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환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 13801-13900

by 리치캣 2023. 1. 10.

환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 13801-13900

번호                  용어                  해설

13801             Berthelot relation                     a relationship that expresses the constants of molecular attraction between like and unlike species.

13802             berthollide                  any compound whose composition does not conform to the law of definite proportions. Also, NONSTOICHIOMETRIC COMPOUND.

13803             beryllium                    a chemical element having the symbol Be, the atomic number 4, an atomic weight of 9.01218, and a melting point of about 1280°C. It is a brittle, hard, gray-white metal with a high ratio of strength to weight; the lightest structural metal known. It is widely used in spacecraft construction and is also used in electronic devices and lasers and for windows in X-ray tubes. (From the mineral beryl, where it is often found.)

13804             Beryllium                    An metal hazardous to human health when inhaled as an airborne pollutant. It is discharged by machine shops, ceramic and propellant plants, and foundries.

13805             Best Available Control Measures (BACM)                     A term used to refer to the most effective measures(according to EPA guidance) for controlling small or dispersed particulates and other emissions from sources such as roadway dust, soot and ash from woodstoves and openburning of rush, timber, grasslands, or trash.

13806             Best Available Control Technology (BACT)                     For any specific source, the currently available technology producing the greatest redution of air pollutant emissions, taking into account energy, environmental, economic, and other costs.

13807             Best Available Control Technology(BACT)                     The most stringent technology available for controlling emissions; major sources are required to use BACT, unless it can be demonstrated that it is not feasible for energy, environmental, or economic reasons.

13808             Best Demonstrated Available Technology(BDAT)                    As identified by EPA, the most effective commercially available means of treating specific types of hazardous waste. The BDATs may change with advances in treatment technologies.

13809             Best Fit Straight Line (BFSL)                      베스트· 핏트· 스트레이트· 라인(근사 직선)   있는 기준치에 대한 모든 측정값을 포합한다, 2개가 평행하는 직선의 중심선. 트랜스듀서의 성능 테스트에 이용되는 베스트· 핏트· 스트레이트· 라인은, 압력값에 대한 모든 출력값을 포합하는2개가 평행하는 직선의 중심선이 됩니다.

13810             Best Management Practice(BMP)               Methods that have been determined to be the most effective, practical means of preventing or reducing pollution from non-point sources.

13811             beta               the current transfer ratio (gain) of a transistor in the common-emitter circuit arrangement; it is expressed as the ratio of AC collector current to AC base current.  Crystallography. the intermediate index of refraction in a biaxial crystal.

13812             beta cutoff frequency               the frequency at which the beta of a transistor is three decibels below the low-frequency value.

13813             beta decay                  a type of radioactivity in which the parent nucleus emits either a negatively charged electron (negatron) or a positively charged electron (positron), thus raising or lowering the atomic number by one while leaving the atomic mass unchanged. Also, beta disintegration, beta-particle decay.

13814             beta emitter                a nuclide that decays by emitting electrons.

13815             beta particle                an electron or positron that is emitted from a nucleus during beta decay.

13816             beta plane                  a spherical model of the earth with a rate of rotation that changes linearly with the north-south location.

13817             beta ray         a stream of beta particles.

13818             betatropic                   of two atoms, differing in atomic number by one unit, as if one atom could produce the other by ejecting a beta particle.

13819             Betterton-Kroll process             an extractive process for obtaining bismuth and purifying desilverized lead that contains bismuth by adding metallic calcium or magnesium to the molten lead.

13820             Betti reciprocal theorem            a generalization of Maxwell's reciprocal theorem for linear elastic response: for two systems of loads, the work that would be done by the forces in the first system acting through the displacements produced in the second system is equal to the work that would be done by the forces in the second system through the displacements of the first system. The terms load and displacement are used in their general sense; for example, the load can be a moment, and the displacement a rotation.

13821             bevel              one of two usually conical gears used to connect two shafts whose axes are set at right angles to each other.

13822             beveling          a machining process of cutting off a sharp corner of a machined part in order to make a surface not at right angles with the rest of the part. Also, CHAMFERING.

