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환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 28801-28900

by 리치캣 2023. 1. 14.

환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 28801-28900

번호                  용어                  해설

28801             superconducting memory          a computer memory consisting of thin-film devices that operate only under cryogenic conditions and can be made to change from a low-temperature superconducting state to a normal resistive state by the application of a magnetic field. The memory dissipates power only during the read/write operation.

28802             superconducting quantum interference device            a superconducting ring that couples with one or two Josephson junctions; used in high-sensitivity magnetometers, near-magnetic-field antennas, and small current or voltage measurement.

28803             SUPERCRITICAL            초 임계 적인

28804             supercritical fluid extraction                     a solvent-extraction process that uses a supercritical fluid as the selective solvent.

28805             SUPERCRITICAL OXIDATION                      초임계 산화공정

28806             Supercritical Water                   A type of thermal treatment using moderate temperatures and high pressures to enhance the ability of water to break down large organic molecules into smaller, less toxic ones. Oxygen injected during this process combines with simple organic compounds to form carbon dioxide and water. Superfund Innovative Technology Evaluation (SITE) Program: EPA program to promote development and use of innovative treatment and site charachterization technologies in Superfund site cleanups.

28807             superdeformed nuclear state                    a nucleus in a highly excited state, having a shape corresponding to an ellipsoid with an axis ratio near 2:

28808             SUPERFICIAL VELOCITY             (침출수 수면의) 하강속도, 겉보기속도

28809             Superfund                  The program operated under the legislative authority of CERCLA and SARA that funds and carries out EPA solid waste emergency and long-term removal and remedial activities. These activities include establishing the National Priorities List, investigating sites for inclusion on the list, determining their priority, and conducting and/or supervising cleanup and other remedial actions.

28810             superheater                 a coil or other device through which steam from a boiler passes and is heated above its saturation temperature.

28811             superheterodyne receiver          a receiver in which all received modulated radio-frequency carrier signals are translated to a common intermediate-frequency carrier value for additional amplification and selectivity before demodulation.

28812             superimposed back pressure                    the static pressure at the outlet of a pressure relief valve that results from pressure in the discharge system.

28813             superinsulation            a heavy-duty insulation used for low-temperature applications.

28814             super-large-scale integration                    the production of very complex integrated circuits that are highly dense, consisting of transistors and other components on the order of 106 total components.

28815             superlattice                 a structure that consists of alternating layers of two different semiconductor materials, each several nanometers in thickness.

28816             super-long play           a videotape recording speed that is slower than standard speed, to allow six hours of recording time for a T-120 tape, as distinguished from the standard two-hour time.

28817             SUPER-MIXED PAPER                특수혼합종이

28818             supermolecule             a theoretical construct consisting of an aggregate that forms momentarily when reacting molecules collide and then disintegrates after the collision.

28819             supernatant                 the overlying fluid layer that remains after precipitation of a solid component through centrifugation.

28820             superregeneration                    a regeneration process in which the oscillation is broken up at a frequency slightly above the upper audibility limit of the human ear by a separate oscillator circuit that is connected between the grid and anode of the amplifier tube, to prevent regeneration from going beyond the greatest useful amount.

28821             supersaturate              to saturate abnormally; to cause to undergo a process of supersatuation.

28822             supersaturated solution            a solution that holds more of a dissolved solute than is required to produce equilibrium with its undissolved solute. In nature, bees' honey is an example of a supersaturated solution of sugars (fructose and glucose) in water, formed by the evaporation of some of the water.

28823             supersaturation            a condition in which a solution contains more solute than is normally necessary to achieve saturation under the same conditions. Also, SUPERSOLUBILITY.

28824             supersonic compressor             a compressor in which a high-pressure rise is obtained by passing fluids over a rotor blade or a stator blade at supersonic velocities which produce oblique shock waves.

28825             supersonic diffuser                   a diffuser that increases pressure and reduces the velocity of fluid moving at supersonic velocities.

28826             Supplemental Registration                        An arrangement whereby a registrant licenses another company to market its pesticide product under the second company's registration.

28827             Supplier of Water                     Any person who owns or operates a public water supply.

28828             supply current             an electric current in the atmosphere that, by transporting negative charges downward or positive charges upward, balances the observed air-earth current in fair-weather regions of the earth.

28829             suppression                the elimination of any component of a transmission, such as a particular frequency or group of frequencies in an audio frequency of a radio-frequency signal.the elimination of any component of a transmission, such as a particular frequency or group of frequencies in an audio frequency of a radio-frequency signal. the reduction of noise pulses generated by a motor.the reduction of noise pulses generated by a motor.

28830             suppressor                  a device used to reduce or eliminate noise or other signals that interfere with the operation of a communication system.

28831             suppressor grid           a grid placed between two positive electrodes in order to reduce the flow of secondary electrons from one electrode to the other; usually between the screen grid and the anode.

