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환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 13401-13500

by 리치캣 2023. 1. 10.

환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 13401-13500

번호                  용어                  해설

13401             average velocity           the ratio of displacement to elapsed time for an accelerating body as it moves from one given point to another point. Similarly, average speed.

13402             Avoided Cost               The cost a utility would incur to generate the next increment of electric capacity using its own resources; many landfill gas projects' buy back rates are based on avoided costs.

13403             AWB              아시아 습지 사무국  Asian wetland bureau

13404             AWBERC                     Andrew W. Breidenbach Environmental Research

13405             A-WEIGHTED SOUND PRESSURE LEVEL                     소음레벨 : KS1502 또는 KS1505에 규정된 소음계의 청감보정회로를 통해 측정된 지시치

13406             AWRA            American Water Resources Association

13407             AWT              Advanced Wastewater Treatment

13408             AWWA           American Water Works Association

13409             AWWARF                    American Water Works Association Research Foundation

13410             axial dipole field          an ideal dipole field with its axis coincident with the earth's rotational axis, located at the earth's center in a theoretical magnetic field.

13411             axial fan          a fan in which the direction of flow remains parallel to the motor shaft axis; may have fived or adjustable blades. Also, axial flow fan.

13412             AXIAL FLOW FAN                     축류형 송풍기 : 공기가 회전축을 따라 직선방향으로 이송되는 송풍기

13413             Axial flow pump          축류 펌프; 임펠러의 원심력에 의하지 않고 양력작용에 의해 물을 축바향으로만 흡인하여 토출하는 펌프

13414             axial hydraulic thrust                the sum of unbalanced axial impeller forces in single and multistage pumps.

13415             AXIAL INLET MULTI-TUBE CYCLONE                     축상유입 다중관 싸이클론 : 싸이클론의 한 한태

13416             axial load                    a concentrated force that is normal to a sectional plane and that is applied at the centroid of the plane.a concentrated force that is normal to a sectional plane and that is applied at the centroid of the plane. a distributed force whose resultant acts at the centroid of a plane to which it is perpendicular.a distributed force whose resultant acts at the centroid of a plane to which it is perpendicular.

13417             axial mixing                a technique in which the addition of various compounds to a bioreactor is accelerated or slowed down relative to the compounds' average mixing time in fluid flow; used to improve bioreactor efficiency.

13418             axial rake                    the angle of a milling cutter or reamer measured between the circumferential cutting edge and a line parallel to the center of the axis of rotation.

13419             axial relief                   a removed portion behind the end cutting edge of a milling cutter that prevents dragging in the metal being cut.

13420             axial runout                the eccentricity of a milling cutter in the direction of the rotational axis.

13421             axial-flow compressor               a fluid turbocompressor that accelerates the flow of the compressed fluid generally in a direction parallel to the rotation axis. Also, axial compressor.

13422             axial-flow pump           a pump with a propeller-type impeller to induce axial flow; operates with minimum head and maximum capacity. Also, PROPELLER PUMP.

13423             AXIAL-FLOW TURBINE              축류터빈 ; 증기유동방향에 따른 증기터빈

13424             axis                an imaginary straight line through a body, regarded as a coordinate line or as a line about which the body rotates.

13425             axis of rotation            the axis of a rotating rigid body, which may change its direction during the body's rotation.

13426             axle                a supporting member, beam, or shaft designed to carry a wheel that may be attached to it, driven by it, or freely mounted on it.

13427             axle ratio                    the ratio of the rotational speed of the drive shaft to the rotational speed of the drive wheels in an automotive vehicle.

13428             azeotrope                   a compound that forms part of an azeotropic mixture.a compound that forms part of an azeotropic mixture.

13429             azeotropic drying                     a method of removing water from a liquid at temperatures lower than 100°C; a second liquid that forms an azeotropic mixture with water is added to the sample liquid.

13430             azeotropic mixture                   a liquid mixture whose boiling point is constant, so that the vapor produced in distillation or partial evaporation has the same composition as the liquid phase. The boiling point of an azeotropic mixture will be at a minimum or maximum level compared to those of other mixtures of the same substances. Also, AZEOTROPE.

13431             azimuth alignment                   in electromagnetic tape recording, a 90° alignment of the gap between the recording or reproducing heads and the tape as the tape moves past the heads.

