환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 30301-30400
번호 용어 해설
30301 ◆ variocoupler ◆ a radio-frequency transformer whose mutual impedance between the primary and the secondary windings is adjustable by means of rotating one of the coils with respect to the other, while the self-impedance remains constant.
30302 ◆ varistor ◆ a two-electrode resistor made of semiconductor material and having voltage-dependent nonlinear resistance that drops with an increase in applied voltage. (From voltage-variable resistor.)
30303 ◆ varney jar ◆ a jar used for anaerobic experiments or techniques in which oxygen is removed by the combustion of phosphorus.
30304 ◆ V-bend die ◆ a die that has a triangular cross-sectional opening over which bending occurs; commonly used in press-brake forming.
30305 ◆ V-bucket carrier ◆ a conveyor with two strands of roller chain separated by V-shaped buckets to carry nonabrasive materials.
30306 ◆ VCM ◆ Vinyl Chloride Monomer
30307 ◆ VCP ◆ Voluntary Cleanup Program
30308 ◆ VCR ◆ videocassette recorder: a videorecorder designed for use with a standard television receiver, storing television signals on videocassettes and playing them back through the television monitor; most VCRs can also play back prerecorded tapes of motion pictures.
30309 ◆ VDT 예방법 ◆ 전자파 방지 10가지 생활수칙 1. 침실에는 전기제품을 두지 않는 것이 좋으며, 침대나 요는 콘센트나 벽에서 떨어진 침실 중앙에 놓는다. 2. 임신부, 노약자, 어린이는 몸에 밀착해서 사용하는 전기요나 전기담요를 사용하지 않는 것이 좋다. 불가피한 경우 취침전에 가동시키고 취침 시에는 플러그를 뽑아야 한다. 국내서도 조만간 시판될 예정인 저자계(低磁界)방출 전기요(일반 전기요에서 방출되는 자계의 10분의1 정도인 2∼3㎝G만 방출)를 사용하는 것이 권장된다. 3. 아동들의 비디오게임은 VDT증후군(어깨근육 경화, 집중력 장애, 두통, 눈 피로 등)을 유발하므로 적당한 범위 내에서 삼가는 것이 바람직하다. 4. 강한 전자파가 발생하고 인체에 밀착해서 사용하는 헤어드라이어, 전기면도기 등은 사용횟수 및 시간을 줄이고 전자파가 덜 발생하는 제품을 사용 할 것. 5. 핸드폰을 자주 사용하는 사람은 현재 미국서 인기를 끄는 본체와 마이크 및 이어폰이 분리되는 제품을 사용하면 전자파 노출을 감소시킬 수 있다. 6. 직업적으로 컴퓨터 작업을 하는 임신부는 사용시간을 주당 20시간 이내로 제한할 것. 모니터도 14인치보다는 전자파가 훨씬 덜 방출되는 17인치나 노트북형을 사용하는 것이 좋다. 태아는 전자파에 더 민감하므로 검증된 전자파 방지 앞치마를 착용하는 것도 한 가지 방법이다. 7. 전기스탠드는 머리와의 거리가 가깝고 장시간 사용하므로 전자파가 미약한 백열전등 스탠드를 사용하는 것이 좋다. 8. 고압선로 부근의 주택은 구리핀, 특수섬유 등 전자파 차폐물질로 차폐할 것. 9. 전자제품은 사용하지 않을 때는 전원 플러그 자체를 빼 놓아야 한다. 10. 음이온 발생기능이 있는 공기청정기는 가능한 한 높은 곳이나 구석에 설치하는 것이 좋다.
30310 ◆ VDT 증후군 ◆ 컴퓨터단말기증후군이라고도 한다. 사무자동화로 퍼스널컴퓨터 ·워드프로세서 ·워크스테이션 등 브라운관이 부착된 VDT가 많이 사용됨에 따라서 이 컴퓨터 등의 디스플레이를 장시간 보면서 작업하는 사람들은 눈이 피로해지거나 침침해지며 또는 아프거나 시력이 떨어지는 등의 여러 증세와, 머리가 아프거나 무거워지는 증세, 그리고 구토와 불안감 등 전신에 걸친 증세가 나타난다. 이를 방지하기 위해 작업자는 정기적인 시력 ·안위(眼位) ·안내압(眼內壓) 측정 등의 검진을 받아야 함은 물론, 일정시간의 작업 후에는 일정시간의 휴식을 취해야 한다. 또 이들 전자기기 개발 당사자들도 작업자를 보호하기 위해 디스플레이의 개선, 화면의 각도, 키보드의 위치 등에 대한 연구를 활발히 진행하고 있다. 한국에서도 은행원 등 VDT를 많이 사용하는 작업자들이 두통 ·시각장애 등을 호소하는 사례가 많으며, 이에 따라 컴퓨터 작업을 기피·거부하는 일이 빈번해져 이 증후군은 근무시간 조정, 작업환경 개선 등 노사간의 새로운 주요 현안으로 대두되고 있다. 특히 여직원인 경우 출산할 때의 부작용이 염려되어 직장을 떠나는 등의 사례가 늘고 있어 임신한 여직원은 컴퓨터단말기 앞에 앉지 않게 하거나 적당한 휴식을 취하도록 하고 있다. 또 작업자를 보호하기 위해 작업장에서는 컴퓨터 스크린 앞에 여과장치를 부착하는 등 대책마련에 부심하고 있으며, 노동부는 산업재해보상보험법에 따라 휴업급여 ·장해보상 등을 받을 수 있는 업무상 재해에 VDT증후군을 추가하고 있다.
