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환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 13601-13700

by 리치캣 2023. 1. 10.

환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 13601-13700

번호                  용어                  해설

13601             bare board                  a printed circuit board that has conductors but not electronic components.

13602             bare disk                    a floppy disk drive that has no electronic circuit controls.

13603             barefoot well               a well that has no casing, screen, or perforated pipe and shows no need of one; limestone or sandstone wells that give no indication of disintegration or caving in are often completed without a casing or liner, so that reservoir fluids flow unrestricted into the open wellbore.

13604             Barfoed's test              a test for monosaccharides using an acid solution; a red precipitate indicates a positive test.

13605             Bari-Sol process           a method of removing waxes from liquid hydrocarbons by extracting the wax with a solvent of mixed ethylene dichloride and benzene, and then separating it from the hydrocarbons in a centrifuge.

13606             barium-140                 a radioactive isotope of barium with a half-life of 18 days that emits beta particles during decay.

13607             Barker method             a procedure based on the recognized constancy of interfacial angles that allows identification of crystals by morphological means alone.

13608             Barkhausen oscillation              an unwanted oscillation in the horizontal-output tube of a television receiver, resulting in narrow, dark, ragged vertical lines near the left side of the picture or raster.

13609             Barkhausen-Kurz oscillator                       a triode oscillator having a positively biased grid and a negatively biased anode; oscillation depends on the transit time of electrons between cathode and anode. Also, Barkhausen oscillator.

13610             Barlow's equation                    an equation used to compute the strength of a cylinder under internal pressure, t = DP/4S, where t is the minimum thickness of the cylinder, D is its diameter, P is the internal pressure in excess of the external, and S is the allowable tensile strength.

13611             Barlow's rule               a rule that the space occupied by atoms in a given molecule is proportional to their lowest valence value.

13612             barn               a farm building used to store hay, grain, and farm implements, or to house farm animals.       : a unit of measure for nuclear reaction cross sections, proportional to the probabilities of nuclear reaction, and equal to 10-24 cm2 (or 10-28 m2); the term is derived from a wartime code word describing a particular cross section as as big as a barn.

13613             barodynamics              the study of theMechanics of heavy structures that are liable to collapse under their own weight.

13614             barometric condenser               a condenser used in steam jet refrigeration systems, in which steam inside a long vertical pipe is condensed at reduced pressure by direct contact with a countercurrent rain of cooling water.

13615             barometric draft regulator                        a mechanically balanced damper that rotates with pressure changes within the breeching or chimney connector of a boiler, so as to bleed air into the breeching to maintain a steady overfire draft in the combustion chamber. Also, barometric damper.

13616             barometric tide            the daily rising and falling of atmospheric pressure caused by the gravitational effects of the sun and the moon.

13617             baromil          a unit of measure in the CGS system used in a graduated mercury barometer.

13618             barrel compressor                    a centrifugal compressor with a barrel-shaped housing that partially depends upon centrifugal forces for pressure increase.

13619             Barrel Sampler             Open-ended steel tube used to collect soil samples.

13620             barrels per day            a unit of measurement that indicates the rate of petroleum production at a refinery.

13621             barrels per stream day              a unit of measurement that indicates the rate of oil or oil-product flow at a fluid-processing unit in continuous operation.

13622             barretter                     an iron-wire resistor with a positive temperature coefficient of resistivity; sometimes used in microwave power measuring units, but more suited as a microwave signal detector.

13623             Barrier Coating(s)                     A layer of a material that obstructs or prevents passage of something through a surface that is to be protected;e.g., grout, caulk, or various sealing compounds; sometimes used with polyurethane membranes to prevent corrosion or oxidation of metal surfaces, chemical impacts on various materials, or, for example, to prevent radon infiltration through walls, cracks, or joints in a house.

13624             barrier injection transit-time diode             a microwave diode in which the carriers that cross the drift region are generated by minority carrier injection from a forward-biased junction.

