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환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 13701-13800

by 리치캣 2023. 1. 10.

환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 13701-13800

번호                  용어                  해설

13701             BCF                수생생물에 농축될 수 있는 화학물질의 량을 나타내는 지수; Bioconcentration factor

13702             BCPCT            Best Conventional Pollutant Control Technology

13703             BCT                Best Control Technology

13704             BDAT              Best Demonstrated Achievable Technology

13705             BDCT              Best Demonstrated Control Technology

13706             BDT                가장 입증이 잘 된 기술; Best demonstrate technology

13707             BDT                Best Demonstrated  Technology

13708             beacon delay               in a responder beacon, the time required to convert an incoming message into an outgoing signal.

13709             beacon presentation                 the radarscope presentation produced by radio-frequency waves sent out by a radar beacon.

13710             beacon stealing           in radar tracking, the interference between radar beacons, causing the loss of beacon tracking.

13711             beacon tracking           the tracking of a moving object by means of signals emitted by a transmitter or transponder located on or within the object.

13712             bead              a drop of a fused material used as a solvent in color testing for various metals.

13713             bead mill                    an apparatus that bursts cells by using a ball-type mill loaded with glass or ceramic beads; used for laboratory and large-scale processing.

13714             bead test                    the formation of a blister or bead to test for the presence of certain metals; oxides of these metals, when fused with borax on a platinum wire, produce a characteristic color. Also, BORAX BEAD TEST.

13715             bead thermistor           a thermistor consisting of a small bead of resistive material attached to terminal wires

13716             bead-bed reactor                     a reactor used for the rapid commercial propagation of mammalian cells; a growth medium is pumped through a glass column packed with glass beads on which the cells are growing.

13717             BEAM ARREST             저울대 고정장치 : 홑접시 저울의 종류

13718             beam coupling            a method of producing an alternating current by modulating the density of a direct-current electron beam. The ratio of the alternating current to the direct beam current is called the beam-coupling coefficient.

13719             beam current              the electric current in an electron beam.the electric current in an electron beam. in a cathode-ray tube, the part of the gun current that projects on the screen.in a cathode-ray tube, the part of the gun current that projects on the screen.

13720             beam holding              the regenerating of charges stored on a cathode-ray tube screen by a diffused beam of electrons.

13721             beam lead                  a flat, thick-film lead placed on a semiconductor chip chemically or by evaporation as a connecting lead for a semiconductor device or integrated circuit.

13722             beam recording           the recording of computer data directly onto microfilm by means of an electron beam.

13723             beam tetrode              an electron-beam tube having an auxiliary pair of plates that focus the electron beams so as to augment power-handling capability and reduce secondary emission effects. Also, BEAM (POWER) TUBE, BEAM VALVE.

13724             beam-deflection tube               an electron beam tube in which the transverse movement of an electron beam controls current to an output electrode.

13725             beam-indexing tube                 a color picture tube that uses a single electron gun and whose screen is composed of vertical stripes of red, green, and blue phosphors arranged in sequence.

13726             beam-lobe switching                a method of locating the direction of a source of a radio signal by comparing the received signal while changing the lobe pattern of the receiving antenna.

13727             beam-switching tube                an electron tube that is designed as a multiposition electronic switch. It contains several (usually ten) identical arrays of electrodes around a central cathode, which act with a ring-shaped permanent magnet surrounding the glass envelope to provide crossed electric and magnetic fields.

13728             Bean Sheet                 Common term for a pesticide data package record.

13729             bearing           any part of a machine or device that supports or carries another part that is in motion in or upon it, such as a journal bearing.

13730             bearing cap                 a metal piece designed to fit over the top of a journal bearing to hold the shaft in place.

13731             bearing loss                in a machine, a loss of power due to friction between a bearing and the part that it supports.

13732             bearing metal              any low-friction alloy, such as bronze, used in a journal bearing at the points of contact with the shaft.

13733             bearing resolution                    the minimum angular difference in bearing at which a given radar system is able to differentiate between two adjacent targets having the same range.

13734             bearing strength          the maximum load that a structure such as a column, wall, footing, or a joint can support, divided by its effective bearing area. Also, BEARING CAPACITY.

13735             bearing stress              the stress on a surface in contact with a load divided by the bearing area; used to predict the wear expected in a moving part. Also, BEARING PRESSURE.

13736             beat frequency            the frequency of a signal at the output of a nonlinear circuit, equal to the sum or difference of the frequencies of two or more signals applied to the input.

13737             beat note                    the beat frequency resulting from the feeding of two sinusoidal waves of different frequencies to a nonlinear device.

13738             beat tone                    a tone produced when two tones within about fifteen cycles of each other are played together.

13739             beat-frequency oscillator           an oscillator that produces a signal frequency by combining two generating frequencies. Also, HETERODYNE.

13740             beating-in                   the process of manipulating the frequency of one of two interconnected oscillators until no beat frequency is heard in a connected receiver.

13741             beats              periodic variations in the loudness of a sound.

13742             beavertail                    a broad, flat antenna pattern signal that is directed up and down in order to determine the altitude of an object.

