환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 12001-12200
번호 용어 해설
12001 ◆ A2/O process ◆ A2/O 공정; 생물학적 질소, 인 동시제거 공정
12002 ◆ AA ◆ Accountable Area; Adverse Action; Advices of Allowance; Assistant Administrator; Associate Administrator; Atomic Absorption
12003 ◆ aa channel ◆ a narrow, winding channel in which lava flows down from a central vent to feed an aa flow.
12004 ◆ aa or a'a ◆ a type of lava having a rough, jagged surface covered with clinkers and scoria. (From a Hawaiian word.)
12005 ◆ AAEE ◆ American Academy of Environmental Engineers
12006 ◆ AANWR ◆ Alaskan Arctic National Wildlife Refuge
12007 ◆ AAOE ◆ 대기남극오존실험; airborne Antarctic ozone experiment
12008 ◆ AAP ◆ Asbestos Action Program
12009 ◆ AAPCO ◆ American Association of Pesticide Control Officials
12010 ◆ AARC ◆ Alliance for Acids Rain Control
12011 ◆ AASE ◆ 대기북극성층권 탐사; airborne arctic stratosphere expedition
12012 ◆ abandoned field ◆ a term used to describe an area that is in a transitional stage between active agricultural land and the native forest or other dominant vegetation of the region.
12013 ◆ Abandoned Well ◆ A well whose use has been permanently discontinued or which is in a state of such disrepair that it cannot be used for its intended purpose.
12014 ◆ abandonment ◆ ㆍ the discontinued operation of an oil well for any of various reasons, such as the lack of oil, greatly reduced well pressure, a landslide, a damaged casing, or a flooded well hole.the discontinued operation of an oil well for any of various reasons, such as the lack of oil, greatly reduced well pressure, a landslide, a damaged casing, or a flooded well hole.
12015 ◆ abandonment contour ◆ a graph that shows the actual cumulative yield from an oil well in comparison to the estimated yield; an aid used in deciding upon the most financially opportune time to abandon an oil well.
12016 ◆ ABATEMENT ◆ 감소; 통상수준 이하로 배출수준을 감소시킴
12017 ◆ Abatement ◆ Reducing the degree or intensity of, or clminating, pollution.
12018 ◆ Abatement Debris ◆ Waste from remediation activities.
12019 ◆ ABC 배전방식 Aerial Bundled Cable Distribution ◆ 수목접촉 및 이물접촉 등에 의한 사고빈발 및 절연전선의 단선에 의한 화재, 안전사고 등의 문제점을 해결하고 기준 이격거리 미달개소의 경제적 해소방안 필요 및 환경보존에 대한 국민관심도 고조로 수목전지 어려움
12020 ◆ ABC system ◆ a method of determining irregular weathering thickness, used in seismic surveying.
12021 ◆ abcoulomb ◆ the centimeter-gram-second electromagnetic unit of electrical charge; one abcoulomb is the quantity of electricity that flows past any point in a circuit in one second when the current is one abampere; equal to ten coulombs. abcoulomb : the centimeter-gram-second electromagnetic unit of electrical charge; one abcoulomb is the quantity of electricity that flows past any point in a circuit in one second when the current is one abampere; equal to ten coulombs.
12022 ◆ abcoulomb centimeter ◆ the centimeter-gram-second electromagnetic unit of electric dipole moment.
12023 ◆ Abegg's rule ◆ the statement that the sum of the positive and negative valencies for an element is equal to eight. (From Richard Abegg, 1869-1910, German chemist.)
12024 ◆ ABEL ◆ EPA's computer model for analyzing a violator's ability to pay a civil penalty.
12025 ◆ Abel test or Abel process ◆ a process used to determine the flash point of petroleum and other highly volatile materials. Thus, Abel tester. (From Sir Frederick Abel.)
12026 ◆ ABES ◆ Alliance for Balanced Environmental Solutions
12027 ◆ ABI ◆ 재연소지수; Ash Burnout Index; 소각로의 연소능력평가에 이용되는 지수로서 바닥에 존재하는 연소되지 않는 유기물의 양으로 시설의 연소능력평가에 이용된다. 바닥연소효율이 좋은 도시폐기물 소작로는 ABI 가 95-99%정도이다
12028 ◆ abiocoen ◆ the sum of all the nonliving components of an environment or habitat. Also, abiocen.
