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환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 12301-12400

by 리치캣 2023. 1. 10.

환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 12301-12400

번호                  용어                  해설

12301             activated-sludge process           a process used in sewage treatment that increases the level of biological activity by increasing the contact between the waste water and the actively growing microorganisms.

12302             Activatied Sludge                     Product that results when primary effluent is mixed with bacteria-Iaden sluge and then agitated and aerated to promote biological treatment,speeding the breakdown of organic matter in raw sewage undergoing secondary waste treatment.

12303             activation energy          the least amount of energy that must be supplied to a system, over that of the ground state, in order to initiate a particular chemical reaction.

12304             Activator                     A chemical added to a pesticide to increase its activity.

12305             active             being a source of electrical energy.  Space Technology. capable of transmitting a signal.  Volcanology. relating to or being an active volcano.  Computer Programming. currently in use or available for current use, as a file or program.

12306             active biomass             the total weight or mass of living matter in a population of cells.

12307             active component                    an in-phase quantity (without reactance) in an AC circuit.  : a component that can produce more power in the output signal than is present in the input signal. Also, ACTIVE DEVICE, ACTIVE ELEMENT.

12308             ACTIVE CONTROL OF LANDFILL GAS                     매립가스의 적극적 제어방법; 매립가스 처리에 있어서 가스추출정등을 사용하여 제어하는 방법

12309             active current              the current component that is in phase with the voltage in an alternating current; it equals the average power divided by the effective voltage

12310             active electric network              a network with at least one active component.

12311             Active Ingredient          In any pesticide product, the component that kills, or otherwise controls, target pests. Pesticides are regulated primarily on the basis of active ingredients.

12312             ACTIVE PULSED AIR CLASSIFIER                능동적 펄스 풍력 선별기; 폐기물 선별과정에 사용되는 장비

12313             active sludge               a sludge with abundant biodegrading bacteria, used to speed up the breakdown of raw sewage.

12314             active sonar                a sound navigation and ranging system that uses the time difference between a transmitted sound and the reception of its return echoes to determine ranges and bearings.

12315             active volcano             a volcano that is either erupting or is capable of erupting and expected to do so.

12316             active voltage              the component of voltage that is in phase with the current in an alternating-current circuit.

12317             activity           the rate at which atoms disintegrate in a radioactive material per unit time; the common unit for measuring activity is the curie, defined to be 3.70 × 1010 disintegrations per second.

12318             activity coefficient                    a fractional number that when multiplied by the actual concentration of a substance in solution yields the chemical activity; it is a measure of the deviation from the the ideal state

12319             Activity Plans               Written procedures in a school's aebestos-management plan that detail the steps a Local Education Agency(LEA) will follow in performing the initial and additional cleaning, operation and maintenance-program task ; periodic surveillance ; and reinspection required by the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA).

12320             activity series               an arrangement of the metals of the periodic table in the specific order of their tendency to react with water and acids. They are ordered so that each metal displaces from solution those below it in the series, and is displaced by those above it. Thus, K Na Mg Al Zn Fe Sn Pb H Cu Hg Ag Pt Au. Also, DISPLACEMENT SERIES, ELECTROMOTIVE SERIES.

12321             actophilous                 living or thriving in a rocky seashore environment. Thus, actophile, actophily.

12322             ACTS              Asbestos Contractor Tracking System

12323             actual cubic feet per minute                     a measure of the volume of gas flow at operating pressure and temperature, as opposed to the volume of gas flow under standard conditions of pressure and temperature.

12324             actual mechanical advantage                    the ratio of output force to input force; i.e., the amount of force that must be supplied to a machine in order for it to do a given amount of work. For example, if a lever requires 10 pounds of force to raise a 40-pound load, it has an actual mechanical advantage of 4.

12325             actuate           to put a device or mechanism into motion.

12326             actuator          a device that provides an external source of energy for an acoustic transducer, such as the voice for a sound-powered phone system.  Robotics. a device that controls a robot's movement or articulation.  any device that is moved a predetermined distance to operate or control another mechanical device.

12327             Acute (급성)                생명체의 생활 주기 중 짧은 노출(Exposure) 기간. 일반적으로 어류의 경우는 96시간, 미생물의 경우는 몇 분에 해당되는 시간을 말한다.

12328             Acute Effect                An adverse effect on any living organism which results in severe symptoms that develop rapidly; symptoms often subside after the exposure stops.

12329             Acute Exposure            A single expoure to a toxic substance which may result in severe biological harm or death. Acute exposured to longer, continuing exposure over a period of time.

