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환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 30101-30200

by 리치캣 2023. 1. 14.

환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 30101-30200

번호                  용어                  해설

30101             Unit gas flow              가스유량;

30102             unit heater                  a forced-convection heating device consisting of an encased heating surface with a fan and motor.

30103             UNIT LOADING FACTOR            단위부하인자;

30104             UNIT OPERATION                     단위조작; 주로 물리력을 응용하여 처리하는 방법

30105             unit operations            the major and distinct physical operations ofChemical Engineering, such as evaporation, distillation, extraction, fluid transport, heat and mass transfer, filtration, crystallization, mixing, drying, crushing and grinding, size separation, and conveying.

30106             UNIT PER CAPITA LOADING FACTOR                     1인당 단위부하인자;

30107             Unit power                  동력; 장비의 모터동력은 보통 hp로 나타냄

30108             unit process                a stage in a plant operation that includes a chemical conversion or change, such as ester formation in chemical manufacturing.

30109             unit strain                   the effect per unit length on a material that is subject to stress; e.g., the lengthening per unit area for a tensile strain.

30110             unit stress                   the stress on a structure at a certain place, expressed in units of force per unit of cross-sectional area.

30111             unitary air conditioner              a small, self-contained air conditioner that is used to cool a specified space.

30112             UNIT-BASED CONCENTRATION                 단위농도

30113             UNITED NATIONS COMMISSION ON SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT                유엔 지속개발위원회  UNCSD, UN 경제사회이사회산하에 설치된 기구로서 각국의 의제 21 추진상황을 평가 촉진하기 위해 설립

30114             UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT                  유엔환경개발회의; 1992년 브라질 리우에서 환경적으로 건전하고 지속가능한 개발의 실현을 위해 114개 국가 대표, 기타 민간단체등이 참석한 국제 환경회의. UNCED

30115             United Nations conference on human and environment                유엔인간환경회의

30116             UNITLESS-BASED CONCENTRATION                     무단위농도

30117             unity gain bandwidth               the bandwidth of an amplifier, shown on its frequency-response curve as the range between the upper and lower frequencies at which the gain of the amplifier has a value of 1 (unity).

30118             univalent                    having a valence of one. Also, MONOVALENT.  Genetics. describing a single unpaired chromosome at meiosis, when the other chromosomes present are paired and homologous.

30119             UNIVERSAL GAS CONSTANT                    보편기체상수

30120             universal grinding machine                      a machine tool with a grinding head whose spindles are parallel with a reciprocating table that carries a workhead and support tailstock, allowing for a wide range of plain, tapered, and surface grinding.

30121             universal joint             a geared joint placed between two shafts that allows the shafts to turn or swivel at an angle. Also, UNIIVERSAL COUPLING.

30122             universal motor           a series-wound motor designed to operate on both DC current and on a single-phase AC current; commonly used in small appliances and motorized tools.

30123             universal transmission function                 a mathematical model describing the propagation of infrared radiation in the atmosphere.

30124             universal tube             a cylindrical shoulderless screw-cap glass vial with a volume of about 25 milliliters.

30125             UNLEADED GASOLINE              무연휘발유 : 납해를 방지하기 위하여 만든 가솔린

30126             unloaded Q                 the ratio of the reactance of a device or circuit to its resistance when there is no external load. Also, INTRINSIC Q.

30127             unloader                     a device that removes bulk materials from freight cars or trucks, usually by electric power.

30128             unloading                   the emptying or depressuring of a process unit.the emptying or depressuring of a process unit. a failure of a filter medium with release of system pressure.a failure of a filter medium with release of system pressure. 3. the release of an isolated contaminant downstream.the release of an isolated contaminant downstream.

30129             unloading amplifier                  an amplifier having a sufficiently high input impedance that it appears as a negligible load to the source of the signal being amplified.

30130             unnilhexium                a provisional name for the transuranic element having atomic number 106.

30131             unnilpentium               a provisional name for the transuranic element having atomic number 105. Also, HAHNIUM.