13743             Becquerel rays             a term formerly used to identify all rays emitted by radioactive substances, now designated by the more specific terms alpha rays, beta rays, and gamma rays.

13744             bed                a solid, porous mass of material that acts as a reactant, catalyst, or adsorbent in a chemical reaction.

13745             BED FORM                  하상형태, 하상지형

13746             BED LOAD                  소류사, 하상유사

13747             Bed Load                    Sediment particles resting on or near the channel bottom that are pushed or rolled along by the flow of water.

13748             bedplate                     a metal plate that serves as the base or foundation of a machine or of certain machine parts.

13749             BEER’S LAW                베어(베르)법칙 : 흡광도는 흡수화학종의 농도와 복사선이 흡수매체를 통과하는 길이와 비례관계를 가진다

13750             Beer's law                   a law stating that the amount of light absorbed by a solution varies exponentially with the concentration of the solution and the length of the light path in the solution.

13751             BEF                생물다양성 기업기금  biodiversity enterprise fund

13752             BEI(Basic Environmental Information)                     환경기초정보(Basic Environmental Information)        LPP조사와 관련하여 주한미군(USFK, United States Forces Korea)으로부터 받는 조사대상기지의 기초 자료를 말하며, 동 자료에 의해 본격적인 조사를 시작하게 됨.

13753             BEJ                Best Engineering Judgement. Best Expert Judgement

13754             Bekesy audiometry                   a technique of testing hearing in which the subject controls the procedure by pressing a signal button; the intensity of a tone diminishes as long as the button is depressed, and increases when it is released.

13755             bell                a hollow, flared-mouth metallic vessel that vibrates at a fixed pitch when struck by a clapper or hammer.  Navigation. the sounding of a bell as a signal, especially a system used to sound the time every half hour onboard a ship.  Botany. the corolla of a flower.  Architecture. the underside of a foliated capital between the abacus and the neck molding.  Metallurgy. a cap used to seal the top of a blast furnace; using a double bell and hopper allows one to charge materials without fully opening the furnace.

13756             bell cap          a triangular or hemispherical metal casting installed on distillation-column trays to force upflowing vapors to bubble through downcoming liquid.

13757             bell tap           a tool used to cut into, hold, and retrieve lost drilling equipment from a well.

13758             belt                an often endless flexible band made of leather, plastic, fabric, or the like and used to convey materials or to transmit rotary motion between shafts by running over pulleys with special grooves.

13759             belt conveyor              a travelling endless band designed for conveying materials, in which the motion of the band is driven by horizontal drums or pulleys. Also, BAND CONVEYOR.

13760             belt drive                    power transmission from one shaft to another by means of an endless belt which connects pulleys mounted on the shafts.power transmission from one shaft to another by means of an endless belt which connects pulleys mounted on the shafts. a device used to transmit power in this mode.a device used to transmit power in this mode.

13761             Belt filter presses          벨트여과; 슬러지 탈수방법

13762             BELT PRESS                 벨트식 압착기

13763             BELT PRESS FILTRATION            벨트프레스, 탈수()

13764             belt slip          the slipping or the difference in speed between a belt and a pulley or drum due to insufficient frictional grip between them, as between a belt conveyor and a driving drum.

13765             BEM, BOUNDARY ELEMENT METHOD                     경계요소법()

13766             BEN               EPA's computer model for analyzing a violator's economic gain from not complying with the law.

13767             bench check                a test of a machine or device that is made in the workshop rather than under field conditions; the opposite of a field test.

13768             bench lava                  a lava that forms raised platforms and crags about the edge of a lava lake. Also, bench magma.

13769             BENCH OR TERRACE                중간단; 매립지의 높이가 15-23m를 초과할 때 사용되는 것으로, 지표수의 배수시설을 위해서 그리고 경사진 곳의 사면안정을 유지하기 위해 필요하며 매립가스 회수관 설치를 위한 공간으로 이용된다.

13770             BENCH SCALE             실험실 규모의

13771             benching                    concrete that is used in conjunction with a pipeline for additional strength as it is laid on its sides.

13772             BENCHMARC              Biodegradation of Environmental Chemicals Modeled with Aquatic, Relative-Rate Coefficients

13773             Bench-scale Tests                        Laboratory testing of potential cleanup technologics(See:treatability studies.)

13774             benchwork or bench work                       work that is performed at a bench or similar work station in a factory or laboratory, often using hand tools or small machines; distinguished both from machine work (using larger machines) and from field work (performed outdoors or on a job site). Also, CRADLE WORK.

13775             bend              a curved or bent length of tubing or conduit that is used to connect the ends of two adjacent straight lengths set at angles to one another.a curved or bent length of tubing or conduit that is used to connect the ends of two adjacent straight lengths set at angles to one another. a knot used to fasten two ropes together, or a piece of rope to something else; to fasten with such a knot.a knot used to fasten two ropes together, or a piece of rope to something else; to fasten with such a knot.

13776             bender element           a union of two different thin strips of piezoelectric material connected in such a way that one strip increases in length and the other becomes shorter when voltage is applied.

