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환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 15401-15500

by 리치캣 2023. 1. 10.

환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 15401-15500

번호                  용어                  해설

15401             Cold Temperature CO               A standard for automobile emissions of carbon monoxide(CO) emissions to be met at a low temperature (i.e. 20 degrees Fahrrenheit). Conventional automobile catalytic converters are not efficient in cold weather until they warm up.

15402             cold test                     a test that lowers the temperature of a sample of oil in order to determine the temperature at which wax first forms from a lubricating oil, or the point when oil no longer flows.

15403             cold trap                    a vapor-condensing tube with liquid nitrogen or other liquid coolant in its walls.

15404             cold-air machine          a refrigeration system in which air is used as the coolant in an adiabatic cycle of compression and expansion.

15405             cold-cathode rectifier               a rectifier circuit employing a cold cathode tube. Also, GAS-FILLED RECTIFIER.

15406             cold-cathode tube                    a tube, such as a photoelectric cell or gas glow tube, in which current flows without generating heat.

15407             COLIFORM GROUP                   대장균군

15408             Coliform Index             A rating of the purity of water based on a count of fecal bacteria.

15409             COLIFORM ORGANISM             대장균;

15410             collandria evaporator                a circulating evaporator in which steam-heated material flows up a set of short, vertically bundled tubes, and then recirculates back down a central pipe as it cools.

15411             collapse caldera           a large, circular volcanic depression formed by the sinking of the roof of a magma chamber after withdrawal or eruption of the magma.

15412             collapsing pressure                  the amount of external pressure that is required to collapse a body or structure.

15413             collar bearing              a bearing provided with several collars to take the thrust of a shaft or to provide adequate surfaces for lubrication of a vertical shaft.

15414             collateral series            a decay series, nonexistent in nature and not in the direct line of the four principal heavy element radioactive series, in which radioactive nuclides disintegrate to successively low levels of energy until they become stable.

15415             COLLECTING FIELD                   집진장 : 집진이 일어나는 공간

15416             COLLECTING PLATE                  집진판 : ESP판의 구성부분

15417             COLLECTION               포집 : 오염물질 등의 포집에 쓰이는 용어

15418             COLLECTION OF SOURCE-SEPARATED MATERIALS                 분리수거; 폐기물관리에 있어서 폐기물을 각각 분리하여 수거함

15419             COLLECTION ROUTE                 수거노선; 가정, 사업장, 상업지역, 공장 및 기타지역에서 발생된 혼합폐기물 및 발생원에서 분리된 폐기물을 수거하기 위하여 계획된 노선

15420             collection trap             an apparatus that collects cooled eluent, holding it for later analysis.

15421             collective motion          an activity that takes place among particles in the nucleus, in which the movement of each particle corresponds with the movements of the other particles, so that their relative positions remain the same or change very slowly.

15422             collective transition                  a transition in which a nucleus moves from one state of collective motion to another.

15423             collector          the region of a bipolar transistor into which most of the current flows.the region of a bipolar transistor into which most of the current flows. an electrode that gathers electrons or ions after they have completed their function.an electrode that gathers electrons or ions after they have completed their function.

15424             Collector                     Public or private hauler that collects nonhazardous waste and recyclable materials from residential, commercial, institutional and industrial source.(See:hauler)

15425             collector capacitance                the depletion layer capacitance stored near the junction in a transistor where most of the current flows.

15426             collector current          the current flowing into a transistor's collector terminal.

15427             collector cutoff            the value of bias at which the current flowing across the collector fails to produce a signal.

15428             collector junction                     the semiconductor junction between the collector and base electrodes of a transistor.

15429             collector modulation                a process for changing the shape of a signal by varying the voltage at the collector junction.

15430             collector resistance                  the resistance between the base of a transistor and the collector.

15431             Collector Sewers          Pipes used to collect and carry wastewater from individual sources to an interceptor sewer that will carry it to a treatment facility.

15432             collector voltage          voltage generated by a direct current between the base of a transistor and the collector.

15433             collet              the neck section of a glass bottle that remains after it has been removed from a glass-blowing iron.the neck section of a glass bottle that remains after it has been removed from a glass-blowing iron. a split sleeve that is used to hold work or tools during machining or grinding.a split sleeve that is used to hold work or tools during machining or grinding. 3. specifically,a slotted sleeve with an external cone shape that fits into a similarly shaped nose of a lathe mandrel to grip circular workpieces. Also, collet chuck.specifically,a slotted sleeve with an external cone shape that fits into a similarly shaped nose of a lathe mandrel to grip circular workpieces. Also, collet chuck.

15434             colliding-beam source              a device producing beams of polarized hydrogen or deuterium that convert to negative ions when they collide with cesium atoms.