13625             BARRIER LAYER           차단층; 매립지 복토층 구성층

13626             barrier separation                    a method used to separate a two-component gaseous mixture by selective diffusion of one component through a separative barrier which may be microporous metal or a nonporous polymeric matrix.

13627             barrier strip                 a terminal strip in which each terminal is separated from another by a raised insulating partition or barrier.

13628             barrier voltage             the minimum voltage needed for conduction through a P-N junction.

13629             BART              Best Available Demonstrated Technology

13630             Bartlett force               a force that arises from interaction between two nucleons in which the spin coordinates are exchanged.

13631             barycentric energy                   the energy of a system in its center-of-mass coordinate frame.

13632             BAS               영국 남극조사대  British Antarctic survey

13633             Basal Application          In pesticides, the application of a chemical on plant stems or tree trunks just above the soil line.

13634             basal cleavage             a break along a naturally occurring cleavage plane that is parallel to the basal plane of a crystal.

13635             basal clinker                a hard mass of lava or other material situated at the bottom of a drill hole in such a way that it actually or potentially obstructs a drilling operation.

13636             basal orientation          the orientation parallel to the basal plane of a crystal.

13637             basal plane                 the plane in a crystal that is perpendicular to its c axis.

13638             Basalt             Consistent year-round energy use of a facility; also refers to the minimum amount of electricity supplied continually to a facility.

13639             base               in a bipolar transistor, the area between the emitter region and the collector region, into which minority carriers are injected from the emitter region.

13640             base bias                    the direct voltage applied to the base of a bipolar transistor to ensure that signal excursions operate over the desired region of the transistor characteristic

13641             base conditions           the standard conditions (i.e., 60°F and 14.65 psia pressure) used in estimating the percentage of gas found in oil from a well.

13642             base element               in a transistor, a contact that carries current to the base region. Also, base electrode.

13643             base exchange             ION EXCHANGE.

13644             BASE FLOW                 기저유량; 물사용량이 가장 적을때

13645             base metal                  any of the metals found at the lower end of the electrochemical series, such as zinc, copper, lead, or tin; the opposite of a noble metal. Base metals oxidize and corrode readily and are thus relatively low in value.

13646             base modulation          amplitude modulation from the application of the modulating voltage to the base of an amplifier transistor.

13647             base pressure              standard atmospheric pressure or another such pressure used as a reference for other values. Also, GAUGE PRESSURE.

13648             base region                 the interelectrode region of a transistor into which minority carriers are injected.

13649             base surge                  a high-velocity, ring-shaped cloud of gas or solid debris that accompanies a volcanic eruption.

13650             base-centered lattice                a crystal lattice in which the lattice points occur at the vertices and the centers of opposite faces.

13651             Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal          유해폐기물의 불법교역에 관한 바젤협약

13652             baseline break             a break in the baseline of a radar display due to a strong pulse signal.

13653             baseline or base line                a horizontal or vertical line created by the movement of a scanning dot across a cathode-ray tube.a horizontal or vertical line created by the movement of a scanning dot across a cathode-ray tube. specifically, the line that appears on a radar display in the absence of an echo, from which the pulse waves seem to emanate.specifically, the line that appears on a radar display in the absence of an echo, from which the pulse waves seem to emanate.  Engineering. a survey line measured very precisely to form a starting point and reference for subsequent measurements and triangulation

13654             baseline technique                   a technique for determining the absorbance of a sample, in which the distance from a line drawn tangent to the spectrum background to the height of the absorption peak is measured.

13655             base-spreading resistance          the resistance of the base region caused by the resistance of the bulk material of the base region in a transistor.

13656             basic group                 a group of atoms that form part of a compound and react together as a base, such as the hydroxide group OH-.

13657             basic lava                    lava containing less than 52% silica, as distinguished from acidic and intermediate lava.

13658             basic sediment            foreign matter and impurities that are found in oil produced from a well. Also, BUSHWASH, BOTTOM SETTLINGS.