12029 ◆ abiotic ◆ of or relating to the physical climatic and nonliving chemical aspects of an environment, as opposed to the biological aspects. Thus, abiotic interaction.
12030 ◆ abiotic environment ◆ the physical climatic and the nonliving chemical aspects of an environment.
12031 ◆ abiotic factor ◆ an environmental factor not associated with the activities of living organisms.
12032 ◆ ABIOTIC TRANSFORMATIONS ◆ 무생물학적 전환; 미생물에 기여하지 않는 물리적 화학적인 작용에 의한 물질의 전환
12033 ◆ Ablation ◆ The rapid reduction of soil particles by means of a focused laser.
12034 ◆ abnormal magnetic reading ◆ any aberrant magnetic compass reading caused by magnetic fields in a localized area that divert the needle from the magnetic pole.
12035 ◆ abohm ◆ the centigrade-gram-second electromagnetic unit of resistance; one abohm is the resistance across which a steady current of one abampere will produce a potential difference of one abvolt; equal to 10-9 ohm.
12036 ◆ abohm centimeter ◆ the centimeter-gram-second electromagnetic unit of resistivity.
12037 ◆ Aborbed Dose ◆ In exposure assessment, the amount of a substance that penetrates an exposed organism's absorption barriers (e.g.,,skin,lungtissue,gastrointestinal tract)through physical or biological processes. The term is synonymous with internal dose.
12038 ◆ aboriculture ◆ the cultivation of trees and shrubs.
12039 ◆ aboriginal ◆ relating to or being one of the original inhabitants of a place.
12040 ◆ aborigine ◆ one of the original or native plants or animals of a region.
12041 ◆ abrasion drilling ◆ an oil-drilling method that uses a rock-cutting technique, rather than a conventional drill string and bit; an abrasive substance, such as blasting sand, is forced through nozzles at high velocity to erode away the rock.
12042 ◆ abrasive blasting ◆ a process that uses abrasive particles blown through a nozzle under air pressure to prepare a steel surface for painting.
12043 ◆ abrasive cone ◆ a grinding wheel design whose operating surface is conical in shape.
12044 ◆ abreast mill ◆ a rotary disk attrition mill, with rotary steel disks that mount facing abrasive grinding plates; parts are set up in a row and are milled at the same time. Thus, abreast milling.
12045 ◆ ABS ◆ 음이온 계면활성제; alkylbenzene sulfonate
12046 ◆ ABS(유전자원의 접근과 이익 공유) ◆ 각국이 보유한 생물자원에 대한 주권적 권리를 인정한 국제 규범으로, 생물다양성협약에 대한 보충협정인 나고야의정서의 핵심개념이다. 요지는 선진국이 개발도상국의 생물자원을 이용하고 얻은 이익을 해당국가와 공유해야 한다는 것이다. 유전자원을 이용하려면 유전자원 제공국으로부터 사전 동의를 구하고 이용 방법과 정당한 이익의 공유 조건에 대해 상호 간에 합의를 이룰 것을 규정한 것이다.
12047 ◆ ABSCH(유전자원정보관리센터) ◆ 나고야의정서의 국내 시행을 위해 제정된 「유전자원법(2017. 8)」에 의거 '유전자원 등에 대한 접근․이용 및 이익 공유(ABS)'에 관한 업무를 전문적으로 수행하기 위해 설립된 국립생물자원관 내 조직이다. 유전자원의 전략화 등 생물주권을 강화하는 세계적 흐름에 대응하여, ABS 관련 정보의 조사‧취합‧관리‧제공업무를 수행한다.
12048 ◆ absiemen ◆ the centimeter-gram-second electromagnetic unit of conductance; one absiemen is the conductance at which a potential of one abvolt forces a current of one abampere; equal to 109 siemens.
12049 ◆ absolute abundance ◆ the precise number of individuals of a particular group in a given area, population, or community.