13823             BF                  Bonafide Notice of Intent to Manufacture or Import (IMD/OTS)

13824             BGCI              국제식물원 보전  botanic gardens conservation international

13825             BHC               벤젠 헥사크로라이드의 약칭. 유기염소계 살충제이다. 6종류의 이성체가 알려져 있으나, 가장 강한 살충성을 보이는 것은 r-BHC이다. 잔류성이 대단히 높고 어류, 조류에게는 물론 포유 동물의 체내에 축적되고 있다. 사용이 금지되었다.

13826             biamperometry            a measurement of the current through two polarizing electrodes to detect the end point of a titration.

13827             bias               the addition of sound to a recording, especially a high-frequency signal, to produce full frequency coverage and prevent distortion due to the lack of a signal. Also, bias compensation.  : an electrical, mechanical, or magnetic force, voltage or current applied to a device to establish a desired level of operation.  Statistics.  the systematic distortionary effect of a measurement or sampling process on a statistical result that prevents the result from being representative of its population.the systematic distortionary effect of a measurement or sampling process on a statistical result that prevents the result from being representative of its population. the expected magnitude of the error incurred by a biased estimator, equal to the difference between the expected value of the estimator and the parameter of interest.the expected magnitude of the error incurred by a biased estimator, equal to the difference between the expected value of the estimator and the parameter of interest.

13828             bias cell          a dry cell that provides the necessary C bias voltage in the grid circuit of a vacuum tube.

13829             bias current                the steady, constant current that presets the operating threshold of a circuit.the steady, constant current that presets the operating threshold of a circuit. the current flowing into each of the two input terminals of a differential amplifier.the current flowing into each of the two input terminals of a differential amplifier.

13830             bias distortion             distortion caused by the operation of a tube or transistor with incorrect bias.  Telecommunications.  a distortion affecting a two-condition (binary) modulation in which all signal intervals correspond to only one of the two signals.a distortion affecting a two-condition (binary) modulation in which all signal intervals correspond to only one of the two signals. also, bias telegraph distortion.in a telegraph or teletype system, an improper lengthening of either the mark or space elements that is caused by a lack of symmetry in transmitting or receiving equipment.also, bias telegraph distortion.in a telegraph or teletype system, an improper lengthening of either the mark or space elements that is caused by a lack of symmetry in transmitting or receiving equipment. 3. a distortion due to improper biasing of amplifying device to cause the operating point to be moved from a linear region of amplification to one that is nonlinear.a distortion due to improper biasing of amplifying device to cause the operating point to be moved from a linear region of amplification to one that is nonlinear.

13831             bias oscillator              an oscillator used in a magnetic recorder to generate an AC signal having a frequency in the range required to erase prerecorded material and bias the system to give a linear recording characteristic.

13832             bias resistor                a resistor used to produce the voltage drop necessary to provide a desired biasing voltage.

13833             bias voltage                the steady voltage that presets the operating threshold of a circuit.the steady voltage that presets the operating threshold of a circuit. the non-signal or mean potential of any electrode in a thermionic tube, as measured with reference to the cathode.the non-signal or mean potential of any electrode in a thermionic tube, as measured with reference to the cathode.

13834             bias winding               a DC control winding in a magnetic amplifier or other magnetic device.

13835             biaxial crystal              a crystal with two directions along which the wave-normal velocity for monochromatic light is constant, so that as a result, the crystal has principal refractive indices; true for triclinic, monoclinic, and orthorhombic crystals.

13836             biaxial indicatrix           an ellipsoidal with the three principal indices of refraction of a bixial crystal for light waves (of a given wavelength) in their direction of vibration as the lengths of the three mutually perpendicular semiaxes.

13837             biaxial stress               a condition in which two of three mutually perpendicular principal stresses are in the same plane, and one is zero.

13838             Biazzi process              a continuous-flow process used to combine glycerin with a nitrate to form nitroglycerin, glycol dinitrate, and diethylene glycol nitrate.

13839             BICARBONATE             중탄산염;

13840             bicycle            a two-wheeled, human-powered vehicle, with one wheel in front of the other, usually driven by a rider turning foot pedals attached to the rear wheel by a chain.

