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환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 14701-14800

by 리치캣 2023. 1. 10.

환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 14701-14800

번호                  용어                  해설

14701             cathode-ray oscilloscope           an instrument that uses a cathode-ray tube to display signal waveforms.

14702             cathode-ray tube          a tube whose electron beam can be focused to present alphanumeric or graphical data on an electroluminescent screen; widely used in television receivers and cameras, computer monitors, radar screens, and the like. Also, CRT.

14703             cathodic inhibitor                    a compound used to coat a metal surface with a thin film at the cathodes in order to protect the entire surface against corrosion in a conducting medium.

14704             cathodic migration                   the movement of a positively charged electric particle toward the negative pole (cathode) in an electric field.

14705             cathodic polarization                a reduction in current from the cathode in an electrochemical cell, such as a battery, usually caused by excessive layers of hydrogen that increase resistance in the cell.

14706             Cathodic Protection                  A technique to prevent corrosion of a metal surface by making it the cathode of an electrochemical cell.

14707             cathodoluminescence               a luminescence produced when metal in an electron tube emits radiation after the metal has been bombarded by high-velocity electrons.

14708             cathodophosphorescence          an afterglow that follows the emission of radiation in an electron tube.

14709             catholyte                    the part of an electrolyte that is immediately adjacent to the cathode.

14710             cation             any positively charged ion, a species that moves to the cathode during electrolysis. Also, KATION.

14711             cation analysis             a test for positively charged particles (cations) in an aqueous solution.

14712             cation exchange          ION EXCHANGE.

14713             CATION EXCHANGE CAPACITY                  양이온 교환능;  100mg의 토양에 흡착될 수 있는 양이온의 meq의 수로 정의한다. CEC

14714             cation-exchange resin               a type of resin used in chromatography in which the positive ions on the immobilized (stationary) phase can be exchanged for cations in the solute (mobile phase).

14715             cationtrophy                the removal of a positive ion from a molecule, leaving a negative ion in equilibrium.

14716             catline            in oil-well drilling, a rope attached to a cable used on the cathead to lift heavy objects. Also, CATHEAD LINE.

14717             CATLYTIC CONVERTER SYSTEM                 촉매전환장치; 배출가스 처리방법

14718             CATS              Corrective Action Tracking System

14719             catshaft          the shaft or axle on the drawworks where the catheads are mounted; one cathead is a drum acting as a capstan for light hoisting, and the other is a drum with a manual or air-actuated, quick-release friction clutch.

14720             catwhisker                   a small, sharply pointed and flexible wire that is used to establish contact with a sensitive point on the surface of a semiconductor.

14721             CAU               Carbon Adsorption Unit; Command Arithmetic Unit

14722             cauldron                     a caldera formed by magmatic erosion along a ring fault at the base of an intrusion.a caldera formed by magmatic erosion along a ring fault at the base of an intrusion. broadly, any volcanic subsidence structure.broadly, any volcanic subsidence structure.

14723             cauldron subsidence                a structure formed by the sinking of a cylindrical mass of crust into a magma chamber along a ring fault, sometimes accompanied by the rising of magma to form a ring dike.a structure formed by the sinking of a cylindrical mass of crust into a magma chamber along a ring fault, sometimes accompanied by the rising of magma to form a ring dike. the process by which such a structure is formed.the process by which such a structure is formed.

14724             causality          a principle stating that if the values of the dynamical variables of a system are specified at a given time, and if the actions of all external forces on the system at all later times are known, then the values of the system variables at later times are exactly determined. Also, LAPLACE DETERMINISM.

14725             caustic injection           the injection of aqueous solutions of caustic and polymer down a well to help increase oil recovery, as when oil production has declined due to reduced production from the formation.

14726             caustic metamorphism              a geomorphological change caused by the passage of a lava flow or dike.

14727             caustic treater             a vessel in which acidic gases or liquids are contacted and neutralized by an alkaline solution.

14728             causticity                    the property of being caustic (corrosive).

14729             causticization              the process of producing an alkaline material such as sodium hydroxide.

