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환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 28901-29000

by 리치캣 2023. 1. 14.

환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 28901-29000

번호                  용어                  해설

28901             Suspended Solids                    Small particles of solid pollutants that float on the surface of, or are suspended in, sew- age or other liquids. They resist removal by conventional means.

28902             suspension                  a system in which very small particles of solid, semisolid, or liquid matrial are more or less evenly dispersed in a liquid or gas phase; e.g., fog is a suspension of liquid (water droplets) in a gas (air); milk is a suspension of solid fat particles in a liquid.  Engineering.  a small spring mechanism that stabilizes the needle or moving element of a meter so that it can be read more easily and accurately.a small spring mechanism that stabilizes the needle or moving element of a meter so that it can be read more easily and accurately. a system of springs, shock absorbers, or similar devices connecting the axles to the chassis of an automobile, railroad car, or other vehicle; designed to reduce unwanted motion transmitted from the road, railroad track, or other riding surface.a system of springs, shock absorbers, or similar devices connecting the axles to the chassis of an automobile, railroad car, or other vehicle; designed to reduce unwanted motion transmitted from the road, railroad track, or other riding surface.  Mining Engineering. a method used to bolt rock fragments and sections that might otherwise loosen and fall

28903             Suspension                 Suspending the use of a pesticide when EPA deems it necessary to prevent an imminent hazard resulting from its continued use. An emergency suspension takes effect immediately; under an ordinary sus- pension a registrant can request a hearing before the suspension goes into effect. Such a hearing process might take six months.

28904             suspension system                   a system that supports the frame and load of an automotive vehicle, by means of springs, shock absorbers, and other hardware.

28905             SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT            지속가능한 농업및 농촌개발; 환경에 부담을 최소화 하면서 지속적으로 가능한 농업을 진행하고자 하는 경향을 말해주는 용어. SARD

28906             Sustainable Development          지속가능한 개발

28907             SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT INDICATOR                     지속가능한 개발지표  국가의 전반적인 경제 사회환경현황과 추이를 지속적으로 분석판단할 수 있는 지표

28908             SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT PRINCIPLE                     지속가능한 개발원칙 : 미래세대의 필요를 충족시킬 수 있는 능력을 훼손시키지 않으면서 현재의 필요을 충족시키는 개발로 정의됨

28909             SUSTAINABLE FISHERY              지속가능한 어업 : 어업에서 고갈되지 않고 지속적으로 최대어획량을 올릴 수 있는 어획개념

28910             Sustainable Forestry                 지속적으로 유지가능한 산림

28911             sustainable live-li-hood             인간다운 생활

28912             SUSTAINABLE PRODUCTS CONSUMPTION PATTERNS                    지속가능한 생산과 소비패턴  환경개선과 지속가능한 개발을 달성하기 위해 자원의 최적 활용과 폐기물 최소화를 위해 생산의효율성 확보 및 소비패턴의 변화가 요구

28913             SUSTAINABLE USE                    지속가능한 이용 : 생물다양성 및 특정 생물개체군의 감소를 유발하지 않도록 생물다양성의 구성요소인 생물종을 이용하므로써 현재 및 미래세대의 필요와 욕구를 더불어 충족시키기 위한 방법

28914             sustainavility               지속가능성

28915             SUSTAINED FLOW                    지속유량 ; 년간 자료를 기초로 하여 지정된 일수를 유지하거나 초과하는 유량값

28916             SUSTAINED PEAK MASS LOADING             지속첨두 질량부하;

28917             SV                 폭기조 혼합액 슬러지 30분 침강율%;

28918             SV                 Sampling Visit; Significant Violater

28919             SVE                토양증기추출법; 휘발성유기물질을 증기추출정을 통해 기상으로 배출시켜 제거하거하는 오염토양 복원기술. Soil vapor extraction

28920             svedberg                    a unit of time that is equal to 10-13 second, used to measure sedimentation rate in a colloidal solution and thus determine molecular weight. Also, svedberg unit. (Named for Theodor Svedberg.)

28921             SVI, SLUDGE VOLUME INDEX                    슬러지 용적지수, 침전성 실험방법

28922             SW                Slow Wave

28923             SWAG            Simulated Waste Access to Ground Water

28924             Swamp           A type of wetland dominated by woody vegetation but without appreciable peat deposits. Swamps may be fresh or salt water and tidal or non-tidal. (See: wetlands.)

28925             swamp buggy              a vehicle with large, low-pressure tires that is designed to operate in shallow water, mud, and swamp areas.

28926             swamping resistor                    in transistor circuits, a resistor placed in the emitter lead to suppress the effects of temperature on the emitter-base junction resistance.

28927             SWANA          Solid Waste Association of North America

28928             SWAP             Source Water Assessment Program

28929             SWARF           Waste from Metal Grinding Process

28930             swarm            a series of minor earthquakes, none of which may be identified as the main shock, that occur in a particular area over a limited time.

