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환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 14901-15000

by 리치캣 2023. 1. 10.

환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 14901-15000

번호                  용어                  해설

14901             cerium-144                 a radioactive isotope of cerium that is a fission product with a half-life of 285 days and that emits beta particles when it decays.

14902             CERL              Corvallis Environmental Research Laboratory

14903             CERN             European Laboratory for Particle Physics (International)        Conseil Europeen pour la Recherche Nucleaire(유럽 입자물리학 연구소),CERN은 스위스의 제네바에 있는 유럽 입자물리학 연구소로서 1991년에 연구원 중의 한 사람인 Tim Berners-Lee 박사가 월드와이드웹을 발명함으로써 유명해졌다. Berners-Lee는 오늘날의 네트웍 속도와 하이퍼텍스트를 결합시키는 아이디어를 개발하는데 공헌하였다. 그는 아주 적은 인원의 팀과 함께 일하며, 웹의 기반이 되는 HTTP를 개발하였다.

14904             CERT [Committee on Energy Research  Technology]                 IEA(국제에너지기구) 산하 에너지 연구 기술 위원회로써, 화석연료 실무 위원회(FFWP), 신재생에너지 실무 위원회(REWP), 최종 이용(에너지 절약) 실무 위원회(EUWP), 핵융합 기술 조정 위원회(FPCC) 4개 그룹을 산하에 두고 있다. CERT 내에는 40개의 실행 합의서(I.A.: Implementing Agreement)가 수행되고 있으며, 우리나라는 현재 PVPS(Photovoltaic Power Systems), Wind(Wind Energy Systme) 12개 프로그램에 가입·활동 중이다.

14905             CERTIFICATION            인증 제품 : 공정 또는 설비가 규정된 요건을 충족시키기고 있음을 제3자가 문서상으로 보증하는 절차

14906             cesium electron tube                a tube that generates electromagnetic energy at highly stable frequency for use in atomic clocks.

14907             cesium hollow cathode             an element within an electron tube that heats cesium at the bottom of a cylinder, producing current densities as high as 800 amperes per square centimeter.

14908             cesium phototube                    a tube in which a cesium-coated cathode turns infrared light into electrical energy.

14909             cesium-134                 a radioactive isotope of cesium with a half-life of 06 years that emits negative beta particles when it decays; commonly found in photoelectric cells.

14910             cesium-137                 a radioactive isotope of cesium with a half-life of 30.2 years that emits negative beta particles during decay; currently under study for use in radiation therapy.

14911             cesium-antimonide photocathode             a device, created by exposing a thin layer of antimony to cesium vapor at elevated temperatures, that generates current when exposed to blue and ultraviolet light.

14912             cesium-beam sputter source                    a device that generates negative ions by dislodging them from the cesium-coated inner surface of a hollow cone.

14913             cesium-vapor lamp                  a low-voltage arc lamp that produces light when a current passes between two electrodes in ionized cesium vapor.

14914             cesium-vapor rectifier               a device in which an alternating current is passed through a cesium vapor and onto a cesium-coated cathode in order to convert it to pulsating direct current.

14915             cetane index               an empirical method for finding the volume of cetane in a fuel, based upon API gravity and the mid boiling point.

14916             cetane number            the percentage of cetane in a mixture of cetane (cetane number 100) and 1-methylnaphthalene (cetane number 0) that has the same ignition factor as the fuel being tested.

14917             cetane number improver           any chemical that increases the percentage of cetane in a diesel fuel, thus increasing its ignition value.

14918             CEU               유럽연합위원회  commission of the European union

14919             CFC                염화불화탄소; chlorofluoro carbons

14920             CFC (chlorofluorocarbon)          화학명칭으로 Chlorofluorocarbon의 약자이다. 냉매 및 발포제로 사용되는 CFC-11은 화학식이 CCl3F이고 CFC-12 CCl2F2 그리고 CFC-13 CClF1-CCl2F로 탄소염소 및 불소로 이루어진 화합물이다. 이 화합물은 냉매, 발포제 및 전자산업의 세정제로서 산업체 및 생활에 크게 기여해 왔다. 그러나 이의 사용의 증가는 폐기되는 CFC의 량을 증가시켰고 이 화합물이 대기중 확산하여 성층권으로 올라가서 자외선에 의하여 오존과 화학반응을 일으켜 오존의 량을 감소시키는 결과를 가져왔다. 따라서 현재는 이의 사용량을 국제적으로 감소내지는 완전히 없애는 노력을 하고 있다.