30132             unnilquadium              a provisional name for the transuranic element having atomic number 104. Also, RUTHERFORDIUM.

30133             Unplanned reuse          무계획 계사용; 처리되어 하천으로 방류된 폐수를 필요에 따라 무계획적으로 취수하여 사용하는 과정

30134             Unreasonable Risk                   Under the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA), unreasonable adverse effects means any unreasonable risk to man or the environment, taking into account the medical, economic, social, and environmental costs and benefits of any pesticide.

30135             unsaturated                 of a solution, able to dissolve additional solute; not having the maximum possible amount of a substance. Also, UNDERSATURATED.

30136             unsaturated compound             a compound in which the maximum valency has not been reached and therefore may form more bonds with additional atoms.

30137             unsaturated solution                a solution that does not hold as much dissolved solute as would be in equilibrium with undissolved solute, and thus can still dissolve more solute.

30138             UNSATURATED ZONE               불포화층; 토양, 수분, 공기로 구성된 지하지질층

30139             Unsaturated Zone                    The area above the water table where soil pores are not fully saturated, although some water may be present.

30140             unsaturation                the condition of a solution in which it has not taken in the maximum possible amount of a solute and can accept more.

30141             Unsin engine               a rotary engine with two circular rotors instead of the trochoidal rotors of an eccentric rotor engine.

30142             unsprung axle             a rear axle in an automobile that houses the right and left rear-axle shafts, with the wheels mounted at the outer end of each shaft.

30143             unsprung weight          the weight of the parts of an automobile that are not carried on a spring.

30144             unstable equilibrium                the condition of a system in equilibrium, such that any net force or torque that the system experiences will tend to move it farther away from equilibrium.

30145             UNSTABLE STATE          불안정상태

30146             Untreated digested sludge                       소화되지 않은 슬러지;

30147             UNTREATED WASTEWATER                       미처리 폐수

30148             UNwater conference                 UN 수자원 회의

30149             unwind           to reverse the direction of rotation of a threaded device.

30150             up-converter               any circuit that produces an output signal at a higher frequency than the input signal.any circuit that produces an output signal at a higher frequency than the input signal. a light-emitting diode that emits visible light when stimulated by infrared radiation.a light-emitting diode that emits visible light when stimulated by infrared radiation.

30151             up-doppler                 a phenomenon in which the frequency of sound increases due to the decrease of wavelengths caused by the relative motion of the sound source, the listener, and the medium carrying the sound waves.

30152             updraft carburetor                   a carburetor in which the fuel mixture is drawn upward against the force of gravity.

30153             updraft furnace           a furnace that is supplied with air from beneath the fuel bed.

30154             UPFLOW FILTER           상향류식 여과

30155             upflow sludge blanket              an anaerobic digester in which the microorganisms form flocs that are kept in suspension in the lower part of the reaction tank.

30156             uphole time                the time it takes for a wave created during seismic prospecting to travel from a given depth in the shothole to the surface.

30157             upmilling                    the process of milling an object by rotating the cutter against the feed direction.

30158             UPOV             새로운 식물변종 보호를 위한 국제 연맹  international union for the protection of new varieties of plants

30159             Upper Detection Limit              The largest concentration that an instrument can reliably detect.

30160             upper half-power frequency                     the standard upper frequency-response limit of an amplifier; the upper frequency at which the power output of a power amplifier falls to one-half its midrange value. In the case of voltage or current amplifiers, the half-power point is the higher of the two half-power frequencies of an amplifier or filter.

30161             UPSTREAM CONTROL OF PEAK FLOWRATES                첨두유량의 처리장 상반부에서의 제어;

30162             upstream(일차측)          막또는 필터의 여과전의 액상측.

30163             upwelling                    a mild, gradual volcanic eruption.

30164             Uranium Mill Tailings Piles                       Former uranium ore processing sites that contain leftover radioactive materials (wastes), including radium and unrecovered uranium.

30165             Uranium Mill-Tailings Waste Piles              Licensed active mills with tailings piles and evaporation ponds created by acid or alkaline leaching processes.