28832             SUPPRESSOR-BASED COLUMN                 억제제 부착컬럼 : 이온크로마토그래피의 한 형태

28833             SURE              Sulfate Regional Experiment Program

28834             surface acoustic wave               a sound wave that travels close to the surface boundary of a medium, due to surface-boundary reflections; e.g., a shock wave produced by an earthquake or a sound wave trapped near the ocean surface due to a positive sound velocity gradient near the surface.

28835             surface acoustic-wave device                    any device that employs surface acoustic waves with frequencies in the range of 107-109 Hz to process electronic signals.

28836             Surface application systems                     지표공급 장치; 페수의 자연처리방법중 저속법에 이용되는 분배방법

28837             surface barrier             on the surface of a semiconductor junction, a barrier sometimes produced by the diffusion of charge carriers.

28838             SURFACE BOUNDARY LAYER                    지표경계층 : 지표로부터 상공 50m까지의 층

28839             surface carburetor                   a carburetor that operates by passing air over the surface of a gasoline charge to absorb vapor.

28840             SURFACE CASCADE AERATOR                   표면 계단식 폭기장치 ; 수처리중 폭기시 사용되는 장치

28841             Surface charge            표면전하; 콜로이드의 안정도에 관련된 중요한 인자

28842             surface chemistry                    the branch of chemistry that measures and analyzes the factors and forces that act at the surface of solids, liquids, and gases, or at the interfaces between two phases; e.g., the study of surface tension in liquids.

28843             surface condenser                    a heat-transfer device in which exhaust is condensed by contact with metal surfaces cooled by a flow of cold water on the sides opposite the condensing surface.

28844             SURFACE CONDUCTION            표면전도

28845             surface duct                an atmospheric duct whose lower boundary is the surface of the earth.

28846             SURFACE ENCAPSULATION TECHNIQUES                     피막형성법(, 고화처리법 종류)

28847             surface fermentation                a fermentation process in which the microorganism grows on the surface of the static fermentation liquor.

28848             SURFACE FLOW SYSTEM           자유수면 표면유출 시스템

28849             surface force               an external force exerted only on the surface of a body. Also, SURFACE TRACTION.

28850             surface friction            the drag exerted on the atmosphere by the motion of the earth, usually manifested in the shearing action of the wind.

28851             surface grinder            a machine that uses a high-speed abrasive wheel to produce a plane surface.

28852             SURFACE HIGH-SPEED FLOATING AERATOR                     표면 고속부상식 폭기장치 ; 수처리중 폭기시 사용되는 장치

28853             Surface Impoundment                 Treatment, storage, or disposal of liquid hazardous wastes in ponds.

28854             SURFACE INVERSION                접지역전

28855             SURFACE LAYER           표층; 매립지 복토층 구성층

28856             SURFACE LOW-SPEED TURBINE AERATOR                     표면 저속 터빈 포기장치 ; 수처리중 포기시 사용되는 장치

28857             surface magnetic wave             a magnetostatic wave that propagates along the surface of a magnetic material.

28858             surface mount assembly           a method of mounting electronic circuit components and their electrical connections on the surface of a printed board, instead of through holes.a method of mounting electronic circuit components and their electrical connections on the surface of a printed board, instead of through holes. a circuit board produced by this method.a circuit board produced by this method.

28859             surface noise               the noise component in the electric output of a record-player pickup caused by irregularities in the contact surface of the groove; i.e., from physical wear on the record rather than improper functioning of the equipment.

28860             surface orientation                   an arrangement of molecules on the surface of a liquid with one specific end of the molecules toward the liquid, as in a monofilm.

28861             surface passivation                   a method of surface coating of a P-type wafer for a diffused junction transistor with an oxide compound, to prevent penetration of the impurity in any undesired areas.

28862             surface phase              a thin rock layer whose properties differ from those homogeneously, physically distinct layers on either side. Also, VOLUME PHASE.

28863             surface pipe                the first casing set into a well, cemented into place as a foundation for subsequent operations and as a means of shutting off shallow water formations from contamination by deeper, saline waters.

28864             surface reaction           a chemical reaction that occurs on an adsorbent or solid catalyst.

28865             SURFACE REAERATION              표면재포기; 자유표면의 어느 수계에서의 용존산소농도가 포화산소농도보다 낮으면, 대기의 산소가 수중으로 유입된다

28866             SURFACE ROTOR-BRUSH AERATOR                     표면 로터브러시식 포기장치 ; 수처리중 폭기시 사용되는 장치

28867             SURFACE ROUGHNESS             지표의 조도

28868             Surface Runoff            Precipitation, snow melt, or irrigation water in excess of what can infiltrate the soil surface and be stored in small surface depressions; a major transporter of non-point source pollutants in rivers, streams, and lakes..

28869             Surface runoff control              지표유출수의 관리;

28870             Surface storage           지표저류지; 강우에 의한 유출수가 하수관거내로 유입되기전에 유출수를 일정한 지역에 저류시키는 것

28871             SURFACE TENSION                   표면장력; 액체표면의 분자가 액체내부의 당기는 힘에 의해 액체표면에 움출이는 힘이 생기는 것

28872             Surface Uranium Mines            Strip mining operations for removal of uranium-bearing ore.

28873             surface vibrator           a vibrating machine that is used on pavement to compact and solidify the concrete.

