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환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 13501-13600

by 리치캣 2023. 1. 10.

환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 13501-13600

번호                  용어                  해설

13501             bacteria challenge (세균 도전 테스트)                     필터 요소의 여과 멸균 성능을 확인하기 위해서, 적절한 지표균을 이용해 하는 제균성능 시험.

13502             BACTERIAL CONVERSION          미생물학적 전환;

13503             BACTERIAL CULTURE                박테리아 배양액

13504             Bacterial die-off           박테리아의 사멸;

13505             bacteriostat                 a chemical agent that stops or inhibits the multiplication of bacteria. Also, bacteriostatic agent.

13506             Badger's rule               a rule that establishes the observable relationship for the maximum distance a molecular bond can be stretched.

13507             BADT              Best Available Demonstrated Technology

13508             BAF                Bioaccumulation Factor

13509             baffle             a small acoustic screen attached to a microphone in order to reduce air flow that might cause local variations in the acoustic field around it.a small acoustic screen attached to a microphone in order to reduce air flow that might cause local variations in the acoustic field around it. a partition in a loudspeaker cabinet that is used to reduce the interaction between the sound produced by the speaker and the walls of the cabinet.a partition in a loudspeaker cabinet that is used to reduce the interaction between the sound produced by the speaker and the walls of the cabinet.  Acoustics. any partition or barrier that blocks an incoming sound.  Building Engineering. an artificial obstruction for checking or deflecting light flow.  : an instrument used for shielding a circuit breaker from gas or oil.

13510             Baffle             A flat board or plate, deflector, guide, or simiolar device constructed or plsced in flowing water or slurry systems to cause more uniform flow velocities to absord energe and to divert, guide, or agitate liquids.

13511             Baffle Chamber            In incinerator design, a chamber designed to promote the settling of fly ash and coarse particulate matter by changing the direction and/or reducing the velocity of the gases produced by the combustion of the refuse or sludge.

13512             BAFFLE WALL              정류벽; 물을 정체하지 않도록 균등하게 흘리기 위하여 침전지 등의 내부에 설치하는 유공벽

13513             BAG COMPACTORS                  백 압축기; 폐기물 압축기의 한 형태

13514             Baghouse                   An air pollution abatement device used to trap particulate by filtering gas streams through large fabric bags usually made of glass fibers

13515             Baghouse Filter            Large Fabric bag, usually made of glass fibers, used to eliminate intermediate and large(greater than 20 PM in diameter) particles. This device operates like the bag of an electric vacuum cleaner, passing the air and smaller particles while entrapping the larger ones.

13516             Bailer             A pipe with a valve at the lower end, used to remove slurry from the bottom or side of a well as it is being drilled, or to collect ground-water samples from wells or open boreholes. 2. A tube of varying length.

13517             Bake-Out (베이크아웃)              새집증후군의 위험을 벗어나기 위하여 새로 지은 건축물이나 개.보수 작업을 마친 건물 안의 유해오염물질을 제거하는 방법 중 하나. 건물의 건축자재나 마감 재료에서 발생하는 폼알데하이드와 같은 휘발성 물질들의 배출을 실내온도를 높여 일시적으로 증가시킨 후 환기를 통하여 제거한다.

13518             balance          a condition for which each parallel-processing segment of an acoustic amplifier system produces an equivalent average output from the same acoustic or electrical input signal.  Hydrology.  the change in mass of a glacier over some specified time interval.the change in mass of a glacier over some specified time interval.

13519             balance control            a control for the loudspeakers of a stereo sound system, which can vary the volume of one speaker relative to the other while the overall volume remains relatively constant; i.e., the sound will be perceived as coming primarily from the left speaker if the control is adjusted in this direction.

13520             balance tool                a tool used primarily for taking rough cuts on the surface of a workpiece in a lathe; it is held in a tool holder at an unvarying angle that is determined before grinding the cutting edge.

