 동시에 생산하는 설비

15357             cognate ejecta             pyroclastic material that is formed at the same time as, or during the development of, an eruption.

15358             COH              Coefficient Of Haze

15359             coherent                     describing a group of elements that behave similarly in geochemical processes, such as the rare earths, or Ca-Sr.

15360             coherent detector                    a detector that produces an output signal whose amplitude is based on the phase of a signal rather than its strength; required for a radar display that shows only moving targets.

15361             coherent echo             a radar echo that remains constant in phase and amplitude at a given range.

15362             coherent oscillator                   an oscillator that provides the phase references for a radar receiver.

15363             coherent precipitate                 solid particles that retain the same lattice structure as the solvent from which they emerged, following a chemical or physical change in the solvent.

15364             coherent pulses           of or relating to individual trains of high- frequency waves that are all in the same phase.

15365             coherent reference                   a signal, generally of stable frequency, to which other signals are phase-locked in order to establish coherency within a system.

15366             coherent signal            a signal having a constant phase used with an echo signal whose phase varies to measure the range of a target.

15367             coherent transponder               a transponder whose output signal is coherent with its input signal.

15368             coherent-pulse radar                a radar system in which objects are located by comparing the phase between periodic changes in the frequency of pulsating and nonpulsating radio waves.

15369             coherer           a cell that has a fine granular conductor between two electrodes; formerly used as a radio-telegraph detector.

15370             COHESIVE SOIL            점성토

15371             cohesive strength                     strength arising from the cohesive forces between molecules of the same material.strength arising from the cohesive forces between molecules of the same material. the theoretical stress required to induce fracture in a body without any accompanying plastic deformation.the theoretical stress required to induce fracture in a body without any accompanying plastic deformation.

15372             coincidence amplifier               an amplifier that produces an output signal only when two input pulses are applied simultaneously.

15373             coincidence boundary              an imaginary boundary within a crystal having an exact correspondence between the points on either side.

15374             coincidence circuit                   a circuit that generates an output pulse only when it receives a specific number of pulses within a specified time frame.a circuit that generates an output pulse only when it receives a specific number of pulses within a specified time frame. a circuit that generates an output signal only after it receives all input signals.a circuit that generates an output signal only after it receives all input signals.

15375             COINCIDENCE FREQUENCY                      일치 주파수

15376             coincident-current selection                      the simultaneous application of two or more currents to select a magnetic computer storage cell for reading or writing data.

15377             CO-INCINERATION                   합병 소각

15378             co-ion            any small, mobile ion in a solid ion exchanger that has the same charge as that of the fixed ions.

15379             coke breeze                the combustion residue after making coke or charcoal, consisting of small cinders and ash that will pass through a screen with openings from 0.5 to 0.75 inch in diameter.

15380             coke drum                  a vessel in which coke is produced.

15381             COKE GAS                  코우크가스; 석탄으로 부터 생산되는 기체

15382             coke number               a number used to represent the amount of carbon residue in a petroleum product during a Ramsbottom carbon residue test.

15383             Coke Oven                  An industrial process which converts coal into coke, one of the basic materials used in blast furnaces for the conversion of iron ore into iron.

15384             coke oven                   an oven or retort used to produce coke by the carbonization of coal.

15385             coker              the unit in which coking occurs.

15386             coking            the production of coke by heating coal for approximately 12 hours; the destructive distillation of coal to make coke.the production of coke by heating coal for approximately 12 hours; the destructive distillation of coal to make coke. a procedure for converting heavy residual bottoms of crude oil into lower-boiling petroleum fractions and petroleum coke.a procedure for converting heavy residual bottoms of crude oil into lower-boiling petroleum fractions and petroleum coke.

15387             coking still                  a still, usually a batch still, in which the coking of crude oil residuals takes place.

15388             Colburn method          a graphical method using complementary equations to calculate the theoretical number of plates required for separating binary mixtures in a distillation column.

15389             cold cathode               a cathode that can generate and sustain current flow without heat.

15390             cold cure                    the vulcanization of rubber at moderate temperatures with a sulfur solution.

15391             cold flow                    a viscous flow of a solid at ordinary temperatures.a viscous flow of a solid at ordinary temperatures. the distortion of a solid under sustained pressure.the distortion of a solid under sustained pressure.

15392             COLD FRONT              한랭전선

15393             cold junction               the junction of two wires or strips of dissimilar metals, such as antimony and bismuth, that produce a direct current at room temperature; used in measuring instruments.

15394             cold lime-soda process             a standard water-softening process that uses hydrated lime and soda ash to precipitate calcium and magnesium in hard water.

15395             cold plate                   a piece of flat metal embedded with tubes that carry liquid coolant; placed under heat-emitting electronic components to absorb heat.

15396             cold room                   a temperature-controlled room used for the preparation of enzymes and other temperature-sensitive compounds, usually maintained around 4°C.

15397             cold saw                     a slow-running circular saw designed for cutting cold metal; relatively thick in proportion to its diameter and equipped with short teeth that may be either inserted or integral with the disk.

15398             cold settling                a settling operation used to clarify high-viscosity products.

15399             cold start                    the process of starting an internal-combustion engine after it has been turned off for an extended period of time.

15400             cold stress                  stress resulting from low temperatures, which tend to deform materials.