30311 ◆ VE ◆ Visual Emissions
30312 ◆ Vector ◆ 1. An organism, often an insect or rodent, that carries disease. 2. Plasmids, viruses, or bacteria used to transport genes into a host cell. A gene is placed in the vector; the vector then infects' the bacterium.
30313 ◆ vector superposition map ◆ a method of analyzing the Patterson map that involves setting the origin of the Patterson map in turn on the positions of certain atoms whose positions are already known and suitably combining the superposed maps.
30314 ◆ VEERING ◆ 순류 바람의 시계방향으로의 변화
30315 ◆ Vegetative Controls ◆ Non-point source pollution control practices that involve vegetative cover to reduce erosion and minimize loss of pollutants. Vehicle Miles Travelled (VMT): A measure of the extent of motor vehicle operation; the total number of vehicle miles travelled within a specific geographic area over a given period of time.
30316 ◆ vehicle ◆ ㆍ a self-propelled machine that is designed to transport passengers or goods over land, such as an automobile, van, truck, bus, or railway car.a self-propelled machine that is designed to transport passengers or goods over land, such as an automobile, van, truck, bus, or railway car. ㆍ loosely, any conveyance that transports people, such as a bicycle or sled.loosely, any conveyance that transports people, such as a bicycle or sled.
30317 ◆ Veillon tube ◆ a glass tube that is about 25 cm in length and 1 cm in diameter, and can be sealed at both ends; used for various cell cultures.
30318 ◆ velocity ◆ the time rate at which a body changes its position vector; velocity is a vector quantity whose magnitude is expressed in units of distance over time, such as miles per hour. (From the Latin word for speed.)
30319 ◆ velocity analysis ◆ a graphical technique to determine the velocities of the parts of a mechanical linkage or a mechanism.
30320 ◆ velocity filter ◆ in radar practice, a storage tube device that blanks out all targets that move less than one radar cell with a specified number of antenna scans.
30321 ◆ Velocity gradient ◆ 속도경사;
30322 ◆ velocity level ◆ the velocity of a particle expressed in decibels with respect to a reference velocity of 10-8 meters per second.
30323 ◆ velocity modulation ◆ modulation in which the input signal of an electron tube alters the velocity of the electrons in a constant current electron beam in sympathy with the input signal.
30324 ◆ VELOCITY OF PROPAGATION ◆ 전파속도 : 일정 상위의 점이 진행하는 속도
30325 ◆ velocity ratio ◆ the ratio of the input velocity of a system to its output velocity.
30326 ◆ velocity sensor ◆ a device that contains two principal elements: a coil of wire and a magnetic field; it generates a voltage proportional to the velocity between the two elements. Also, velocity pickup.
30327 ◆ VELOCITY-HEAD ◆ 속도수두; 수처리시설에서 사용되는 유량측정 장치
30328 ◆ velocity-modulated oscillator ◆ an electron tube device that uses velocity modulation on an electron stream as it passes through a resonant cavity; the subsequent high-intensity energy is extracted from the stream as it passes through another resonant cavity, and the resulting feedback sustains oscillations.
30329 ◆ VENTILATED PSYCHROMETER ◆ 통풍건습계 : 습도를 측정하는 기기
30330 ◆ VENTILATION ◆ 환기량; 혼합고도의 높이에다 혼합층내의 평균풍속을 곱한 값
30331 ◆ Ventilation Rate ◆ The rate which indoor air enters and leaves a building. Expressed as the number of changes of outdoor air per unit of time (air changes per hour (ACH), or the rate at which a volume of outdoor air enters in cubic feet per minute (CFM).
30332 ◆ Ventilation/Suction ◆ The act of admitting fresh air into a space in order to replace stale or contaminated air; achieved by blowing air into the space. Similarly, suction represents the admission of fresh air into an interior space by lowering the pressure outside of the space, thereby drawing the contaminated air outward.