13521             balanced amplifier                   an amplifier circuit with two identical signal branches connected to operate in phase opposition, with each input and output connection balanced to ground.

13522             balanced armature unit             an electromagnetically balanced armature on a record cutter or player that houses a cutting stylus or a needle cartridge, producing fluctuations representative of recorded sound as the stylus or needle moves to the right or left over a rotating disk.

13523             balanced circuit           a circuit in which the two conductors are at equal and opposite potentials with reference to ground at all times.a circuit in which the two conductors are at equal and opposite potentials with reference to ground at all times. a balanced bridge.a balanced bridge.

13524             balanced detector                    a symmetrical demodulator used in FM receivers, in which the audio output is the rectified difference between the voltages produced across two resonant circuits, one tuned slightly above the carrier frequency and the other slightly below.

13525             balanced input            a two-terminal input circuit whose electrical midpoint is grounded.

13526             balanced modulator                 a circuit that accepts carrier and modulating signals as input, and outputs a suppressed-carrier, amplitude-modulated signal.

13527             balanced oscillator                   an oscillator in which the impedance centers of the tank circuits are at ground potential, and the voltages between the opposite ends and their centers are equal in magnitude and opposite in phase.

13528             balanced output          an output circuit whose electrical midpoint is grounded.

13529             balanced ring modulator           a modulator that suppresses the carrier signal using tubes or diodes and provides double-sideband output.

13530             balanced salt solution               a solution of salts in which the ratio of salts is balanced proportionally so that the toxic effects of each salt are eliminated.

13531             balanced set                two or more components with identical, or nearly identical, gain and load characteristics, connected in parallel or push-pull configuration.  Mathematics. a subset B of a vector space is balanced if B is contained in B for every scalar  such that |  | 

13532             balanced voltages                    any voltages having equal magnitude and opposite polarity with respect to ground.

13533             balancing capacitor                  a variable capacitor used to increase the accuracy of a radio direction finder. Also, CONDENSING CAPACITOR.

13534             bale               a large, compressed and bound bundle of produce, such as cotton or hay.  Industrial Engineering. a large package of tightly pressed material secured with rope or wire, usually wrapped in paper.

13535             baler              a farm machine that picks up hay from a swath or windrow and forms it into bales.       : a machine that compresses large quantities of loose bulky material and secures it for convenient transport.

13536             BALERS           베일러; 폐기물처리의 단위공정인 압축과정에서 이용되는 장비

13537             BALING          포장 ; 폐기물의 압축에 이용되는 기술

13538             Baling            Compacting solid waste into blocks to reduce volume and simplify handling.

13539             BALING COMPACTOR               쓰레기 압축기

13540             BALING EQUIPMENT                포장기 ; 폐기물처리공정중 압축처리에 이용되는 장비

13541             BALING SYSTEM          압축매립 공법

13542             ball                one of the crushing bodies, usually made of ceramic or steel, used in a ball mill for fine grinding or ore crushing.

13543             ball bearing                a friction-reducing bearing that consists of hardened steel balls that roll in spherical grooves in the surfaces of two concentric rings, so that the load is carried by the balls.

13544             ball bushing                a ball bearing that allows axial motion of the shaft.

13545             ball float                     a floating, spherical device that is used to operate a ball valve by moving or raising the cup-shaped seat of the valve.

13546             ball lightning               a rare form of white or reddish-colored lightning that occurs in the shape of a sphere approximately 30 cm in diameter, moves relatively slowly, and usually disappears without a detonation. Also, GLOBE LIGHTNING.

13547             ball mill          a low-speed pulverizer consisting of a horizontal, rotating cylinder that contains a charge of steel balls or pebbles that tumble with the material to be pulverized.

13548             ball screw                   a device that converts rotation to linear motion, consisting of a threaded nut linked to a threaded shaft by friction-reducing ball bearings constrained to move in the threads.