13841             BID                Background Information Document. Buoyancy Induced Dispersion

13842             bidentate                    describing a molecule whose atoms are joined to a metal atom or ion to form a coordination complex.

13843             bidirectional microphone          a microphone, such as a ribbon microphone, that is responsive toward the front and back, but dead toward the sides, thus resulting in a figure-eight response pattern.

13844             Biedenharn identity                  a relationship among the six-J Wigner coefficients.

13845             bifilar electromagnetic oscillograph                     an apparatus consisting of a galvanometer with a bifilar mirror suspension that is deflected in proportion to a current passing through the galvanometer; the mirror reflects a beam of light onto a screen and thus can record low-frequency oscillations.

13846             bifilar resistor              a resistor wound with a wire that doubles back in order to reduce residual inductance.

13847             bifilar winding             a winding used for noninductive coils, in which the current passes through two side-by-side wires, in opposite directions, so that their outer magnetic field is largely balanced.

13848             bifluoride                    an acid fluoride having the formula MHF

13849             big inch (pipe)             a pipeline 24 inches in diameter that carries gas or oil for long distances; first built during World War II, and used to carry crude oil from Texas to Pennsylvania.

13850             bijou bottle                 a glass bottle often used in centrifuges for filtration; two bottles can be clamped together mouth to mouth with a filter between them.

13851             Bijvoet differences                    the differences in the intensities of pairs of Bragg reflections, I(hkl) and I(-h,-k,-l),obtained by X-ray diffraction of a crystal containing an anomalously scattering atom. It is experimentally possible to determine the absolute configuration of an optically active molecule by use of this effect.

13852             bilateral          operating in two different directions.

13853             bilateral amplifier                     an amplifier that can amplify signals traveling in opposite directions; the signal coming into any one of its two ports comes out amplified at the other port.

13854             BILATERAL NEGOTIATION          쌍무협상 : UR 협상처럼 여러국가들이 동시에 협상을 하는 다자간 협상과는 달리 이해관련 당사국 두나라가 벌이는 통상협상을 말함

13855             bilateral network          a network in which the current magnitude remains constant when the voltage polarity is reversed.

13856             bilayer            a structure consisting of two layers that are each one molecule thick, such as the phospholipids in cellular membranes.

13857             Bimetal           Beverage containers with steel bodies and aluminum tops;handled differently from pure aluminum in recycling.

13858             bimolecular                 consisting of or relating to two molecules.

13859             bimolecular reaction                 the most common form of chemical reaction, occurring when two molecules interact with each other.

13860             bimorph cell               a unit in which two piezoelectric plates are cemented together so that application of voltage causes one to expand and the other to contract, bending the cell in proportion to the applied voltage; used in microphones and vibration detectors. Also, bimorph, bimorphous cell.

13861             binary component                   a component that can be in either one of two states at any given time. Also, binary device.

13862             binary compound                    a term for a chemical compound that consists of only two elements; e.g., sodium chloride (table salt), NaCl; gallium arsenide, GaAs; or boron trifluoride, BF3.

13863             binary encoder            an encoder that transforms angular, linear, or other forms of input into binary-coded numbers.

13864             binary logic                 an assembly of digital logic components that process binary signals.

13865             binary scaler               a counting circuit whose output appears as a binary coded number.

13866             binary separation                     the separation by distillation or solvent extraction of a miscible liquid mixture of two chemical compounds.

13867             BINARY SEPARATION THEORY                   이원분리이론; 폐기물의 선별효율평가에 적용되는 이론

13868             binary signal               voltage or current that conveys information by varying between two values that correspond to the binary values 0 and

13869             binaural          relating to or producing binaural sound.

13870             binaural intensity effect            an effect in which the angle between the direction of sound and the median plane that bisects the line joining both ears is proportional to the logarithm of the ratio of the sound intensities arriving at each ear separately, provided that the sound at each ear is of the same frequency and phase.

13871             binaural phase effect                an apparent shift or displacement in the direction of a sound source that results from a change in the phases of two otherwise identical sources; the angular displacement is proportional to the amount of phase shift.

13872             binaural sound            sound recorded through two separate microphones and transmitted through two separate channels to produce a stereophonic effect.

