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환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 15001-15100

by 리치캣 2023. 1. 10.

환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 15001-15100

번호                  용어                  해설

15001             Chemical conditioning using a combination of organic polymers and inorganic chemicals                     유기폴리머와 무기화학 약품을 함께 투입하는 화학적 개량방법; 슬러지 개량법으로 실험실이나 파일럿규모로 실행되고 있는 방법

15002             chemical crystallography           the study of the internal arrangement of atoms formed from chemical compounds.

15003             chemical dating           the determination of the ages of minerals or of ancient objects by chemistry, as by radiocarbon dating.

15004             Chemical Element                    A fundamental substance comprising one kind of atom;the simplest form of matter.

15005             chemical energy          the energy generated when a chemical compound combusts, decomposes, or transforms to produce new compounds.

15006             chemical equilibrium                a condition in which a chemical reaction and its reverse occur at the same rate, producing constant concentrations of the reacting substances and products; the position of minimum Gibbs free energy.

15007             chemical exchange process                      a method of using the differing properties of isotopes of certain lighter elements to separate them from each other by repeating a chemical reaction that involves exchange of the isotopes.

15008             chemical film dielectric             a very thin film of material on one or both electrodes of an electrolytic capacitor, which conducts electricity in one direction only and thereby serves as the insulating element of the capacitor.

15009             chemical fire extinguisher          any type of fire extinguisher, such as dry chemical, carbon dioxide, or vaporizing liquid, that suffocates a fire by emitting a solid, liquid, or gaseous substance.

15010             chemical indicator                    a substance that shows a significant change in the chemical nature of a system by color alteration or some other visible manifestation; for example, an acid-based indicator, which indicates the end point in a titration.

15011             CHEMICAL INTERACTION WITHIN FILTER                     화학적 작용; 입상여재 여과지내에서 부유물질제거에 기여하는 메카니즘

15012             chemical kinetics          the branch ofPhysical Chemistry concerned with the study of the rates and mechanisms of chemical reactions. Also, REACTION KINETICS.

15013             chemical microscopy                the utilization of microscopes to analyze the composition of a substance by observing physical structures and phases.

15014             Chemical Oxygen Demand(COD)               A measure of the oxygen required to oxibize all compounds, both organic and inorganic, in water.

15015             chemical polarity          the tendency of a molecule to be attracted or repelled by electrical charges that arise from electrons orbiting a nucleus.

15016             CHEMICAL PRECIPITATION                        화학적 침전; 수처리에서 사용되는 화학적 단위공정

15017             chemical processor                  화학처리제, 화학공정

15018             chemical pulping          a process that separates wood fiber from wood for paper pulp manufacture, by dissolving the lignin that fuses the fibers together through a chemical treatment.

15019             chemical pump            a small-volume, high-pressure, skid-mounted pumping unit, used for adding chemicals into the power oil that operates bottom-hole pumps, in order to limit corrosion in the system.

15020             chemical reactor          any vessel, tube, pipe, packed bed, or agitated tank in which a chemical reaction takes place.

15021             chemical remanent magnetization             that part of remanent magnetization that may occur after a rock has been formed by the production of new magnetic minerals through chemical reactions associated with diagenetic alteration, weathering, or metamorphisms; the newly formed magnetic minerals pick up permanent magnetization in the direction of the earth's magnetic field at the time.

15022             CHEMICAL REQUIREMENTS                      화학약품 소요량; 단위 조작 및 공정의 선정과 평가시에 고려되어야 할 인자

15023             chemical resistance (내약품성)                  특정의 약품에 대한 모듈 또는 요소의 내구성.

15024             chemical shift              a term for the slight change in a nuclear magnetic-resonance spectrum as a result of the electrons shielding the nuclei.

15025             chemical similitude                  a tested procedure to assure acceptable operation of a large-scale chemical process, the design of which is based on pilot plant data.

15026             Chemical Stressors                      Chemicals released to the environment through industrial waste, auto emissions, pesticides, and other human activity that can cause illnesses and even death in plants and animals.

15027             chemical thermodynamics                        the branch ofPhysical Chemistry concerned with the study of the thermodynamic properties of chemical reactions.