14730             caving            the collapsing of the walls of a wellbore. Also, SLOUGHING.the collapsing of the walls of a wellbore. Also, SLOUGHING. dislodged rock fragments that fall into a wellbore and contaminate the well cuttings or block the hole.dislodged rock fragments that fall into a wellbore and contaminate the well cuttings or block the hole.

14731             Cavitation                   The formation and collapse of gas pockets or bubbles on the blade of an impeller or the gate of a valve;collapse of these pockets or bubbles drives water with such force that it can cause pitting of the gateor valve surface.

14732             cavitation                    the formation of gas bubbles in a liquid, caused for example by pressure variations, heating, or vibration.  Fluid      :  the formation and instantaneous collapse of innumerable tiny cavities within a liquid that is subjected to rapid and intense changes in pressure.the formation and instantaneous collapse of innumerable tiny cavities within a liquid that is subjected to rapid and intense changes in pressure. the formation and casting off of small vapor-pressure bubbles assembled on the surface of an object moving through degassed liquid.the formation and casting off of small vapor-pressure bubbles assembled on the surface of an object moving through degassed liquid.  Materials Science. localized corrosion due to the stress produced by vapor bubbles bursting on a surface.  Pathology. the formation of abnormal cavities, as in the lungs when pulmonary tuberculosis is present. Thus, cavitation damage.

14733             cavity filter                  a microwave filter consisting of a resonant cavity and other coupling devices inserted in a waveguide or coaxial cable.

14734             cavity impedance                     an impedance appearing across the gap between the cathode and the anode, which blocks the flow of current in a microwave tube.

14735             cavity magnetron                     a magnetron used as a microwave-transmitting oscillator in which the motion of electrons in relation to the magnetic field generates the microwave radiation.

14736             cavity oscillator            a circuit that generates alternating current at a frequency determined by the magnetic energy stored in a cavity resonator.

14737             CAVITY RESONATOR                 공동공명기; 소음기의 일종

14738             cavity slide                  a microscope slide with a small depression or cavity in the center about one centimeter across; used to hold drops of water or other liquids.

14739             CB                 Continuous Bubbler

14740             CBA               Chesapeake Bay Agreement. Cost Benefit Analysis

14741             CBD               생물다양성 협약  convention on biological diversity

14742             CBD               Central Business District

14743             CBEP              Community Based Environmental Project

14744             CBI                Compliance Biomonitoring Inspection; Confidential Business Information

14745             CBOD             Carbonaceous Biochemical Oxygen Demand

14746             CBP                Chesapeake Bay Program; County Business Patterns

14747             CC/RTS           Chemical Collection/ Request Tracking System

14748             CCA               Competition in Contracting Act

14749             CCAA             Canadian Clean Air Act

14750             CCAMLA                     남극 해양생물자원 보존 협약  convention on the conservation of Antarctic marine living resources

14751             CCAMLR                     남극 해양생물자원 보존 위원회  commission for Antarctic marine living resources

14752             CCAP              Center for Clean Air Policy; Climate Change Action Plan

14753             CCAS              남극물개보존 협약  convention for the conservation of Antarctic seals

14754             CCC               독성물질로 인한 만성효과를 판단할 수 있는 기준, Criterion continuous concentration

14755             CCD               사막화방지협약  convention on combating desertification

14756             CCEA              Conventional Combustion Environmental Assessment

14757             CCHW            Citizens Clearinghouse for Hazardous Wastes

14758             CCID              Confidential Chemicals Identification System

14759             CCMS/NATO                Committee on Challenges of a Modern Society/North Atlantic Treaty Organization

14760             CCOL (UNEP)               오존문제조정 위원회 UNEP   coordinating committee on the ozone layer

14761             CCP                Composite Correction Plan

14762             CCSP (Climate Change Science Program)                     미연방 기후변화과학프로그램. 기후변화의 과학적 예측, 영향 및 적응방안 연구

14763             CCTP              Clean Coal Technology Program

14764             CCX (Chicago Climate Exchange)               시카고 기후 거래소. 시카고 기후 거래소는 2003년도에 개장한 캡 앤 트레이드 방식의 배출권 거래소이다. 참여 주체들은 자발적이지만 법적 의무가 따르는 배출허용량을 설정하여 그에 따른 배출권을 거래한다. 현재 민간 기업뿐 아니라 대학, 지방 자치단체 등 95개 주체가 감축의무에 자발적으로 참여하고 있다.