14921             CFSTR ; CONTINUOUS-FLOW STIRRED-TANK REACTOR           연속흐름 교반탱크 반응조

14922             CHAIN            사슬. 고리

14923             chain block                 a tackle used to hoist heavy loads by means of a continuous chain riding on an overhead track.

14924             chain conveyor            a manufacturing machine that carries workpieces on one or two continuous crossbarred chains at low speed, allowing work to continue as the items move along.

14925             chain drive                  a power-driven conveying device consisting of a continuous-link chain that rides on toothed wheels attached to the driving shaft; used to move materials either horizontally or vertically.

14926             chain fission yield                    the sum of various fission yields from nuclides that have the same number of neutrons, but a different number of protons in their nucleus.

14927             chain gear                  a gear that consists of a series of wheels linked by chain that transmit motion from one wheel to the next.

14928             chain lightning            any lightning appearing as a long unbroken or zig-zag line. Also, BEADED LIGHTNING, PEARL-NECKLACE LIGHTNING.

14929             Chain operated bar racks          체인작동식 바렉; 기계청소식 바렉의 일종

14930             chain reaction             a chemical reaction in which a change in a single molecule causes many molecules to change, until a stable compound is formed.

14931             chainsaw or chain saw              a portable power saw with cutting teeth linked together to form a continuous chain; used to cut timber.

14932             chalcophile                 an element having a strong affinity for sulfur, and therefore tending to be more abundant in sulfide minerals and ores than in other types of rock. Thus, chalcophilic.

14933             challenge level (도전균수)          부하균수라고도 표현된다. 세균 도전 시험에 있어서 필터 요소의 유효 여과 면적1cm2맞기에 더해지는 지표균의 균수.

14934             chamber                     a specially designed small room with characteristics that provide controlled sound reflection, used to create special echo effects in recordings and broadcasts.

14935             chamber process          a sulfuric acid manufacturing process in which sulfur dioxide, air, and steam are reacted in lead chambers, using nitrogen oxides as a catalyst.

14936             CHANCE CONTACT STRAINING                 우연접촉 거름작용; 입상여재 여과지내에서 부유물질제거에 기여하는 메카니즘으로 여재공극보다 작은 입자는 우연접촉에 의해 여과지내에서 포집

14937             Chandler period           a period of the Chandler wobble.

14938             Chandler wobble          a constant, predictable movement in the rotation of the Earth's axis over a period of about 14 months.

14939             change gear                a gear that alters the speed of a driven shaft while maintaining the speed of the driving shaft.

14940             channel          a furrow causing excessive flow in a portion of the clay bed in the percolation filtration process, allowing a stream to pass unfiltered.

14941             channel bank              the part of a carrier-multiplex terminal that converts radio frequencies into voice frequencies and vice versa.

14942             channel effect             the leakage that occurs over the surface path between the collector and emitter in some types of transistors.

14943             channel process           the production of carbon black, such as channel black or lampblack, by burning natural gas in the absence of air in a closed chamber containing baffles, channels, or ducts, in which the various grades of fine carbon particles are precipitated.

14944             channel shifter            a radiotelephone carrier circuit that reduces cross-talk between channels by moving voice-frequency channels to a higher frequency.

14945             channel spin               the sum, including the magnitude and direction, of the spins of the particles active in a nuclear reaction before or after the reaction takes place.

14946             channeling                  the establishment of flow paths in a bed of solid particles due to the passage of liquid through the particles.

14947             channeling machine                 a power-driven chiseling machine that consists of a series of cutting tools that move back and forth on a track; used to excavate soft rock.