13659             basic sediment and water          the impurities such as soil, water, and foreign matter that settle and collect in the bottom of petroleum storage tanks; the residue of the first stage of an oil separation process. Also, BOTTOMS, BOTTOM SETTLINGS AND WATER.

13660             basic titrant                 a basic solution of known concentration used as a standard solution for titration to determine the acidity of another solution.

13661             BASIS             Battelle's Automated Search Information System

13662             basket coil                  a method of winding wire in a loose crisscross coil, thereby limiting distributed capacitance. Also, BASKET WINDING.

13663             bass               the lower portion of the audio-frequency spectrum, below about 250 hertz.the lower portion of the audio-frequency spectrum, below about 250 hertz. notes of musical works written in the bass clef, which starts at middle C and progresses downward.notes of musical works written in the bass clef, which starts at middle C and progresses downward. 3. low in pitch: a bass singing voice.low in pitch: a bass singing voice. 4. lowest in pitch of its type: a bass guitar.lowest in pitch of its type: a bass guitar.

13664             bass compensation                  an accentuation of the lower frequencies of an audio system or component, as to compensate for speakers with weak bass response or a listening environment that deadens the bass. Also, bass extension, bass boost.

13665             bass control                a manual tone control that adjusts the bass frequencies in an audio amplifier.

13666             bass reflex                  in a loudspeaker cabinet, a baffle designed to enhance sound reproduction of low frequencies by directing bass frequencies from the rear of the cabinet to the front so as to reinforce the signals emerging directly from the speaker. Also, bass reflex baffle.

13667             bass reflex enclosure                a speaker cabinet equipped with a bass reflex baffle.

13668             bass response             the extent to which a loudspeaker, amplifier, or other such audio device handles low frequencies.

13669             bassy             of sound reproduction, having excessive resonance at low frequencies; overemphasizing the bass.

13670             BAT                Best Available Technology

13671             BATCH            일회분, 회분식

13672             Batch 연소식 소각 [Batch firing system plant]             Batch 연소식 소각시설은 소각로 내에 쓰레기 투입을 연속적으로 용이하게 하는 기계설비를 설치하고 있지 않기 때문에 연소 상태가 간단하게 되어 있는 소각로 형식이다. 1 8시간 가동을 원칙으로 하고, 이 시간 내에 화격자 일부 혹은 전부를 동력에 의해 운전한다. 화상의 교반, 재의 반출 등을 기계화한 것을 기계화 Batch 연소식, 이러한  형식을 취하지 않는 것을 고정화격자 Batch 연소식이라고 한다. Batch 연소식 소각설계의 장점은적은 용량의 쓰레기 소각에 적당하다. ② 건설비가 적고 유지관리비가 적게 든다. ③ 운전조작이 간단하여 전문기술자의 확보가 필요치 않다. ④ 시간을 두고 운전할 수 있기 때문에 노동시간 등에 대한 제약이 적다. ⑤ 전력과 물의 사용량이 적다는 점이다. 단점으로는각종 오염를 완전하게 방지할 수 없다. ② 인력운전이 많고 처리량에 비해 직원 수를 많이 필요로 한다. ③ 직원의 노동의욕을 향상시킬 수 없다는 것 등이다.

13673             batch distillation          a distillation in which the entire distillation charge is placed in the still at the beginning of the operation, as opposed to continuous distillation, in which the still is fed continuously.

13674             batch interface            the narrow zone where two different products or densities of crude oil converge in a pipeline as they are pumped in succession, one after the other.

13675             BATCH PROCESS          회분식 공정

13676             BATCH REACTOR          회분반응조

13677             batch rectification                    a batch distillation process in which the boiled-off vapor recondenses into liquid and a portion is refluxed back to the still to contact the rising vapors.