12050 ◆ absolute boiling point ◆ the temperature at which a given substance boils, expressed in relation to absolute zero on the Kelvin temperature scale; e.g., at standard atmospheric pressure pure water has an absolute boiling point of 373.16 K, as compared to 100°C or 212°F.
12051 ◆ absolute efficiency ◆ the ratio of the useful acoustic power output from a transducer to the input.
12052 ◆ absolute electrometer ◆ an electrostatic instrument that determines electric potential by weighing the attraction of a charged disk against gravity. Also, ATTRACTED DISK ELECTROMETER.
12053 ◆ absolute gravity ◆ the value given to denote the density or specific gravity of substances at standard conditions; e.g., at standard atmospheric pressure and a temperature of 0°C for gases.
12054 ◆ ABSOLUTE HUMIDITY ◆ 절대습도; 수증기량을 단위체적의 공기중의 질량으로 표시한 것
12055 ◆ absolute permeability ◆ a measurement of the ability of a fluid, such as oil, gas, or water, to flow through a rock formation when the formation is at 100% saturation.
12056 ◆ absolute pitch ◆ ㆍ the exact pitch of a tone described in terms of vibrations per second.the exact pitch of a tone described in terms of vibrations per second.
12057 ◆ absolute porosity ◆ the ratio of the volume of the pore spaces or voids in a rock, available for the retention of fluid, to the total bulk volume of the rock.
12058 ◆ Absolute Pressure Transducer (절대압트랜스듀서) ◆ 다이아프램의 한편이 제로 기압(진공)이 되어 내리고, 그것을 기준에 압력을 계측하는 트랜스듀서. 많은 어플리케이션에 있어서, 진공 기준의 트랜스듀서와 거의 같은 출력을 달성하기 위해서(때문에), 대기압 기준 트랜스듀서의 제로를 14.7psi (진공과 거의 같은 )에 오프 세트하는 것이 용서됩니다.
12059 ◆ absolute reaction rate ◆ the rate of a chemical reaction as calculated by the rate at which reactant molecules collide. Multiplied by an exponential; this gives reasonable agreement with experiment for a number of simple reactions.
12060 ◆ absolute specific gravity ◆ the ratio of an object's density to that of water, under conditions of equal temperature.
12061 ◆ absorb ◆ to obtain energy from radiation.
12062 ◆ absorbance ◆ the logarithm of the ratio of light intensity incident on a solution under analysis to the intensity transmitted by it; usually directly proportional to the concentration of the absorbing substance in a pure solution. Also, ABSORBANCY, EXTINCTION.
12063 ◆ Absorbed Dose ◆ The amount of a chemical that enters the body of an exposed organism.
12064 ◆ absorbency ◆ ㆍ the taking up of a substance in bulk by other matter.the taking up of a substance in bulk by other matter. ㆍ the relative capacity of a substance to allow penetration by another substance.the relative capacity of a substance to allow penetration by another substance. Physics. ㆍ the taking in of radiation by the medium through which the radiation is passing.the taking in of radiation by the medium through which the radiation is passing. ㆍ a value given to denote the amount of light or radiation absorbed by a particular substance.a value given to denote the amount of light or radiation absorbed by a particular substance.
12065 ◆ absorber ◆ any substance or device that collects and dissipates radiated energy. It may provide shielding from such energy or prevent its reflection. It may also allow particular components of radiated energy to be extracted from a material.
12066 ◆ absorber capacity ◆ the maximum allowable vapor or liquid velocity in a packed or plate-type absorption tower at a given set of operating conditions.
12067 ◆ ABSORBING CHAMBER ◆ 흡음쳄버(소)
12069 ◆ absorptiometer ◆ an instrument that measures the optical absorbance of a sample that is usually a colored liquid; used as a regulating device for waste treatment processes.
12070 ◆ absorptiometric analysis ◆ a chemical analysis of a gas or liquid that is performed by measuring the peak electromagnetic absorption wavelengths characteristic of a specific element or compound.
12071 ◆ ABSORPTION ◆ 흡수; 파동의 에너지가 타형의 에너지로 비가역적으로 전환되는 것
12072 ◆ Absorption ◆ The uptake of water, other fluids, or dissolved chemicals by a cell or an organism(as tree roots absorb dissolved nutrients in soil.)
