환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 15101-15200
번호 용어 해설
15101 ◆ chord ◆ the simultaneous playing of two or more tones in music to create a pleasing combination of overtones, which are in harmony due to a separation of at least one whole step. Mathematics. ㆍ a line segment that intersects a curve or surface only at its two endpoints.a line segment that intersects a curve or surface only at its two endpoints. ㆍ in graph theory, given a connected graph G and a spanning tree T of G, the edges of G not in T are the chords relative to T. Also, LINKS.in graph theory, given a connected graph G and a spanning tree T of G, the edges of G not in T are the chords relative to T. Also, LINKS. Aviation. ㆍ the straight line joining the mean thickness line between an airfoil's leading edge and the trailing edge; when the airfoil has a symmetrical section, the mean line and the chord line are both straight lines and they coincide. Also, CHORD LINE.the straight line joining the mean thickness line between an airfoil's leading edge and the trailing edge; when the airfoil has a symmetrical section, the mean line and the chord line are both straight lines and they coincide. Also, CHORD LINE. ㆍ the length of such a line.the length of such a line. 3. broadly, the width of a wing or other surface.broadly, the width of a wing or other surface. Cartography. the arc of a great circle connecting any two corners on a base line, standard parallel, or latitudinal boundary of a township.
15102 ◆ chorus effect ◆ a term for the effect of several different musical instruments producing tones different from any of the tones produced by the individual instruments, due to overtones and beat tones that are produced.
15103 ◆ Christiansen effect ◆ a transparency effect that occurs when a finely powdered substance is immersed in a liquid having the same refractive index as the substance.
15104 ◆ chroma control ◆ a control that adjusts the chrominance in a color television receiver to alter the vividness of the hues.
15105 ◆ chromatic ◆ involving or progressing by semitones, as in the chromatic scale.
15106 ◆ chromatic aberration ◆ a defect that enlarges and blurs the focal spot on a cathode-ray tube, caused by the differences in the electron velocity distribution through the beam.
15107 ◆ chromatic scale ◆ a musical scale based on the division of an octave into twelve notes of equal half-step intervals, from which tempered scales are derived.
15108 ◆ chromatofocusing ◆ a process in which macromolecules are isolated and purified through chromatography and electrophoresis.
15109 ◆ chromatogram ◆ a plot of the elution of the components of a mixture as measured against time or volume in chromatography.
15110 ◆ chromatographic adsorption ◆ the tendency for different substances in a mixture to be adsorbed at different rates from a moving stream of gas or liquid (mobile phase) to a stationary phase.
15111 ◆ chromatography ◆ a technique for separating components from a mixture by placing the mixture in a mobile phase that is passed over a stationary phase.
15112 ◆ chromatron ◆ a color picture tube that has a single electron gun and whose phosphors are laid out in parallel lines instead of dots.
15113 ◆ chrome tanning ◆ the use of chromium salts to tan animal skins.
15114 ◆ chrominance demodulator ◆ a device used in a color television receiver to extract the color elements from a video frequency wave.
15115 ◆ chrominance gain control ◆ a network of resistors that individually adjust the level of primary colors in a color television set.
15116 ◆ chrominance modulator ◆ a device used in color television to include the color information in the composite television signal.
15117 ◆ chrominance video signal ◆ the output voltage generated by the red, green, and blue sections of a color television camera or receiver matrix.
15118 ◆ Chromium ◆ (See:heavy metals.)
15119 ◆ chromium dioxide tape ◆ a recording tape that is coated with chromium dioxide so that it produces an audio signal with a wide dynamic range and a low noise level.
15120 ◆ Chromium trioxide의 특성 및 방제방법 ◆ 주최 : 국립환경 연구원
15121 ◆ chromium-51 ◆ a radioactive isotope of chromium with a half-life of 27.7 days; created in a laboratory by bombarding naturally occurring chromium with neutrons.
15122 ◆ chromium-gold metalizing ◆ a material painted on the surface of semiconductors to prevent damage that arises when gold and aluminum come in contact.
15123 ◆ CHROMOPHORE ◆ 발색단; 자외선이나 가시선 영역에서 흡수작용을 하는 불포화 작용기
15124 ◆ Chronic Effect ◆ An adverse effect on a human or animal in which symptoms recur frequently or develop slowly over a long period of time.