15435             colligative                   depending on number rather than on size or other characteristics.

15436             colligative properties                those chemical properties that are dependent on the number of molecules present, rather than on the size, weight, or characteristics of those molecules; they include osmotic pressure, boiling-point elevation, freezing-point depression, and vapor-pressure lowering.

15437             collinear heterodyning              an optical processing system whose correlation function is derived from an ultrasonic light modulator.

15438             COLLISION DIAMETER              충돌직경

15439             collision theory            the theory that the number of new compounds formed during a chemical reaction equals the number of molecules colliding, times a factor that corrects for low-energy collisions.

15440             collodion replication                 a cellulose nitrate-film mold of a specimen surface that is thin enough to be studied using an electron microscope.

15441             colloid            a substance consisting of very tiny particles that are usually between 1 nanometer and 1000 nanometers in diameter and that are suspended in a continuous medium, such as a liquid, a solid, or a gaseous substance.a substance consisting of very tiny particles that are usually between 1 nanometer and 1000 nanometers in diameter and that are suspended in a continuous medium, such as a liquid, a solid, or a gaseous substance. the translucent, pale yellow, gelatinous substance resulting from colloid degeneration.the translucent, pale yellow, gelatinous substance resulting from colloid degeneration.

15442             colloid chemistry          the scientific study of colloidal matter.

15443             colloid mill                  a grinding machine that breaks down agglomerates into very fine particles, or shears fluid phases to produce stable emulsions containing dispersed droplets of very fine size.

15444             COLLOID SUSPENSION             콜로이드 현탁 ; 액체속에 고체의 미랍분자가 분산되어 현탁한 상태

15445             colloidal          relating to or being a colloid or a colloidal suspension.

15446             colloidal crystal           a colloidal system in which particles of identical shape and size are arranged in regular patterns analogous to crystal structure.

15447             colloidal gold              a stable electron-dense gold colloid used to identify and quantitate material; particularly effective in electron microscopy, where it serves as a location-specific label.

15448             colloidal particle          any of the individual particles of a colloid.

15449             colloidal suspension                 a mixture of two substances, one of which (the colloid) is uniformly distributed throughout the other (the dispersion medium); either substance may be gaseous, liquid, or solid. Also, COLLOIDAL DISPERSION, COLLOIDAL SYSTEM.

15450             Colloids          Very small,finely divided solids(that do not dissolve)that remain dispersed in a liquid for a long time due to their small size and electrical charge.

15451             colony  forming  unit          (CFU/ml)                     미생물의1ml근방의 개체수의 부르는 법. 미생물수를  측정할 때, 배양지상에서 배양하고  초기는 눈으로 관찰할 수 없는 미생물도 증식에 의해 콜로니를 형성함으로 그 개수를 세는 일을 할 수 있다. 그 콜로니의 1 ml 당의 수.

15452             colony hybridization                 a procedure used to identify a clone containing a specific DNA sequence.

15453             colony lift                   a technique that determines the resistance of bacteria to a particular antibiotic; bacterial colonies are lifted from an agar plate and inoculated in the same position on subsequent plates containing the antibiotics being tested.

15454             color balance              an adjustment of electron-gun emissions to compensate for differences in light emissions of the three phosphors on the screen of a color picture tube.

15455             color burst                  a short sequence of color subcarrier frequency transmitted as a reference for the chrominance signal at the beginning of each line. Also, REFERENCE BURST.

15456             color comparator                     a photoelectric instrument that compares and matches the colors of an unknown with standards for identification purposes.

15457             color contamination                 an error in color reproduction caused by the incomplete separation of primaries.

15458             color fringing              a distortion of the chrominance along the boundaries of objects in a color television picture, which can cause small objects to appear fractured into various colors.

15459             color oscillator            an oscillator that produces a signal in a color television at the same frequency and phase as the incoming signal. Also, CHROMINANCE SUBCARRIER OSCILLATOR, CHROMA OSCILLATOR.

15460             color purity                 a condition in which only the desired color appears at a given point on a color television screen.a condition in which only the desired color appears at a given point on a color television screen. the ratio of desired to undesired color components.the ratio of desired to undesired color components.

15461             color standard             a solution of known chemical composition and concentration, used in optical analysis for comparison with samples of unknown concentration.

15462             color test                    the analysis of a substance by comparing the intensity of the color produced in a sample with that of a standard color.

15463             color throw                 discoloration of a liquid passing through the material used for the analysis bed in an ion-exchange process.

15464             color-bar generator                  a generator that delivers the signal needed to produce a color-bar test pattern on a color television channel.

15465             color-difference signal              a signal produced when the amplitude of a color signal is reduced by an amount equal to the amplitude of the luminance signal.