13432             azimuth blanking                     a momentary interruption of a radar screen signal as the antenna sweeps an azimuth sector.

13433             azimuth resolution                   the minimum angular separation between two objects at equidistant range that is required by a radar system to differentiate the objects.

13434             AZTEC                     플라스틱 고화법의 하나로 폐기물과 비닐 톨루엔을 혼합증발기 내에서 혼합과 더불어 공비 증류 반응을 일으켜 폐액이나 고체 폐기물속에 함유된 수분을 제거하는 공정이며, 비닐 톨루엔으로 피폭된 폐기물은 드럼으로 이동 포장함과 동시에 중합개시제 및 폴리에스터 고분자 물질을 주입하여 중합과 동시에 고화처리한다.

13435             b axis             in a triclinic system, one of three axes constructed by bisecting each angle, the b axis being the axis that extends horizontally (usually oriented from right to left) from the point of intersection of the three axes and is the shorter of the two axes that are at right angles with the third.  Geology. the fabric axis that indicates the direction of the fold axis, usually perpendicular to the direction of transport.  Petrology. of a fabric or deformation plan possessing monoclinic symmetry, the axis that is perpendicular to the unique plane of symmetry. Also, b DIRECTION.

13436             B battery                    a battery that supplies the required power to the anode in battery-operated vacuum tube equipment.

13437             B display                    a type of radar display that has a rectangular scope which shows targets as bright spots, and indicates target bearing and distance by means of the horizontal and vertical coordinates. Also, B INDICATOR, B SCAN.

13438             B mode          a method of ultrasonic medical tomography in which a display is formed by scanning on a single plane focus to produce a two-dimensional image; used for applications such as assessing fetal anatomy or identifying pelvic mass.

13439             B scope          a radar scope that produces a B display.

13440             B supply                     the supply of positive voltage to the anodes and other positive electrodes of electron tubes. Also, B POWER SUPPLY.

13441             B trace           the second (lower) trace on a radar scope display.

13442             B.I (Biotic Index)           수질오염의 정도를 생물을 대상으로 하여 수량적으로 표시하는 지표의 하나로서, 수질판정에 사용된다.        수서곤충이나 폐류 등의 소동물을 오염에 약한 종류(A)와 강한 종류(B) 2군으로 나누고, 각군의 종류 수를 조사하여 BI=(2A+B)로 표시한다.        BI 20 이상이면 청정하고, 15 이하이면 오염되어 있음을 나타낸다.

13443             BAA               Board of Assistance Appeals

13444             Babo's law                   the principle that when a substance is dissolved in a solvent, the vapor pressure of the solvent is lowered by an amount proportional to the concentration of the solution, regardless of temperature.

13445             BAC               Bioremediation Action Committee; Biotechnology Advisory Committee

13446             BACILLUS                    간상균

13447             back bias                    a negative or positive feedback signal.a negative or positive feedback signal. the illumination of the rear surface of the mosaic in a television tube, which results in greater sensitivity.the illumination of the rear surface of the mosaic in a television tube, which results in greater sensitivity.

13448             BACK CORONA           역코로나; 입자의 이온화가 극도로 감소하는 현상

13449             back diode                  a semiconductor diode in which maximum current flows in the reverse direction (when the N-type region of the junction is positive).

13450             back emission             the emission of electrons in the reverse direction from anode to cathode. Also, REVERSE EMISSION.

13451             back gearing               an arrangement of gears on machine tools that effectively increases power and proportionately decreases speed, or that increases the number of speed selections on cone belt drives.

13452             BACK GROUND NOISE             암소음 : 어떤 음을 대상으로 생각할때 그 음이 아니면 그 장소에 있는 소음을 대상음에 대한 암소음이라 함

13453             back heating               the excess heating of a cathode caused by bombardment by high-energy electrons returning to the cathode.

13454             back lobe                   the portion of an electromagnetic radiation pattern of a directional antenna transmitted in a direction opposite to the intended direction

13455             back porch                 the portion of a composite television picture signal located between the trailing edge of a horizontal-sync pulse and the trailing edge of the corresponding blanking pulse.