30166             uranium series             a series of three naturally occurring transformation series of radioactive isotopes that form a sequence of parent-daughter relationships through alpha and beta decay, beginning with uranium-238 and ending in the stable isotope of lead-206. Also, uranium decay series, uranium-radium series.

30167             URBAN HEAT ISLAND               도시열섬현상

30168             URBAN HEAT ISLAND EFFECT                   도시열섬효과 : 도시의 고온현상

30169             Urban Runoff              Storm water from city streets and adjacent domestic or commercial properties that carries pollutants of various kinds into the sewer systems and receiving waters.

30170             URBAN SCALE             도시규모

30171             urea dewaxing             a continuous process in petroleum refining in which low-pour-point oils are manufactured; a filterable solid complex is formed by urea with the straight-chain wax paraffins in the stock.

30172             Urea-Formaldehyde Foam Insulation                     A material once used to conserve energy by sealing crawl spaces, attics, etc.; no longer used because emissions were found to be a health hazard.

30173             USC               Unified Soil  Classification

30174             USDA             United States Department of Agriculture

30175             USDW            Underground Sources of Drinking Water

30176             use  point  ( 유스포인트  )                   순수한 물, 초순수한 물의 최종채수점의 것. 순수한  물 장치 본체에 있는 경우와, 장치로부터 츄빙등으로 연장해 크린 벤치내유스 포인트등의 경우도 있다.

30177             Use Cluster                 A set of competing chemicals, processes, and/or technologies that can substitute for one another in performing a particular function.

30178             Use of bulking materials such as newspaper pulp and flyash                   신문용지 생산용 펄프 그리고 비산재와 같은 성글은 물질을 이용하는 방법; 슬러지 개량법으로 실험실이나 파일럿규모로 실행되고 있는 방법

30179             USE OF INDICATOR ORGANISMS              지표 미생물의 이용;

30180             Used Oil                     Spent motor oil from passenger cars and trucks collected at specified locations for recycling (not included in the category of municipal solid waste).

30181             USEFUL LIFE                내용년수 : 제품이 사용지점에서 최종소비자의 손에 들어와서 부터 그 제품이 최종사용자에 의해 사용되어 버려지기까의 기간

30182             USER CHARGE SYSTEM             사용자 부담금 제도()

30183             User Fee                     Fee collected from only those persons who use a particular service, as compared to one collected from the public in general.

30184             user pays principle                   수요자 부담원칙

30185             USFS              United States Forest Service FS:

30186             USGCRP [US Global Change Research Program]                    미국 지구 기후변화 연구 프로그램. 대기, 기후변동/변화, 물순환, 지표피복변화, 지구탄소순환, 생태시스템, 인간활동이 기후에 미치는 영향 등에 관한 연구프로그램

30187             USI                사용자만족도 ; 폐기물수거상태를 서비스를 받는 사람들의 만족도를 설문조사하여 평가하는 방법. User satisfaction index

30188             UST                Underground Storge Tank

30189             UTILITY EMISSION SOURCE                      공익산업배출원

30190             Utility Load                 The total electricity demand for a utility district.

30191             utilization factor          in power distribution, the proportion of the maximum permitted currents to the rated capacity of the system.

30192             UTM              Universal Transverse Mercator

30193             UTP                Urban Transportation Planning

30194             U-tube contactor          U 관 접촉기; 순산소 용해장치

30195             U-tube diffuser            U자관형 산기장치; 산기식 포기장치

30196             U-tube heat exchanger             a heat exchange unit that consists of a group of U-shaped tubes encased by a shell, in which one fluid flows through the tubes and the other flows through the shell.

30197             UV                 Ultraviolet

30198             UV stabilizer                a compound that is admixed with thermoplastic resin to absorb ultraviolet rays, thereby retarding the degradation of the polymers.

30199             UVA, UVB, UVC            Ultraviolet Radiation Bands

30200             UZM              Unsaturated Zone Monitoring