28874             Surface Water             All water naturally open to the atmosphere (rivers, lakes, reservoirs, ponds, streams, impoundments, seas, estuaries, etc.)

28875             surface wave               a wave that propagates on the surface of a solid; first studied by Rayleigh in connection with earthquake vibrations propagating in the earth's outer shell. Also, RAYLEIGH WAVE.

28876             SURFACE WIND           지상풍 : 마찰의 영향을 받는 바람

28877             surface-barrier transistor           a transistor triode in which surface barriers are formed by training two jets of electrolyte against opposite surfaces of N-type semiconductor material to etch and then electroplate the surfaces.

28878             surface-charge transistor          an integrated-circuit transistor element which is used to control the transfer of stored electric charges along the surface of a semiconductor.

28879             surface-controlled avalanche transistor                     a transistor in which avalanche breakdown voltage is controlled by an external field applied through surface-insulating layers; permits operation at frequencies in the 10-gigahertz range.

28880             Surface-Water Treatment Rule                  Rule that specifies maximum contaminant level goals for Giardia lamblia, viruses, and Legionella and promulgates filtration and disinfection requirements for public water systems using surface-water or ground-water sources under the direct influence of surface water. The regulations also specify water quality, treatment, and watershed protection criteria under which filtration may be avoided.

28881             Surfacing ACM            Asbestos-containing material that is sprayed or troweled on or otherwise applied to surfac- es, such as acoustical plaster on ceilings and fireproofing materials on structural members.

28882             Surfacing Material                   Material sprayed or troweled onto structural members (beams, columns, or decking) for fire protection; or on ceilings or walls for fireproofing, acoustical or decorative purposes. Includes textured plaster, and other textured wall and ceiling surfaces.

28883             SURFACTANT               계면활성제;

28884             Surfactant                   A detergent compound that promotes lathering.

28885             surge             a momentary, sudden increase or change in the current or voltage of a circuit.  Engineering.  a transient change, especially an increase, in the pressure of a hydraulic system.a transient change, especially an increase, in the pressure of a hydraulic system. the highest pressure in a system.the highest pressure in a system. 3. a buildup of pressure in a plastic extruder that causes waviness in the hollow plastic tube.a buildup of pressure in a plastic extruder that causes waviness in the hollow plastic tube.  Fluid      : a wave at the free surface of a liquid characterized by a sudden increase in depth of the flow across the wavefront, and severe eddy motion at the wavefront.  Oceanography.  an ocean wave motion with a period halfway between that of the tide and that of the ordinary wind wave (roughly 30 seconds to 60 minutes), and of a low height, usually under 10 centimeters.an ocean wave motion with a period halfway between that of the tide and that of the ordinary wind wave (roughly 30 seconds to 60 minutes), and of a low height, usually under 10 centimeters. the horizontal oscillation of water with a relatively short period accompanying a seiche.the horizontal oscillation of water with a relatively short period accompanying a seiche.

28886             surge column              a large-diameter pipe with enough height to provide a static head capable of absorbing the surging liquid discharge of an attached process tank.

28887             surge stress                stress on process equipment or systems that arises from a surge in the fluid flow rate or pressure.

28888             surge suppressor          a component that responds to the rate of change of a current or voltage in order to prevent a quick rise above a predetermined value.

28889             SURGE TANK               조압수조; 수압관 및 도수관에 발생하는 수압의 급격한 증감을 조정하는 수조

28890             SURGING                    서징, 맥동; 펌프의 입출구의 진공계 또는 압력계의 바늘이 흔들리고 송출유량이 변화하는 현상

28891             Surrogate Data            Data from studies of test organisms or a test substance that are used to estimate the characteristics or effects on another organism or substance.

28892             Surveillance System                  A series of monitoring devices designed to check on environmental conditions.

28893             susceptibility               a ratio of the magnetization of a body to the magnetizing force imposed on the body.

28894             Susceptibility Analysis               An analysis to determine whether a Public Water Supply is subject to significant pollution from known potential sources.

28895             Suspect Material          Building material suspected of containing asbestos; e.g., surfacing material, floor tile, ceiling tile, thermal system insulation.

28896             SUSPECTED HUMAN CARCINOGEN                     발암의심물질

28897             Suspended growth processes                   부유성장 공정; 폐수내의 유기물이나 기타성분을 새로운 세포나 기체로 전환시키는 미생물이 액체내에서 부유상태로 유지되는 생물학적 공정

28898             Suspended Loads                     Specific sediment particles maintained in the water column by turbulence and carried with the flow of water.

28899             SUSPENDED PARTICLES             부유분진; 입자가 미세하고 가벼워서 좀처럼 침강하기 어려워 장기간 공중에 부유하는 것

28900             SUSPENDED SOLID                  부유고형물, 부유물질