15125 ◆ Chronic Exposure ◆ Mulitiple exposures occurring over an extended period of time or over a significant fraction of an animal's or human's lifetime(Usally seven years to a lifetime.)
15126 ◆ CHRONIC TOXICITY ◆ 만성독성; 인체에 오랜시간 작용하여 나타나는 독성
15127 ◆ Chronic Toxicity ◆ The capacity of a substance to cause long-term poisonous health effects in humans, animals, fish, and other organisms..(See: acute toxicity.)
15128 ◆ chronistor ◆ a miniature elapsed-time indicator that uses electroplating principles to measure the operating time of equipment.
15129 ◆ chronoamperometry ◆ the measurement at an electrode of the rate of change in current versus time, during a titration, upon application of a controlled potential.
15130 ◆ chronometric encoder ◆ an encoder that converts information into digital form by counting electrical pulses.
15131 ◆ chronopher ◆ a device that generates standard time signal pulses from a clock or other timing device.
15132 ◆ chronopotentiometry ◆ the measurement at an electrode of the rate of change in potential versus time, upon application of a controlled current.
15133 ◆ chronotron ◆ a device that measures the intervals between pulses on a transmission line, in order to establish the length of time between the pulses and the events that initiated them.
15134 ◆ chuck ◆ a device attached to the spindle of a machine tool that grips the rotating workpiece.
15135 ◆ chucking ◆ the gripping of a workpiece in a chuck.
15136 ◆ chucking lathe ◆ a lathe using a chuck to hold the workpiece.
15137 ◆ chucking lug ◆ a lug that is added to a forging to allow on-center machining with one setup or chucking.
15138 ◆ chucking machine ◆ a lathe with an attached chuck that grips the piece being worked.
15139 ◆ CIAP ◆ 기후영향평가계획 climate impact assessment program
15140 ◆ CIBL ◆ Convective Internal Boundary Layer
15141 ◆ CIC (NAS) ◆ 기후영향위원회 NAS climate impact committee NAS
15142 ◆ CICA ◆ Competition in Contracting Act
15143 ◆ CICIS ◆ Chemicals in Commerce Information System
15144 ◆ CIDRS ◆ Cascade Impactor Data Reduction System
15145 ◆ Ciliophiora ◆ 섬모충류; 몸전체 또는 일부에 여러개의 가는 털이 나있어 그것으로 움직이거나 물을 빨아들여 먹이를 잡아먹는 원생동물
15146 ◆ CIMI ◆ Committee on Integrity and Management Improvement
15147 ◆ cinder ◆ ㆍ a glassy or vesicular volcanic fragment that ranges in diameter from 4 to 32 millimeters.a glassy or vesicular volcanic fragment that ranges in diameter from 4 to 32 millimeters. ㆍ coarse, vesicular lava thrown out by an explosive eruption.coarse, vesicular lava thrown out by an explosive eruption.
15148 ◆ cinder cone ◆ a conical hill or mountain formed by the accumulation of cinders and other volcanic debris around a vent.
15149 ◆ ciphony equipment ◆ any device attached to a radio transmitter, radio receiver, or telephone to scramble or unscramble voice messages.
15150 ◆ Circle of Influence ◆ The circular outer edge of a depression produced in the water table by the pumping of water from a well.(See:cone of depression.)
15151 ◆ circle shear ◆ a machine designed to cut disks from sheet metal that rolls between the cutting wheels.
15152 ◆ circle-dot mode ◆ a method of storing binary digits in a cathode-ray tube in which one kind of digit is represented by a small circle on the screen, and the other is represented by a circle with a concentric dot.
15153 ◆ circuit ◆ an interconnection of electrical elements forming one or more complete paths for the flow of current. : a network of media, usually conductors and semiconductors, that provide a closed path for electromagnetic phenomena to occur. Mathematics. ㆍ a closed trail in a graph.a closed trail in a graph. ㆍ a cycle in a directed graph.a cycle in a directed graph. Computer Programming. a closed walk containing at least one edge. Cartography. a continuous line of levels, a series of lines of levels, or a combination of lines or parts of lines of levels that, together with a continuous series of measured differences of elevation, forms a loop back to the starting point of a survey.
15154 ◆ circuit efficiency ◆ the efficiency that is determined by dividing the power transmitted to a system or device at a given frequency by the power provided by the electron stream at the same frequency.
