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환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 14801-14900

by 리치캣 2023. 1. 10.

환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 14801-14900

번호                  용어                  해설

14801             cellar              an area for collection of drainage water and other fluids for later disposal.

14802             Cells               1. In soild waste disposal, holes where waste is dumped, compacted, and covered with layers of on a daily basis. 2. The smallest structural part of living matter capable of functioning as an independent unit.

14803             cell-type tube              a radio-frequency switching tube that is filled with gas and that operates in an external resonant circuit.

14804             CELRF             Canadian Environmental Law Research Foundation

14805             CEM               연속적 배출감시; Continuous emission monitoring

14806             CEM               Continuous Emission Monitoring

14807             cement bond               the adhesion to the cement of a well casing in a drill hole.

14808             cement channeling                   a failure during the process of cementing the casing to the formation in which the slurry does not rise uniformly and leaves open areas, creating a weak bond.

14809             cement gun                a mortaring device used for mixing and applying cement.

14810             cement mill                 a pulverizing machine used for grinding rock into a powder for cement.

14811             cementation                a diagnetic process in which a coarse, clastic substance becomes consolidated into hard rock; lithification is accomplished by precipitation of minerals in the interstices between the particles or grains of sediment.

14812             cementation factor                   in oil-reservoir analysis, a mathematical expression for the degree that grains, such as sand, have been bound together by precipitated minerals.

14813             CEMENT-BASED TECHNOLOGY                 시멘트 기초법; 페기물 안정화를 위한 고화처리방법

14814             cementing basket                     a cone made of collapsible metal, created to fit next to a wellbore wall in order to prevent the passage of cement. Also, METAL-PETAL BASKET.

14815             Cementitious               Densely packed and nonfibrous friable materials.

14816             CEMS             Continuous Emission Monitoring System

14817             CEN               유럽표준화기구

14818             cent               a unit of pitch interval equivalent to 1/100th of tempered semitone, 1/200th of a tempered tone, and 1/1200th of an octave, which facilitates the adding and subtracting of musical intervals.  Nucleonics. a reactivity unit equivalent to 1/100th of a dollar.

14819             center of attraction                  a point toward which a force on a particle or a body is always directed; the force's magnitude depends only on the distance between its point of application and this center point.

14820             center of buoyancy                  for a body fully or partly submerged in a fluid, the centroid of the volume of the displaced fluid; it is also the point at which the resultant buoyant force acts on the body.

14821             center of force             the effective point from which or toward which a central force acts.

14822             center of gravity          a fixed point in a body, such that the total force exerted by gravity on the body can be assumed to act on this point.a fixed point in a body, such that the total force exerted by gravity on the body can be assumed to act on this point. in popular use, a theoretical central point in a body about which its weight is uniformly distributed.in popular use, a theoretical central point in a body about which its weight is uniformly distributed.

14823             center of inversion                   a point through which an inversion operation is performed, converting an object into its enantiomorph. Also, CENTER OF SYMMETRY.

14824             center of mass             the point in a body which moves as though the body's entire mass were concentrated there, and as though all forces were applied there. Also, CENTER OF INERTIA.

14825             center of oscillation                  the point on a pendulum such that if the pendulum's entire mass were concentrated there, it would execute the same motion.

14826             center of percussion                 the point in a body about which it begins to rotate upon experiencing an impulse force applied at a particular point elsewhere on the body.

14827             center of suspension                the center of the circle whose arc is described by a pendulum bob.

14828             center of twist             the point at which a transverse force must act in order not to produce any twisting in the structure. Also, SHEAR CENTER.

14829             center-coupled loop                 a coil in the energy-reflecting chamber of a microwave unit that transfers AC current electromagnetically.

14830             centered lattice            the lattice of a crystal that has lattice points at the corners and at the center of the unit cell or at the centers of faces.

14831             CENTER-FEED              중앙유입식

14832             centering control          one of two controls that position the image on a cathode-ray tube screen, either horizontally or vertically.

14833             centering machine                   a device used for positioning work on a lathe before drilling.

14834             centerless grinder                    a metal-grinding machine that supports the workpiece between two abrasive wheels.

14835             center-of-mass system              a reference coordinate frame that moves with the same velocity as the center of mass of a system, so that the center of mass can be thought of as being at rest in the system. Also, center-of-mass coordinate system.

14836             center-of-momentum system                    a reference frame that is used in kinematics, having the same essential property as a center-of-mass system; i.e, the total linear momentum of the system is zero. Also, center-of-momentum coordinate system.

14837             CENTIGRADE SCALE                 섭씨온도 : ℃, 얼음이 녹는점을 0℃ 끓는 점을 100℃ 로 하여 그 사이를 100등분한 것

14838             central  feed  water  (중앙공급수)                     연구 시설등에 있어서 건물 전체에 사용하는 순수한 물을 한  개소에서 제조해 각부옥에 급수하는 설비. 충분한 관리가 필요하고, 초순수한 물 장치의 공급수로서 이용하는 경우는 박테리아, 입자,  TOC, 및 수압등의 주의가 필요.

