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환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 28701-28800

by 리치캣 2023. 1. 14.

환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 28701-28800

번호                  용어                  해설

28701             SUBBASE                    기반; 매립지 복토층 구성층

28702             subbottom reflection                the reflection of sound waves back from below the sea bottom.

28703             subcarrier oscillator                  in a color television receiver, the crystal oscillator that operates at the chrominance subcarrier or burst frequency of 3.58 MHz.in a color television receiver, the crystal oscillator that operates at the chrominance subcarrier or burst frequency of 3.58 MHz. in a telemetering system, an oscillator used to translate variations in an electrical quantity into variations of an FM signal at a given subcarrier frequency.in a telemetering system, an oscillator used to translate variations in an electrical quantity into variations of an FM signal at a given subcarrier frequency.

28704             Subchronic                 Of intermediate duration, usually used to describe studies or periods of exposure lasting between 5 and 90 days

28705             Subchronic Exposure                Multiple or continuous exposures lasting for approximately ten percent of an experimental species lifetime, usually over a three-month period.

28706             subclutter visibility                   a measure of the effectiveness of moving-target indication radar, equivalent to the ratio of the signal from a fixed target that can be canceled to the signal from a just-visible moving target.a measure of the effectiveness of moving-target indication radar, equivalent to the ratio of the signal from a fixed target that can be canceled to the signal from a just-visible moving target. broadly, the ability of a radar to see through clutter.broadly, the ability of a radar to see through clutter.

28707             subcompound             a compound in which an element exhibits a lower valency than is found in its other, more common compounds.

28708             subcycle generator                   a frequency-reducing device employed in telephone equipment to furnish ringing power at a submultiple of the power-supply frequency.

28709             subharmonic triggering            a method of frequency division that uses a triggered multivibrator having a period of one cycle, allowing triggering by a pulse that is an exact integral number of input pulses from the last effective trigger only.

28710             sublimate                    the product obtained from sublimation.

28711             sublimatography          fractional sublimation in which a solid mixture is separated into bands along a condensing tube with a temperature gradient.

28712             submarine oscillator                 a powerful diaphragm horn used to produce intense sound signals underwater.

28713             Submerged Aquatic Vegetation                 Vegetation that lives at or below the water surface; an important habitat for young fish and othr aquatic organisms.

28714             SUBMERGED DIFFUSED AIR NONPOROUS AERATOR                    수중 산기식 무공극 폭기장치 ; 수처리중 폭기시 사용되는 장치

28715             SUBMERGED DIFFUSED AIR STATIC TUBE MIXER AERATOR          수중 산기식 정적튜브 폭기장치 ; 수처리중 폭기시 사용되는 장치

28716             SUBMERGED DIFFUSED POROUS AERATOR                     수중 산기식 다공 폭기장치 ; 수처리중 폭기시 사용되는 장치

28717             SUBMERGED JET AERATOR                       수중 제트식 폭기장치 ; 수처리중 폭기시 사용되는 장치

28718             SUBMERGED SPARGER TURBINE AERATOR                     수중 터어빈식 폭기장치 ; 수처리중 폭기시 사용되는 장치

28719             SUBMERGED TYPE                    침수형

28720             submersible                able to be submerged; able to operate effectively while underwater.

28721             submersible pump                   a centrifugal pump unit, usually driven by electricity and made of corrosion-resistant bronze and stainless steel with sealed motor stator windings, that can be operated underwater.

28722             SUBMICRON               마이크로 이하

28723             subminiature tube                    any small electron tube generally used in miniaturized equipment, typically about 4 centimeters long and 1 centimeter in diameter

28724             SUBSIDENCE INVERSION           침강역전; 고기압 중심부분에서 기층이 서서히 침강하면서 기온이 단열변화로 승온되어서 발생하는 현상

28725             SUBSIDIARY BODY ON SCIENTIFIC, TECHNICAL AND TECHNOLOGICAL ADVICE                        과학 기술자문보조기구  생물다양성 협약과 이행과 관련된 과학, 기술적 자문을 당시 국회나 보조기구에 제공하기 위하여 설치된 기구

28726             subsolvus                   a substance that forms more than one solid phase from an original homogeneous phase.

28727             substitute technology               대체기술

28728             substitution reaction                a reaction in which one or more atoms replace another atom or group of atoms in a molecule.

28729             substrate                    the support material on which an integrated circuit is constructed or to which it is attached.

28730             Substrate utilization rate           기질소비율 ; rs, 단위부피, 단위시간당 소비되는 기질량

28731             substratum                 another term for the subsoil.  Biology. the base on which a nonmotile organism lives. Geology. any solid layer occurring beneath the true soil or superficial deposits.