28931             swash-plate pump                   a rotary pump having cylinders on an incline, so that piston reciprocation occurs when the angle between the incline and the cylinder system is varied.

28932             SWAT             폐기물평가시험; 이미 폐쇄되거나 진행중인 매립지의 폐기물평가. solid waste assessment test

28933             SWC              Settlement With Conditions

28934             SWDA            Solid Waste Disposal Act

28935             sweating                     a petroleum-refinery term used to describe the separation of paraffin oil from paraffin wax by fractional fusion. Also, EXUDATION.

28936             sweep            the steady transition of an electron beam across the screen of a cathode-ray tube, thereby producing a steady bright line when no signal is present; the line is straight for a linear sweep and circular for a circular sweep.the steady transition of an electron beam across the screen of a cathode-ray tube, thereby producing a steady bright line when no signal is present; the line is straight for a linear sweep and circular for a circular sweep. the crossing of a range of values of a quantity in order to delineate, sample, or control another quantity.the crossing of a range of values of a quantity in order to delineate, sample, or control another quantity.

28937             sweep amplifier           an amplifier stage used to increase the amplitude of the sweep voltage

28938             sweep circuit               the sweep oscillator, sweep amplifier, and any other stages that generate the deflection voltage for a cathode-ray tube. Also, SCANNING CIRCUIT.

28939             sweep generator          an instrument that produces a voltage or current as a prescribed function of time; the resulting waveform is then used as a time base to be applied to the deflection system of an electron-beam device, such as a cathode-ray tube. Also, sweep oscillator.

28940             sweep jamming           the act of jamming an enemy radarscope by sweeping the radar beam coverage area with electromagnegic waves that have the same frequency as those received by the radarscope.

28941             sweep rate                  the frequency with which a radar radiation pattern rotates, usually expressed as the duration of one complete rotation.

28942             sweep test                  a test performed by displaying the variation of a quantity as a function of an independent variable (usually time or frequency) varied by a sweep voltage.a test performed by displaying the variation of a quantity as a function of an independent variable (usually time or frequency) varied by a sweep voltage. the use of an oscilloscope to check attenuation on coaxial cable.the use of an oscilloscope to check attenuation on coaxial cable.

28943             sweep voltage             the periodically varying voltage used to deflect an electron beam.

28944             sweeping receivers                   a set of receivers whose tuning is automatically and continuously swept across a frequency band in order to detect certain transmitted signals.

28945             SWEEPINGS                 빗자루로 쓸어내는 쓰레기

28946             sweep-through jammer             a jamming transmitter that passes through a radio-frequency band in short steps in order to jam each frequency for a short time.

28947             sweet corrosion           a term for corrosion in gas or oil wells in which there is no iron-sulfide corrosion product and no hydrogen sulfide can be detected in the recovered fluid.

28948             sweetening                 a petroleum-refinery process that improves the odor of oils by removing sulfur compounds from the oils with the use of an alkaline oxidizing agent.

28949             SWIE              Southern Waste Information Exchange

28950             swing-frame grinder                 a grinding machine suspended by a chain at the center point, so that it can be turned in any direction for surface grinding.

28951             switch function            a logic function in which the two logic levels represent an open or closed switch.

28952             switching diode           a crystal diode that performs the same function as a switch; below a specified voltage it has high resistance corresponding to an open switch, while above that voltage it changes to the low resistance of a closed switch.

28953             switching gate             an electronic circuit in which an output having constant amplitude is registered if a particular combination of input signals exists.

28954             switching pad              a transmission loss pad that is automatically inserted into or removed from a toll circuit for different desired operating conditions.

28955             switching theory          the theory of circuits composed of digital devices.

28956             switching time             in a circuit or device with two stable states, the delay between the application of an input that will cause the device to change state and the time the new state is achieved.

28957             switching transistor                  a transistor used for on/off switching.

28958             switching tube             a gas tube used for switching high-power radio-frequency energy in the antenna circuits of radar and other pulsed radio-frequency systems.

28959             swivel coupling            a coupling in which one link can be rotated independently of the other links.

28960             swivel head                 a mechanical or hydraulic assembly for a diamond drill machine that controls the rotation and advance of the drill.

28961             SWMM           Storm Water Management Model

28962             SWMU           Solid Waste Management Unit

28963             SWPA             Source Water Protection Area

28964             SWQPPP                     Source Water Quality Protection Partnership Petitions

28965             SWTR             Surface Water Treatment Rule

28966             syllabic compandor                  a compandor in which the effective gain variations are performed at speeds allowing response to the syllables of speech but not to individual cycles of the signal wave.

28967             Symba process            a fermentation process that uses starch wastes fermented by two type of yeasts, Saccharomyces fibuligera and Candida utilis, to produce a protein.

28968             SYMBIOSIS                  공생 : 서로 다른 두 생물이 특별한 해를 주고 받지 않는 상태에서 접촉하면서 같이 살아가는 생활 방식

28969             symmetric top molecule            a molecule that rotates around one axis of threefold or greater symmetry.