14839             Central Collection Point            Location were a generator of regulated medical waste consolidates wastes originally generated together for treatment on-site or for transportation elsewhere for treatment and/or disposal. This term could also apply to community hazardous waste collections, industrial and other waste management systems.

14840             central force                a force that is always directed toward or from a fixed central point (the center of attraction), and whose magnitude depends only on the distance between that point and the point of application

14841             centralizer                   a cylindrical, cagelike device secured around the casing during drilling to keep the pipe centered in the borehole, allowing a more uniform cement case to be formed around the pipe. Also, CASING CENTRALIZER.

14842             centrifugal                  acting or moving in a direction away from the axis of rotation.  Neurology. moving away from the cerebral cortex. (Coined by Sir Isaac Newton; in Latin it literally means fleeing or avoiding the center.)

14843             centrifugal  pump      (소용돌이 펌프)                     하네차의 회전에 의한 원심력에 의해 송수하는  펌프. 비교적대용량·저양정용에() 적절한다. 통상, 유량  20∼ 30 L/ 분이상, 양정 10∼ 30 M 정도의 성능.

14844             centrifugal barrier                    in a rotating coordinate system, a steep, unbounded rise in potential around the axis of rotation. This results from the centrifugal force on the particle, and it prevents the particle from reaching the axis of rotation. Also, CENTRIFUGAL POTENTIAL ENERGY.

14845             centrifugal brake          a braking mechanism on a drum that is automatically applied if the drum's speed should exceed a set limit.

14846             centrifugal clarification             the use of centrifugal force to rapidly separate fine solid matter or suspended liquid mists from a second liquid.

14847             centrifugal classification            the use of centrifugal force to separate only large particles within a liquid without affecting smaller particles; may involve reducing either the speed of the device or the duration of the operation.

14848             centrifugal classifier                 a machine that uses centrifugal force to separate particles into fractions according to size.

14849             centrifugal clutch                     a clutch mechanism activated by centrifugal force produced from a rapidly rotating shaft.

14850             centrifugal collector                 a device that uses centrifugal force to separate fine solid particles or liquid droplets from an airstream.

14851             Centrifugal Collector                A mechanical system using centrifugal force to remove aerosols from a gas stream or to remove water from sludge.

14852             centrifugal compressor             a machine that uses centrifugal force to compress and discharge large volumes of gas; depending upon the pressure rise required, up to six or seven stages may be installed in a single compressor casing. Also, TURBOBLOWER.

14853             centrifugal discharge elevator                   a fast-moving bucket elevator in which bulk materials are carried to the top and discharged by means of centrifugal force.

14854             CENTRIFUGAL DUST COLLECTOR               원심력집진장치

14855             centrifugal extractor                 an apparatus consisting of a series of concentric cylinders contained in a cylindrical drum that rotate around a shaft; used to contact and separate components of different density in a liqiud-liquid extraction system.

14856             centrifugal fan             a fan used for mild compression of large volumes of gas, constructed in one of three general designs: straight-blade or steel-plate fan, forward-curved-blade fan, and backward-curved-blade fan.

14857             centrifugal filtration                 the process of removing liquid from a slurry by feeding the mixture into a sieve, screen, or perforated basket in which solid matter is captured by the netting and the liquid is propelled outward by centrifugal force.

14858             centrifugal force          a postulated inertial force in a rotating coordinate system, directed outward from the axis of rotation and, for a given magnitude of velocity, becoming weaker with increased distance (inversely proportional to the distance from the axis of rotation).a postulated inertial force in a rotating coordinate system, directed outward from the axis of rotation and, for a given magnitude of velocity, becoming weaker with increased distance (inversely proportional to the distance from the axis of rotation). in popular use, the force that seems to pull an object outward as it moves in a circle, thus acting as an equal opposing effect to the actual centripetal force.in popular use, the force that seems to pull an object outward as it moves in a circle, thus acting as an equal opposing effect to the actual centripetal force.

14859             centrifugal governor                 an engine speed-control device in which rotating balls or weights sense the rate of speed and adjust the flow of fuel accordingly.

14860             centrifugal molecular still          an apparatus used for molecular distillation, in which material is fed into the center of a hot, rapidly rotating cone sited in a chamber at a high vacuum; centrifugal force spreads the material over the hot surface, sending the evaporable material to the condenser as vapor.

14861             centrifugal moment                  the product of the magnitude of the centrifugal force acting on a body and the distance between the body and the axis of rotation.

14862             centrifugal pump                     a machine that pumps water and other liquids by using centrifugal force to spin the liquid radially outward, after which it is caught in the surrounding casing.