15466             colorimeter                 an instrument used to measure the concentrations of solutions by comparing the relative intensities of color against standards.

15467             COLORIMETRIC METHOD          비색법 : 분석용액의 색과 한가지 또는 2이상의 표준용액의 색을 시각적으로 비교하는 방법

15468             COLORIMETRY             비색법

15469             color-killer circuit                     a circuit that prevents signals in a color receiver from passing through the chrominance channel during black- and-white telecasts.

15470             color-phase detector                a detector in a color receiver circuit that ensures the color sections of the picture are in register with the monochromatic portions of the screen.

15471             Colour            색도; 색의 정도를 표시하는 것으로 백금 1mg을 포함한 색도 표준액을 증류수 1L중에 용해시켰을 때의 색상을 색도 1도라 함

15472             Colpitts oscillator                     an oscillator circuit in which the feedback is provided by a capacitor voltage divider that is part of the tuned circuit.

15473             column           a vertical, cylindrical container or vessel used in petroleum and chemical processing, usually to achieve a degree of separation of vapor-liquid or liquid-liquid systems by extraction, distillation, or absorption.

15474             column bleed              the loss of carrier liquid during gas chromatography due to evaporation into the gas being analyzed.

15475             column chromatography           a separation technique employing a column packed with a stationary phase through which a mobile phase containing a mixture is poured; the components can be eluted and collected for analysis.

15476             column collapse          the collapse of a cloud column from a volcanic eruption, occurring when the density of the column exceeds that of the ambient atmosphere.

15477             column crane              a crane in which the projecting arm swings about a mast attached to one of the building's columns.

15478             column drill                a drilling machine supported by an upright steel column; used to excavate rock.

15479             columnar resistance                 a measure of atmospheric electrical resistance in a column of air 1 centimeter square, measured from the earth's surface to a given altitude.

15480             comb filter                  a filter network of a multiple-bandpass design that allows frequencies within a number of narrow bands to pass while blocking frequencies that fall between the bands; so named because its frequency-response curve resembles the teeth of a comb.

15481             COMBATING DESERTIFICATION                 사막화지역에서 토지황폐화의 방지와 경감, 토지의 개선 및 복구를 목표로 지속가능한 개발을 위한 토지종합계획의 활동을 의미함

15482             comb-filter distortion               the loss of signals at null nodes in electroacoustical processing, caused by delays in signal processing.

15483             combination coefficient            the specific rate of disappearance of small atmospheric ions, due to combination either with oppositely charged larger ions to form neutral Aitken nuclei or with the neutral Aitken nuclei themselves to form other, larger ions.

15484             combination rig           a drilling rig equipped with machinery for both cable-tool and rotary drilling.

15485             combination saw          a saw with teeth specially designed for ripping and crosscut mitering applications.

15486             COMBINATION TONE               결합음 : 2개 이상의 순음을 귀 또는 변속기에 가했을 때 그 비도선계관계에 따라 생긴 음

15487             COMBINATION TURBINE           혼합식 터빈 : 증기작동방식의 증기터빈

15488             combination unit          a system that combines several processes to form a functional unit.

15489             combinational circuit                a logic circuit in which the output is determined solely by the concurrent inputs and is independent of the previous inputs.

15490             Combined aerobic, anoxic and anaerobic processes                    호기성과 준혐기성 및 혐기성 혼합공정;

15491             Combined available residual chlorine                     결합잔류염소; 염소가 암모니아나 유기성 질소화합물과 반응하여 조재하는 것

15492             combined flexure                     the flexure of a beam due to a combination of transverse and longitudinal loading.

15493             COMBINED SEWER                  합류식 하수관거; 폐수, 하수, 우수가 함께 들어오는 관거

15494             COMBINED SEWER OVERFLOWS               합류식 하수관거의 월류수;

15495             Combined Sewer Overflows                      Discharge of a mixture of storm water and domestic waste when the flow capacity of a sewer system is exceed during rainstorms.

15496             Combined Sewers                    A sewer system that carries both sewage andstormwater runoff. Normally, its entire flow goes to a waate treatment plant, but during a heavy storm, the volume of water may bo so grat as to cause overflows of untreated mixtures of storm water and sewage into receiving waters. Storm-water runoff may also carry toxic chemicals from industrial areas or streets into the sewer system.

15497             COMBINED STORMWATER AND SANITARY WASTEWATER FLOWS               우수, 오수 합류관거의 유량;

15498             combined stresses                   bending or twisting stresses in a body, combined with tensile or compressive stresses.

15499             COMBINED TYPE          혼합방식; 폐기물적환시 적용되는 적환방식 

15500             combined water           molecules of water that either are bound to ions in a hydrate or are found in a homogeneous crystalline phase in a mineral.