13456             back pressure              the resistance encountered by the drill stem in a rock drill that causes the bit to be fed faster than it can cut.the resistance encountered by the drill stem in a rock drill that causes the bit to be fed faster than it can cut. reverse pressure opposing forward flow.reverse pressure opposing forward flow.

13457             Back Pressure              A pressure that can cause water to backflow into the water supply when a user's water system is at a higher pressure than the public system.

13458             BACK PRESSURE EXTRACTION TURBINE                     배압추기터빈 ; 증기이용방식의 증기터빈

13459             BACK PRESSURE TURBINE                        배압터빈; 증기이용방식의 증기터빈

13460             BACK RADIATION                     재복사 ; 대기로부터 지표로의 복사(배면방사)

13461             back resistance            the contact resistance opposing the inverse current of a contact rectifier.

13462             backbending               a discontinuity in the plot of the nuclear moment of inertia against the rotational frequency squared in some rare-earth elements.

13463             back-emission electron radiography                     a technique used in microradiography to visualize the presence of materials with different atomic numbers on the specimen surface.

13464             backfire          ARCBACK.

13465             backflash                    the burning of a gas in a place where combustion is not supposed to occur, such as at the air inlet of a Bunsen burner.

13466             Backflow/Back Siphonage          A reverse flow condition created by a difference in water pressures that causes water to flow back into the distribution pipes of a drinking water supply from any source other than the intended one.

13467             backflushing               a process used to dislodge particulate material and clean a filter or membrane by reversing the direction of flow through the system.

13468             background                 a high concentration of an element or a chemical property of any material that occurs naturally in an area.

13469             BACKGROUND AIR                   배경대기

13470             BACKGROUND CONCENTRATION              자연환경 농도, 배경농도

13471             BACKGROUND INPUT               자체 오염 부하량

13472             Background Level                     1. The concentration of a substance in an environmental media (air, water, or soil)that occurs naturally or is not the result of human activities. 2. In exposure assessment the concentration of a substance in a defined control area, during a fixed period of time before, during, or after a data-gathering operation.

13473             BACKGROUND LEVEL               배경농도(바탕준위) : 자연상태에서의 농도

13474             background noise                    the sum of all noises that interfere with the production, reception, detection, or recording of a specific sound, whether the sound of interest is present or not.  Telecommunications. any undesired signals that enter a frequency band and cannot be separated from desired signals.  Computer Technology. an energy, such as electrical noise generated by thermal motion of atoms, that is added to a desired signal and may cause errors in the received signal.

13475             BACKGROUND RADIATION                       자연복사, 자연방사선

13476             backhoe or back hoe                a powered excavating machine that cuts trenches by a boom-mounted bucket drawn through the ground toward the machine. Also, DRAGSHOVEL, HOE SHOVEL.

13477             backing          a flexible material, such as cellulose acetate or polyester, found on magnetic tape and used as the carrier for the oxide coating.  Mining Engineering. the timbers across the top of a level, supported in notches cut in the rock.  Graphic Arts. the process of rolling and shaping the spine of a bound book.  Meteorology. a change in wind direction to counterclockwise in the Northern Hemisphere and to clockwise in the Southern Hemisphere.

13478             backlash                     a reverse current flowing in a grid circuit, caused by the loss of electrons by the grid.a reverse current flowing in a grid circuit, caused by the loss of electrons by the grid. the persistence of oscillation in a resonant circuit, when the stimulus is reduced below the value that is necessary to commence oscillation.the persistence of oscillation in a resonant circuit, when the stimulus is reduced below the value that is necessary to commence oscillation.  Engineering.  unwanted play or looseness between two parts of a mechanism due to imperfect connection.unwanted play or looseness between two parts of a mechanism due to imperfect connection. the lost motion that occurs when one moving part has to travel a certain distance before engaging and activating another part.the lost motion that occurs when one moving part has to travel a certain distance before engaging and activating another part. 3. a discrepancy.in the dial readout of a designated quantity, according to whether the dial is moved clockwise or counterclockwise to obtain the reading.a discrepancy.in the dial readout of a designated quantity, according to whether the dial is moved clockwise or counterclockwise to obtain the reading.

13479             back-mixing                the mixing of already reacted chemicals with the unreacted feed to a chemical reactor.

13480             backplane                   a wiring board used in microcomputers and minicomputers to provide the required connections between logic, memory, and input-output modules; it is usually constructed as a printed circuit.