13777             bending moment                     the first moment of stress integrated over any cross section of a structural member, equal to the algebraic sum of the moments of all forces to either side of the section; the moment is about the sectional neutral axis along which the bending stress is equal to sectional mean bending stress; a positive bending moment bends the beam convex downward, while a negative one bends the beam convex upward.

13778             bending strength                     the ability of a beam or other structural member to withstand a bending moment. Also, BENDING CAPACITY.

13779             bending stress             the internal longitudinal stress that is developed in a beam in response to curvature due to external loadings.

13780             bending-moment diagram                       a graph plotting the variations of bending moment (about the y-axis, the neutral axis) along a beam (the x-axis). Also, MOMENT DIAGRAM.

13781             Benedict's solution                   a solution of sodium ci-trate, copper sulfate, and sodium carbonate used to test for reducing sugars; the formation of a red color indicates a positive test.

13782             BENEFICIAL USE           용수의 선용; 직간접적인 방법으로 용수를 유익하게 활용하는 방안

13783             Benefit-Cost Analysis                An economic method for assessing the benefits and costs of achieving alternative health-based standards at given levels of health protection.

13784             Benioff extensometer                a linear-strain seismograph used to measure variations in distance between two linked reference points.

13785             Benioff zone                a plane of seismic activity associated with dipping of a moving lithospheric plate underneath another plate and into the earth's mantle along a subduction zone (e.g., along the circum-Pacific belt). (Named for Hugo Benioff, an American seismologist.)

13786             bent housing               a drill housing that is curved to facilitate directional drilling, for example in a positive-displacement downhole turbodrill.

13787             Bentonite                    A colloidal clay, expansible when moist, commonly used to provide a tight seal around a well casing.

13788             Benzidine                    Benzidine은 결정(모래나 설탕같은) 고체이며, 회색빛 노랑색, 흰색, 붉은빛의 회색을 띄고 있다. 이것은 자연적으로 생성되지 않는다. 이것의 냄새와 맛은 설명되지 않았다.        과거에 옷감, 종이, 가죽의 염료를 생산하기 위해 산업은 다량의 benzidine을 사용하였다. 그러나 이것은 1970년대 중반이후로 미국에서 판매를 위해 생산되지 않는다.        Benzidine은 더 이상 의학 실험실이나 고무와 플라스틱 산업에서 사용되지 않는다. benzidine에 기반한 염료(또는 그것들과 염색된 상품)는 여전히 수입된다.        현재의 낮은 수준의 노출이 그것을 함유하고 있는 쓰레기장 가까이에서 일어날 것이다. Benzidine의 높은 수준에서의 노출은 비뇨기 방광암과 다른 형태의 암을 일으킬지도 모른다.        ATSDRIC@cdc.gov

13789             benzidine test              a test using anaeromatic amines such as benzidine to detect the presence of sulfates, as in water analysis or for blood identification.

13790             Benzidine의 특성 및 방제방법                 

13791             Benzidine의 특성 및 방제방법                  주최 : 국립환경 연구원

13792             benzol-acetone process            a solvent dewaxing method, using benzol-acetone as a solvent, in which the mixture of solvent and oil with wax is cooled until the wax solidifies and is then removed by filtration.

13793             Beranek scale              a scale of noise-level measurement that is based on a large band of analysis rather than several smaller bands; used in a given environment to determine whether conversation will be easy, difficult, or impossible.

13794             Bergius process           a method of producing an oil similar to crude petroleum by the hydrogenation and liquefaction of coal or cellulosic materials at high hydrogen pressures in the presence of a catalyst.

13795             berkelium                   a synthetic radioactive element having the symbol Bk, the atomic number 97, an accepted atomic weight of 247 (uncertain), and a melting point of 990°C; a chemically reactive, crystalline metal. It is produced by the bombardment of americium isotope 241 with positively charged helium atoms (alpha particles); its most easily produced isotope has a half-life of 314 days. (First produced at the radiation laboratory of the University of California, Berkeley.)

13796             Berl saddle                  a type of column packing used in distillation columns.

13797             BERLIN MANDATE                    베를린 위임사항 : 기후변화협약의 약속사항을 검토하고 2000이후의 온실가스 배출 추가감축문제를 협의하기 위해 특별작업반을 설치하여 1997년까지 의정서 초안을 작성토록 위임한 1차 기후변화협약 당사국 회의의 결정사항을 말함

13798             Bernoulli-Euler law                   a linear elastic law stating that the radius of the curvature of a beam under bending is proportional to the product of its Young's modulus and the moment of inertia of a cross section about the tranverse neutral axis, divided by the bending moment.

13799             Berthelot equation                   an equation that demonstrates the relationship of the physical properties of a gas, such as temperature, pressure, and volume, to its constant. Retains the same crude representation of the contribution of the repulsive forces as the van der Waals equation but uses a less well founded representation of the contribution of the attractive forces.

13800             Berthelot principle                   the principle that of all possible chemical processes that can proceed without the aid of external energy, the one that will occur is the one accompanied by the greatest evolution of heat; this applies at low temperatures only and does not account for endothermic reactions.