13549             ball valve                    a nonreturn valve consisting of a ball held against a cup-shaped seat having a circular opening of smaller diameter than the ball. When fluid flows from the opening toward the sphere, it pushes the ball away, thus allowing unimpeded flow; flow from the other direction pushes the sphere against the opening, thus sealing the valve.a nonreturn valve consisting of a ball held against a cup-shaped seat having a circular opening of smaller diameter than the ball. When fluid flows from the opening toward the sphere, it pushes the ball away, thus allowing unimpeded flow; flow from the other direction pushes the sphere against the opening, thus sealing the valve. a valve that controls fluid flow by the rotation of a ball on a spindle; the ball has a hole in its center which permits or stops fluid flow depending upon its position.a valve that controls fluid flow by the rotation of a ball on a spindle; the ball has a hole in its center which permits or stops fluid flow depending upon its position.

13550             ball-and-race-type pulverizer                    a grinding machine consisting of balls rotated by a motor that crushes incoming material, such as coal, against the races, reducing it to a fine consistency. Also, BALL-BEARING PULVERIZER, BALL-RACE MILL.

13551             ball-and-socket joint                a joint in which a member with a spherical end is placed within a socket recessed to fit it, thus permitting relative movement within a given cone, or a cutout in the socket.

13552             ballast            a component used to limit the current flow through, or stabilize the operation of, a circuit, stage, or device.a component used to limit the current flow through, or stabilize the operation of, a circuit, stage, or device. the choke used in series with fluorescent lamps.the choke used in series with fluorescent lamps.  Civil Engineering.  a layer of coarse stone or gravel used as a base for concrete.a layer of coarse stone or gravel used as a base for concrete. the rock upon which the ties of a railroad are set.the rock upon which the ties of a railroad are set.

13553             ball-bearing hinge                   a friction-reducing hinge fitted with ball bearings between the hinge knuckles.

13554             ballcock          a system for regulating the supply of water in a toilet tank or similar vessel, consisting of a floating ball attached to a valve; the rise and fall of the ball, which corresponds to the rise and fall of the water level, opens and shuts the valve.

13555             ballhead          the part of the governor containing the rotating balls or flyweights, whose force is at least partially counteracted by a speeder spring.

13556             ballistic           of or relating to the science of ballistics.

13557             ballistic coefficient                   a numerical measurement that expresses a projectile's efficiency to overcome air resistance, such as the drag coefficient or deceleration coefficient.

13558             ballistic curve              the curve followed by a bullet, bomb, missile, or other projectile, determined by the ballistic conditions, the propulsive force, and the action of gravity.

13559             ballistic deflection                    the deflection of a missile as a result of its aerodynamic properties.

13560             ballistic density            a representative effective air density that would produce the same range for a projectile as the actual density distribution, expressed as a percentage of the density according to the standard artillery atmosphere.

13561             ballistic entry              the entry into the atmosphere by an unpropelled body.

13562             ballistic measurement               the measurement of the velocity and drag of a projectile by means of a ballistic pendulum, ballistic galvanometer, camera, or other such device.

13563             Ballistic Separator                    A machine that sorts organic from inorganic matter for composting.

13564             ballistic table               the compilation of ballistic data from which trajectory characteristics are obtained.

13565             ballistic trajectory                    the path of an unpowered object that moves only under the influence of gravity and atmospheric friction, with its surface providing no significant lift to alter its course.

13566             ballistic wave               the audible acoustic disturbance produced by the compression of the air ahead of a missile in its flight.

13567             ballistics          the study of the motion and behavior of projectiles, missiles, rockets, bullets, and similar objects, and of the accompanying phenomena.

13568             BAMA            영국에오졸 제조자 협회  British aerosol manufacturers association

13569             banana plug                a single conductor plug with a spring-metal tip, resembling a banana, used on test leads or as terminals for plug-in components. Thus, banana jack.

13570             band              a demarcated region indicating the separation of a component from a mixture, as in gel electrophoresis or column chromatography.