13873             binding energy            the difference, expressed in units of energy according to the mass-energy equivalence relation E = mc2, between the isotopic mass of an atom and the sum of the masses of its constituent protons, neutrons, and orbital electrons.

13874             binistor           a semiconductor device having two stable states used in switching and storage circuits, depending largely on an external voltage supply for its negative-resistance characteristic.

13875             binode           a thermionic double diode having one cathode and two anodes.

13876             Bioaccumulants           Substances that increase in concentration in living organism as they take in contaminated air, water. or food because the substances are very slowly metabolized or excreted.(See:biological mag-nification.)

13877             BIOACCUMULATION                 생물농축; 외부물질이 생물체내에 농축되는 현상

13878             bioaeration                 a system of purifying sewage by oxidation, in which crude sewage is passed through special centrifugal pumps.

13879             bioaffinity sensor                     a sensor in which molecular recognition generates a biochemical signal, so that immobolized hormone receptors or antibodies can be used to detect hormones or antigens.

13880             bioassay          a determination of the concentration of a substance by its effect on the growth of a test organism under controlled conditions.  Toxicology. the use of a living organism or cell culture to test for the presence of a substance.  Virology. a test to quantify a virus by measuring its infectivity for a host.

13881             Bioassay          A test to determine te relative strength of a substance by comparing its effect on a test organism with of a standard peparation

13882             Bioassay          Study of living organisms to measure the effect of a substance, factor, or condition by comparing before-and-after exposure or other data

13883             BIOAUGMENTATION                 토양내 분해미생물이 충분하지 않을 경우, 특정미생물을 실험실에서 증식시켜서 토양에 공급하는 방법

13884             bioautography             a bioassay of certain compounds, usually antibiotics or vitamins, by evaluating their ability to enhance the growth of some organism and to repress that of others.

13885             Bioavailabiliity              Degree of ability to be absorbed and ready to interract in organism metabolism.

13886             Bio-beads S                a polystyrene support material used to fractionate molecular compounds in gel filtration chromatography with lipophilic solvents.

13887             bioburden (바이오바 젠 )          피멸균물에 생존하는 미생물의 수와 종류를 말한다.

13888             biochemical fuel cell                an electrochemical energy source in which electricity is generated chemically by the oxidation of biological substances.

13889             Biochemical Oxygen Demand(BOD)                     A measure of the amount of oxygen consumed in the biological processes that break down organic matter in water. The greater the BOD, the greater the degree of pollution.

13890             biochemistry               the science concerned with all aspects of the chemistry of living organisms.

13891             BIOCIDE          생물파괴제, 살생제 ,생물()를 죽이는 물질

13892             BIOCONCENTRATION               생물농축; =bioaccumulation

13893             Bioconcentration          The accumulation of a chemical in tissues of a fish or other organism to levels greater than in the surrounding medium.

13894             BIOCONCENTRATION FACTOR                  수생생물에 농축될 수 있는 화학물질의 량을 나타나는 지수; BCF

13895             BIODEGRADABILITY OF ORGANIC WASTE COMPONENTS         유기성폐기물성분의 생분해성; 550℃ 에서 태워서 결정하는 휘발성고형물VS   함량은 폐기물중 유기물 성분의 분해성을 측정하는데 사용된다.

13896             BIODEGRADABLE          생분해가능한  생분해가능한 물질이란 주로 곰팡이와 박테리아와 같은 미생물을 통하여 분해되는 물질을 말함

13897             Biodegradable             Capable of decomposing under natural conditions.

13898             BIODEGRADABLE MATERIAL                     생물학적 분해가능한 물질; 어떠한 화합물이 미생물에 의해 분해되거나 더욱 간단한 화합물로 될 수 있는 물질

13899             BIODEGRADABLE ORGANICS                    생분해성 유기물; 미생물에 분해가능한 유기물

13900             BIODEGRADABLE VOLATILE SOLIDS                     생물학적 분해가능한 휘발성 고형물; BVS



컬러링 스몰미빌딩 (20개 도시 세트) 미술교육. 창의력 발달. 해외여행. 창의력교육. 색칠공부, :

[스몰미 와 아트리트] 나만의 작은 나. 스몰미, 색다른 자기표현. smallME.