28970             symmetrical                of a compound, having atoms or groups at equal intervals in the molecule. Also, symmetric.

28971             symmetrical attenuator             an attenuator whose circuit would be the same if the input and output terminals were interchanged.

28972             symmetrical avalanche rectifier                 an avalanche rectifier that can be triggered in either direction, after which it has a low impedance in the triggered direction.

28973             symmetrical band-pass filter                     a band-pass filter whose attenuation is symmetrical with respect to a frequency at the center of the pass band.

28974             symmetrical band-reject filter                   a band-rejection filter whose attenuation as a function of frequency is symmetrical with respect to a frequency at the center of the rejection band.

28975             symmetrical clipper                  a clipper in which the maximum and minimum limits on the amplitude of the output signal are positive and negative values of equal magnitude.

28976             symmetrical deflection              a technique of electrostatic deflection in which voltages that are equal in magnitude and opposite in sign are applied to the two deflector plates.

28977             symmetrical H-attenuator          an H-attenuator in which the impedance close to the input terminals is equivalent to the corresponding impedance near the output terminals. Similarly, symmetrical O-attenuator, symmetrical -attenuator, symmetrical t-attenuator.

28978             symmetrical inductive diaphragm              an inductive diaphragm for a waveguide, consisting of two plates having a small space at their centers.

28979             symmetrical transducer             a transducer that is symmetrical relative to a specified pair of terminations, the interchange of which will not affect the transmission in any way.

28980             symmetry element                   a geometrical entity, such as a point, line, or plane, with respect to which a particular symmetry operation is performed.a geometrical entity, such as a point, line, or plane, with respect to which a particular symmetry operation is performed. the set of symmetry operations associated with this entity.the set of symmetry operations associated with this entity.

28981             symmetry number                    the quantity of identical movements that a molecule exhibits when rotated around symmetry axes.

28982             synchromesh               a subsystem of the transmission system of an automotive vehicle that minimizes clashing by equalizing rotational speeds between the gears before engaging the clutch.

28983             synchronism                the condition between two signals of the same waveform and at the same frequency when the phase angle between them is equal to zero.the condition between two signals of the same waveform and at the same frequency when the phase angle between them is equal to zero. a condition in which pulsed signals are in step with each other; the phase relationship between two or more signals whose phase difference is zero.a condition in which pulsed signals are in step with each other; the phase relationship between two or more signals whose phase difference is zero.

28984             synchronized blocking oscillator               a blocking oscillator that is synchronized with pulses occurring at a rate faster than its own frequency.

28985             synchronized shifting               the shifting of gears in an automobile transmission system by equalizing the gear speeds before making the shift.

28986             synchronizer               the component of a radar set that produces the timing voltage for the complete set.

28987             synchronizing generator           a generator that provides synchronizing pulses to television studio and transmitter equipment. Also, sync generator, sync-signal generator.

28988             synchronous detector               a detector that inserts a missing carrier signal which is in exact synchronization with the original carrier at the transmitter. Also, synchronous demodulator.

28989             synchronous gate                    a time gate in which the output intervals are synchronized with respect to an incoming signal.

28990             synchronous operation             a function that occurs regularly with respect to the occurrence of a particular event in another process.

28991             synchronous rectifier                a circuit that rectifies an alternating current by passing the positive and negative parts of the current through different paths by means of switches whose operation is synchronized with the AC frequency.

28992             synchronous speed                  the angular velocity, commonly expressed in revolutions per minute, of rotating magnetic field in a synchronous machine given by the AC frequency in Hertz times 120, divided by the number of poles in the device.

28993             synchronous switch                  a thyratron circuit used to control the process of ignitrons in applications like resistance welding.

28994             synchroscope              a cathode-ray oscilloscope used to display a short-duration pulse by using a fast sweep that is synchronized with the pulse signal to be observed.  Engineering. any of various other devices using lamps to determine synchronization of two systems.

28995             synchrotron radiation               the radiation produced by relativistic charged particles orbiting in a magnetic field. It consists of pulses (on a nanosecond scale) with a very high intensity and a high degree of polarization. The radiation is produced in the direction of travel of the electrons (tangential to the curve of the ring) and is characterized by a continuous spectral distribution. Also, synchrotron emission.

28996             syneresis                     the contraction of a gel and the resulting exudation of liquid from the gel.

28997             SYNERGISM                상승작용

28998             Synergism                   An interaction of two or more chemicals that results in an effect greater than the sum of their separate effects.

28999             synthesis                    specifically, the process of building chemical compounds from more elementary substances by means of one or more chemical reactions, or by nuclear change.  Control Systems. the use of available components to plan and construct a system that will perform in a specified manner. Also, SYSTEM DESIGN.

29000             synthesis gas               a mixture of hydrogen and carbon monoxide obtained by the reforming of methane. Also, SYNGAS.