12073 ◆ Absorption Barrier ◆ Any of the exchange sites of the body that permit uptake of various substances at different rates(e.g.,skin,lung tissue,and gastrointestinal-tract wall)
12074 ◆ absorption control ◆ in a nuclear reactor, the combined action of manual and automatic mechanisms for the insertion and withdrawal of neutron absorbers to control core reactivity.
12075 ◆ absorption current ◆ a reversible component of measured current that is proportional to the voltage application time.
12076 ◆ absorption cycle ◆ a process within a refrigeration system during which the primary fluid (the refrigerant) and the secondary fluid (the absorbent) mix after the refrigerant leaves the evaporator.
12077 ◆ ABSORPTION FILTER ◆ 흡수필터 : 착색유리판으로서 분자흡수에 의해 일부분의 가시선 스펙트럼을 제거
12078 ◆ absorption modulation ◆ a type of amplitude modulation that couples a variable-impedance device, such as a microphone, to the output stage of a radio transmitter. Energy is thus absorbed from the transmitter according to the information captured by the
12079 ◆ Absorption of Radiation (복사흡수) ◆ 복사에너지의 흡수를 의미하며, 지구온난화의 주된 원인이 된다. 대기 중의 수증기, 이산화탄소, 오존 따위가 지표에서 우주 공간으로 향하는 적외선 복사를 대부분 흡수하여 지표의 온도를 비교적 높게 유지함으로써 온실효과가 발생하게 된다.
12080 ◆ ABSORPTION PEAK ◆ 흡수봉우리
12081 ◆ absorption plant ◆ a plant for conducting a gas-absorption process.
12082 ◆ absorption process ◆ a process to separate gasoline from wet gas vapor by contacting a light oil with the gas to absorb the gasoline and then distilling the oil-gasoline mixture.
12083 ◆ absorption refrigeration ◆ a process that uses two fluids, a primary fluid (the refrigerant) such as ammonia, and a secondary fluid (the absorbent), water. When ammonia liquid is vaporized under pressure into an expansion tube, the vapors absorb heat, producing a refrigeration effect. Water absorbs the ammonia vapors to liquefy them to be distilled by a rectifying column. Thus, absorption refrigerator.
12084 ◆ ABSORPTION SPECTRUM ◆ 흡수스펙트럼 : 연속 스펙트럼을 가지는 광선을 물질속으로 통과시킨후, 분광기로 분광시킬 때 얻어지는 스펙트럼.
12085 ◆ ABSORPTION TYPE ◆ 흡음형 : 소음기의 종류
12086 ◆ absorptivity ◆ the ratio of energy absorbed by a body to energy incident upon the same body. Absorptivity is usually denoted by the Greek letter alpha () and lies between zero and unity for a real body. In many practical applications, to simplify the analysis,
12087 ◆ ABWR ◆ Advanced Boiling Water Reactor (instrument)
12088 ◆ AC ◆ Actual Commitment. Advisory Circular
12089 ◆ ACA ◆ American Conseravtion Association
12090 ◆ ACAQ ◆ Advisory Committee on Air Quality
12091 ◆ ACBM ◆ Asbestos-Containing Building Material
12093 ◆ acceleration ◆ the vector representing the rate of change in velocity vector over time. It is expressed in meters (or feet) per second per second, and it involves an increase or decrease in speed and a change in direction.
12094 ◆ acceleration analysis ◆ a study to determine the type of accelerationrectilinear, curvilinear, gravimetric, or angularand the rate of change of the object in motion.
12095 ◆ ACCELERATION LOSS ◆ 가속손실
12096 ◆ acceleration of gravity ◆ the acceleration of an object due to the gravitational pull of a planet; on the earth, it has a standard MKS value of 9.80665 meters per second per second, but the actual magnitude varies with latitude and elevation. Also, ACCELERATION OF FREE FALL, APPARENT GRAVITY.
12097 ◆ acceleration switch ◆ a device that automatically opens or closes a circuit when the acceleration of a body to which the device is attached exceeds a predetermined rate in a given direction.
12098 ◆ acceleration voltage ◆ in electron tubes, the potential difference existing between the electron accelerating electrode and the cathode.