13571             Band Application          The spreading of chemicals over, or next to, each row of plants in a field.

13572             band brake                 a brake consisting of a flexible band anchored at one end and wound partially around a drum; frictional force is applied by increasing tension in the band to tighten it around the drum.

13573             band clutch                 a friction-type clutch, consisting of a fabric-lined steel band that is contracted at the periphery of the clutch rim by means of engaging gear.

13574             BAND NOISE               대역잡음 : 필터를 통과한 백색잡음

13575             BAND PRESSURE LEVEL            대역음압레벨 : 어떤 주파수대역내에 포함되는 음의 음압레벨.

13576             band saw                    a power-driven endless toothed steel band running on revolving pulleys; used for cutting wood. Also, band mill, bandsawing machine.

13577             band selector              a switch that chooses any one of the bands in which a device, such as a receiver, is designed to operate, usually containing two or more sections to allow simultaneous changing in all tuning circuits. Also, BANDSWITCH.

13578             band wheel                 a large flat pulley over which the main drive belt runs, transmitting power from the engine to the main crankshaft on a churn or cable-system drill.

13579             BAND WIDTH              대역폭 : 필너 등의 통과대역. 필터의 경우에는 2개의 차단주파수의 차 또는 옥파브로 나타냄

13580             banding          any visible horizontal bands in a video picture that are caused by a defect in videotape recording heads.  Molecular Biology. the process of staining chromosomes to identify patterns of bands.  Petrology. the alternate layers of different materials arranged in a thin bed within sedimentary rocks.  Surgery. the process of encircling and binding with a thin strip of material

13581             bandpass                    a range, usually expressed in hertz, that indicates the difference between the limiting frequencies at which a desired fraction of maximum output is obtained.

13582             bandpass amplifier                   an amplifier that maintains an essentially uniform response when passing a selected band of frequencies.

13583             bandpass filter             a filter that freely passes signals having frequencies within specified nominal limits and rejects signals with frequencies outside those limits.

13584             bandpass response                  an amplitude response that shows an essentially uniform value in a band between two frequencies and high attenuation outside the band.

13585             band-spread tuning                 a tuning control on some receivers, in which stations are spread in a single band of frequencies over an entire tuning dial; it controls small variable capacitors connected in parallel with each main tuning capacitor.

13586             band-stop                   the ability to suppress signals of a desired frequency or band of frequencies while passing all others.

13587             band-stop filter           a filter that passes signals with all frequencies except those between two specified cutoff frequencies. Also, band-rejection filter.

13588             bandswitching             a system of inductance or capacitance switching that allows a number of frequency bands to be covered by a single tuning dial.

13589             bang-bang circuit                    in an analog computer, an operational amplifier with double feedback limiters driving a high-speed relay.

13590             banked winding           a method of winding radio-frequency coils in which single turns are wound successively in two or more layers in a flat outward spiral, with the entire winding proceeding from one end of the coil to the other without being returned.

13591             Banking          A system for recording qualified air emission reductions for later use in bubble, offset, or netting transactions.(See: emissions trading.)

13592             bantam tube               a compact tube that has a standard octal base, but a glass envelope considerably smaller than the standard glass octal tube.

13593             BAP               Benefits Analysis Program

13594             BaP                Benzo(a)Pyrene

13595             BAPS              Baseline Air Pollution Station

13596             bar generator              a generator of pulses that are equally separated in time, synchronized by the synchronizing pulses of a television system; used to produce a stationary bar pattern as a test pattern for a television picture.

13597             bar linkage                 a system of rigid members or bars joined at pivots with pins; used to transmit power or change direction. Also, LINK MECHANISM.

13598             bar pattern                 a color pattern of repeating bars or lines produced by a bar generator for adjusting color television receivers.

13599             BAR RACK                  바랙; 수처리에 사용되는 스크린

13600             Bar Screen                  In wastewater treatment, adevice used to remove large solids.