15028             CHEMICAL TRANSFORMATION                 화학변환

15029             Chemical Treatment                  Any one of a variety of technologics that use chemicals or a variety of chemicals or a variety of chemicals or a variety of chemical processes to treat waste.

15030             CHEMICAL UNIT PROCESS                       화학적 단위 공정

15031             chemical waste            any unusable by-product of a chemical process, especially one that is toxic or polluting.

15032             chemical weathering                the breakdown and alteration of rocks at or near the earth's surface as a result of chemical processes, including solution, hydrolysis, ion exchange, oxidation, and biochemical reactions.

15033             CHEMICAL-FLOC REMOVAL                      화학적 플럭 제거; 화학응집공정에서 물질제거

15034             chemical-ion pump                  a vacuum pump using evaporated metal vapor that reacts with molecules in the gas to be removed, in order to achieve its pumping action.

15035             Chemiclave                 a device that sterilizes surgical instruments by exposing them to the vapors of alcohol, formaldehyde, and water at high temperature and pressure.

15036             chemiluminescence                  any process in which a chemical reaction produces visible light without a corresponding increase in temperature; for example, bioluminescence, such as the light generated by fireflies, is a form of chemiluminesence. Thus, chemiluminescent.

15037             chemiluminescent labeling                       a method used to label DNA; two different DNA probes emit light when brought together in the same region of a gene.

15038             CHEMILUMINESCENT METHOD                 화학발광법

15039             chemisorb                   to adsorb (a material) by chemical action.

15040             chemisorption             a process by which the atoms or molecules of a gas or a liquid are chemically bonded to the surface of a solid material.

15041             Chemnet                     Mutual aid network of chemical shippers and contractors that assigns a contracted emergency response company to provide technical support if a representative of the film whose chemical are involved in an incident is not readily available.

15042             CHEMOAUTOTROPHIC              화학독립영양계

15043             CHEMOHETEROTROPHIC           화학종속영양계

15044             Chemosterilant            A chemical that controls pests by preventing reproduction.

15045             CHEMOTROPHIC          화학영양계

15046             Chemotrophs              화학영양 미생물; 화학적 산화반응을 에너지원으로 하는 미생물

15047             Chemtree                    The industry-sponsored Chemical Transportation Emergency Center;provides information and/or emergency assistance to emergency responders.

15048             chemurgic                  relating to or used in chemurgy.

15049             chemurgy                   an area of chemistry that is involved with the use of raw, organic, and previously unused agricultural substances to produce new, nonfood products such as varnishes and paints.

15050             Cherenkov radiation                 the visible radiation, mostly in the blue and near ultraviolet portions of the electromagnetic spectrum, emitted whenever a high-speed charged particle moves through a medium faster than the speed of light in a vacuum.

15051             cherry picker or cherrypicker                   a tall, mobile platform, usually mounted on a truck, containing a winch, winch line, and hook that enable an operator to reach otherwise inaccessible parts of a building, light standard, treetop, or other elevated location.

15052             Chicago boom             a boom attached to a structure in the process of construction, with an outside upright portion of the structure serving as the mast and the boom being stepped in a fixed socket clamped to the upright.