12099 ◆ accelerator ◆ a pedal or lever designed to control the speed of an engine by actuating the carburetor throttle valve or fuel-injection control.
12100 ◆ accelerator jet ◆ a mechanical device used to inject additional fuel into a carbureted system to increase speed and power on demand by an operator.
12101 ◆ accelerator linkage ◆ a device that transmits a command from an actuator to the accelerator pump or to a throttling valve.
12102 ◆ accelerator pedal ◆ a device that controls the speed of an engine or electric motor by means of foot pressure exerted by an operator.
12103 ◆ accelerator pump ◆ a piston that moves past an overrunning fuel port in a cylinder to pressurize a small quantity of fuel for injection into a carbureted system.
12104 ◆ accelofilter ◆ a filtration device that increases the rate of filtration by forcing the liquid through the filter.
12105 ◆ accentuation ◆ the process of highlighting a particular band of frequencies by amplifying those frequencies.
12106 ◆ ACCEPTABLE DAILY INTAKES ◆ 일일허용한계 : ADI, 유해성 평가를 위한 위험도 추정지표
12107 ◆ acceptable risk ◆ the minimum level of expected seismic damage deemed tolerable when determining design requirements for structures.
12108 ◆ acceptor ◆ ㆍ any species that combines with or accepts other material.any species that combines with or accepts other material. ㆍ a chemical in which the reaction rate with another chemical increases because the other substance is undergoing another reaction.a chemical in which the reaction rate with another chemical increases because the other substance is undergoing another reaction. Solid-State Physics. a small quantity of impurities introduced into a crystalline semiconductor, and having a lower valency than the semiconductor from which they attract electrons so as to produce holes, creating p-type conduction. : a calcinated carbonate that absorbs the carbon dioxide evolved duringa process of coal gasification.
12109 ◆ accessory ◆ a device that is mounted in the peripheral area of a central machine and driven by belts, gears, vacuum, or electric motor to assist in the operation of that machine.
12110 ◆ accessory ejecta ◆ pyroclastic material formed from fragments of earlier lavas or preexisting solidified volcanic rocks originating from the same volcano. Also, RESURGENT EJECTA.
12112 ◆ accident block ◆ a rock fragment or chip that broke off from the subvolcanic basement and was ejected from a volcano.
12113 ◆ Accident Site ◆ The location of an unexpected occurrence, failure or loss, either at a plant or along a trans-portation route, resulting in a release of hazardous materials.
12114 ◆ accidental ◆ ㆍ relating to or being an individual organism found in a locale that is not a normal habitat for its species.relating to or being an individual organism found in a locale that is not a normal habitat for its species. ㆍ describing a plant species that constitutes one-fourth to one-half of the vegetation of a given area. Thus, accidental species.describing a plant species that constitutes one-fourth to one-half of the vegetation of a given area. Thus, accidental species.
12115 ◆ accidental ejecta ◆ pyroclastic rock material formed from fragments of preexisting rocks that are nonvolcanic or come from volcanic rocks unrelated to the erupting volcano. Also, NONCOGNATE EJECTA.
12116 ◆ acclimate ◆ to undergo the process of acclimation. Also, ACCLIMATIZE.
12117 ◆ acclimated microorganism ◆ any microorganism capable of acclimating to an environmental change, as in temperature.
12118 ◆ acclimation ◆ a reversible physiological or morphological change evinced by one individual in response to some alteration in its environment, such as a change in temperature or climate. Also, ACCLIMATIZATION, ACCLIMITATION.
12119 ◆ Acclimatization ◆ The physiological and behavipral adjustment of an organism to changes in its environment.
12120 ◆ acclimatize ◆ to undergo the process of acclimation.
12121 ◆ accommodation ◆ the capacity of an organism to adjust to changes in its environment.
12122 ◆ accordion roller conveyor ◆ a roller conveyor constructed in a spiral manner; the lightness of the spiral is determined by the size of material being transported and the transport time.
12123 ◆ ACCOUNTED WATER ◆ 유수수량
12124 ◆ ACCREDITION ◆ 인정 : 기관 또는 개인이 특정업무를 수행하는데 적격자임을 권위있는 기관이 공식적으로 인정하는 절차
12125 ◆ accretionary lava ball ◆ a ball of lava on the surface of an aa lava flow, formed by the molding of viscous lava around a solidified core.