28732             SUBSURFACE BARRIERS            연직차수벽

28733             SUBSURFACE FLOW SYSTEM                     지하흐름법; SFS, 폐수의 자연처리방법중 인공습지법의 하나

28734             SUBSURFACE RUNOFF              지표하 유출, 중간유출

28735             Subsurface soil disposal field                   지중 토양처분법;

28736             SUBSURFACE WATER                복류수(=RIVER GALLERY WATER, RIVER BED WATER), 지중수

28737             subsurface wave          an electromagnetic wave that propagates through land or water rather than on the earth's surface; attenuation is significant for such waves above about 35 kilohertz.

28738             subtractor                   an operational amplifier circuit whose output is determined by the difference between the input signals.

28739             SUBTROPICAL HIGH PRESSURE BELT                     아열대고기압대

28740             Subwatershed              Topographic perimeter of the catchment area of a stream tributary. Sulfur Dioxide (SO2): A pungent, colorless, gasformed primarily by the combustion of fossil fuels; becomes a pollutant when present in large amounts.

28741             successive-fracture treatment                   the use of a series of fracturing operations in a new zone of an oil reservoir.

28742             sucker rod                  one of a string of steel rods that connect a downhole oil-well pump to a pumping jack on the surface.

28743             sucker-rod pump          a pump with a cylinder-piston arrangement, used to drive oil into the tubing of a well and subsequently to the surface.

28744             sucrose gradient centrifugation                 a technique that separates biological components from cellular homogenates by centrifugation with a density gradient of sucrose.

28745             suction lift                  the inlet head required for a pump to raise the liquid from a supply well to the level of the pump. Also, suction head.

28746             suction pump              a type of pump often used for raising or moving water, in which atmospheric pressure pushes the fluid to be raised into the partial vacuum under a retreating valved piston on the upstroke, while a nonreturn valve in the pipe prevents reflux.

28747             suction stroke              a piston stroke that draws a fresh charge into the cylinder of an engine or the receiver tank of a compressor. Also, INDUCTION STROKE, INTAKE STROKE.

28748             suction-cutter dredger              a dredger in which rotary blades cut and loosen the material to be drawn up by suction for excavation.

28749             Suctoria          흡관충류; 유시에는 섬모를 가지고 성장하면 없어지고 인공위성 형상으로 안테나 같은 것이 달려 있는 원생동물

28750             sudden commencement            a series of magnetic storms that begin rapidly and simultaneously all over the earth.

28751             sudden ionospheric disturbance                a disturbance of the ionosphere that begins within a few minutes after the appearance of a solar flare, causing a disruption in long-distance, short-wave communications.

28752             Suhl effect                  a process by which the holes injected into an N-type semiconducting filament are deflected to the surface when a strong transverse magnetic field is applied to the filament; the holes may then recombine rapidly with electrons or be withdrawn by a probe.

28753             SULEV(초저공해자동차)             Super Ultra-low Emission Vehicle    극히 적은 배출가스를 배출하는 자동차로, 초저공해자동차 또는 ULEV(Ultra Low Emission Vehicle)라고도 한다.

28754             sulf-               a prefix used in naming chemical compounds, indicating the presence of divalent sulfur or of a sulfo group.

28755             sulfamate                    a salt of sulfamic acid.

28756             sulfate            a salt of sulfuric acid; a compound containing the sulfate group, (SO4)-2, such as magnesium sulfate, MgSO4, or calcium sulfate, CaSO4. Also, SULPHATE.

28757             sulfate pulping            aChemical procedure to carry out the sulfate process; i.e., to solubilize and remove the lignin portion of wood for paper pulp. Also, KRAFT PROCESS, KRAFT PULPING

28758             SULFATE REDUCTION                황산염환원

28759             sulfation                     the formation of lead sulfate, PbSO4, in a lead storage battery.the formation of lead sulfate, PbSO4, in a lead storage battery. the formation of sulfuric acid esters from alcohols or olefins.the formation of sulfuric acid esters from alcohols or olefins

28760             sulfhydrate                  the HS- anion.the HS- anion. a salt containing this anion.a salt containing this anion.

28761             sulfhydryl compound               a compound containing the -SH group. Also, THIO COMPOUND.

28762             sulfhydryl group          the -SH group. Also, MERCAPTO GROUP.

28763             sulfide            any compound of sulfur and another element, usually made by direct reaction of the elements; heavy metal sulfides are generally insoluble.

28764             sulfo-             a prefix used in naming chemical compounds, indicating the presence of divalent sulfur or of a sulfo group.

28765             sulfofication                in soils, the formation of sulfates by bacterial action resulting in the oxidation of sulfur and its compounds.