15053             Chicago Northwest 소각 시스템               ovitron corporation에 의해서 개발되었고 1971년부터 가동되기 시작했으며 1600/()의 쓰레기를 소각시킴으로써 200/일의 증기를 생산하고 85/일의 금속 물질을 회수하는 공정이다. 이 공정은 유럽과 일본에서도 폐기물의 열처리 공정으로 많이 적용하는 시스템이며 우리 나라의 목동 소각로와 유사하다. 쓰레기는 커다란 저장조에 저장되고 크레인에 의해서 주입구로 직접 주입된다. 연소기 입구에는 쓰레기로 밀봉되고 쓰레기의 축적된 압력때문에 쓰레기가 화격자로 이동하게 된다. 주입구에 쌓여 있는 쓰레기에 불이 날 경우 불을 끌수 있는 방화수 주입시설을 설치해야 한다. 화격자는 왕복운동을 하며 건조와 발화지역 연소지역 최종 연소지역으로 나눌 수 있다. 첫번째 지역에서는 쓰레기 중에 들어 있는 수분이 증발되고 쓰레기가 발화하며 그 다음에서는 연소 공기의 주입으로 쓰레기가 연소하게 되고 최종 지역에서는 두 지역을 거치는 동안에 연소되지 않은 물질이 타고 최종 생성물인 재의 배출시설로 된다. 화격자는 26도의 기울기이며 화격자의 왕복운동에 의해 쓰레기의 이동을 돕고 연소가 잘 되도록 홉합작용을 한다. 화격자는 900℃에서도 파괴되지 않는 크롬 합금으로 만들어 지며 온도에 변화도 연결부의 팽창과 웅축에 영향을 받지 않도록 화격자 봉 사이의 간격을 화격자 전체면적의 2% 정도로 설계되어 있다. 이 간격은 연소 공기의 주입을 원할하게 할 수 있게 한다. 또한 화격자 위에서 쓰레기 두께가 일정하게 유지되도록 화격자 끝부분에 로울러가 설치되어 있다. 재는 260∼310℃이며 냉각기로 냉각시킨 후 처분한다. 화격자가 기울어져 있으므로 불꽃과 연소 가스는 입구 쪽으로 이동하게 되며 유입되는 쓰레기를 건조시키고 발화시킨다. 연소 가스의 온도는 1,100℃ 정도이므로 연소되지 않은 기체성분과 냄새를 유발시키는 물질을 연소시킬 수 있다.

15054             Chick-Martin test          a suspension test used to determine the effectiveness of a disinfectant on organic material; the test result is expressed as the disinfectant's phenol coefficient.

15055             Child Resistant Packaging(CRP)                 Packing that protects children or adults from injury or illness resulting from accidental contact with or ingestion of residental pesticides that meet or exceed specific toxicity levels. Required by FIFRA regulations. Term is also for protective packaging of medicines.

15056             Child's law                  a law stating that current in a heat-sensitive ele- ment varies directly with the three-halves power of anode voltage and inversely with the square of the distance between electrodes. Also, THREE-HALVES POWER EQUATION.

15057             Chile mill                    a device that crushes and grinds material between vertical rollers within a circular container.

15058             Chiller            A device that generates a cold liquid that is circulated through an air-handling unit's cooling coil to cool the air supplied to the building.

15059             chiller             an oil-refining unit that cools the paraffin distillates.

15060             Chilling Effect              The lowring of the Earth's temperature because of increased particles in the air blocking the sun's rays.(See:greenhouse effect.)

15061             chimney          an enclosure that is placed over a heat sink to increase its dissipating ability.  Geology.  an angular, columnar projection of rock along a rough coast, that has been isolated from the main cliff by wave action.an angular, columnar projection of rock along a rough coast, that has been isolated from the main cliff by wave action. a cylindrically shaped ore body that is more or less vertical.a cylindrically shaped ore body that is more or less vertical. 3. a steep, very narrow gully in the face of a mountain.a steep, very narrow gully in the face of a mountain. 4. a natural vent or conduit through which magma reaches the earth's surface.a natural vent or conduit through which magma reaches the earth's surface. 5. in a cave, a vertical passage having rounded walls.in a cave, a vertical passage having rounded walls.

15062             chimney core              the inside wall of a double-walled furnace stack, separated from the outer portion by an air space.

15063             chip               a tiny piece of superconductor material on which all the components of an integrated circuit, such as transistors or resistors, are found. Also, DIE.a tiny piece of superconductor material on which all the components of an integrated circuit, such as transistors or resistors, are found. Also, DIE. a popular name for an integrated circuit.a popular name for an integrated circuit.

15064             chip capacitor             a device, used to store electrical charges, that has metalized terminations so that it may bond easily onto a hybrid integrated circuit.

15065             chip resistor                a device, used to impede current flow, that has metalized terminations so that it may bond easily onto a hybrid integrated circuit.

15066             Chisel Plowing             Preparing croplands by using a special implement that avoids complete inversion of the soil as in conventional plowing. Chisel plowing can leave a protective cover or crops residues on the soil surface to help prevent erosion and improve filtration.

15067             Chladni figures            the distinctive pattern of lines produced by putting sand or similar materials on a horizontal plate and then vibrating the plate while holding it fixed along its sides or at the center; the material forms figures along the the nodal lines of vibration. (From the 18th-century German physicist Ernst Chladni.)