14948             Channelization             Straightening and deepening streams so waer will move faster, amarsh-drainage tactic that can interfere with waste assimilation capacity, disturb fish and wildlife habitats, and aggravate flood-ing.

14949             Chapman equation                   a theoretical formula that equates electron density distribution in the upper atmosphere to altitude.

14950             Chapman region          a region of the upper atmosphere in which the Chapman equation applies.

14951             CHAR             차르; 거의 순수탄소 및 비활성물질로 구성된 물질

14952             Characteristic              Any one of the four categories used in defining hazardous waste:ignitability, corrosivity,reactivity, and toxicity.

14953             Characteristic curve                  펌프의 특성곡선; 일정의 펌프에 있어서 양정, 효율, 축마력이 수량의 변동에 대해서 어떻게 변하는가를 곡선으로표시한 것

14954             CHARACTERISTIC HAZARDOUS WASTES                     RCRA상의 폐기물분류 범주

14955             CHARACTERISTIC PARTICLE SIZE                특성입자크기; 입자의 무게기준으로 63.2%가 통과할 수 있는 체의 크기

14956             CHARACTERISTIC TIME             특성시간

14957             characterization factor              a number that relates the variations in physical properties of paraffinic stock with a change in the amount of aromatic material present.

14958             Characterization of Ecological Effect                     Part of ecological risk assessment that evaluates ability of a stressor to cause adverse efects under given circumstances.

14959             Characterization of Exposure                    Portion of an ecological risk assessment that evaluates interaction of a stressor with one or more ecological entities.

14960             character-writing tube              a tube in which an electric beam produces alphanumeric and symbolic characters on a screen.

14961             charcoal test               a test to determine the natural gasoline content of natural gas, by using activated charcoal to adsorb the gasoline fraction and then retrieving it through distillation.

14962             charge            an electrostatic quantity, measured as a surplus or deficiency of electrons on a given object.an electrostatic quantity, measured as a surplus or deficiency of electrons on a given object. the electrical energy stored in an insulated object, such as a battery or capacitor.the electrical energy stored in an insulated object, such as a battery or capacitor. 3. the conversion of electric energy into chemical energy within a cell or battery.the conversion of electric energy into chemical energy within a cell or battery. 4. to direct electrical energy into a cell or battery for the purpose of such conversion.to direct electrical energy into a cell or battery for the purpose of such conversion.       :  to feed refrigerant into a cooling system.to feed refrigerant into a cooling system. the quantity of refrigerant within such a system.the quantity of refrigerant within such a system.  Nucleonics.  in a nuclear reactor, the total amount of fuel required to attain a critical condition.in a nuclear reactor, the total amount of fuel required to attain a critical condition. to load fuel into a reactor core.to load fuel into a reactor core.  Metallurgy. the raw material loaded into a melting or smelting furnace.

14963             charge coupling           a means to store and transfer data based on the ability to store and transfer electric charges or charge carriers.

14964             charge independence               the principle that the strong force between a neutron and a proton is equal to the force between two protons or two neutrons in the same orbital and spin state.

14965             CHARGE SYSTEM                     부과금제도; 폐기물 자원화를 위한 경제적 유인책

14966             charge transfer            the transfer of charge from one entity to another.

14967             CHARGE TRANSFER ABSORPTION             전하이동 흡수

14968             charge-coupled device              a high-speed, high-density superconductor device that relies on the transfer of short-term stored charges in spatially defined depletion zones on its surface.

14969             charge-coupled image sensor                   a sensor in which light from various picture segments is marshalled to produce a television-type output signal. Also, SOLID-STATE IMAGE SENSOR.

14970             charged membrane (가전막 )                   가전한 기초를 포함하는 막.

14971             charge-exchange source           a device that generates negative ions, usually helium, by passing positive ions through a donor canal, usually containing lithium vapor, in which they collect two electrons to form negative ions.

14972             charge-injection device             a device that relays stored charges positioned at predetermined locations; it is used as an image sensor whose points are referenced to their horizontal and vertical coordinates.