14765             CD                 Climatological Data

14766             CDB               Consolidated Data Base

14767             CDBA             Central Data Base Administrator

14768             CDBG             Community Development Block Grant

14769             CDD               Chlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin

14770             CDF               Chlorinated dibenzofuran

14771             CDHS             Comprehensive Data Handling System

14772             CDI                Case Development Inspection

14773             CDM              Climatological Dispersion Model; Comprehensive Data Management

14774             CDM운영기구 [CDM Operational Entity]                     Clean Development Operational Entity 유엔기후변화협약에 따른 교토의정서 발효에 의해 온실가스를 줄여서 이익을 얻고자하는 CDM사업에 대해 계획단계에서 온실가스감축 타당성을 미리 진단하고 완료 후에는 온실가스 감축실적을 검증해 주는 역할을 하는 국제인증기관. CDM체제를 실질적으로 이끌어가는 핵심적인 역할을 담당하고 있다. 전 세계적으로 DNV(Det Norske Veritas : 영국), JQA(일본 품질협회) 12개 기관만이 지정된 상태이다. 우리나라에서는 2005 11 23일 에너지관리공단이 개도국으로는 처음으로 CDM운영기구로 지정되었다.

14775             CDMQC          Climatological Dispersion Model with Calibration and Soruce Contribution

14776             CDNS             Climatological Data National Summary

14777             CDP               Census Designated Places

14778             CDS               Compliance Data System

14779             CE                 Categorical Exclusion. Conditionally Exempt Generator

14780             CEA               Cooperative Enforcement Agreement; Cost and Economic Assessment

14781             CEAA             캐나다 환경평가국  Canadian environmental assessment agency

14782             CEARC            Canadian Environmental Assessment Research Council

14783             CEAT              Contractor Evidence Audit Team

14784             CEB                Chemical Element Balance

14785             CEC                Commission for Environmental Cooperation

14786             CECATS           CSB Exisiting Chemicals Assessment Tracking System

14787             CEDARE          아랍, 유럽 환경개발센터  center for environment and development for the Arab region and Europe

14788             CEE                종합환경평가   comprehensive environmental evaluation

14789             CEE                Center for Environmental Education

14790             CEEM             Center for Energy and Environmental Management

14791             CEI                 지역사회 효과지수;  폐기물수거상태를 가로의 청소상태를 기준으로 평가하는 방법. Community effects index

14792             CEI                 Compliance Evaluation Inspection

14793             CEIC               Caribbean Environmental Information Center

14794             CEL                IUCN환경법위원회  commission on environmental law of IUCN

14795             cell                any single unit designed to receive, store, and deliver electrical energy.any single unit designed to receive, store, and deliver electrical energy. a unit designed to convert radiant energy into electrical energy; for example, a unit that converts solar energy.a unit designed to convert radiant energy into electrical energy; for example, a unit that converts solar energy.  Nucleonics. a unit or compartment in a reactor lattice that contains an individual fuel rod, its cladding, and other materials like coolant and moderator.

14796             cell affinity chromatography                     a method used to obtain functionally defined homogeneous cell populations from mixed cultures by pouring the sample in a column packed with absorbents and then washing out impurities.

14797             cell constant               a normalization factor used to obtain the specific conductance of a solution from the measured conductance in a particular cell.

14798             cell constant    (셀 상수)          용기의 고유상수 : 비전도도의 정확한 값을 알고 있는 표준 용액을 측정용기에 넣었을 때의 저항을 측정하여 그 용기의 고유한 상수를 구하는 방법이 사용되는데, 이 상수를 세포(cell)상수라고 한다.

14799             cell line          a population of animal cells that develops on repeated secondary cultivations for an indefinite time; this arises from a cell strain wherein some cells become altered in animal virology.

14800             cell reaction                the overall chemical reaction that occurs in an electrochemical cell; the sum of the two half-reactions of oxidation and reduction in the cell.