12126 ◆ accuracy (정확성) ◆ 측정 또는 이론적 추정이나 근사계산에 있어서의 정확성과 정밀도.
12127 ◆ Accuracy (정밀도) ◆ 모델이나 정해진 기준에 충실한 정도. 측정의 정밀함을 나타내는 정도.
12128 ◆ ACE ◆ Alliance for Clean Energy
12129 ◆ ACE ◆ Any Credible Evidence
12130 ◆ ACEEE ◆ American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy
12131 ◆ ACER ◆ Advisory Committee on Environmental Resources
12132 ◆ acetate dye ◆ ㆍ one of a group of water-insoluble azo dyes capable of dyeing acetate fibers.one of a group of water-insoluble azo dyes capable of dyeing acetate fibers. ㆍ one of a group of water-insoluble amino azo dyes made soluble with formaldehyde and bisulfite.one of a group of water-insoluble amino azo dyes made soluble with formaldehyde and bisulfite.
12133 ◆ acetate process ◆ a process in which cellulose is combined with acetic acid or acetic anhydride and sulfuric acid catalyst to make cellulose acetate resin or fiber.
12134 ◆ ACETIC PHASE ◆ 초기 산생성 시기(폐)
12135 ◆ acetone number ◆ the numeric expression of a ratio that approximates the degree of polymerization of substances.
12136 ◆ Acetone의 특성 및 방제방법 ◆ 주최 : 국립환경 연구원
12137 ◆ acetone-benzol process ◆ the use of acetone and benzol as solvents in a dewaxing process in petroleum refining.
12138 ◆ Acetonitrile의 특성 및 방제방법 ◆ 주최 : 국립환경 연구원
12139 ◆ acetous ◆ ㆍ referring to acetic acid.referring to acetic acid. ㆍ referring to that which is sour to the taste.referring to that which is sour to the taste.
12140 ◆ acetyl number ◆ a number that indicates the extent to which a substance may be acetylated; a measure of the number of free hydroxyl groups in fats and oils, determined by the number of milligrams of potassium hydroxide used to neutralize one gram of acetylated product.
12141 ◆ acetyl reduction assay ◆ a sensitive technique that uses a flame ionization detector and a gas chromatography apparatus to measure the ability of an organism to fix nitrogen.
12142 ◆ ACFM ◆ Actual Cubic Feet Per Minute
12143 ◆ achiral ◆ not chiral; able to be superimposed on its mirror image in a given configuration. Thus, achiral molecule, achiral atom.
12144 ◆ Acid Aerpsol ◆ Acidic liquid or solid particle small enough to become airborne. High concentration can irritate the lungs and have been associated with respiratory diseases like asthma.
12145 ◆ acid anhydride ◆ an acid from which one or more water molecules have been removed.
12146 ◆ acid cell ◆ an electrochemical device in which an acid solution is used to generate electricity
12147 ◆ acid conductor ◆ the equipment used to heat and evaporate water from hydrolyzed acid or to distill water under a partial vacuum.
12148 ◆ Acid Deposition ◆ A complex chemical and atmospheric phenomenon that occurs when emission of sulfur and nitrogen compounds and other substances are transformed by chemical processes in the atmosphere, often far from the original sources, and then deposited on earth in either wet or dry form. The wet forms, popuarly called acid rain,can fall to earth as rain,snow,or fog. The dry forms are acidic gases or particulates.
12149 ◆ acid dilution ◆ the diluting of concentrated hydrochloric acid with water before oil-well acidizing.
12150 ◆ acid disproportionation ◆ a state during a chemical reaction in which a single acid compound serves both as an oxidizing and as a reducing agent.
12151 ◆ acid electrolyte ◆ any acidic compound that will dissolve and dissociate into an acidic solution capable of transmitting an electric current.
12152 ◆ ACID GAS ◆ 산성가스; 불소와 염소를 포함하는 폐기물의 연소시 HF와 HCl 같은 산성가스를 발생시킨다. 또한 황과 질소를 함유하는 폐기물의 연소도 산성가스의 생성원인이 될 수 있다.