15068             Chlorethane의 특성 및 방제방법               주최 : 국립 환경 연구원

15069             Chlorfenvinphos          Chlorfenvinphos은 약간의 악취를 풍기는 무색의 살충제이다. 이것은 합성성분으로서 Chlorfenvinphos을 함유하고 있는 모든 상품의 생산이 미국에서 중지된 1991년까지 보편적으로 사용되어 왔다.  상점에서 판매된 일반적인 상업용 조제품은 대부분 90% Chlorfenvinphos이었다.  사용된 Chlorfenvinphos의 대부분은 액체의 형태였다.        Chlorfenvinphos은 파리, 벼룩, 쥐와 같은 가정에 살고 있는 해충을 없애기 위해 주로 사용되었다.  화학제품으로 제조되며 자연적으로는 발생하지 않는다.  일반적으로 Birlaner(R), Dermatonr(R), Saperconr(R), Steladoner(R), Suponar(R) 등의 상호명으로 판매되었다.        CDDs는 연구의 목적을 제외하고는 산업상에서 의도적으로 제조되지 않는다.  이것들은 (주로 2,3,7,8-TCDD) 펄프와 종이 제조공장에서 염소표백을 하는 동안 만들어지며 또한 폐기물과 음용수처리공장에서 염소처리를 하는 동안 발생한다.  이 물질은 일부 유기화합물의 제조공정에서 오염물질로서 발생하기도 한다.  CDDs는 도시 고체 폐기물과 산업 소각로로부터 방출되어 공기중으로 분사된다. CDDs chlorance(심한 피부질환), 피부탈색, 간손상, 내분비계 물질의 교환, 기형아출산에 영향을 줄 수 있다.        Tel. 1-800-447-1544  ATSDRIC@cdc.gov

15070             CHLORIDES                 염화물;

15071             CHLORINATED HYDROCARBON                탄화수소 염소화합물

15072             Chlorinated Hydrocarbons                        1. Chemicals containing only chlorine, carbon, and hydrogen. These include a class of persistent, broad-spectrum insecticides that linger in the environment and accumulate in the food chain. Among them are DDT, aldrin , dieldrin, heptachlor, chlordane, lindane, endrin, Mirex, hexachloride, and toxaphene. Other examples include TCE, used as an industrial solvent. 2. Any chlorinated organic compounds including chlorinated solvents such as dichloromethane, trichloromethylene, chloroform.

15073             Chlorinated Solvent                  An organic solvent containing chlorine atmos (e.g., methylene chloride and 1,1,1-trichloromethane). Uses of chlorinated solvents are include aerosol spray containers, in highway paint, and dry cleaning fluids.

15074             CHLORINATION           염소주입, 염소멸균, 염소처리

15075             Chlorination                The application of chlorine to drinking water, sewage, or industrial waste to disinfect or to oxidize undesirable compounds.

15076             Chlorinator                 A device that adds chlorine, in gas or liquid form, to water or sewage to kill infectious bacteria.

15077             chlorinator                  a unit used to add chlorine to organic compounds or to sterilize water with chlorine gas.

15078             Chlorine -Contact Chamber                      That part of a water treatment plant where effluent is disinfected by chlorine.

15079             Chlorine demand                     염소요구량; 물에다 가한 일정량의 염소와 일정한 기간후에 남아있는 유리 및 결합잔류염소와의 차

15080             CHLORINE DONOR                  염소 공여체

15081             CHLORINE NITRATE                  질산염소

15082             chlorine resistance (내염소성 )                  염소에 대한 막의 내구성.        비고: 막의 렬화를 일으키지 않는 최고의 염소 농도로 표현한다.

15083             chlorine survey            the logging of a radioactivity survey taken inside the casing for determining the chlorine content of a formation.

15084             chlorinolog                 a record of chlorine pressure and concentration found in oil reservoirs; used as an aid in locating salt-water strata. Also, chlorine log.

15085             CHLOROFLUORO CARBONS                     염화불화탄소 : CFS, 염소, 불소, 탄소를 포함하는 화합물을 통칭하며 1930년대 미국의 뒤퐁사에서 개발한 상품명인 프레온으로 알려져 있음

15086             Chlorofluorocarbons(CFCs)                       A family of inert, nontoxic, and easily liquefied chemicals used in refrigeration, air conditioning, packaging, insulation, or as solvents and aerosol propellants. Because CFCs are not destroyed in the lower atmosphere they drift into the upper atmosphere where their chlorine com-ponents destroy ozone.(See:fluorocarbons.)