30333 ◆ VENTURI ◆ 벤튜리; 수처리시설에서 사용되는 유량측정 장치
30334 ◆ VENTURI JET SCRUBBERS ◆ 벤튜리-젯트 세정기; 세정집진기의 한 종류
30335 ◆ venturi scrubber ◆ a device used for gas cleaning in which liquid injected in the throat of the venturi is used to scrub mist and dust from gas passing through the apparatus.
30336 ◆ Venturi Scrubbers ◆ Air pollution control devices that use water to remove particulate matter from emissions.
30337 ◆ VEO ◆ Visible Emission Observation
30338 ◆ VER (Voluntary Emission Reduction) ◆ 자발적 온실가스 감축을 통해 얻어진 배출권 (예 : KCER (Korea Certified Emission Reduction))
30339 ◆ VER [Voluntary Emission Reduction] ◆ 자발적 온실가스 감축을 통해 얻어진 배출권 (예 : KCER (Korea Certified Emission Reduction))
30340 ◆ verdigris ◆ C4H6CuO4, a bluish-green poisonous compound used especially in the manufacture of synthetic rubber and textiles. (From an Old French word meaning literally green from Greece.)
30341 ◆ VERIFICATION ◆ 검증
30342 ◆ VERIFICATION OF CONFORMITY ◆ 적합성검증 증빙조사에 의한 제품, 공정 또는 서비스의 규정된 요건 충족여부를 확인하는 것을 말함
30343 ◆ VERMICOMPOSTING ◆ 지렁이를 이용한 유기성폐기물 안정화
30344 ◆ Verneuil flame-fusion process ◆ a method for preparing synthetic crystals by mixing compounds in a vertical, inverted blow-pipe type of furnace. Fusion at the high temperatures so generated leads to gemstones. Also, Verneuil process.
30345 ◆ vertical band saw ◆ a band saw whose blade operates in the vertical plane.
30346 ◆ vertical blanking ◆ the blanking of a cathode-ray tube during the vertical retrace.
30347 ◆ vertical boiler ◆ a fire-tube boiler that has vertical tubes placed between the top head and the tube sheet, connected to the top of an internal furnace.
30348 ◆ vertical boring machine ◆ a boring machine with a circular table that revolves about a vertical axis, so that the work-securing surface is horizontal.
30349 ◆ vertical broaching machine ◆ a machine that shapes metal or plastic by pulling a vertically mounted broach across the surface of the object.
30350 ◆ vertical centering control ◆ a centering control that allows the vertical shifting of an image on a television receiver or cathode-ray oscilloscope.
30351 ◆ VERTICAL COMPACTOR ◆ 수직식 압축기; 폐기물 압축공정에서 이용되는 고정식 압축기의 한 종류
30352 ◆ vertical deflection oscillator ◆ an oscillator that uses vertical synchronizing signals to produce a sawtooth voltage waveform, which is then amplified and fed to the vertical deflection coils on a television-receiver picture tube. Also, VERTICAL OSCILLATOR.
30353 ◆ vertical drop ◆ the drop of an object in its trajectory, measured from its line of departure
30354 ◆ vertical firing ◆ the discharge of fuel and air perpendicular to the burner in a furnace.
30355 ◆ vertical guide idlers ◆ the idler rollers placed on both sides of a belt conveyor to keep the belt in line.
30356 ◆ vertical hold control ◆ the hold control that steadies the picture on a television receiver in the vertical direction by changing the free-running period of the vertical deflection oscillator.
30357 ◆ vertical intensity ◆ the strength of the vertical component of the magnetic field.
30358 ◆ vertical interval reference ◆ a reference signal that is used in television transmitters and video recorders to provide a reference for maintaining color, brightness, and contrast at exact specifications; inserted into a television program signal every 1/60 seconds, in line 19 of the vertical blanking period between television frames.
30359 ◆ vertical linearity control ◆ a control that gives linearity in the vertical direction on a television picture tube so that circular objects appear truly circular; accomplished through the narrowing or expanding of the height of the image on the upper half of the screen.
30360 ◆ VERTICAL LOAD ◆ 상재(수직)하중 ; 매설관거의 상부에 작용하는 하중
30361 ◆ vertical magnetic intensity ◆ the strength of the vertical component of the magnetic field.
30362 ◆ vertical metal oxide semiconductor technology ◆ a semiconductor technology in which V-shaped grooves are etched into four diffused layers in silicon, and metal is then deposited in the groove to form the gate electrode.
30363 ◆ VERTICAL OR CONSOLE COMPACTORS ◆ 수직식 또는 소용돌이식 압축기; 폐기물 압축기의 한 형태
30364 ◆ vertical resolution ◆ the number of horizontal lines that can be discerned in the reproduced image of a television or facsimile test pattern.
30365 ◆ vertical retrace ◆ in a cathode-ray tube, the return of the electron beam to its starting point at the top of the screen after completely transversing the screen from top to bottom.