13678             batch separator           equipment for separating batches of oil-and-water mixtures and emulsions which may be produced from time to time in oil well operations.equipment for separating batches of oil-and-water mixtures and emulsions which may be produced from time to time in oil well operations. a machine for separating, with the aid of water or air, materials of different gravities.a machine for separating, with the aid of water or air, materials of different gravities.

13679             BATCH SYSTEM            회분식 시스템

13680             batcher           a machine that measures and combines the ingredients of a mixture, such as concrete, into batches.

13681             batching                     in a pipeline operation, the pumping of different grades of oil or gasoline that are next to one another and of different densities to prevent mixing of deliveries.in a pipeline operation, the pumping of different grades of oil or gasoline that are next to one another and of different densities to prevent mixing of deliveries. in a refining operation, the mixing of two grades of petroleum in an effort to improve the distillation of one.in a refining operation, the mixing of two grades of petroleum in an effort to improve the distillation of one.

13682             batching sphere           a large rubber ball that is placed in a pipeline and inflated to separate consecutive batches of petroleum products.

13683             BATEA            Best Available Treatment Economically Achievable

13684             bath               an immersion of materials for a special purpose, such as a chemical bath designed to precipitate a salt.an immersion of materials for a special purpose, such as a chemical bath designed to precipitate a salt. a chemical solution used in such a treatment.a chemical solution used in such a treatment.

13685             bathochrome               an atom or radical that when added to a compound causes its absorption band to shift toward the red end of the visible spectrum.

13686             bathochromy               a process in which a compound shifts its absorption band toward the red end of the spectrum. Also, bathochromatic shift.

13687             bating            the treatment of delimed animal skins with pancreatin or other tryptic enzymes in order to produce softer, smoother, and more flexible leather products.

13688             battery           two or more pieces of processing equipment operating as a single unit, such as distillation columns.

13689             battery eliminator                    a device that provides direct-current energy from a power line to a radio receiver, electron tube, or other circuit that would otherwise require battery power.

13690             battery limits               the portion of a chemical plant where the actual processes are carried out, as distinguished from offices, storage buildings, and other off-site structures.

13691             BAU (Business as Usual)            특별한 조치(저탄소녹색성장 등)를 취하지 않을 경우 배출될 것으로 예상되는 미래 전망치. , 국민경제의 통상적 성장관행을 전제로 유가변동, 인구변동, 경제성장률 등에 따라 영향을 받을 미래의 온실가스 배출 추계치.

13692             BAU(온실가스 배출 전망치)                      특별한 조치를 취하지 않을 경우 배출될 것으로 예상되는 미래 온실가스 배출전망치로, 감축목표 산정의 기준이 된다. 우리나라는 2015년 파리 기후변화회의를 앞두고 2015 6, 2030 BAU( 85천만톤) 대비 37%의 온실가스를 줄이겠다는 자발적 감축 목표를 UN 기후변화협약 사무국에 제출했다.

13693             Baume (hydrometer) scale                        a numerical scale used with a hydrometer to calibrate the specific gravity of liquids; it is based on the extent to which the given liquid is heavier or lighter than water.

13694             BAUXITE          보오크사이트 : 수산화 알루미늄 광물의 집합체

13695             bauxite treating           a petroleum-refinery treatment process in which a vaporized petroleum fraction is passed through beds of bauxite to convert sulfur compounds, such as mercaptans, into hydrogen sulfide.

13696             Baveno twin law          a twin law, described as a normal twin, that is found in both monoclinic and triclinic crystals in which the twin axis is perpendicular to the twin plane.

13697             bay                a small magnetic disturbance of short duration, usually an hour, so called because of the V- or bay-shaped mark it makes on a magnetic record.

13698             Bayard-Alpert ionization gauge                 an apparatus used to measure very low gas pressure by collecting ions on a fine wire inside a helical grid.

13699             bazooka          an informal term for a balun.

13700             B-B fraction                a blend of butenes and butanes from the distillation of a solution of light liquid hydrocarbons.