15087             Chlorofluoroethane의 특성 및 방제방법                    

15088             Chlorofluoroethane의 특성 및 방제방법                     주최 : 국립환경 연구원

15089             Chlorophenoxy            A class of herbicides that may be found in domestic water supplies and cause adverse health effects.

15090             CHLOROSIS                 백화현상

15091             Chlorosis                    Discoloration of normally green plant parts caused by disease, lack of nutrients, or various air pollutants.

15092             Chlorpyrifos                chlorpyrifos는 강한 냄새를 가진 흰색의 결정체이다. 물과 잘 섞이지 않아서 농작물이나 동물에 흡수되기 전에는 유성 액체와 섞인다. 또한 캡슐 형태로 농작물에 흡수되기도 한다.        chlorpyrifos는 가정과 농장에서 흔히 사용되고 있다. 가정에서는 바퀴벌레, 벼룩, 흰개미 등을 없애는데 사용하고 일부 애완동물과 진드기 제거에도 사용된다. 농장에서는 동물의 진드기를 제거하고 농작물 해충을 없애기 위한 스프레이로서 사용한다.        Chlorpyrifos를 많이 흡입하면, 두통, 시야의 흐려짐, 타액분비 등과 같은 신경계 이상을 일으킨다.        ATSDRIC@cdc.gov.

15093             choke             an inductor used in a circuit to present a high impedance to frequencies above a specified frequency range without limiting the flow of direct current. Also, choke coil.  : a discontinuity in a waveguide surface, such as a groove, whose dimensions and shape are such that certain frequencies are impeded in their transmission through the guide.       :  a removable nipple placed in a flow line to control the flow of gas or oil.a removable nipple placed in a flow line to control the flow of gas or oil. a block or wedge that prevents a vehicle or other movable object from changing position. Also, CHUNK.a block or wedge that prevents a vehicle or other movable object from changing position. Also, CHUNK.  Ordnance.  the narrowing of the bore immediately before the muzzle of a gun; often used in shotguns to concentrate the pellets.the narrowing of the bore immediately before the muzzle of a gun; often used in shotguns to concentrate the pellets. an attachment to alter the bore of a shotgun.an attachment to alter the bore of a shotgun.

15094             choke valve                 a valve, usually a butterfly valve, in a carburetor intake to reduce the air supply and thus give a rich mixture for starting purposes while the engine is still cold. Also, CHOKE.

15095             Cholinesterase             An enzyme found in animals that regulates nerve impulses by the inhibition of acetylcholine.. Cholinesterase inhibition is associated with a variety of acute symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, bulurred vision, stomach cramps, and rapid heart rate.

15096             chopper          a toothed disk that is used to interrupt a beam of light at regular intervals, or a device for interrupting electrical signals.a toothed disk that is used to interrupt a beam of light at regular intervals, or a device for interrupting electrical signals. a device, such as a knife or an axe, that cuts an object into smaller pieces.a device, such as a knife or an axe, that cuts an object into smaller pieces.

15097             chopper amplifier                    a circuit used to amplify low signals by chopping the slowly varying input into a succession of higher-frequency rectangular pulses, amplifying the pulses and filtering the output to restore the slowly varying signal. Also, CONVERTER AMPLIFIER.

15098             chopper transistor                    a transistor that provides a continuous interruption in a circuit by converting the interrupted direct current into a square-wave alternating current whose amplitude is proportional to the strength of the current.

15099             chopping                    a process that eliminates extremes in a radio signal's amplitude when they reach a predetermined level.  Photogrammetry. the interrupting of a photographic image of a star or satellite trail, by a shutter or a similar device, to provide exact timing and orientation data for observation of aerospace vehicles against a stellar background.

15100             chopping bit               a chisel-shaped steel bit that is attached to a drill rod and used to break up hard rock.



페인팅 스몰미 15세트 (painting smallME, 컬러링 스몰미) 페인팅스몰미, 미술교육. 창의력교육. 색칠

[스몰미 와 아트리트] 나만의 작은 나. 스몰미, 색다른 자기표현. smallME.