30366 ◆ vertical separator ◆ a vertical cylindrical tank used to separate gas and oil.
30367 ◆ VERTICAL SOLIDS FLOW SYSTEM ◆ 수직흐름퇴비화; 퇴비화공정중 수직흐름을 가진 반응기형태의 퇴비공법
30368 ◆ VERTICAL SPRAY CHAMBER SCRUBBER ◆ 수직형 살수세정기 : 살수세정기의 형태
30369 ◆ vertical sweep ◆ ㆍ in a cathode-ray tube, the sweep of the scanning beam from top to bottom of the screen.in a cathode-ray tube, the sweep of the scanning beam from top to bottom of the screen. ㆍ the circuit that controls such a sweep.the circuit that controls such a sweep.
30370 ◆ vertical synchronizing pulse ◆ in a video signal, the pulse that synchronizes the vertical component of scanning in a television receiver with that of the transmitter and triggers vertical retrace and blanking.
30371 ◆ vertical traverse ◆ the angle through which a robot arm is free to swing in the vertical plane.
30373 ◆ VERTICAL WELL ◆ 수직샘형
30374 ◆ Very large fluctuations in both flow BOD loading ◆ 유량과 BOD의 급격한 변화;
30375 ◆ very-large-scale integration ◆ the fabrication of multiple complete systems, such as computers, onto a single integrated circuit chip.
30376 ◆ very-long-baseline interferometry ◆ a technique used to improve angular resolution in radio source observation.
30377 ◆ very-long-range radar ◆ a radar system having a maximum line-of-sight range greater than 800 miles for a target whose area is one square meter perpendicular to the radar beam.
30378 ◆ very-short-range radar ◆ radar having a maximum line-of-sight range less than 50 miles for a target whose area is one square meter perpendicular to the radar beam.
30379 ◆ vestigial-sideband filter ◆ a filter inserted between a transmitter and its antenna to suppress a portion of one of the sidebands.
30380 ◆ VHS ◆ Vertical and Horizontal Spread Model
30381 ◆ VHT ◆ Vehicle-Hours of Travel
30382 ◆ vibrate ◆ to undergo a process of vibration.
30383 ◆ vibrating ◆ oscillating about a position of equilibrium; undergoing or characterized by vibration.
30384 ◆ VIBRATING HOPPER ◆ 진동호퍼
30385 ◆ vibrating pebble mill ◆ a size-reducing mill in which the action of vibrating pebbles grinds the feed.
30386 ◆ vibrating reed ◆ a mechanism that is used in various measuring instruments, consisting of a set of steel reeds that are energized by an electromagnet transporting alternating current. Thus, vibrating-reed electometer, vibrating-reed frequency meter, vibrating-reed magnetometer, vibrating-reed tachometer.
30387 ◆ vibrating screen ◆ an oscillating screen powered by a solenoid, by magnetostriction, or mechanically by eccentrics or unbalanced spinning weights; used to separate fine and coarse material. Thus, vibrating-screen classifier.
30388 ◆ VIBRATING SCREENS ◆ 진동스크린; 폐기물처리시 스크리닝단위공정에 이용되는 장비
30389 ◆ vibration ◆ a process of oscillation (variation from one limit to another) about a position of equilibrium; an alternating or reciprocating motion.
30391 ◆ VIBRATION AMPLITUDE ◆ 진동의 진폭
30392 ◆ vibration damping ◆ the process of reducing the amount of vibration in a mechanical system by increasing the amount of damping present in the system. Also, vibration suppression.
30393 ◆ VIBRATION DIRECTION ◆ 진동의 방향
30394 ◆ Vibration Error (진동 에러) ◆ 특정의 진폭 및 주파수 레인지가 특정의 축으로 실온에서 적용되는 경우, 트랜스듀서출력의 최대 변화.
30395 ◆ Vibration Error Band (진동 에러폭) ◆ 일조가 주어진 진폭과 주파수로 노출된 경우의, 트랜스듀서의 출력에 기록된 에러.
30396 ◆ VIBRATION FREQUENCY ◆ 진동의 주파수
30397 ◆ vibration isolation ◆ in structures and vehicles, the isolation of those motions that are classified as mechanical vibration.
30398 ◆ VIBRATION LEVEL ◆ 진동레벨; 1-90Hz 범위의 주파수대역별 진동가속도레벨에 주파수대역별 인체의 진동감각특성을 보정한 후의 값들을 dB 합산한 것
30399 ◆ VIBRATION LEVEL METER ◆ 진동레벨계 : 진동계의 종류로서 이들 양을 장비자체의 레벨로 변환 dB로 계측하는 것
30400 ◆ vibration machine ◆ a mechanism that can create a controlled, reproducible mechanical vibration at a desired amplitude and frequency.
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