13481             backplate                    the electrode in a television camera tube that receives the stored charge image via capacitance coupling.

13482             back-porch effect                     the extension of the collector current in a transistor for a short time after the input signal has decreased to zero

13483             back-reflection photography                     an X-ray diffraction technique in which photographic film is placed between the X-ray source and a crystal specimen; used in the analysis of large specimens.

13484             back-run process          a method for manufacturing water gas in which the material is passed first through a superheater, then up through a carburetor, down through a generator, and finally purified in a scrubber.

13485             BACK-TITRATION          역적정; 적정액과 분석물간의 반응이 느리거나 또는 적정액이 불안정할 때 이용됨

13486             back-to-back connection           the parallel connection of tubes, anode to cathode, or transistors in parallel in opposite directions, to control AC current without rectifying. Also, back-to-back circuit.

13487             backup           the holding of one section of a pipe while another section is screwed into or out of it.

13488             backward diode           a semiconductor diode having no forward tunnel current; used as a low-voltage rectifier.

13489             BACKWARD INCLINED FAN                      후향 날개형 송풍기 : 원심력 송풍기의 유형

13490             backward wave            a wave in a traveling-wave tube with group velocity in the opposite direction to the electron beam.

13491             backward-wave oscillator          an oscillator containing a special vacuum tube in which electrons are bunched by an RF magnetic field as they flow from cathode to anode. The bunching action produces a backward wave that grows larger as it moves toward the end of the tube with the electron gun.

13492             backward-wave tube                a type of traveling wave tube in which energy on a slow-wave circuit flows in the opposite direction to the electrons; used as stable, low-noise amplifiers or as oscillators.

13493             Backwashing               Reversing the flow of water back through the filter media to remove entrapped solids.

13494             Backyard Composting                  Diversion of organic food waste and yard trimmings from the municipal waste stream by composting hem in one's yard through controlled decomposition of organic matter by bacteria and fungi into a humus-like product. It is considered source reduction, not recycling, because the composted material never enter the municipal waste stream.

13495             BACKYARD SERVICE                 뒷뜰수거()

13496             BACM            Best Available Control Measures

13497             BACT              Best Available Control Technology

13498             BACT (Best Available Control Technology, 최적방지기술)              최적 방지기술이란 현재 적용되고 있거나 기술적으로 실현가능하고 비용효과적인 방지기술 중 가장 엄격한 배출방지기술이다. 이러한 예를 몇 가지 살펴보면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 산업 및 상업용 보일러에 대한 BACT 적용한 예로는, 천연가스를 연료로 사용하여 선택적 촉매장치(SCR)를 부착한 경우 NOx 7ppm 이하로 배출된다. 둘째, 가스터빈에 대한 BACT 적용 예로, 천연가스를 연료로 사용하고 결합 순환방식 또는 병합발전방식을 적용하면 배출농도는 NOx 2ppm, CO 3ppm 이하로 관리된다. 미연방대기법은 대기오염물질을 대규모 배출하는 주요 배출원에 대해서 BACT를 의무화하고 있지만, AQMD(South Coast Air Quality Management District - 캘리포니아 남부해안 대기관리청)는 모든 신규·증설·재배치 배출시설(1 pound/day 이상)에 대해 최적 방지기술의 적용을 의무화하고 있다.

13499             BACT-Best Available Control Technology                     An emission limitation based on the maximum degree of emission reduction(considering energy, environmental, and economic impacts)achievable through application of production processes and available method, systems, and techniques. BACT does not permit emissions in excess of those allowed under any applicable Clean Air Act provisions. Use of the BACT concept is allowable on a case by case basis for major new or modified emissions sources in attainment areas and applies to each regulated pollutant.

13500             Bacteria             (Singular:bacterium)Microscopic living organisms that can aid in pollution control by metaboliz-ing organic matter in sewage, oil spills or other pollutants. However, bacteria in soil, water or air can also cause human, animal and plant health problems.



컬러링 스몰미빌딩 (20개 도시 세트) 미술교육. 창의력 발달. 해외여행. 창의력교육. 색칠공부, :

[스몰미 와 아트리트] 나만의 작은 나. 스몰미, 색다른 자기표현. smallME.