15155 ◆ circuit protection ◆ a feature built into a circuit that minimizes the hazard of fire or smoke when an overload or some other defect occurs.
15156 ◆ Circuitron ◆ a network of components mounted inside a section of a device, such as the shell of an electron tube, that functions as one or more complete operating stages.
15157 ◆ circular cutter ◆ a shearing machine with a rotating blade, used to cut metal.
15158 ◆ circular motion ◆ ㆍ the motion of a rigid body in which each of its particles circles with equal angular velocity around an axis that is fixed with respect to the body.the motion of a rigid body in which each of its particles circles with equal angular velocity around an axis that is fixed with respect to the body. ㆍ any motion of a particle on a circular path.any motion of a particle on a circular path.
15159 ◆ circular paper chromatography ◆ a separation technique in which the components of a sample are eluted on a paper sheet into a series of concentric rings for identification.
15160 ◆ circular saw ◆ a steel disk with teeth along its circumference, rotating on a spindle; used for cutting wood or metal.
15161 ◆ circular sweep generation ◆ the use of an electric current to maintain the electron beam in certain devices, such as a cathode-ray tube, moving in a circular motion at consistent speed.
15162 ◆ circular velocity ◆ the orbital velocity necessary at a given radius to maintain a constant radius orbit.
15163 ◆ circulate-and-weight method ◆ a technique for controlling well pressure during drilling operations by gradually increasing mud weight but immediately starting mud circulation. Also, CONCURRENT METHOD.
15164 ◆ circulated gas-oil ratio ◆ during gas-lift operations, the ratio of the volume or cubic feet of gas put into a well to the volume (or number of barrels) of oil removed.
15165 ◆ circulating pump ◆ a pump, usually of the centrifugal type, used to circulate liquid out of and into a process system.
15166 ◆ circulating storage ◆ a circuit that uses a delay line to store pulses in a trainlike pattern; the output pulses are picked up, amplified, reshaped, and reinserted into the delay line after a certain time lag. Also, DELAY-LINE STORAGE, CIRCULATING MEMORY.
15167 ◆ circulating system ◆ a fluid system in which the process fluid is taken from and pumped back into the system.
15168 ◆ CIS ◆ Chemical Information System. Contracts Information System
15169 ◆ Cistern ◆ Small tank or storage facility used to store water for a home or farm; often used to store rain water.
15170 ◆ CITES ◆ CITES란 멸종위기에 처한 야생 동식물의 국제거래에 관한협약을 말한다. 지난 72년 6월 유엔인간환경회의에서 채택돼 75년 7월부터 발효된 이 협약은 불법거래나 과도한 국제거래에 의한 멸종위기에 처한 야생 동식물을 보호하고 야생 동식물 수출, 입국이 서로 협력해 국제거래를 규제함으로써 서식지로부터 무질서한 채취와 포획을 억제하기 위해 마련됐다. 우리나라의 경우 지난 93년 7월 9일 협약에 가입해 같은해 10월 7일부터 협약이 발효됐으며, 현재 전세계에서 이 협약에 가입한 국가는 139개국에 이르고 있다. 규제내용을 보면 코뿔소와 고릴라, 안경곰, 코끼리 등과 같이 멸종위기에 처한 557종은 상업목적을 위한 국제거래가 금지되며 학술연구목적으로 거래할 때 양국정부에서 발행하는 수출입허가서가 있어야 가능하다. 우리나라의 경우 부속서 I에 포함된 동물은 황새, 따오기, 흑두루미, 두루미, 재두루미, 산양, 수달, 가슴 반달곰, 쇠고래등이 있다. 부속서 II의 경우 현재 멸종위기에 처해있지는 않으나 국제거래를 엄격히 규제하지 않으며 멸종위기에 처한 262종이 있으며 상업목적의 국제거래는 가능하나 수출국 정부가 발행하는 수출허가가 있어야 한다. 북극곰, 하마, 왕뱀, 카멜레온등이 있고 우리나라의 경우 참수리, 독수리, 새매, 고래목, 사향노루, 제주도의 한란등이 이에속한다.
15171 ◆ CKD ◆ Cement Kiln Dust
15172 ◆ CKRC ◆ Cement Kiln Recycling Coalition
15173 ◆ Claisen flask ◆ a glass flask having a branched neck, used in distillation.