12330             ACUTE TO CHRONIC RATIOS                    급성대 만성비; ACR, ACR= L50/NOEC

12331             ACUTE TOXICITY          급성독성; 인체에 짧은시간동안에 유해하게 작용하는 독성

12332             Acute Toxicity              The ability of a substance to cause severe biological harm or death soon after a single exposure or dose. Also, any poisonous effect resulting from a single short-term exposure to a toxic substance.(See : chronic toxicity,  toxicity.)

12333             ACVEN           Advisory Committee on Vehicle Emissions and Noise

12334             ACWA            American Clean Water Association

12335             ACWM           Asbestos-Containing Waste Material

12336             ADABA           Acceptable Data Base

12337             ADALCO          아프리카 사막건조지역 위원회  African deserts and arid lands committee

12338             adalert           an advance alert of abnormal solar activity given by a regional or national warning center.

12339             Adam's catalyst            a platinum oxide produced by a fusion of hexachloroplatinic(IV) acid and sodium nitrate.

12340             adaptability                 the capacity of an organism to adjust physiologically or behaviorially to changes in its environment.

12341             ADAPTATION               순응; 미생물이 환경에 적응하여 활성을 가지는 현상

12342             Adaptation                  Change in an organism's physioligical structure or function or habits that allow it to survive in new surroundings.

12343             adapter transformer                 a step-down transformer that provides low voltage usually to small electric equipment; often encased in plastic and designed to plug directly into a wall outlet.

12344             ADB               Applications Data Base

12345             addendum                  on a gear, the radial distance between the pitch line and the addendum circle.

12346             addendum circle          an imaginary circle positioned on a gear so as to pass through the top portion of the teeth; the outer circumference of a gear wheel.

12347             adder             any circuit in which two or more input signals are combined to give one output signal that is the sum of those signals.any circuit in which two or more input signals are combined to give one output signal that is the sum of those signals. in a color TV receiver, a circuit that boosts the signal of the receiver's primary matrix.in a color TV receiver, a circuit that boosts the signal of the receiver's primary matrix.  Computer Technology. a circuit in an arithmetic unit that can form the algebraic or arithmetic sum of two binary numbers held in two registers, the result of which is stored temporarily in the accumulator register. Also, adder circuit.

12348             Addiction of chlorine to stabilize and disinfect sludge           슬러지의 살균 및 안정화를 위한 염소처리; 슬러지 살균처리 방법

12349             addition agent             a substance added to a plating solution to improve the characteristics of the deposit formed.

12350             ADDITION OF GASES                기체의 주입;

12351             addition solid solution              a crystal with a random penetration of impurities into its interstices.

12352             additive          any of various chemical compounds added to gasoline to improve engine performance; e.g., antiknock or antirust compounds.

12353             Add-on Control Device             An air pollution control device such as carbonabsorber or incinerator that reduces the pollution in an exhaust gas. The control device usually does not affect the process being controlled and thus is add-on technologe, as opposed to a scheme to control  pollution through altering the basic process itself.

12354             adduct            a product of a process of chemical addition; a compound produced by the combination of two or more substances.  Physiology. to draw inward; move toward the axis of the body or the axial line of a limb.

12355             Adequately Wet           Asbestos containing material that is suffciently mixed or penetrated with liquid to prevent the release of particulates.

12356             adhesion                    the static attractive force at the contacting surface between two bodies of different substances in contact with each other.

12357             ADHESION WITHIN FILTER                       부착; 입상여재 여과지내에서 부유물질제거에 기여하는 메카니즘으로 응집성 입자들은 여재를 지나칠 때 여재 표면에 붙게 됨

12358             ADI                일일허용한계  Acceptable daily intakes, 유해성평가를 위한 위험도 추정지표

12359             ADI                Acceptable Daily Intake

12360             adiabatic calorimeter                a calorimeter that is heavily insulated to minimize heat loss or gain, so as to provide more accurate measurement of the thermal effect of the reaction.

12361             ADIABATIC COMPRESSION                       단열압축

12362             adiabatic efficiency                   the ratio of the work done by a heat-driven machine to the total amount of heat made available to the machine.

12363             adiabatic engine          an idealized system in which an engine operates without any heat being added or taken away during the operating cycle.

12364             ADIABATIC PROCESS                단열과정; 공기덩어리에 열을 공급하거나 빼앗지 않으면서 다른 물리량을 변화시킬때 일어나는 변화과정

12365             adjective dye               a term for any dye for textile fibers that requires a mordant.

12366             adjustable resistor                    a resistor with a mechanically changeable resistance.