28766             sulfonate                    to treat an aromatic hydrocarbon with fuming sulfuric acid.to treat an aromatic hydrocarbon with fuming sulfuric acid. a salt or ester of sulfonic acid, containing the SO2-O structural group.a salt or ester of sulfonic acid, containing the SO2-O structural group.

28767             sulfonic          containing a sulfo group.

28768             sulfonium                   the group H3S+.

28769             sulfophile element                   an element that tends to concentrate in sulfide minerals, or sulfide-rich phases. Also, THIOPHILE ELEMENT, CHALCOPHILE ELEMENT.

28770             sulfur cycle                 the complex sequence of reactions brought about by bacteria in water and soil, in which sulfur is changed from organic sulfur compounds in plants and animals to elemental sulfur and sulfates, and then returned to organic sulfur.

28771             SULFUR DIOXIDES                    아황산가스; SO2, 무색자극성 기체로서 액화시키기 쉽다

28772             sulfur number             the number of milligrams of sulfur in each 100 milliliters of sample, determined by electrometric titration; used for petroleum products.

28773             SULFUR OXIDES           황산화물; Sox, 아황산가스, 삼산화황등 황산화물을 칭함

28774             sulfur test                   any of various analytical tests designed to measure the sulfur content of petroleum products; e.g., by combustion in a bomb or by controlled lamp combustion.

28775             SULFUR TRIOXIDE                    삼산화황; SO3, 연소기관으로 부터 직접 생성되기도 하고 대기중 SO2 가 산화되어 생성되기도 함

28776             sulfur-35                     a radioactive isotope of sulfur produced synthetically in a nuclear reactor, with a half-life of 87.5 days; widely used as a tracer in both medicine and industry.

28777             sulfurate                     to combine or charge with sulfur. Thus, sulfurated, sulfuration.

28778             sulfuric acid alkylation              a petroleum-refinery process that combines butene and isobutene in the presence of a sulfuric acid catalyst to produce isooctane, a very high-grade gasoline.

28779             Sullivan angle compressor                        a two-stage compact compressor in which the low-pressure cylinder is horizontal and the high-pressure cylinder is vertical; it can be belt-driven or connected directly to an electric motor or diesel engine.

28780             SULPHUR AND NITROGEN TRANSFORMATION                  황 및 질소 변형

28781             Sulzer two-cycle engine            a two-cycle diesel engine in which effective scavenging and charging takes place by means of a system developed by the Sulzer company.

28782             summation tone          a tone whose frequency results from the addition of two overlapping frequencies; used extensively in underwater acoustic systems.

28783             summing amplifier                   an amplifier that generates an output voltage proportional to the sum of two or more input voltages.

28784             summing network                    a network with a voltage output proportional to the sum of two or more input voltages.

28785             Sump             A pit or tank that catches liquid runoff for drainage or disposal.

28786             sump             the lowest portion of a machine or structure, serving as a collecting basin for wastes or fluids, such as lubricating oil, that are to be recirculated.

28787             sump pump                a simple, single-stage vertical pump used to remove sludge from a sump or to drain shallow pits.

28788             sun follower                a photoelectric pickup and an associated servomechanism used to maintain a sun-facing orientation, as for a space vehicle. Also, sunseeker.

28789             sun gear                     the central gear in a planetary set.

28790             sun strobe                  the signal display that is seen on the screen of a radar plan-position indicator when the radar antenna is directed at the sun; this pattern is similar to that produced by continuous-wave interference, and is due to radio-frequency energy radiated by the sun.

28791             sunlit aurora               an aurora occurring in a part of the atmosphere above the earth's shadow and exposed to sunlight.

28792             SUNSHINE RECORDER              일조계 ; 일조시간을 측정하는 기기

28793             SUP               Standard Unit of Processing

28794             Super high rate filters               초고율 살수여상; 살수여상의 형태

28795             superacid                    a solution of a strong acid in a very acidic solvent; a highly effective protanating agent.

28796             supercentrifuge           a centrifuge designed to rotate at speeds faster than those of a normal centrifuge in order to achieve difficult or exotic separations.

28797             supercharger               a blower that increases the intake pressure of an engine, so as to make fuel burn more quickly and increase engine power.

28798             supercharging             a method of introducing air into the cylinder of an internal-combustion engine at a pressure above atmospheric pressure.

28799             Superchlorination                       Chlorination with doses that are deliberately selected to produce water free of combined residuals so large as to require dechlorination.

28800             superconducting magnetic energy storage                     the storing of electrical energy as a circulating current in a massive superconducting coil or magnet, for use by a power utility during a peak load period.