15174 ◆ clamping ◆ ㆍ a process that sets the operation of a device at an exact direct current level.a process that sets the operation of a device at an exact direct current level. ㆍ a process that sets the level for a television picture signal each time the electron beam begins its synchronized movements across the screen.a process that sets the level for a television picture signal each time the electron beam begins its synchronized movements across the screen. Robotics. the gripping, grasping, and releasing of objects on command by a robot's end effector.
15175 ◆ clamping circuit ◆ a circuit in which the voltage or current is held at a fixed level; used in a television receiver to restore the direct current component and the light value of the reproduced image.
15176 ◆ clamping coupling ◆ a metal connecting piece that also acts as a clamp to hold two shaft ends together.
15177 ◆ clamping diode ◆ a diode that is added to a circuit to hold the voltage at a predetermined level.
15178 ◆ clamshell bucket ◆ a shovel bucket with two jaws that clamp together by their own weight when lifted by the closing line. Also, clamshell grab.
15179 ◆ clamshell snapper ◆ an underwater excavating machine with a hinged-jaw bucket that automatically opens upon striking the bottom, then snaps shut on sediment when the closing line is lifted.
15180 ◆ Clapp oscillator ◆ a Colpitts-type oscillator that uses a series-resonant tank circuit to improve stability.
15181 ◆ clapper box ◆ a toolhead carried on a planing or shaping machine that allows the tool to clear the work's surface on the return stroke.
15182 ◆ Clarification ◆ Clearing action that occurs during wastewater treatment when solids settle out. This is often aided by centrifugal action and chemically induced coagulation in wastewater.
15183 ◆ Clarifier ◆ A tank in which solids settle to the bottom and are subsequently removed as sludge.
15184 ◆ clarifying centrifuge ◆ a device that uses centrifugal force to clear liquids of solid materials or of suspended droplets of a second liquid phase.
15185 ◆ clarity ◆ a measure of the quantity of suspended opaque solids in a liquid, as determined by visual methods or by turbidity tests.
15186 ◆ Clark process ◆ a process to soften water by the addition of alkaline solutions; calcium hydroxide is added to water to convert acid carbonates into normal carbonates.
15187 ◆ clarke ◆ a measure of the average abundance of an element in the earth's crust, expressed as a percentage or as parts per million. (Named for F. W. Clarke, American geochemist.)
15188 ◆ class A amplifier ◆ an amplifier designed so that plate current flows at all times.
15189 ◆ class A modulator ◆ a class A amplifier used specifically to supply the necessary signal power to modulate a carrier.
15190 ◆ class AB amplifier ◆ an amplifier designed so that current flows over more than half the electrical cycle, but not through the complete cycle.
15191 ◆ class B amplifier ◆ an amplifier designed so that current flows only when voltage is applied and for only half the electrical cycle.
15192 ◆ class C amplifier ◆ an amplifier designed so that current flows only when voltage is applied and for appreciably less than half of the electrical cycle.
15193 ◆ Class I Area ◆ Under the Clean Air Act. a Class I area is one in which visibility is protected more stri-n gently than under the national ambient air quality standars; includes national parks, wilderness areas, monuments, and other areas of special national and cultural significance.
15194 ◆ Class I Substance ◆ One of several groups of chemicals with an ozone depletion potential of 0.2 or higher, including CFCS, Halons, Carbon Tetrachloride, and Methyl Chloroform (listed in the Clean Air Act), and HBFCs and Ethyl Bromide(added by EPA regulations).(See:Global warming potential.)
15195 ◆ Class II Substance ◆ A substance with an ozone depletion potential of less than 0.2. All HCFCs are currently included in this classification.(See:Global warming potential.)
15196 ◆ classical mechanics ◆ a term for those aspects ofMechanics based on Newton's laws of motion, in the realm where the speeds involved are small compared to the speed of light, and where the sizes of objects involved are large compared to their deBroglie wavelengths. Also, CLASSICAL DYNAMICS.
15197 ◆ classical or Classical ◆ of or relating to Newton's laws of motion, or to applications and measurements that satisfy these laws.
15198 ◆ classifier ◆ any of a wide variety of devices and systems that are used to separate mixtures into constituent parts by size and/or density.
15199 ◆ Claude process or Claude method ◆ a process for ammonia synthesis that uses high operating pressures and a train of converters.
15200 ◆ Claus method ◆ an industrial process that produces sulfur by a partial oxidation of gaseous hydrogen sulfide in air.
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