12367             adjustment     (조정)              계측 기기의 값을보다 진정한 값에 근거, 계측 계기를 보정시키는 것 및 그 작업

12368             Administered Dose                   In exposure assessment, the amount of a substance given to a test subject (human or animal)to determine dose-reponse relationships. Since exposure to chemicals is usually inadvertent, this quantity is often called potential dose.

12369             Administrative Order                A legal document signed by EPA directing an individual, business, or other entity to take corrective action or refrain from an activity. It describes the violations and actions to be taken, and can be enforced in court. Such orders may be issued, for example, as a result of an administrative complaint whereby the respondent is ordered to pay a penalty for violations of a statute.

12370             Administrative Order On Consent             A legal agreement signed by EPA and an individual, business, or other entity through which the violator agrees to pay for correction of violations, take the required corrective or cleanup actions, or refrain from an activity. It describes the actions to be taken, may be subject to a comment period, applies to civil actions, and can be enforced in court.

12371             Administrative Procedures Act                  A law that spells out procedures and requirements related to the promulgation of regulations.

12372             Administrative Record               All documents which EPA considered or relied on in selecting the reponse actionat a Superfund site, culminating in the record of decision for remedial action or, an action memorandum for removal actions.

12373             admittance matrix                    a matrix Y with elements that are the mutual admittances between the various meshes of an electrical network, satisfying the matrix equation I = YV.

12374             ADMTM          미생물학적 이동 모델; Advective-dispersive microbial transport models

12375             ADP               AHERA Designated Person; Automated Data Processing

12376             ADQ              Audits of Data Quality

12377             ADR               Alternate Dispute Resolution

12378             adret              a term for the more sunny side of a mountain or slope.(From a French word meaning suitable or correct, with the idea that this is the better side for growing.)

12379             ADSORBATE                피흡착물질; 흡착될 물질

12380             ADSORPTION              흡착; 두개의 상에 존재하는 경제면에서 물질이 집적되는 현상

12381             Adsorption                  Removal of a pollutant from air or water by collecting the pollutant on tne surface of a solid material ; e.g., an advanced method of treating waste in which activated carbon removes organic matter from waste-water.

12382             adsorption chromatography                     a separation technique in which the components a liquid or a gas (mobile phase) are adsorbed to different extents on the surface of an adsorbent (stationary phase).

12383             adsorption indicator                 an indicator, such as fluorescein, that shows a color change at the endpoint in a titration.

12384             adsorption isobar                     a line that shows adsorption variations within a given parameter, such as temperature, while pressure remains constant.

12385             adsorption isotherm                 the relationship between solute concentration in the solid phase and the solute partial pressure or concentration in the fluid phase, while temperature conditions remain constant.

12386             ADSORPTION SPECTROMETRY                  흡광광도법

12387             adsorption system                    a process that is used to purify a substance, by using the physical or chemical bonding that takes place on the surface of a solid or liquid to selectively absorb impurities from it .

12388             ADSS             Air Data Screening System

12389             ADT               Average Daily Traffic

12390             adtidal            relating to an organism living immediately below low tide level.

12391             Adulterants                 Chemical impurities or substances that by law do not belong in a food, or pesticide.

12392             Adulterated                 1. Any pesticide whose strength or purity falls below the quality stated on its label. 2. A food, feed, or product that contains illegal pesticide residues.

12393             ADVANCED INFORMED AGREEMENT                     사전통보동의제 : 변형생물체의 국가간 이전시에 적용되록 한 제도로서 도입국의 사전승인 없는 도입을 방지하고 이전시에는 관련된 정보를 제공하는 제도

12394             Advanced Treatment                 A level of wastewater treatment more strtngent than secondary treatment; requires an 85-percent reduction in conventional pollutant concentration or a significant reduction in nonconventional pollutants. Sometimes call tertiary treatment.

12395             ADVANCED WASTEWATER TREATMENT                     고도처리

12396             Advanced Wastewater Treatment               Any treatment of sewage that goes beyond the secondary or bioligical water treatment stage and includes the removal of nutrients such as phosphorus and nitrogen and a high percentage of suspended solids.(See primary, secondary treatment.)

12397             ADVECTION                이류 : 대기의 운동에 의해서 기단의 성질이 변이해 가는 과정

12398             ADVECTIVE-DISPERSIVE MICROBIAL TRANSPORT MODELS               미생물학적 이동 모델; ADMTM

12399             adventive cone            a volcanic cone on the flank of, and subsidiary to, a larger cone

12400             adventive crater           a crater on the flank of a large volcanic cone.



컬러링 스몰미빌딩 (20개 도시 세트) 미술교육. 창의력 발달. 해외여행. 창의력교육. 색칠공부, :

[스몰미 와 아트리트] 나만의 작은 나. 스몰미, 색다른 자기표현. smallME.