12153 ◆ acid gases ◆ the hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide emitted in refinery gases that form corrosive acids when combined with moisture.
12154 ◆ acid heat test ◆ a test that indicates the degree of unsaturation in hydrocarbons; performed by adding sulfuric acid to an organic compound and noting the increase in temperature.
12155 ◆ acid jetting ◆ the jetting of an acid spray from a device lowered through oil-well tubing onto bottom-hole rock to clear away scale and mud that interfere with the flow of oil.
12156 ◆ ACID LEACHING ◆ 산성침출
12157 ◆ Acid Mine Drainage ◆ Drainage of wster form areas that have been mined for coal or other mineral ores. The water has a low pH because of its contact with sulfur-bearing material and is harmful to aquatic organisms.
12158 ◆ Acid Neutralizing Capacity ◆ Measure of ability of a base(e.g.,water or soil)to resist change in pH.
12159 ◆ acid number ◆ a measure of the free acid content of a substance, such as an oil, resin, or wax, as determined by the number of milligrams of potassium hydroxide, KOH, required to neutralize one gram of the substance. Also, ACID VALUE.
12160 ◆ ACID PRECIPITATION ◆ 산성강하물
12161 ◆ ACID PRECURSORS ◆ 산의 전조물질 : 공기중 산소와 물과 반응하여 산성물질을 형성
12162 ◆ acid radical ◆ the remainder of a molecule of an acid after the removal of acidic hydrogen.
12163 ◆ Acid Rain ◆ (See: acid deposition)
12164 ◆ ACID RAIN ◆ 산성비 : 선탁, 석유등의 화학연료가 연소할때 배출되는 황산화물, 질소산화물이 대기중의 수소와 결합되어 복잡한 화학반응을 일으킨 후 최종적으로 황산이온, 질산이온 등으로 변화하여 강한 산성을 띤 비가 내리는 현상을 말함
12165 ◆ acid sludge ◆ the gummy acid or oily residue that separates after petroleum oil has been treated with sulfuric acid to remove impurities.
12166 ◆ acid treatment ◆ ㆍ the use of acid to enlarge the pore spaces where reservoir fluids flow.the use of acid to enlarge the pore spaces where reservoir fluids flow. ㆍ a refining process whereby untreated petroleum products such as kerosene, gasoline, diesel fuel, and lubricating stocks are treated with sulfuric acid to enhance odor, color, and other characteristics.a refining process whereby untreated petroleum products such as kerosene, gasoline, diesel fuel, and lubricating stocks are treated with sulfuric acid to enhance odor, color, and other characteristics.
12167 ◆ acid-base equilibrium ◆ a stable condition in a system of acids and bases; a reaction between an acid and base in which a state of equilibrium between reactants is reached.
12168 ◆ acid-base indicator ◆ any substance that reveals the pH or degree of acidity or basicity of a solution through a color change.
12169 ◆ acid-base pair ◆ an acid and a base that differ by one proton, in which the acid is the donor of the proton and the base is the acceptor of the proton.
12170 ◆ acid-base titration ◆ a titration in which a specific volume of an acid of known concentration (the titrant) is added to a base of unknown concentration, or vice versa, for the purpose of determining the concentration of the unknown.
12171 ◆ acid-fracture ◆ to open or enlarge a fracture by using a blend of oil and acid, or of water and acid under high pressure, to produce a hard limestone formation.
12172 ◆ Acidic ◆ The condition of water or soil that contains a sufficient amount of acid substances to lower the pH below 7.0.
12173 ◆ ACIDIC DEPOSITION ◆ 산성 침적물 : 산성비의 더 정확한 용어
12174 ◆ acidic lava ◆ lava containing at least 66% silica; distinguished from basic and intermediate lava.
12175 ◆ acidic titrant ◆ an acid solution of known concentration used as a standard solution for titration to determine the basicity of a solution of unknown concentration.
12176 ◆ acidimeter ◆ a device used to measure the amount of acid present in a solution.
12177 ◆ acidimetry ◆ an analytical method for determining the amount of acid in a given sample by titration against a standard solution of a base.