14863             CENTRIFUGAL SCREENS            원심력 스크린; 수처리에 사용되는 스크린

14864             centrifugal sedimentation          a process to selectively fractionate suspensions according to density difference using a centrifuge.

14865             centrifugal separation               the process of using centrifugal force to separate two liquids, or solid particles from a liquid, or a liquid from a gas.

14866             centrifugal settler                     a rotating container that separates liquids from solid particles by centrifugal force.

14867             centrifugal switch                    a switch that opens or shuts by centrifugal force; used within certain internal-combustion engines to maintain speed.

14868             centrifugal tachometer              a device that measures the rotational speed of a driveshaft by determining the amount of centrifugal force that is acting on a mass which is attached to the shaft and rotating with it.

14869             centrifuge                   a rotating device that uses centrifugal force to separate substances of different densities, to remove moisture, or to simulate gravitational effects.a rotating device that uses centrifugal force to separate substances of different densities, to remove moisture, or to simulate gravitational effects. to separate substances by means of such a device. Thus, centrifugation.to separate substances by means of such a device. Thus, centrifugation.

14870             centrifuge refining                   the use of a centrifuge for purifying a process stream.

14871             Centrifuge thickening               원심력 농축; 수처리시설에서 발생되는 슬러지 처리시의 농축방법

14872             centrifuge tube            a small, calibrated, cylindrical glass container that is used to hold samples for separation by centrifugation.

14873             Centrifuges dewatering             원심분리 탈수법; 슬러지 탈수방법

14874             centripetal                  acting or moving in a direction toward the axis or center of rotation.  Neurology. moving toward the cerebral cortex. (Coined by Sir Isaac Newton; in Latin it literally means seeking the center.)

14875             centripetal acceleration             the acceleration of a particle moving in a circular path; it is always directed toward the center of the circle.

14876             centripetal force          the force that is required to keep an object moving around a circular path; it is directed toward the center of the circle. In the absence of this effect, the object would move in a straight line tangential to the circle.

14877             centrobaric                 relating to the center of gravity of an object or system, or to the process of locating this center.

14878             centrode                     the path traced by the instantaneous center of a rigid body undergoing plane motion. If the path is within the body, it is called a body centrode; if it is in space, it is termed a space centrode.

14879             centroid          the point that may be considered as the center of mass for a one- or two-dimensional figure; i.e., the point in a system whose motion can be taken to represent the motion of the whole system.

14880             centrosymmetric crystal structure              a crystal structure that crystallizes in a space group with a center of symmetry. When the origin is chosen at the center of symmetry, the phase angle for each Bragg reflection, when the crystal diffracts X-rays, is either 0° or 180°.

14881             CEOS             지구관측위원회  committee on earth observation systems

14882             CEP                환경보호위원회  committee for environmental protection

14883             CEPA              Canadian Environmental Protection Act

14884             CEPP              Chemical Emergency Preparedness Plan

14885             CEPPOL          카리브 지역 해양오염평가 통제 프로그램  program for the assessment an control marine pollution in the Caribbean region

14886             CEQ               Council on Environmental Quality

14887             ceramic amplifier                     a circuit that boosts a signal by using the piezoelectric properties of ceramics, such as barium titanate, and the piezoresistive properties of semiconductors, such as silicon.

14888             ceramic cartridge                     the element in a ceramic microphone or ceramic pickup containing the piezoelectric material.

14889             ceramic filter               a filter consisting of electrically coupled, two-terminal piezoelectric ceramic resonators in ladder and lattice configurations, designed to impede the flow or attenuate the amplitude of specific frequency bands.

14890             ceramic microphone                 a microphone that employs the piezoelectric properties of certain ceramic materials, such as quartz or Rochelle salts; the pressure of sound waves against the ceramic material, or an object contacting the material, produces an electric current.

14891             ceramic tube               a tube in which electrons are encased in ceramic that can withstand temperatures in excess of 500°C; used on guided missiles to withstand reentry heat.

14892             ceramic-based microcircuit                       a microminiature circuit fired on a waferlike piece of ceramic.

14893             CERCLA          환경보상책임법; 1980에 제정된 미국의 환경법규로서 유해폐기물 매립지에서 발생되는 문제점들에 대처하고 여기에 소요되는 기금을 조성하기 위해 제정되었다.  Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act

14894             CERCLA          Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (1980)

14895             CERCLIS          환경보상책임정보시스템; Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Information System

14896             CERCLIS          Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Information System

14897             Cerenkov rebatron radiator                      a device with a small aperture that generates radio-frequency signals by passing an electron beam through a piece of nonconductive material.

14898             CERI               Center for Environmental Research Information

14899             cerium-140                 an isotope of cerium that has a stable nucleus and that makes up over 88% of the cerium found in nature.

14900             cerium-142                 a stable isotope of cerium that makes up over 11% of the cerium found in nature.