14973             charge-storage transistor          a transistor that produces a charge at its collector junction when a large voltage is applied at a high level to its base and at a low level to its collector.

14974             charge-storage tube                 a tube that stores information on its surface as electric charges.

14975             charge-storage varactor            a device in which capacitance varies inversely with the voltage applied from a direct current; it is used to generate power in excess of 50 watts at ultrahigh or microwave frequencies.

14976             charge-transfer complex           a species formed by the interaction of two molecules upon a transfer of charge between them; a donor/acceptor complex.

14977             charge-transfer device              any device that relays stored charges positioned at predetermined locations, such as charge-coupled or charge-injection devices.

14978             CHARGING                 대전 : 전기집진 과정에 쓰이는 용어

14979             CHARGING FIELD                     대전장 : 대전이 일어나는 공간

14980             CHARGING HOPPER                 폐기물투입실 (장입호퍼)

14981             charging line               a pipeline used to carry fresh charging stock of oil, gas, and crude oil to a still.

14982             charging pump            a pump that supplies a pressurized flow of fluid to another unit.

14983             charging stock             any product to be treated in a particular refinery unit or still.

14984             CHARGING WIRE          충전선 : ESP 판의 구성부분

14985             chase ring                   a ring that restrains the blank during the hobbing process.

14986             Chasles' theorem          the statement that it is always possible to represent arbitrary rigid body motions as the sum of the rotation about the center of mass of the body plus a linear translation of the center of mass. (Proven by the French mathematician Michel Chasles, 1793-1880.)

14987             chassis           a metal frame onto which components are mounted; usually the frame is designed to be connected to ground to reduce shock hazard and electrical noise.

14988             chatter           vibrations, usually at a resonant frequency, of a piece of machinery, produced by continuous motion of two or more machine parts against each other, such as brushes in an alternating-current electrical motor.  Engineering. such vibrations of a cutting tool not firmly held or of an insufficiently rigid machine, resulting in an uneven finish.  : an undesirable rapid opening and closing of electrical contacts caused by fluctuations in the coil current. Also, CONTACT CHATTER.

14989             Chebyshev filter           a filter whose pass band response exhibits two or more ripples of equal peak-to-valley amplitude.

14990             CHECK VALVE              역지밸브; 관로에 설치하여 물이 역류하는 것을 막는 밸브

14991             check valve     (체크 밸브   체키)                     배관, 츄후(에서) 송액하고 있는  유체가, 송액정지시에 역류하는 것을 방지하는  밸브. 형식으로서는, ① 스윙식리프트식스프링식, 등이 있다. 순수한 물 장치에 있어서는, 각카트리지의 출구에 설치해,  예를 들면, RO모듈에, 정지시의 역류에 의한  등압이 걸리는 것을을 방지하거나. 폴리셔-  수지가 역류· 상향류에 의해 2 층로 분리하는 것을 막거나 하고 있다.

14992             CHECKING AND CORRECTIVE ACTION                     점검 및 시정조치()

14993             Check-Valve Tubing Pump          Water sampling  tool also referred to as a water Pump.

14994             CHELATE                     킬레이트 화합물; 금속이온과 다섯 원자 또는 여섯 원자 고리형 금속 유기화합물

14995             CHELATING AGENT                  착염물질; 킬레이트를 형성하는 시약

14996             chelometry                  the formation of soluble chelates when a metal ion is titrated with a chelating agent.

14997             CHEMICAL                  화학의. 화학제품(약품)

14998             Chemical Case             For purposes of review and regulation, the grouping of chemically similar pesticide activ integredients(e.g., salts and esters of the same chemical) into chemical cases.

14999             Chemical Compoud                  A distinct and pure substance formed by the union or two or more elements in definite proportion by weight.

15000             CHEMICAL CONDITIONING                      화학적 개량(조건)



컬러링 스몰미빌딩 (20개 도시 세트) 미술교육. 창의력 발달. 해외여행. 창의력교육. 색칠공부, :

[스몰미 와 아트리트] 나만의 작은 나. 스몰미, 색다른 자기표현. smallME.