12178 ◆ acidity (산도 : 알칼리 소비량 1mg/L = 1도 ) ◆ 수중에 포함되어 있는 탄산, 광산, 또는 유기산등의 산분을 중화하는데 필요한 알칼리분을 이것에 대응하는 CaCo3의mg/l로(에서) 표현한 것.
12179 ◆ acidity coefficient ◆ the ratio of the number of atoms of oxygen in the alkaline compounds of a rock or mineral to the number of atoms of oxygen in silica. Also, ACIDITY QUOTIENT, COEFFICIENT OF ACIDITY, OXYGEN RATIO.
12180 ◆ acid-recovery plant ◆ a plant, in certain refineries, for separating sludge acid into tar, acid oil, and weak sulfuric acid, with the capability of reconcentration.
12181 ◆ acidulate ◆ to make acidic or sour.
12182 ◆ Ackerman steering (gear) ◆ a type of automotive steering that uses an Ackerman compound axle which allows the inner axle to move through a greater angle than does the outer axle. Also, Ackerman linkage.
12183 ◆ ACL ◆ Alternate Concentration Limit. Analytical Chemistry Laboratory
12184 ◆ aclinic ◆ describing a state in which a freely suspended magnetic needle remains in a horizontal position; having no magnetic inclination.
12185 ◆ ACM ◆ Asbestos-Contaning Material
12186 ◆ ACMAD ◆ 아프리카 기상센타 African center of meteorological applications for development
12187 ◆ acme ◆ the time of greatest diversification or abundance of a taxon.
12188 ◆ ACOPS ◆ 해양보호자문위원회 Advisory committee on protection of the sea
12189 ◆ acoustic ◆ of or relating to sound, or the scientific study of sound. Many compound terms beginning with acoustic may also begin with sonic or sound; e.g., acoustic navigation = sonic navigation; acoustic energy = sound energy. Biology. relating to the sense or organs of hearing. Materials Science. of or relating to a material or substance that is designed to control the passage or quality of sound. Thus, acoustic insulation, acoustic plaster, acoustic tile, and so on. Ordnance. activated or directed by sound: an acoustic torpedo. : describing a guitar or other musical instrument whose sound is not electronically amplified or modified.
12190 ◆ acoustic absorption ◆ the process by which sound energy is reduced as sound waves strike or pass through a surface. Also, acoustic absorptivity.
12191 ◆ acoustic absorption coefficient ◆ the ratio of the amount of sound energy that is absorbed by a surface or medium to the amount that strikes it. Also, acoustic absorption factor.
12192 ◆ acoustic amplifier ◆ ㆍ any device that increases the strength of an acoustic wave.any device that increases the strength of an acoustic wave.
12193 ◆ acoustic array ◆ a group of acoustic transducers that are arranged to create a specific unified effect.
12194 ◆ acoustic center ◆ for a sound transmitter or receiver, the point from which sound appears to emanate or diverge.
12195 ◆ acoustic clarifier ◆ a system composed of sound-absorbing cones loosely mounted on the baffle of a loudspeaker, used to absorb the energy of sudden bursts of loud sounds.
12196 ◆ acoustic comfort index ◆ an arbitrary scale for sound level tolerance, in which a value of +100 is assigned to ideal conditions and a value of -100 is assigned to intolerable conditions.
12197 ◆ acoustic compliance ◆ a medium's reactive capacitance as a result of its volume displacement, with little displacement of its center of gravity.
12198 ◆ acoustic coupler ◆ a device that acts as an interface in the conversion of acoustic signals to electric signals, or vice versa.
12199 ◆ acoustic delay ◆ an electronically or physically induced increase in the time between the transmission of a sound and reception of the sound, so as to produce some desired effect.
12200 ◆ acoustic detection ◆ ㆍ the formation of the sound profile of an object, such as an underwater mountain range, by means of measuring the sound waves reflected off the object.the formation of the sound profile of an object, such as an underwater mountain range, by means of measuring the sound waves reflected off the object. ㆍ a similar formation of a sound profile by measuring the sound radiated from the object. Thus, acoustic detector.a similar formation of a sound profile by measuring the sound radiated from the object. Thus, acoustic detector.
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